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Hugh Jarse

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Everything posted by Hugh Jarse

  1. Most Thais are thoroughly fed up with nominees setting up businesses for non Thais. The next step is to go after those who buy land for foreigners,although this would be an administrative nightmare for government bodies. If you don’t respect the law here,simply move. in
  2. Always view polls with more than an air of scepticism. Who is funding them?
  3. What policies would you suggest are implemented to tackle these issues?
  4. Time to call in The Trump Centre for Climate catasrophe!
  5. Too much Frankenstein fast food?
  6. A local teacher did mine. Remember they witness your signature.
  7. The pavements are a nightmare in most parts of Thailand and almost impossible to navigate for the wheelchair bound and disabled. The are on a par with Mogadishu’s and other poor nations and a serious threat for the fit and able too.
  8. If the DWP find out your real abode, they simply stop your pension until you repay all overpayments. UK govts situation is dire now and likely to worsen. Let’s hope pensions are not conditional on UK residence.
  9. Ridiculous response to an issue of concern to any Brits here living on a meager pension. It is a gross injustice as OP would have been paying in to the NI fund. You clearly have too much time on your hands writingdrivel.
  10. Just returned deposit to tenant after deducting a charge for professional cleaning. Many tenants in the past carry outa perfunctory clean only and expect new tenant to put up with that. Few do. And what about the tenant from hell?
  11. Hope you can track her down and shame her in public. good luck.
  12. Don’t teachers need a criminal clearance check before working here as a teacher. It’s basic clearance the world over?
  13. Why vote for either in the pro war pro genocide parties when there is Dr Jill Stein to vote for. A breath of fresh air in a dying society.
  14. Allow foreigners to use tasers on aggressive dogs.
  15. But their compliance regs. Will put most people off. In the end I gave a trusted friends uk address.for uk derived income to be paid into. So far-3years,so good.
  16. This government has failed to address the issue of over tourism and the saturation of same. The economy is in ruins and all this government can suggest is more GDP through tourism. They need to explore other options such as educating its young and retraining existing human power and forward planning for the future. All Thailand has are Move Backward parties stuck in a cycle of decline including this one.
  17. Why not OpenAI joint bank account with the beneficiary named?
  18. Thais seemingly don’t do preventative maintenance hence the alarming levels of accidents like this.
  19. Good to hear that public sector employees will at last get their increases.seems the previous administration lied through their back teeth to conceal the extent of their incompetence/treachery with bug getting. Hopefully they will means test too child benefits.the uk economy is in ruins. Thankfully a new govt. will. focus on this. Let’s hope they don’t make state pensioners uk based.
  20. Neither. When you have Dr Jill Stein to vote for. The only breath of fresh air in a rancid duopoly.
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