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Posts posted by Siam_superfly

  1. Well this is where you highlight your ignorance of the sport.

    How many fighters have ever in the history of the sport obtained a 100% KO record?

    Lets use that as our starting point and work from there.

    You didnt answer the question Pro Fart.....and u wont...

    Then allow me to answer for the Noxious Academic. scroll down this link and you'll find yourself saying 'I've been boxing all my life'. That may be what is confusing people into thinking you consider yourself an expert.


    Although honestly mate, if you don't know what you're talking about, all you're doing is digging that hole deeper.

    Im not ur mate....

    and read that ENTIRE thread to put that in context.....hmmmmmmmm

    Ive been boxing all my life.......is that the same as saying that "Im an expert on Boxing" ??

    same same as saying " I drive cars all the time" and do u think that Im saying that " Im an excellent driver""......no its not....

    go back to ur milk and cookies Boywolf.....

  2. I am working towards answering your question using my own question as a starting point.

    I will answer to your somewhat sillly question however just to keep you interested as I'm fascinated by your insight into the world of boxing.

    ''How hard were Hatton's punches?''

    Hatton's punches were hard enough to beat Koysta Tszyu inside the distance.

    Now over to you..................

    Your way to smart for me Pro Fart........

    U have the last word...... :o

  3. You are nothing more than an "ARM CHAIR BOXER".........who looks up websites on the internet to find out information about boxing.......

    Coming from a man who predicted the wrong outcome and hadn't even seen a Hatton fight before today. What does that make you? A high chair boxer?

    It makes me "honest"...... I could have said anything....I always said " may the best man win"........I bet on Zu in 4....so ?????

    Thats boxing......every book'ie in the world had Zu as favourite....

    Hatton won and fought a great fight.......

    Congrats to Hatton....

    High chair boxer........thats sooooooo funny :o

  4. Hehehe! The insults keep on rolling in from someone who can't make a valid point about a sport he claims to know so much about.


    PRO FART.....back that comment up......show me a post that I have said that ""I know so much about boxing""......

    I have said that u get ur infor of the net, and u do....

    Hatton lands 800 punches on Zu......and Zu is still standing.....

    How hard can Hatton's punching be ????

    It takes just ask much skill to hang on in the ring under that kind of barrage, as it does to finish the job......get it.....

  5. Tszyu was beaten into submission inside the distance.

    According to the pro Tszyu camp prior to the fight their man was an unbeatable machine, therefore for Hatton to defeat Tszyu inside the distance speaks volumes.

    If you think that Hatton's not knocking Tszyu out is symptomatic of some flaw in his game then I'd love to hear it.

    You really don't know your boxing do you?

    Pro Fart.....

    You are nothing more than an "ARM CHAIR BOXER".........who looks up websites on the internet to find out information about boxing.......I know this by the fact that u can spell perfectly, names of South American etc" fighters who fought long ago and other ###t that u have posted.....

    For your information, cause u would already know this, unless ur websites have not typed it up yet is...

    In boxing u cant teach power....Zu didnt come out of his corner coz Lewis thought he was unable to fight, as Zu was spent......u following d##kh##d ?

    Zu wasnt throwing hard...he was spent...

    Hatton is fast, but lacks the power needed to take on a fully fit Zu and other fighters that Hatton will come up against in America......

    Hatton should have knocked Zu out, Hatton was far the superior boxer on the night, and I take nothing away from Hatton and he may well beat all comers and stay on top for years to come, maybe not to.....

    You said yourself pro Fart, that Hatton landed doudle the punches that Zu landed.....and yes Hatton did...

    So how hard is Hatton punching if Zu is still standing in front of Hatton after 800 punches ...?? u still with me d##kh##d....

    go back to ur arm chair Pro Fart.........

    Congrats to Hatton....the best man won

    Sad but typical response from a bad loser. I know a lot about Boxing, having trained in Western and Thai styles.

    Obviously you know less than you profess to.

    This thread was lighthearted until you started insulting people, shame it will probably get closed now.

    Well done big man.... :o

    Whatever Chon.....

    I watched a battle between to great boxers...and the best man won......if that makes me a sore loser, so be it....( MAYBE THAT DOES IN England)

    maybe u should read all the thread before u comment....

    Congrats to Hatton...... ( reading that CHON).....

  6. This is about Zu and Hatton, not you pro Fart...

    Then why write 3 paragraphs of abuse aimed at someone you don't know, will probably never meet, and then tell them its not about them?

    Pro fart...

    You asked a question, and I answered that question, u may want to call correct information "abuse", but some people call it learning""........

    whatever... :o

  7. Siam, using your logic all fights should end in KO. You are really starting to look very ignorant about boxing.

    I understand you are sore that your boy got a beating. Get over it and wind your neck in. Just because my knowledge far outstrips yours do not assume that I find my knowledge from the internet. That may be your resorce but thankfully it isn't mine.

    whatever....... :o

    Just hope that u dont ever meet me in person.....go away

  8. bahtandsold - fantastic news, cheers for that. i'll be there, and i owe you a beer.

    i went to bus stop this morning but they said they didnt open until 9.30am. i offered 500 baht if someone would just come in early and put the TV on but she said she couldnt - probably best not to rely on a thai lady for timekeeping anyway :o


    I hope that u got to see the fight......

    Hatton is very fit with fast hands, as u said !!.....will be interesting to watch him as he fights in America...

    Congrats to Hatton....the best fighter one the night won....

  9. Nice to see that you can make massive assumptions about me when you have never even met me.

    Seems like seeing as you can't even rebuff my arguments then it appears to be you who are the armchair fighter.

    Sore loser I think mate.

    Try reading the post that I posted in the "Zu v Hatton" thread...

    This is about Zu and Hatton, not you pro Fart...

    Congrats to Hatton......well done

  10. Tszyu was beaten into submission inside the distance.

    According to the pro Tszyu camp prior to the fight their man was an unbeatable machine, therefore for Hatton to defeat Tszyu inside the distance speaks volumes.

    If you think that Hatton's not knocking Tszyu out is symptomatic of some flaw in his game then I'd love to hear it.

    You really don't know your boxing do you?

    Pro Fart.....

    You are nothing more than an "ARM CHAIR BOXER".........who looks up websites on the internet to find out information about boxing.......I know this by the fact that u can spell perfectly, names of South American etc" fighters who fought long ago and other ###t that u have posted.....

    For your information, cause u would already know this, unless ur websites have not typed it up yet is...

    In boxing u cant teach power....Zu didnt come out of his corner coz Lewis thought he was unable to fight, as Zu was spent......u following d##kh##d ?

    Zu wasnt throwing hard...he was spent...

    Hatton is fast, but lacks the power needed to take on a fully fit Zu and other fighters that Hatton will come up against in America......

    Hatton should have knocked Zu out, Hatton was far the superior boxer on the night, and I take nothing away from Hatton and he may well beat all comers and stay on top for years to come, maybe not to.....

    You said yourself pro Fart, that Hatton landed doudle the punches that Zu landed.....and yes Hatton did...

    So how hard is Hatton punching if Zu is still standing in front of Hatton after 800 punches ...?? u still with me d##kh##d....

    go back to ur arm chair Pro Fart.........

    Congrats to Hatton....the best man won

  11. Try and learn a little about boxing first and then re watch the fights.

    I have been boxing all my life, unlike u who look up websites for your information to use to chat about boxing issue's....I know u do this by the perfect way that u know how to spell the names of fighters from South America etc. that fought long ago........

    and ur getting all excited about Hatton winning....BIG DEAL....thats boxing....have u ever followed a fight before this Hatton fight ?...yeh yeh yeh of course u have and all that.....

    You just lost any respect that u had Pro fart and dont try and be something that ur not....... dont answer this post u worm......your nothing but an "ARM CHAIR BOXER"

    I have respect for any fighter that steps through the ropes to do battle.....I have done so many times myself and I know the feeling......its a great achievement, weather its a 8 year lad from South Africa or Bangkok or Ricky Hatton getting it on in England......

  12. Mr Superfly?

    Yeh...Im here...Im doing fine thankyou....

    The best fighter on the night won.......good luck to Hatton......

    Ever heard of a rematch ?

    If Hatton was so good, why didnt he drop Zu..???


    Im taking nothing away from Hatton, he went in and got the outcome that he wanted...he won the fight......

    If u want to push the issue, then u might want to look at as to why Zu was not ko'd ?.....

  13. Absolutely fantastic! Proved me wrong , where's the likes of Siam Superfly on this thread ?


    Well done Ricky!!! :o

    Beware.....ever heard of such a thing as a rematch ?

    ......Koysta has given Hatton a shot at the bigtime, and in boxing it goes without saying that Hatton must repay that by accepting a rematch if Zu wishes....probably be a rematch clause in the fight contract........

    we all saw a good fight..and Im still here !! doing fine thankyou chon !

  14. Hatton was ahead by 1, 3 and 5 rounds at the time of Tzsyu's retirement on the judges cards.

    I think the 5 round margin was fair. Tszyu was not in the contest after the 7th round. Hatton was just relentless and kept on raising the game. He was never out of Tszyu's face throughout the fight. He took all of Tszyu's best shots and replied in kind. Hatton has shown the world his class and shut up the Yanks (who will probably bleat on about how Hatton is still <deleted> until he beats x, y or z)

    Respect to Johnny Lewis for pulling Tszyu out of the fight as he was clearly close to being stopped and maybe seriously hurt.

    Aussies and Russkies, your boy took a ###### of a beating.

    Pro Fart.....

    the best fighter on the night won.... good on Hatton...thats boxing

  15. The aged Aussies are in for a real beating. 3-0 to England!

    Do they have an under 30s side? They're going to need some real help.

    This summer will see the end of an era.

    McGrath is a one horse attack and he struggles to hit 85mph these days.

    Fat drug cheat can't turn it any more.

    The Puerto Rican pimp is a joke bowler at best.

    Australia are really no threat.

    Pro Fart...

    Most of the England team wouldnt even make into a state team in Australia.....

    England loses at everything, all the time......

    Pick sport that England doesn't have to face Australia, and u may win something.....and make the most of the Rugby World Cup, u wont do that again...

  16. 'Zu' wil be on his arse in 4!

    Like the coming ashes series, its wake up time for stale Aussie sports!

    Well we have to let u Poms win something sometime....u lose at everything all the time......but it wont be the Ashes and it wont be Hatton....

    Try a sport that England wont have to face Australia at any stage, and u may win something....

    But hats of to England for winning the Rugby World cup, make the most of it, we want it ......

  17. Tucker was back in Tyson's early pro days and Bruno later and they both lost, did ur internet site tell u something different ?

    You seem to be unable to grasp my point. I know Tyson won the fights. My point being that no one ever really wacked out at Tyson when they had him hurt.

    Yes Tyson can and should be a force again.

    Just re read my posts as I can't be arsed repeating yet again.

    Pro Fart....

    None of the fighters that u have mentioned EVER hurt Tyson.....

  18. Old news really... this behaviour is well documented on this forum and elsewhere during and just after Songkran...  :o

    totster  :D

    Old like u Totster ?... its not old news, coz it still happens.....and Soi Lurker is spot on...some farangs just take it to far.....but it is a fun time with the Thai's...

  19. ....they say if it ever happens to u, u must remember to grab ur #### and take it to the hospital with u, or they will not be able to reattach it.....oh my god !!!! think clear and get a real fast motorcycle taxi.... :o:D

    and hope that ur Thai princess has not thrown it to the soi dogs ! :D

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