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Posts posted by JimsKnight

  1. My step daughter who is 14 was out yesterday evening with a school friend at some concert by Tops, informed me on the way home that some 50 yo + farang pervert had approached her and asked her "go back my room" as well as asking for her number..... she actually looks about 12 so no way could she be mistaken for 16 let alone 18.. she has been warned about these leeches so ran away....i was having dinner with the mrs a few sois away so had left them alone for a couple of hours..

    Well, i was (am) absolutely fuming and looking back if i had been there i would have definately kicked the living sh*t out out of him.... i mean it !!!! just wondering what kind of support i would get from the local police if i was arrested ?? especially wouldn't want any immrigration issues but some scum like that just makes my blood boil.. preying on kids at Thai concerts .. :)

    Well my brothers mate filled in a queer farang perv who was sat in McDonalds with his hand on a thai boys lap (not his son either).

    Nothing happened to him.

    Mind you this was back in Patong Beach back in the wild and free 90s so...

    Go to Tops and see if your step daughter can spot him again with you at a discrete distance ...

    The question is not if you get into trouble, it's how much money do you have if it goes tits up...

  2. Are you serious?? You whistle out to get the staff attention? Do you think that is polite? Would you like it if someone whistled out to you? Maybe it is just you who they ignore!! Think you should learn some manners!!

    Well said bigman.

    I can tell you that from working offshore whistling to get someone elses attention like a dog can get you filled in for being disrespectful.

    Let sleeping staff rest. God knows they aren't exactly earning the big coin, let them have some perks at least.

  3. I have seen this before but put it down to newbies assuming they had to join the line for checking as I just walked straight past the queue and out. I'm sure people must have thought i was doing a runner :)

    I've noticed this as well.

    I arrived recently at Suvarn and not a word was said.

    Having not a lot of baggage and waiting for the 'crowd' to buzz through usually means they have to deliberately single you out specifically to stop you.

    No I wasn't carrying anything dodgy either.

  4. Which View Talay?

    I would say it's probably a little too much, but as you say it is short term and getting the price down a few thousand will not have a big impact on you. Cheaper than a hotel at the end of the day.

    What were they asking for initially? Did you get the price down?

    Ditto that. I pay around 12k for a two room lux. apartment with pool etc. Haggle and play hard ball, knock 'em down to 14k or so...

  5. Was informed of it many months ago as I'm a member of a GeoCities WebRing. In this case, the webring system was migrated over to another facility and me with them.

    Was the auto-migrate to a freebie site or a paid one?

    The reason I ask that is that AFAIK the carrot dangled by Geo was a paid-for server...

  6. Hello,

    I am currently in Bangkok and have not worked in Thailand before. I know it is very hard, almost impossible (so I hear) for a foreigner to get a non-teaching job out here.

    In England I worked in IT and worked on Prince2-managed IT projects installing/deploying new IT systems and supporting them once they were up and running. I was only above entry level on about £30k per year so not really highly-skilled.

    I look at the job ads in the papers but do not see anything I could apply for.

    Are there any other ways to find a job in Bangkok in an office environment? I'm not expecting a wage anything near like I was getting back home.

    Any advice most welcome.


    Roll the dice and see if there's any tele-sales jobs?

  7. Just be a man and move the bloody pot far from the gateway! Jeez Onnut this is turning into the saga of TV! You could not make this sht up!

    When they got to retrieve it and put it back you move it again, but further this time. Eventually, unless you are as feeble as they are they'll not have the energy to retrieve it once it gets 75 - 150 yards away in the blazin' heat.

    This is a game and a battle of wills. All it takes is for you to play the game and not let it bother you :)

    If it does come to the police you've got your COP connection plus pictures.

  8. ...life is great after all.

    I am happy as only a child can be and I guess it is the part of me that is craving sick speed, lovely ladies and tons of adrenaline speaking at the moment - I have it all. I live the fastest of lives; I have the most adorable of women and right now I am just smiling from the craziest of adrenaline rushes..

    After a relatively long period of living in apathy, where most things that can go wrong also has gone wrong, life has been transformed. I am back to the one I want to be, living in the greatest of realities. I am not intoxiated nor have I taken some other drugs, but I am filled with joy from the ride I just had. Got to say - I have been seriously frustrated about the traffic situation in Bangkok, even though there are some hours and areas respectively where I can both play with my bike and enjoy all the power a zx-10r has to offer.. still most of the times it is a constant struggle not to hit or be hit by other human beings in the traffic. Today though - I found heaven! Not only has most of miss "Killers" modifications been dealt with, but from nowhere a guy who I don't know gave me directions to one of the longest and least trafficked straights I have seen on this side of the planet - you understand now that the child in me, the guy I spoke about earlier found something precious. He found Heaven and I guess with this.. huge amounts of, in my subjective point of view, life prolonging hormons in the shape of Epinephrine... Weeehaa

    No more misery and cheers to all of you in the Bike Section of Thaivisa..



    Johan, you ARE IN THE ZONE! :)

    Good on you man!

    See you on the road :D

  9. I entered BKK Immigration at the airport with an arrivals card clearly marked with my Visa # (One year multiple "O" visa) Issued in Hull until April 2010 clearly marked "Multiple".

    After checking my passport, I have been given a 90 day stamp, but the "O" visa has been stamped "Used" with a date of entry stamp over the visa.

    Luckily the visa number and the wording "Multiple" is still clearly visible.

    Will I encounter problems on my next visa runs in January and April?

    This same thing happened to me twice over a five year period. Each time I had no probs renewing my revia during visa runs. :)

  10. just where do they go as the years roll by?

    For example in a bar in Bangkok called Guess there is probably one of the most spectacular line ups of lbs in the world. All i would say in their early 20's. However it is tremendously difficulty for me to visualise these lbs in their 40's,50's etc(as opposed to visualzing women). Someone told me that by the age of 50, some 50% of lbs have committed suicide? any truth in such a horrifying statistic?

    Are they 'taken back' by their families in their birth village? or are they shunned? and just survive as best they can?

    thanks wap

    They put some clothes on, have their implants removed and go back to being blokes again (assuming they still have a 'gonk).

    If they have there implants removed after many years, then they would have very saggy skin, it would look ridiculous!

    It is what it is. They can't have it both ways.

  11. just where do they go as the years roll by?

    For example in a bar in Bangkok called Guess there is probably one of the most spectacular line ups of lbs in the world. All i would say in their early 20's. However it is tremendously difficulty for me to visualise these lbs in their 40's,50's etc(as opposed to visualzing women). Someone told me that by the age of 50, some 50% of lbs have committed suicide? any truth in such a horrifying statistic?

    Are they 'taken back' by their families in their birth village? or are they shunned? and just survive as best they can?

    thanks wap

    They put some clothes on, have their implants removed and go back to being blokes again (assuming they still have a 'gonk).

  12. Whatever the printing media is saying. The EURO will not crash!!!!!

    No but if it does not weaken that jeopardises any recovery will be tame if at all.

    Italy has a very big economy and appears to be in an even worse position than UK, which is having to undergo a big change, not the least a 30% or so reduction in the pound.

    OK Germany and France may be the powerhouses, but surely they can not mask the deficiencies of Italy, Spain, Ireland, Spain and a good few others.

    Euroland has yet to take its medicine.

    and what, pray tell, is that medicine? :)

    A big clunking fist from the skeptics on TV :D

  13. Since I started wearing a wedding ring, I have noticed an increase in interest from Thai women. It is strange to me, as, I would have expected the opposite. I have, in the past, heard the saying that women are more attracted to married men than single men but I always thought it was an old wives tale.

    It's not just an old wives tale.

    Several reasons.

    If a woman (who is married) wants to have an affair with someone she likes is who is married, neither can blackmail the others husband/wife without out of risk of the same thing happening to them. Kind of like MAD (mutually assured destruction) but on a marital level.

    It can also be due to some women reckoning on the good ones being already taken / married, they'll be a good catch in that case for themselves.

  14. hi all

    i know this has had some coverage before but i cant find it!

    i desperatly want to be able to mount my video on to the bike to shoot and share some rides, i imagine on the handlebars would be best as it would allow on off control, reducing vibrtion would help i guess.

    does anyone know of a readiliy available system and where to get (chiangmai prefered) hope it doesnt cost more than the bike

    tips most appreciated



    You're looking at importing a camera mount out here. Unfortunately good, specialised bike kit like that is nonexistent in Thailand.

    I've got two tank mounts. Ones from Germany, the others from the US.

    I sourced them both from Ebay...

  15. I know that just popping into the 7-11 one uses the kickstand, and going away for a week or more, it's probably best to use the centre stand.

    But what about times in between? Which is preferable to use?

    On a similar note, maybe it's just me as a weakling fat old fart, but is there some "trick" to lifting it onto the centre stand other than pure pulling muscle? I do manage it, but often it seems I'm almost lifting the entire back end of the bike.

    Both are preferable for short and long term I'd say.

    It all depends on what bike you have.

    Center stand is best but a bstard to get on, especially with the 200 kilo plus machines.

    I think the 'knack' is to be standing alongside rather than straddling it then attempt to heave on the stand :)

  16. byetumbleweed_head_falls.jpg

    That'll teach the tumbleweed! :)

    Sorry big guy, no can do on that one.

    I've yet to go see Kanchan. but I'm away over touring down south and scooby doo diving with a mate then.

    I'll see about putting a link on OTRT for your big day with the Dragons. I think I've got the event listed already but without details.

    I'll copy your OP, that way anyone seeing it can contact / liase with you if interested. With any luck it might drum up some traffic for ticket sales etc.

    Hope you have a good one mate.

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