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Posts posted by Siam_superfly

  1. Have you guys finally decided who has the biggest willy ??

    Its all a bit of a nonsense really, try comparing sports in which the participants are dinky di brits or ozzies, are there any ?? :o

    With ur first question..."Im not touching that one"....

    With ur second question......Australian baggy green cap = Australian player...

  2. he handles Danny Green at the moment


    great call mate.....

    I'd pay money just to see Green and Zu sparring......

    I'd rather see Green and that ###### mundene fighting, but mundenes a gutless.


    ....Green v Mundine.......the money for that fight has been on the table for some time, Mundine would have nothing to do with it, until just before the last Green v Bayer fight, and Mundine said that he will fight green after that( i think that is what happened, not real sure), but that seems to have all gone pear shaped now, I havent heard anything more about that match up......would be a good warm up for Danny Green, a nightmare for Mundine.....

  3. By sacking ur trainer, Zu has taken the action of a man who isnt about to surrender his gloves, why go through the pain of sacking ur friend if u havent got any intention of getting back to the top.....thats my 1 cent worth...

    Lets hope that he goes to a camp that has a stable of great fighters, like u said Bronco" the Fenech camp...

    ....Danny Green as a sparring partner...wow..... and there are many other good boxers under Fenech....just to be around hungry guys like Green would help a wounded Zu....

    America would be another option....but Zu has a young family here now....

  4. Head to Head in each sport ( official) we are far superior to Australia.

    Also the average Brit male is harder, better looking, more intelligient, and more modest than the average jumpbuck shagger.

    End of story.

    Put that in yer koala and smoke it Rolf....


    I think u made a couple of typ'os in ur post Chonabot..what u really meant is...

    Head to head in each sport, North Korea rates above England...

    Also the average Brit male is, fatter, louder, drunk on two beers, gets payed out by Thai ladys and thinks they are laughing with him, thinks everybody likes his silly accent, sweets like a overweight elephant stuck out in the sun, thinks he's rich coz for once in his life he has more than 10 pounds come out of an ATM machine, gets sunburnt walking out of Don Mueng airport, always gets angry at the Australian embassy when his visa application gets laughed at and thrown in the bin, doesnt know what a wave the size of the Grand Canyon means when its moving toward him at 800km, cant work out what that hose is next to the toilet, brushes his teeth with the hose next to the toilet, shouts at hotel staff and then cant workout as to why his room service is always cold, he cant understand as to how countries like New Zealand, South Africa, Australia beat his teams at everything and when he does win, he forgets that he ever lost, he likes 12 hour plane rides coz everybody smells like him at the end of it.... :D

    and thats not even half the story......

    So put that with ur grey skys and minus something wheather, maybe while ur stuck inside for 9 months a year ur brain rots away......and there's not much there to rot away !! :o

    What a crying shame Fly. You write a very good piece like this one, then follow it up with such crap. You remind me of the Welsh years ago; they were so busy telling the world how great they were at Rugby, they completely forgot how to play. Ok so your Australia biased and hate the English. I can understand that. After all, Fletcher absolutely detested McKay in Porridge.

    Naaaaaaa Lamp, I do not hate English people, thats a strong word....but I do get real sick of the Aussie pay outs from your under performing sporting population :D

  5. All those you mentioned were not as big as the joke going round a few weeks ago; Liverpool will win the Champions League! :D Remind me again what happened Superfly.

    Yeh, no sweat I would remind u Lamp, if I knew what u where talking about...Liverpool ? doesnt an American or Russian or Thai own Liverpool ?....or not just yet !! :o

  6. Siam_superfly - yep Hatton a true light-welter, I don't think he will move up for a while yet. It's weird because he blows up so much between fights, he's a real pie and a pint bloke when he hasn't got a fight lined up.

    Yet when he gets in the ring he is one of the fittest boxers I've seen. He was as fresh in the 10th against Tszyu as he was in the 1st and I think that shocked your man a bit. He must absolutely kill himself in training to be that fit.

    I didn't have any money on him unfortunately, I wasn't that confident! I'm a big Hatton fan but Tszyu has always been a class act and I knew he was up against it.....

    You're on for July  :D  :D Boxing, beer and birds sounds like a fkin good night out to me  :D

    Cool...route 66 :o ..I will pm" u next month... :D

  7. Head to Head in each sport ( official) we are far superior to Australia.

    Also the average Brit male is harder, better looking, more intelligient, and more modest than the average jumpbuck shagger.

    End of story.

    Put that in yer koala and smoke it Rolf....


    I think u made a couple of typ'os in ur post Chonabot..what u really meant is...

    Head to head in each sport, North Korea rates above England...

    Also the average Brit male is, fatter, louder, drunk on two beers, gets payed out by Thai ladys and thinks they are laughing with him, thinks everybody likes his silly accent, sweets like a overweight elephant stuck out in the sun, thinks he's rich coz for once in his life he has more than 10 pounds come out of an ATM machine, gets sunburnt walking out of Don Mueng airport, always gets angry at the Australian embassy when his visa application gets laughed at and thrown in the bin, doesnt know what a wave the size of the Grand Canyon means when its moving toward him at 800km, cant work out what that hose is next to the toilet, brushes his teeth with the hose next to the toilet, shouts at hotel staff and then cant workout as to why his room service is always cold, he cant understand as to how countries like New Zealand, South Africa, Australia beat his teams at everything and when he does win, he forgets that he ever lost, he likes 12 hour plane rides coz everybody smells like him at the end of it.... :D

    and thats not even half the story......

    So put that with ur grey skys and minus something wheather, maybe while ur stuck inside for 9 months a year ur brain rots away......and there's not much there to rot away !! :o

  8. Leftcross.....

    I hope that there is a rematch somewhere down the track, maybe early next year.....

    It would be a huge fight in Australia, and I hope in England aswell ?

    I hope there is a rematch too, Tszyu deserves one as such a good champion. I would like to see Hatton have an easy fight first though!

    Leftcross.....lets hope Hatton and Zu get it on again, and I would suspect that from now on, your man Hatton will continue to face up to world class fighters and defend his title aswell as going for other belts....this as you know, will only improve Hatton as boxer....Zu needs to keep busy aswell, although 11 hard rounds would have done Zu and Hatton good in the way of future wars with other fighters....

    I for one and most of the boxing world are waiting to see what comes out of the Zu camp.....

  9. i've seen a fair bit of kostya and although he starts favourite, hatton still has a big chance of winning.

    tszyu is 35 years old and has to grow old sometime. he can be hurt, although admittedly he is probably one of the harders punchers in the sport right now.

    hatton is super fit and has a great body attack and if he can avoid or smother tszyus slegehammer right hand he had stop tszyu late on.

    i wouldnt be surprised if hatton got whacked out early, but i just have a feeling hatton can do it.


    ....good call

  10. you could prolly teach them a thing or two ...


    Wine, women and song :D:o

    Yep, those three things get me everytime :D:D:D ....

    Maybe if the Wat" was out in the sticks and I did not even so much as see a Thai lady, I might make it through.......

    It would be a peaceful time, a once in a lifetime adventure of a different kind....


  11. Leftcross....

    Great fight mate, great fight.....thats what we pay money to see !!....

    Is Hatton a true super-welter ?...if not and he can step up to welterweight, there are some big big names out there for him now....and if his name gets known in America, some big purses await him...

    I'd like to see Hatton have a shot at Sugar Shane Mosley, it will be very interesting to see whats next for Hatton.....

    I hope that u had money on ur man...u would have won a fist full of baht for the TKO..... :D:D

    If ur in Bangkok in July, lets get drunk at RCA and talk boxing...my shout ! lots of great scenery to look at there !! :D


  12. I agree. I think the batting is going to be the key. If England don't bowl to their 100% best then the Aussie batsmen are capable of racking up huge totals and bat England out of the game.

    If England have any sense they'll turn out pacy green wickets to give their bowlers that extra help.

    Pro Fart..... quick get ur bat and get to the Oval.....

    England needs you !! :o

  13. Great fight, great fighters. Saw it delayed and enjoyed every second. I had serious doubts as to whether Hatton could step up and whether he could take world class power but he came through on both fronts.

    He's a great character too to promote the sport (as is Tszyu).

    I hope Tszyu doesn't retire, he still has a lot to offer and was dangerous with that right hand right up until the end.

    "here here" Left cross....

    ..glad u got to view the fight...

    Great fight and the best man won !!

    Congrats to Hatton....

  14. Nice to see that you can make massive assumptions about me when you have never even met me.

    Seems like seeing as you can't even rebuff my arguments then it appears to be you who are the armchair fighter.

    Sore loser I think mate.

    Try reading the post that I posted in the "Zu v Hatton" thread...

    This is about Zu and Hatton, not you pro Fart...

    Congrats to Hatton......well done

    read this again Pro Fart...in case u missed it like a English slip's catch........

  15. Its going to be close thats for sure but I don't think Australia have the firepower witht he ball anymore. If England can bowl well then its going ot be an interesting summer.

    Who can't bowl in the Aussie team?..Lee,Gillespie,Warn... and the other bloke who's name starts with K that I can't spell...

    You blokes have got Harminson, but who else?

    They have Professor Fart.....anyone can get a spot in the England side, just turn up an hour before play and bring ur own bat if you want to open the batting !! :o

  16. Well this is where you highlight your ignorance of the sport.

    How many fighters have ever in the history of the sport obtained a 100% KO record?

    Lets use that as our starting point and work from there.

    You didnt answer the question Pro Fart.....and u wont...

    Then allow me to answer for the Noxious Academic. scroll down this link and you'll find yourself saying 'I've been boxing all my life'. That may be what is confusing people into thinking you consider yourself an expert.


    Although honestly mate, if you don't know what you're talking about, all you're doing is digging that hole deeper.

    Im not ur mate....

    and read that ENTIRE thread to put that in context.....hmmmmmmmm

    Ive been boxing all my life.......is that the same as saying that "Im an expert on Boxing" ??

    same same as saying " I drive cars all the time" and do u think that Im saying that " Im an excellent driver""......no its not....

    go back to ur milk and cookies Boywolf.....

    Okay, let's look at the context pal, [if we can't be mates, can we at least be pals?]. You were trying to tell Professor Fart that he doesn't know anything about boxing, that he only gets his information from the internet. To show that you, me old mucker, were not an armchair fighter, you gave it the 'I've been boxing all my life' number. If you weren't trying to say you were an expert, why even mention it, me old china? By making the comment in a boxing thread of course you are trying to show that you have knowledge of the sport. By making the comment in the course of trying to show that someone else has no knowledge, you are clearly, matey, trying to show that your knowledge is superior.

    If you made the car comment in a thread about cars, then you would obviously be trying to show that you have knowledge of the subject, oh best friend of mine. As for my milk and cookies, sunshine, I am sure they taste better than your current helpings of humble pie.

    Hmmmm... hoe kay..I will make it easier for u....

    I was saying that I have knowledge about the sport, by the fact that I have skills in that sport"........but that is NOT saying that Iam promoting myself as a EXPERT !!!

    get it yet .....ahhh

    :o U have the last word.....

  17. The aged Aussies are in for a real beating. 3-0 to England!

    Do they have an under 30s side? They're going to need some real help.

    This summer will see the end of an era.

    McGrath is a one horse attack and he struggles to hit 85mph these days.

    Fat drug cheat can't turn it any more.

    The Puerto Rican pimp is a joke bowler at best.

    Australia are really no threat.

    AHHH Pro fart....its a "5" test series, not 3.......I hope ur team turns up for the last 2 matches......it wouldnt be the same only beating England 3 nil, its much more fun watching a "5" nil white wash of the poms....

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