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Posts posted by JimsKnight

  1. That's great rolypie man. Is Rolypie your real name? Guess your hidding behind that then just like every other poster on here is :D

    In fact because you love my videos soo much another ones going on just for you bro' :D

    Oh btw It's my own machine, bought and paid for with a legit green book. :)

  2. If I rode about on the fearful assumption that every door could spring open I wouldn't even get on a bike at all.

    A very good friend of mine can't ride a bike again because of a soi dog attacking him. Yet that doesn't mean I'm about to shoot all the dogs I see of make u turns whenever I go down a soi that has dogs in it...

    Of course we can find risks in everything we do in life. It's about calculating the level of risk. For me, steadily creeping through stationary traffic is not 100% safe to do, and i'm sure my bike riding instructor wouldn't have approved, but i do so because i don't have the patience to wait in line with the cars and i consider the slow speed i travel at allows me some time to react to unforseen incidences, like doors swinging open or people changing lanes without looking in their mirrors. I calculate the risk and conclude it is worth it.

    The risk you are taking by riding through the traffic at speed is not worth it for me. I just don't see the benefit, nor can i see any connection to "vibe" or "groove" with riding that way.

    Anyway, it's all about personal choices and you are obviously happy with yours. I mentioned it not because i wanted to have a go, but because i genuinely don't like seeing people having accidents or living their lives in regret - and believe me you would if you lost the ability to walk all for a bit of "vibe", whatever the <deleted> that means.

    It's all about personal responsiblity and I obviously get a buzz and a 'vibe' off biking whereas you seem to focus on the negative things.

    Get a life pal :)

  3. Sorry to rain on your parade JimsKnight but what would you have done if the pick-up that you decided to undertake at 24 sec had decided to move a bit over to the left as you were passing him? It's bike riders like you that end up getting hit by a car because you were impatient and decided to make a stupid manouvere, and then when you get hit by a car you rant and rave about car drivers not paying attention and how do you think the car driver feels after you've ran in to his car? I've collided with 2 motorbikes in my 23 years of driving and both times were the bikers fault but it didn't stop me feeling guilty for a few days. And before you give me the spiel about how car drivers don't understand what it's like to ride a bike, I have a motor bike also.

    Have to agree. The moment that made me wince the most was when he rode at some speed down the narrow centre of two rows of traffic. I have a mate who recently did the same thing and as he did so, a taxi driver opened his door a little so as to spit onto the ground. My mate's kneecap directly struck the frame of the door. His leg will never be the same.

    Was it worth it for the "vibe" and the "groove"?

    Yeah it was actually :)

    If I rode about on the fearful assumption that every door could spring open I wouldn't even get on a bike at all.

    A very good friend of mine can't ride a bike again because of a soi dog attacking him. Yet that doesn't mean I'm about to shoot all the dogs I see of make u turns whenever I go down a soi that has dogs in it...

  4. Cheers Dontdist.

    I don't like the Jomtien roads either.

    Brigante, your criticism is welcome but also rejected. You are the way you are and I am the way I am.

    If I choose to make what you consider is a risky move then so be it. Try to remember what country you are in and how things work out here.

    I don't pretend to be cool rider but nor do I pretend to be a biker who stays behind cars all the time. Some bikers are wired for cold logic and some of us are driven by the vibe and thrill of biking. If that vibe and thrill takes me around cars on the inside then so be it, I welcome that groove.

    I wouldn't have it any other way. :)

    I'm sorry that you hit bikers in your pick-up. But the roads and vehicles on them do things that don't always match the situation and time.

  5. What more do you want? Dancing go-go girls to appear in your room?!

    Go out there and see it for yourself

    Well for starters you were riding too fast, Walking street has a speed limit of 5 kph oh and as for going there , i live here so i can actualy have go-go dancers to appear in my room :D:D

    Oh jeez the speed police cometh...

    Also, legally you can't accurately verify someones speed from a video unless the speedo's in view.

    If you want it like home, go home and do us all a favour :):D

  6. My neighbour above me makes "evil noises" with his subwoofer :)

    I heard he does not like that I smoke a cigarette or that I drink a beer on MY balcony. :D:D

    What would you do?

    If he's getting your smoke in his room, evil noises is the least you deserve. I've had that from inconsiderate neighbours before and hate it intensely.


    Don't be so lame.

    We don't know if that's even the case. If the smoker is doing it on the balcony there won't be any smoke bothering folk.

    Be cool and light one up and chill :D

  7. Question: just where do you all your “scratching and popping” and “yer, I was nailing it, sweeeeet?, I tell you where, dribbling up and down, up and down, up and down Pattaya sea front that’s where, or parked outside some bar beer trying to impress with your sweeeeeet ride! You know who you are!!!

    Owning a fast road bike in Thailand is like getting a new pushbike for Christmas, and being told by your Dad you can’t go out and ride till Boxing Day... problem is every day is Christmas day in Thailand.

    Guys! There an’t anywhere to “twist it” this is Thailand, not north Wales. If you were Fast bike riders you would know that! I would bet your idea of jetting it is putting a nosy can on it.

    Every fast bike I’ve seen in Thailand is mostly parked outside some bar with a nasty case of shaving rash on a square rear tyres, (look it up, as I’d bet you don’t understand what I’m talking about)

    I’ve seen the fast bike riding in scene in Thailand.....Ha ha. I was behind some buffoon on a nice Hayabusa, shorts, no helmet turning a slow corner with his leg out, (motocross style) way to go!

    I will leave you with this to mull over: next time your posing on your “thug” that bloke looking at you maybe a proper fast bike rider and he’s thinking “what a numnuts” If you just want to pose, well OK, knock your self’s out, but please.... no more talk of “stopping power” bhp and thrashing, my sides hurt too much!!!!

    So what do you think?

    You need to groove your little ass on up to Mae Sot and the north of Thailand my friend, because thailand has more twisties than you think :)


    And here:

    Also here:


    There's even a few on the edge of Isaan along the border with Laos but I've not explored there yet...

    But I agree in some ways, I've seen the squid crew brigade go past me a few times on lime green ninja machines thinking they are all that in the urban areas.

    But put them on a long-range tour hauling ass on unforgiving highways and they'll be pulled over panting like dogs with heatstroke and road-fatigue. :D

  8. Yeah, I was expecting a green book hit but they didn't seem fussed at all. Just license and tax.

    I really think they just go with whatever the flow of crackdowns come down from up high.

    Some time in the future another one might come, but not yet it seems.

  9. 2 posts containing a graphic photo are under review.

    Ooops- you must be referring to the one of the guy who lost his fingertips? Sorry if I broke the rules (again!) :)

    Oh that wasn't you then?

    A buddy of mine did speedway back in the day and his party piece was/is showing where his fingertips have regrown from being ground down a bit after a few high-speed tumbledowns.

  10. 2 posts containing a graphic photo are under review.

    Yeah I caught a glimpse of the hand of death in one of the quoted posts!

    I hope it's not Tonys hand in one of them! He needs them to do his ebay bread and butter!

    Yeah the Streethawk bike looked cool back in the day but not so much now. I think it's a yamaha 500 DT or somesuch offroad machine.

    This is more like it, some sneak footage of an SSR - OTRT turf war:

  11. I'm obviously having a Thursday afternoon thickie moment, cos i can't seem to work out what the point of all this videoing is. Who is it being made for?

    Do people get pleasure from watching someone else ride? I know i don't. It'd be like getting pleasure from watching someone else have sex. I've never done that before. :)

    It's being made for our future biking children in a black-ops project that will see them exceed the limits of all known biking ability.

    SSR and TV bikers came first, then, in the future will come...

    Now you know...

  12. Better than the other vids you use to post. Where you are constantly looking down at the road, watching where the front tyre is going. A sure sign of a newbie rider.

    I agree with BBB. Camera at the rear seem to provide a better feed.

    I might get a camera for the rear as you can run two at once and it does look good.

    It'll be really fun when If I can jury rig live feedback from them!

    I'll be able spot and wave to all my SSR chums in the distance. :D

    I just imagine XJR13 with a pipewrench in one hand swinging it about, living out his mad max fantasy's :D

    Oh what fun we have on this section. :)

  13. I have bike camera envy :)

    Can i ask how much it cost and where you bought it from? Ebay?

    Was customs about an extra 20%?

    Customs charge was about 600 baht. I bought it from the USA.

    Took about 10 days to arrive.

    The camera mount I got from Germany, but there's a bunch of generic ones you can get from the states too.

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