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Posts posted by parmo2

  1. I know of this by personal experience , a Phils gf was stopped and I investigated it all. The sponsor USA the immigration requirements etc will be the same in Thailand. It cost me a lot of wasted tickets .

    It is America imposing its will on other nations, in this case feminist will. The number of trafficked prostitutes is tiny in the west, despite what feminist write

  2. Thai women are very very lucky if they can get a first world husband. The alternative for them is working 12 hours a day for 5-20 dollars a day.

    They should never be treated as equals more like your employee . They will treat you well but you must never forget their motives. If you doubt this try telling them your money has run out.

    If you pedastalise these women you are looking for trouble like several men here.

  3. There is already such a regime in Philippines sponsored by USA. I read 1000 single women are stopped each month at manila airport. They are supposed to have various papers employer , invitations notarised by Philippines embassy etc etc but this is not mentioned on any government website.

    Being feminist American government they are not interested in trafficked males , the majority of the trafficked humans for cheap labour like the shrimp fishermen.

    But the real trafficked people by gangsters always have the "correct" papers, of course.

  4. A grant from USA means that the immigration dept, will have to provide proof that they have done something, so they will stop a number of innocent single women travelers from entering the country while the real trafficked will find it easier , their gangster traffickers having bribed officials to get the right papers beforehand,

    Expect many more hysterical scenes at airport

  5. Women never will earn the same as men , they themselves CHOOSE to study easy subjects , they themselves CHOOSE cushy low paid office jobs. Why ? Because they expect to find a stupid male slave called a husband.

    Women consider they have the "right" to work but for men it is an OBLIGATION.

    Like in sport if there was REAL gender equality women would be scond class , society would maybe become like bonobo one with women allowed to have limited grazing rights in exchange for sex.

    Men have kept women alive since start of human life , they did not have to but if they had not the species would have died out. In most of the world men still keep women alive.

    Why did men do this ? Exclusive right to sex , without sex , women would be slaves or even our food, steak mignnon already sounds a bit girly ;-)

  6. Women never will earn the same as men , they themselves CHOOSE to study easy subjects , they themselves CHOOSE cushy jobs.

    Women consider they have the "right" to work but for men it is an OBLIGATION.

    Like in sport if there was REAL gender equality women would be scond class , society would maybe become like bonobo one with women allowed to have limited grazing rights instead of women.

    Men have kept women alive since start of human life , they did not have to but if they had not the species would have died out. In most of the world men still keep women alive.

    Why did men do this ? Exclusive right to sex , without sex , women would be slaves or even our food, steak mignnon already sounds a bit girly

    • Like 1
  7. White males have privilege because we have responsibilities , we have established a rich peaceful world where women have the opportunity to work. White Anglo Saxon males have saved the world from fascism and communism while women stayed at home in total safety.

    In the future there will be the male pill which will revolutionize the gender inequality and give back to men some rights that governments have taken away due to feminist influence. Feminism itself has become a violent hateful corrupt organization only wanting to damage men and boys.

    At the present females have been given many many rights without any responsibilities which has resulted in irresponsible extreme entitled women in the west.

    Of course governments have only reduced entry requirements and introduced quotas to allow females to compete with men. This is not equality it is merely infantilising women. The same feminist laws apply to many third world countries but women in those. Countries have decided that there life is easier with a pet slave called a husband to sacrifice himself for her.

    • Like 1
  8. Western men give 100 times more respect to Thai women than they deserve, they should worship you and give you sex ever hour if you want, they are third world women from a feudal country who have found a shortcut in life - you.

    they are ALL very greedy, only want your wealth for them and their greedy families, they should be very grateful indeed to meet a man from a first world country, no matter how old he is.

    You can easily see who are the doormats here, they probably get permission from their squeaky voiced LBFM to write the post.

    • Like 1
  9. It is men who have been the personal slaves of women doing dirty dangerous difficult jobs while women stay in safety in the home , men who have kept women alive .

    Maybe there should be equality in things that women are in better positions too , death age, workplace deaths, homeless

    Today 50% of graduates are female but women never pay fair share

    Why would you have to do those "dirty dangerous difficult jobs"? No scarce skills or education?

    And, with how many of those female graduates do you co-mingle?

    I make it a point to associate with educated self-sufficient women. I have never had a problem with any of them paying for anything--and I am not a leach, I gladly pay too.

    Difficult jobs like computer programmer, physicist . There will be a handful of women doing those jobs but if there is a cushy office job involving pushing buttons while chatting to mates then you can be sure that western women will have 90% of those jobs.

    In all of my long life I have only ever seen one woman willingly pay for drinks in bar .

    Why are women like this when they are over 59% of graduated ? They expect to find a stupid man to pay and sacrifice himself for her.

    It seems to me that there are a handful of feminist trolls starting here and they have been allowed to start posts. Feminists are idealogical bigots who have caused damage to men and boys despite females being the favoured sex

  10. It is men who have been the personal slaves of women doing dirty dangerous difficult jobs while women stay in safety in the home , men who have kept women alive .

    Maybe there should be equality in things that women are in better positions too , death age, workplace deaths, homeless

    Today 50% of graduates are female but women never pay fair share

    Why would you have to do those "dirty dangerous difficult jobs"? No scarce skills or education?

    And, with how many of those female graduates do you co-mingle?

    I make it a point to associate with educated self-sufficient women. I have never had a problem with any of them paying for anything--and I am not a leach, I gladly pay too.

    Difficult jobs like computer programmer, physicist . There will be a handful of women doing those jobs but if there is a cushy office job involving pushing buttons while chatting to mates then you can be sure that western women will have 90% of those jobs.

    In all of my long life I have only ever seen one woman willingly pay for drinks in bar .

    Why are women like this when they are over 59% of graduated ? They expect to find a stupid man to pay and sacrifice himself for her.

    It seems to me that there are a handful of feminist trolls starting here and they have been allowed to start posts. Feminists are idealogical bigots who have caused damage to men and boys despite females being the favoured sex

  11. It is men who have been the personal slaves of women doing dirty dangerous difficult jobs while women stay in safety in the home , men who have kept women alive .

    Maybe there should be equality in things that women are in better positions too , death age, workplace deaths, homeless

    Today 50% of graduates are female but women never pay fair share

    Why would you have to do those "dirty dangerous difficult jobs"? No scarce skills or education?

    And, with how many of those female graduates do you co-mingle?

    I make it a point to associate with educated self-sufficient women. I have never had a problem with any of them paying for anything--and I am not a leach, I gladly pay too.

    Difficult jobs like computer programmer, physicist . There will be a handful of women doing those jobs but if there is a cushy office job involving push

    • Like 1
  12. It is men who have been the personal slaves of women doing dirty dangerous difficult jobs while women stay in safety in the home , men who have kept women alive .

    Maybe there should be equality in things that women are in better positions too , death age, workplace deaths, homeless

    Today 50% of graduates are female but women never pay fair share

    • Like 2
  13. I have already said women from feudal third world countries like Thailand make good wives because they have a strong incentive , a shortcut from penury.

    If you are rich she will be a very willing partner, but it is amazing to think there are western men who think these women like them for reasons other than financial , they need to get real and wake up. You are just a meal ticket for them and their grasping families .

    Try telling Thai women your money has run out , then you will find out how much they really like you

  14. Must be terrible living with some so responsible to care for their family perhaps you could find a new mate in a trailer park

    Erm , why does a grown man have to meet anyone he doesn't want to and why in a "trailer park", why can't he just do what the hell he likes and talk to interesting people not childish boring Thai women.

    let the boring Thai gf look for a new farang , before she gets old and ugly . Men are becoming less stupid with these ungrateful women

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