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Posts posted by parmo2

  1. I don't think you have the authority to 'cancel' anything and getting married in a civil ceremony in Thailand woud be recognised in Uk should you decide on a divorce

    This advice is based on experience. I married an -Asian girl in her home country and not in Uk.

    That is good reason to jettison her in Thailand . She will start playing the martyr and get all legal bills paid if she returns to UK with you. She will not be able to do much from Thailand

  2. Thai women only want your money , all these naive men saying Thai women are wonderful are simply paying for these women to have an easy life at their expense. Of course the Thai women will be happy , the alternative for them is 12 hours at a factory cutting heads off chickens.

    They are simple third world women from a feudal country. They are very very very lucky to have met YOU.

    • Like 1
  3. If she leaves you in uk she will may make false accusations of "domestic violence " and even worse. She will get automatic resident permit and steal most of your capital and house. This is the result of 40 years of unstinting laws against men using our own taxes . Yes leave her in Thailand she can bore another farang while trying to sexually attract him to get his cash. They are all the same too

    Luckily enough I don't own a house and I've have not got much money tongue.png

    Ok for you financially , but she can easily have you put in prison and if you work she can take some of your wages.

    She will be told what to say by the local women's groups , all normal couple behavior is covered in "domestic violence" legislation pushed for by feminist idealogues . She can allege financial violence , she is "scared" of you is favourite, if she has been violent to you in the past, it is almost guaranteed she will do this.

    Run away from her in Thailand , she will hopefully not try to fly to uk by herself.

  4. If she leaves you in uk she will may make false accusations of "domestic violence " and even worse. She will get automatic resident permit and steal most of your capital and house. This is the result of 40 years of unstinting laws against men using our own taxes . Yes leave her in Thailand she can bore another farang while trying to sexually attract him to get his cash. They are all the same too

    Luckily enough I don't own a house and I've have not got much money tongue.png

    Ok for you financially , but she can easily have you put in prison and if you work she can take some of your wages.

    She will be told what to say by the local women's groups , all normal couple behavior is covered in "domestic violence" legislation pushed for by feminist idealogues . She can allege financial violence , she is "scared" of you is favourite, if you has been violent to you in the past, it is almost guaranteed she will do this.

    Run away from her in Thailand , she will hopefully not try to fly to uk by herself.

  5. If she leaves you in uk she will may make false accusations of "domestic violence " and even worse. She will get automatic resident permit and steal most of your capital and house. This is the result of 40 years of unstinting laws against men using our own taxes . Yes leave her in Thailand she can bore another farang while trying to sexually attract him to get his cash. Cancel her visa. They are all the same , others just haven't discovered yet

  6. last night her posts were abusive and were removed, tonight she is lookimg for sympathy from white kmights, acting the "opressed feminist".

    She may fool you but not me.

    Listen, men and boys are facing a terrible second class life given 40 years of feminist idealogy and governmemts using the 70-75% male taxes to assault men and boys, favouring women.

    It is gettimg worse men and women must start to stand up against these extremist hateful women. yes it takes a red pill to see the reality of it all and persomal experience, but one day you all will.

  7. Hello Phallocrat here

    Men who have taken the red pill can smell feminist shaming and victimhood a mile off.

    These are female idealogical bigots who hate ALL men especially white knights on their side.

    Feminists are becoming crazier and crazier each year, you may not have felt the effects of their hate but your sons will.

    Many men and women are now pushing their ridiculous idealogy back into the dustbin

  8. Before I read any of the answers i knew this poster was going to be dumped on. Seems that is the modus operandi of may of the respondents here; dump on the Original poster - no matter what the topic.

    If someone asked for help because they were dieting of some rare disease, the respondents would say, " Its your fault for living. "

    Totally unhelpful and unsupportive. Makes one reluctant to post at all.

    You equate a few expats writing posts to "dieting" (¿¿) of a rare disease, histrionic much?

    You are completely wrong, it is the OP which was typical feminist female only caring about women not considering any men and their suffering whatsoever. This was made perfectly clear in the posts. Did you read them?

    feminists like to shame men and play the victim card because they hate us, you too if you are a male, maybe you are OP or friend? ??? Shaming, Blaming, Victimhood, they look down on white knights you know! They like our money though, ofcourse, and mostly male taxpayers' cash too

  9. In western coumtries, if a woman makes a false acusation of rape against you, you will almost certainly have your life ruined forever, the diference between a 10 year jail sentence and freed is very small. There is almost certainly no comeuppance for the woman, and in UK, women can make up to 5000 pounds for being a "victim".

    If you have ever looked at the Home Office website, you son see that men are perpetrators and women always victims.


    This scottish taxi driver never worked again after a drunken women alleged rape because she had no money for the fare.

    Yes i have been to Iran, the women there are pampered to the extreme, none of your female hard work there, they have a very ver very easy life.

    • Like 2
  10. the number of naive men posting here is MASSIVE, thai women are poor third world women, they work for a fw baht an hour, they should be VERY VERY grateful if a farang pays for her to have a free costless lifestyle.

    The naive ones should look at the chart above, these women are NOT the same as from YOUR country, they should treat you very very well indeed for what you are giving them, they areNOT our equals

  11. Thai women ARE different from western women, they are from a third world country, and have simple needs. they just look for rich man to pay for their family.

    They are simple people, emotional, talk a lot, more sociable than men, they would do low paid jobs if they didnt have a shortcut, US! But men like to pedastalise females, but these women care NOTHING about you, try telling them your money has run out, then you will know.

    Men are from Mars, Thai women are from the land of entitlement.

  12. Blame the Vietnam era GI's who came to Thailand and set the foundation for what it is. Everyone in the world is a person thus has feelings.

    Prostitution did NOT start with U.S soldiers, of this i am 100% sure.

    You can make up all sorts of excuses for these badly behaved Thai women, but at the end of the day THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR TERRIBLE BEHAVIOUR.

    I never hear U.S/U.K music anywhere in Thailand! Ever

    I agree about Esan Morlam music though, it can be fantastic.

  13. Asian women in general defer to their husbands as they think the husbands are the "head" of the family and the lead breadwinner. Therefore in major decisions the husband has the final say. So in looking for relationships with Thai women one should basically "step up to bat" - basically assert that you can actually start, run and hold a family together. It is quite subtle.

    Men have kept women alive in every society in the world, that is what feminists conveniently forget when they explain their "patriarchy theory". If someone was keeping YOU alive, and THEY were working in a Dirty Difficult Dangerous job while YOU stayed at home in total safety, YOU would defer to THEM too.

    It is NOT subtle, Thai women are just exploiting YOU, they want your money, nothing else.

  14. Most violence and abuse of children is carried out by mothers, feminist factoids always lump together "women and children", and also feminist government bodies ALWAYS miss out the number of male victims of domestic violence. So the child victims, were certainly victims of their mother. Feminist factoids will never mention this, of course.

    All non government (read feminist) research shows domestic violence is 50/50 and even that unreciprocated violence is usually carried by the females.

    feminists want to DEMONISE all men, and shame them, all of them, and give the imprssion that all men are rapists, all men are violent, whilst minismising female/lesbian violence.

    Women YES, feminists NO

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