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Posts posted by Scarpolo

  1. By the way, I've been robbed in Pattaya already in 2004 or 2005 by a ladyboys gang with 1 hidden Under the bed in a dark room, then 2x lately by a thai girl in Dec 2013 when I was sleeping (and drunk) ...but it's no excuse to go into my Pocket, steal my iPhone or go into my wallet and take my money....

    lucky you werent raped

    a guy in Chiang Mai, "claimed" he was attacked after answering the door,

    I didnt believe him,

    were you awake for any of these?

  2. This lays that one out pretty well...


    We were super alert during our week in Rome. Only money belts, small camera in front pocket. Only guide books in day pack. The guy staying next to us had his passport and wallet stolen on the infamous bus route the day before he was due to leave. Not smart, had them in a zip pocket in his cargo pants.

    Even with money belts, a traveler I met in Nairobi said his was stolen by 4 guys. 2 came from the front, 2 from the back. The back 2 pinned his arms and the front two went through his pockets and got under his pants and took the belt. They were gone within seconds.

    no worries,

    I just had a slight reaction to the Thai's warning ANYONE about travel theft,

    FWIW, I left all my things out in my hotels, and with the girl i stayed with, and no one touched a thing,

    I was in Rachada City Hotel at one point, not a top accomodation, and then Amaranta Suites, which is top.

    same w Chiang Mai, no one disturbed anything, and I used safe's when available

  3. Seems there is a crime wave going on there. I know we were victims in Portugal. Purse stolen by a Romanian. Couldn't prove it as he passed it off and I couldn't stay with both, but stayed with one and the police knew him very well. Eventually caught the other (as he was well known), but no purse. Wasn't anything in it anyway! The police told us they were having major problems with immigrants. And were extremely polite to us.




    Happens in Italy also a lot , mostly by Romanians.

    I know of one Thai guy that was locked in by 2 girls and a third girl approached him from the front and opened his bag which he was holding in front of him.

    He thought they where making a joke until the girls ran of with his wallet.

    He and the many bystanders couldn't believe the shameless robbery in plain sight.

    Shades of Pattaya ladyboys on Beach Rd.

    what complete CRAPOLA

    where does it state in any of those reports that THAIS were targeted??????????????????????????????????????????????

  4. "Meanwhile there are ongoing efforts in Switzerland to solve the problem and arrest the criminals."

    Wonder if the Swiss can export that attitude. Must feel nice to have that approach to crime from the authorities.

    Show me another group of travelers making the same claim?

    I believe they are over charged, and taken advantage of in any way possible, but theft?

    there are more camera there, then at the Canon factory


  5. The US has been pandering to the existing Thai corrupt establishment system for decades and decades, it's patronage, nepotism, and with full knowledge of its abysmal record in human trafficking for sex and cheap labor as well as its trade in drugs and counterfeit property. Although Thailand's corrupt and abusive pecking order culture existed long before the US started throwing money at the Thai military to stand its ground against communism, in a sense the US created the modern Thai military creature and its abuse of funds for private gain.

    The US has never faced the truth about Thailand and has patronized the Thais all along with wishy washy statements and back room meetings to condone the Thai activity. The US now holds a hole card with the Thai military and that is the money bag. The US seems to be using the money bag as its public bargaining chip to evangelize that a Thai military coup would not be welcome. While at the same time, the US knows that Thai military involvement would be the only backstop against civil war. The US also knows that it needs its extensive secret intelligence operations based at the embassy in Bangkok. Could this be a tipping point in the Thai/US relationship?

    Tipping point?

    what are you joking?

    the US holds ALL the cards:

    they don't give a rats ass about the Thai people, not one of them,

    if they speak out against human trafficking, then they probably provide logistics for it

    there are US spies all throughout the region, who travel invisbily, sitting right next to you on airplanes and drinking in pubs


  6. top-her-off

    Hmmm...ur explanation couple of posts ago.....something to ponder about......thanks.



    (did something profound come from my exhausted expression?)

    Yes. A possible similar explanation. Food for thought.



    ( I was more than kind, she was more than available. I felt like I was married again, and in the end, I just didn't like "the game" anymore)

  7. I stop bar,go home wait for you,but sometimes this does happen,my now wife did exactly that and now we have been happily married for 2 years,so i guess that put's me in the 10% catergory as most members are married to lawyers,doctors ,graduates or hi so's,she did what she had to,not what she wanted to,and we have a few posters who would do well to remember these ladies are human being's,and for most it's a question of survival to become a bargirl,also they do tend to be better in bed than some hi so,who's mind is dominated by what handbag she will buy next.

    Sympathetic post...nearly true....apart from the question of survival.

    Cannot begin to tell you how many hand bags my teerak shopped when together.

    She got the message early when I walked out of a store as she caressed a Louis Vuitton.

    I simply asked her how many men would she have to service for that bag, and walked out of the store

  8. Does the US government feel that it is somehow adding value by publicly speculating on what the Thai military may or may not do?

    It is well known that the military don't want to stage a coup but, given the refusal of both sides to concede even a milimetre, they might have no choice but to intervene ultimately to prevent bloodshed.

    I would speculate the CIA is here, and making sure that if there is a fuss, it is quickly finished, so, yes

  9. I was told I would never hear a desire expressed outside the bedroom, and that, was from a pro.

    of the lamb:

    to the slaughter

    I hope your experience is not only restricted to thailand......


    first, last and only place I ever expect to hear something that rediculous again,


    Made you wonder i suppose....dont think to much about it.


    I thought it was entirely absurd, and possibly

    evidence of unrepairable emotional damage from childhood and too many years in the business AND her mothers deeo alienation of her father, causing her to have a deep distrust for men.

    It played a significant role in my decision to bail.


  10. I was told I would never hear a desire expressed outside the bedroom, and that, was from a pro.

    of the lamb:

    to the slaughter

    I hope your experience is not only restricted to thailand......


    first, last and only place I ever expect to hear something that rediculous again,


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