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Posts posted by Siam_superfly

  1. Hey Admin. Can you lift the ban on Aussie posters to this thread. I guess they must be banned, cause before the tour started no-one else could get a post in edgeways with them telling us how <deleted> we were, and how great they were. :D

    Gee Lamp'ie...u and Pro Fart are getting so excited that England won ( a new sensation for u and Fart, England winning something other than the worst behaved tourist award )...but remember that ur win was nothing but...LUCK :o , and ur forgetting that u only just won that match...only 1 of ur batsman performed and Australia is not even settled yet after some months off from cricket....

    Ur going to lose Bigtime !!!

    .....u will have to play alot better than that to win the Ashes, I mean Dizzy wasnt even bowling on the pitch for his first few overs.....

    Ur gloating way to early.....

  2. just wonderin', do chess players on steriods to improve their brain power  :o

    Nope, definately not. :D

    Find this post rather bizarre as most who take steriods are not at the top of their sport and are unlikely to achieve anything significant by taking them. Those that are face life bans if they are caught.

    As for the long-term consequences of steriods, they are not fully understood as yet; therefore, a degree of risk is inevitable.

    I think your missing the point here....... there are many many champions at the top of their sport that are drug assisted already. People do take the risk of getting caught and some are, but there are a lot that are not.

    In many sports, athletes have are professionally managed with drugs.

    Dontbe surprised if your favourite champion of your favourite sport has been or is drug assisted..............

    Ive got to say that there has been extensive research on long term use of steroids, the risk is dramatically heightened if abuse is involved.......

    My point is steroids are misunderstood, probably as a result of negative media, general understanding and misinformation....... :D

    Quick gains, massive mass increase, agressive hormone imbalance, shortened career life, heavy eyebrows and cro-magnon features...

    Try growing up or living a sport life contending with this.

    Try living next door to this or having the end results in your family life and friendship circles.

    I don't have a real problem with performance enhancing means which have been studied and the effects responsibly conveyed to the users. Steriods haven't done this. I was raised to be and trained to be a professional athlete from the age of 10 (thanks dad). Many of my friends went the 'roid route.

    At 43 I can still play football with the young guys. It takes me a few more days to recover but I can still hole my own.

    My 'roid friends? They are f***ed up and finished by age 30.

    Since then I've watched 20 or so "kids" turn into 'roid boys.' They aren't even 30 yet and they are garbage. Just big, stupid, psychologically damaged pieces of crap.

    I smoke, so I declare it is every person's right to be as stupid as they like. Allow 'roids' into professional (who cares about baseball, really) sports as a sanctioned practice and you may as well tune into 'Gladiator' after midnight. No true talent. Just a bunch of five year bullheads.

    Face it guys (and gals), 'roids' are a malformation. Believe me, when you see natural and developed talent versus built up artificialism there is no comparison.

    You either have it, work for it, and exploit it while you have it, or take a sideline with a remote and a beer.


    To say that there would be no TRUE TALENT" in sport if steriods where allowed is ridiculous........

    Most of the sports people u watch in sport now, are on something at sometime of the year.....

    You do know that u can jump on a 8 week cycle on the off season, and be fine when the season begins, test negative........

    Your scary deformed features and damaged brain stuff is the result of abuse and unmanaged programmes of steriods......

    The big bad steriod guy is 20 years ago.....

  3. just wonderin', do chess players on steriods to improve their brain power  :o

    Find this post rather bizarre as most who take steriods are not at the top of their sport and are unlikely to achieve anything significant by taking them.

    I think that this thread shows up the average age group of most TV posters (40+)....as most posters under 40, would have been around steriods at some point and know that its not the big bad life wreaking thing that some people make steriod use out to be.....

    As for people performing at an elite level, to say that they are not using steriods at some stage of their season is very naive.....

    Also to say that they do not make any advantage from taking steriods is silly....would u not say that to be back on the field playing instead of sitting on the side line for another 6 weeks with a nagging injury significant......

  4. First of all, whos the runner that just ran the fastest time in the world? His name escapes me at this time but i saw it on the news last night, i think he ran a 9.78 second 100m final. If you think he is el-natural, your kidding yourselves. When you get to an elite level of sport your are going to find that most, yes most, of the worlds best are or have taken performance enhancing suppliments/drugs.

    Dont think steroid/drug use is restricted to obvious sports such as track and field,bodybuilding, weightlifting etc..... Drugs are common in most sports, basketball, swimming, football, baseball etc.... They are even common in the workplace.....aiding recovery, endurance, assisting mental alertness and many more benifits.

    For the majority of people, steroids are frowned upon and have a negative "cult" following as all the horror stories are accounted. Most people will tell you how bad they are and how much damage they will do you to body and never mention the benefits, yes, benifits you can get from them. If taken under clinical supervision, in an informed and safe manner they are no more dangerous than smoking/drinking or any other drug that is widely consumed by people such as caffeine etc.....

    Its only when drugs are abused that they are unsafe and have a detrimental affect to the body.....dosent matter what it is.....

    It really is funny how someone will tell you how bad steroids and performance enhancing drugs are, and will then go out for a heavy night on the drink and the smoke....

    I just wish poeple were more informed. Abuse is the problem, not the particular drug. If some one wants to take drugs, for sport or whatever reason, make sure you have all the information and then you will be as safe as you can be.

    As for stereotyping, that will never change...........

    So true.....so true

  5. You still have to go out and run the 100???? You dont think Ben Johnson's 100 meter record wasnt aided by steroids?


    Do u know that 6" of the other runner's in that race tested positive for drugs ?....

    Ben Johnson run that time and did not deserve to have it taken away....

    This is what its all about.....

    He will remember that moment forever, what a great moment to have, and people that were track side when he ran it, still talk about how awesome it was to see.....

    That is what sport is all about....

  6. Well done to the English cricket team.....not total losers after all.....pity the same cant be said of their supporters... :D

    I dont think the Aussies are overly worried about it though....lets wait for the real stuff to begin....20/20....isnt that the same as tip and run that I played as a kid...pretty close I think... :D  :D  :D


  7. Steriods whats the big deal...?

    Well, like most drugs, the argument - "it's their body - it's up to them" does not cover the impact of the drugs on close friends and family.

    In the case of steroids, many of the drugs popular with bodybuilders increase aggessiveness considerably - which can get you into all kids of trouble. There's lots steroid users that beat their wives up when juiced up that would never have done it off the juice.

    Many steroids are also toxic to the liver and cause premature death - which will have an impact on friends & family.

    Steroids have also been show to degrade the joints leading to arthritis in later life.

    Steroids also strengthen the muslce but don't help the connective tissues - the tendons & ligaments - leading to more injuries.

    All of the above aren't just side effects that have impact on the person themselves. It effects the family & puts a burden on the health services.

    Finally - if we allow sportsmen to take drugs - then all sportsmen will have to take them to stay competetive. What about amateur sports players ? Your kids when they are in the 100 metres run representing their school ??

    Sure there are some that are very toxic to ur liver, but there are also some that arent...

    There is a science to taking them wisely, and if it was legal in sports, then the club doctors good monitor their usage and cycle's...it would be alot safer....

    Alot of kids are already drinking those ultra-high Caffine drinks before they play sport to give them an edge......

    The lad cant take a 8 weeks course of steriods to recover from a injury and go on playing football this season, but he can go down the pub, buy cigarette's and a bottle of whisky...

  8. Steriods whats the big deal...?

    Steriods do not make u run faster, jump higher, punch harder, swim faster, etc...

    They only enable ur body to recover quicker so u can train that muscle earlier than u would if no steriods where applied....

    They only assist sports people.......u still have to go out there and run the 100"...u still have to lift the weight, u still have to kick the goal......

    So if someone wants to take steriods, why shouldnt it be up to them, its their body..

    Its never going to go away....do u think that an elite soccer player or rugby player wouldnt take a course", to recover from an injury quick, so as to not lose his place on the team....with so much money on the line and only a short time to make it in his sporting career......

    We pay the money to watch the sport....we want to see the best......

    Isnt that whats sports all about.....

  9. and a question to the boxing posters out there in TV land....

    Do u think that Tyson did deserve to go to jail ?

    Wasn't really convinced but reckoned the girl should have been jailed for stupidity if she honestly thought she was going to his room for a "coffee" !


    Im with u there, it was probably 50/50....

    she left her Hotel room late in the night, to meet Tyson in his limo...... :o

  10. Now that he has finally bitten the Dust one must wonder what 12 millions CHAVs will now call their ugly dogs.

    Best fight I remember as a kid was between Sonny Liston and Ingmar Johanson :D  :D

    He may not be finished.....why would Chav's call their girlfriends after a boxer !!! :o

  11. I loved watching tyson years ago. but it was obvious after the first holyfield fight that he was not the guy he was. layoff in prison? ali missed just as much time and came back to fight some off his greatest fights. and ali NEVER quit. unfortunetly he fought too long. he should have quit after manilla. do you want to see tyson end up like ali? Tyson he has lost 2 in a row, 3 of his last 4. that would seem to be a liitle more than just a mental thing. he will be 39 years old in 2 weeks.

    i know he did a lot of good things for kids, was always respectful to the "old guys", and a lot of his talk was to sell tickets. but its time for him to hang them up. it looks like he knows it, too. for his sake i hope so. or else he's gonna see more articles like this one:

    boxing scene

    Net....I know that I maybe heckled for this one....but I think Tyson was a better boxer than Ali in their primes.......just my 1 cent worth.....

    Thats not taking anything anyway from the legend that Ali is, and a man that I would bow to if I was ever so lucky as to meet the great Ali in person.....

  12. As for his stint in jail, well only Tyson and the girl in the beauty pagent know the answer to that one........tyson was definately no "angel" outside of the ring but as you know, in america, if youve got money, everyone wants a piece of you, including that excuse for a wife he had once upon a time.......

    .....but thats it....."when u got money"

    and that Robin Gibbens or whatever her name was...she was bad bad news.....

  13. Immediately after the bought Mike Tyson was quoted as saying "my hearts just not in it anymore, im not hungry" . I mean, i dont like hearing it but if the man himself is saying it where are you gonna go from there.... bring back tyson when he was 20 yrs old.... what a predator! :o

    I hear ya Soi Lurker, I hear ya.....

    There is no heavyweight around now who could have handled a 20 yr old Tyson....and even now if he gets going.....just got to get some good rounds under his belt....

    but doesnt sounded promising at the moment :D

  14. He was a great fighter. 


    Tyson is a great fighter....just look at his fight record....its reads about 45-4 or something like that, and do not forget that he fought all the best in the divison and some boxers avioded Tyson until he had some ring rust and his timing was out (L Lewis)......

    Tyson has never lost any of his skills in training, he just hasnt been able to carry it into the ring in his last group of fights....its a mental thing.......

    It helps if u have a soild in life outside the ring, to be solid in the ring......

    Tysons problems are well documented, everybody knows about them, he has lived in a fish bowl since the age of 20, how would u feel if everybody that u walked by the street knew just about everything about u......

    If Tyson had never gone to jail, he may well have been the greatest heavyweight ever.....Lewis would never had had a easy time with well prepared Mike Tyson..etc......and he still might get 5 or 6 good fights under his belt and have another shot at a world title.....

    do u know that Tyson used to take gifts to the poor kids in his old New York neighbour hood, he used to travel many miles to see the some of the old time boxers that he knew, when they where sick and always addressed them as Sir" ......the media never talk about the good things...a guy from my gym got to watch a Tyson training session some years ago when Tyson was on top, and Tyson took time out, shook his and all the other people at the gym after.....

    Tyson is a great in boxing, he can be great again.....

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