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Posts posted by JimsKnight

  1. I just sent this note to the Klong 7 branch, now to see how they respond.


    I went to this store today, Thursday 1 October. Amongst other items, I was going to buy a few packages of FINELINE Fabric Softener in the 700 ML package.

    I noted the pricing:

    -- one pack is baht 15.

    -- three packs bundled together is baht 47.50!

    -- So I bought three (3) single packages for baht 45.

    In many stores that I've been to if you buy a "bulk pack" there is a discount. Not so at LOTUS I guess.

    In the future I will be extra careful at TESCO-LOTUS to check the bulk pricing versus individual packs.


    Klong 10

    My goodness an outrage! Call out the guard, deploy an army and march on Tesco's at once!

    Be cool man, it's only 2.5 baht. More likely to be an admin error than anything else.

  2. That road is bloody awful, it goes from silky smooth to holes you could lose a car in, I have seen numerous LARGE car and lorry parts on it that I have had to swerve past.

    dam_n straight. I think it was on that stretch that I blew one of the shock absorbers on my CBR!

    I've only been pulled over for right-lane hogging when up north, just got a warning not to do it again (of course officer!) and sent on my way...

  3. If you live in thailand with a thai wife and baby (as i do) then you should already be familiar with the BNP policies.

    Have to prove you have an average 6 x salary as a thai guy, will never get citizenship no matter what your contribution to the country. always be an outsider, depending on the govt of the day, may have to leave thailand without your family, as a foreigner you are always wrong.

    dont worry about it, being here you are in training to be a bnp member!!!

    You've got a point there.

    Anyone who things nationalism isn't a cornerstone of Thailand has been wearing rose-tinted glasses too often.

    The policies of jobs for capital punishment, indigenous populations, self sufficiency, small army and keeping out / reduced membership of the big boys clubs (NATO, UN etc) are also BNP ones...

    As far as affecting expats I sometimes wonder what their gameplan is on the expat question.

    Dismissing the BNP would be an easy thing to do 5 or even 10 years ago. But the UK is very much shifting to the BNP to a certain extent.

    Question Time has, despite what many must think, seen a sympathy factor for the BNP. The British public often rally to a 'perceived underdog' and in this case NG is being looked at in this light.

    A fair few expats who have left the UK permenantely are for the BNP due to the state of the country and openly tell me they've donated, the wealthy ones pretty large sums...

    For me it would be nice if the Libertarian Party were elected. We'd be nationalist but without the authoritarion overtones. Mind you we already have the UK as an authoritarian country as it is! :)

  4. @Jim: The contest that you gave a link to is sponsored by the TAT

    But I dont see how its a set up.

    Do these two look like they received their script from the TAT?

    Theyre just two cute singaporean girls who wanna come explore Thailand and share their experiences:

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="445" height="364"></embed></object>">
    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="445" height="364"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">

    Cute indeed. I never said it was a set-up, what I mean is that they (the TAT) are involved in it because it's in their interests.

    This is good, but also means that creative control and content is very likely to be affected as opposed to non-TAT involvement. :)

  5. First off, I'm no expert on guns and I don't want to be either, but I know what a modern AK-47 looks like. I've seen plenty of them in Cambodia!

    Tonight, on my way home, my taxi driver took me down a soi I almost never go down and definately not at night. It was a narrow one with a few shops scattered here and there. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary until I saw one shop with the gate about half-way shut, dim lights and a guy sitting down behind a large glass display case full of guns. I decided to take a good look and sure enough he had an AK47 sitting right there in the case. Behind him were cases of what looked like traditional military style weapons. It freaked me out because it's not far from my house and I don't think this sort of thing is legal here. Or is it legal for them to sell weapons like this? Has anyone else ever seen anything like that here? I know people say that Bangkok is awash with guns, and we see them on TV, but it's different seeing them in person like that. It was incredibly disturbing to say the least.

    Get a grip man, this is asia and not some sanitised health club country like back home.

    hel_l, even in the UK you can purchase (with a firearms license) a Barrett 50 cal rifle (bolt action)!

    On the borders guns are often displayed openly, usually hunting rifles and the like...

  6. Most people have probably seen Thai Karaoke bars but has anyone been to some Karaoke bar/pub?

    We have seen some pretty girls around some Karaoke bars, I don't do karaoke but I do drink a beer here and there with my friend, we speak "Thai nidnoi" and we like to try something new. Anyone been to a Thai Karaoke bar/pub outside Sukhumvit area?

    If you have been there: What did they charge you for a beer and how about the girls?

    Please share your experiences with us.


    Some are good, some are bad. You just have to find out for youself really. Get a feel for the ones you like.

    The good-looking girls *usually* have thai boyfriends or sponsors. So hunting for the girl isn't really doable unless you hit it lucky.

    Beer tends to be in the big bottles, small ones are usually unheard of. It's best to bring your own drink and just pay for a mixer and ice.

    For the girl to sit with you it's usually not much more than 100 baht an hour.

    If you buy her a drink this tends to be at lady drink prices. If she sings a song you need to put money in the machine.

    Scams are not unknown. If they ask you if you want food it might be a good idea to take a pass. The price of food can be quite high.

    If multiple girls are sitting down and leaving after 10 minutes then this is often a scam as you might get hit with multiple 100 baht fee's.

    Did I say you need to speak at least passable thai? If not you're out of luck in most cases.

    For all that you can meet some ladies in there that are indeed keepers and genuinely interested in a foreigner who is off the beaten track...

    Trying to hit on the girls is hit and miss.

    She may not like farang guys (hence the reason for not choosing a beer bar) she may not want to piss off her bf etc.

    Play the slow game and develop ties progressively, rather than all-in like in the bars.

    You can meet some good thai lads out on the lash in these places, but also a few alcholic losers you ought to steer clear of. Again, choosing the right kareoke you like is a good idea to reduce being hassled or pan-handled.

    So my advice is learn thai. Go down to one and see how you like it. Compared to the beer bars it's not all bad :)

  7. I suppose one 'out there' theory is the women and culture. The high and mighty types visiting were probably pacified and kept happy by it. Could be they didn't want it turning into 'another colony' like the others. Also don't forget the British Empire was always busy keeping what it had going...

  8. He had refused to pay his bill of 600 Baht in Candyshop and was very drunk (and a bit combative as well). The Manager decided to let him off the bill but wanted him removed from the establishment. He eventually left himself with a bit of help from two Thai Volunteers with me and another Foreign Assistant there as back-up.

    Thats all.

    If you would take your work serious you would never ever talk on a public forum about individual cases, its called work ethics.

    Yet it also quashes rumours, speculation and whispers.

    It comes down to whether you reckon a wall of silence (protecting those who are in the wrong) vs Individual responsibility for ones actions is the best thing.

  9. I'm not sure what was going on with this scene, but it looked a little odd.

    Does it really take 5 tourist police to handle 1 man in a wheel chair who didn't have any friends with him? What could he have possibly done to deserve that much attention? Or was he someone special who was being protected? No telling in this city.

    Please, do tell, it was a most unusual sight.

    I think Howard is the closest thing TV has to being a celebrity, not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing though :)

    Howard, your fans await! :D

  10. check out premium bonds maximum of 30k but each month u have a chance to win a million an shed loads of other smaller cash prizes! i know some ppl who have won 10k off just a mere 5k investment. good thing is ur money is always safe as houses!

    I'd stand that as well. I've just invested 15k in some of those puppies.

    I've also heard the prizes have just increased too.

    Just be patient with them.

  11. Why are you glad he is not a patrician?

    The same thought occurred to me.I would have thought a patrician Ambassador was a positive, always assuming intelligence, diligence and humanity.Do we really want to be represented by commercial salesman types with dubious vowels as is often the case with Heads of Mission rather than someone with confidence, style and charm?

    Several years ago a senior member of the British Embassy here told me that he was sure the Ambassador was well received here because he was more representative of the new Britain than some upper class stuff shirt.Very shortly afterwards a Thai mentioned to me how much his generation respected the classic English gentleman, and that in the past the British Ambassador was judged at least partly on how closely he approached that ideal.It struck me at the time as a rather surprising difference of opinion.The poor booby at the Embassy was quite convinced that foreigners would be impressed by the new style representatives of Blair's Britain.

    The trouble is that the English gentleman is an endangered species, and will soon be extinct.Some on this forum can't get beyond the Monty Python sketch of upper class twits, but there was much more substance to the type.

    You're bang on.

    I've just read the Ambassadors letter and it's pretty interesting reading. Once you get past the political mish-mash about the political personalities it's fascinating what he tells. Kind of like a snap-shot of the times.

    Just after the bit where he puts down Thailand with his personal opinion he adds some very positive lines. I quote:

    'But it does a jaded European good to spend some time among such a jolly, extrovert and anti-intellectual people. And if anyone wants to know what their culture consists of the answer is that it consists of themselves, their excellent manners, their fastidious habits, their graceful gestures and elegant persons. If we are elephants and oxen, they are gazelles and butterflies.'

  12. I think this is beginning of the real deal. It is more than noise. Now the scientists refine this and try for better results. This was the first time ever to get any encouraging results. And it started in Thailand. Thanks to all the Thai volunteers.

    I agree.

    You're an optimist Jingle, I'll give you that.

    But it's the waiting game for any effective vaccine that's more effective. We need to see 70%+ effectiveness ideally.

    Vaccines come with unforseen afteraffects we don't even know yet. So that's another thing to consider...

  13. Let's see what the red shirt morons have up their sleeves. Hopefully they will decide not to cause trouble. But these guys aren't the deepest thinkers in the world. Water cannons all around!

    They sure might need cooling down...

    Probably not much trouble from them, too close to the kings palace for fisticuffs...

  14. as for the girls credibility, any one here think a decent ( no in the game) thai lady would be loitering along walking street?

    Now that's quite a bit of a generalization. I know quite a few "not in the game" people -- a.k.a. "normal Thais" who work "normal jobs" somewhere in Nakhon Nowhere, as in: teachers, accountants -- and visit Sin City much as people visit crocodile and snake shows...

    Okay, they tend to go in groups; a single Thai lady wouldn't be caught dead walking the street on her own unless she were in the game...

    I know a reasonably hi-so (ish) lady who people watches from a bar on Walking Street after a gym work-out...

    Sometime alone but usually with the other girls from work...

    Walking street can be pretty entertaining, who needs TV when you have the madcap farang on walking street :)

  15. Yeah, the key (literally) with hotspots is that some aren't browsable hotspots at all.

    No internet on the network (where you get the two computers icon next to one another) - No dice it's a LAN not the internet/web. Keep looking.

    Password protected - Maybe some moves to get this working, but even then it might be the above anyway.

    When you have a 'real' list of the workable, browsable ones, then you're dancin' to my tune :)

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