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Posts posted by Scarpolo

  1. only that he will review it,

    he also didnt know about the 800 quakes, but he also is most interested in what will affect us here,

    a large 6.0 + hit Puerto Rico this morning,

    that starts to get creepy close to us here in south florida, although I believe any tsunami will collapse from the great barrier reef

    I posted on the chiang rai thread a prediction of an immediate uptick in earthquake intensity from the solar flaring, and CME's this week,

    and lock clockwork, they started hitting, several 6.0's

    but, my comments and the videos were deleted,

    it isnt my life at risk in chiang rai or chiang mai and the area between the two, so, ok

  2. I must be dumb...OK OK..I don't catch on to the Julie Andrews bit. I lived in Canada once, ghastly place. As for Switzerland, who the hell would want to go there.

    I think that France has a bloody cheek. Being concerned over their people. A few years back, when there was a load of trouble in Bkk, I read that the Aus Embassy and others were asking their people to register etc. So I did with the French Embassy, well I tried ....didn't even know what I was talking about. Embassies are useless, unless of course you are a hostage in international news and they get a bit of publicite out of it.

    Canada . . . . world's second largest country, five time zones, Toronto and Vancouver consistently voted among the most liveable cities on the planet.

    You must have been doing Canada on the cheap, hostels, soup kitchens and bus stations.

    Realistically, other impression could you have come away with ;-?

    Does Thailand get the same slagging when your down for your evening pint

    at your local, then ?

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Toronto seems to attract some VERY pretty women

  3. watch out for the unplanned pregnancy, as they ARE planned,

    by them

    Important comments.

    Nothing a woman does in unplanned.

    "calculating" is a good descriptive word for them.

    it is in their DNA, the "gathering" side of the hunter gatherers. we need not be upset with them, just some are gatherers, some are nurturers, and we can confuse them, without their "help"

    I met this guy in Chinag Mai,

    he brought his guitar to a massage joint and was entertaining the girls when i walked out with what he called, the "high maintenance hi-so type"

    what he didnt know, as didnt anyone else was, she was a prostitute from bangkok who became my short term GFE

    anyway, play this song every day, and the words will sink in, trust me.

    this was as valuable as anything else:

    maybe more: (so)

  4. watch out for the unplanned pregnancy, as they ARE planned,

    by them

    Important comments.

    Nothing a woman does in unplanned.

    "calculating" is a good descriptive word for them.

    it is in their DNA, the "gathering" side of the hunter gatherers. we need not be upset with them, just some are gatherers, some are nurturers, and we can confuse them, without their "help"

  5. so, far, I was able to avoid that, but ot WAS WITH, the valuable insight I gained from others, including here, but mostly, the people I met on subways, shopping adventures etc., who had no personal axe to grind with me, and gave me good advice, like,

    1) never ask a guy where he met his girlfriend

    2) you never lose your thai g/f, just your place in line,

    3) love them all, marry none

    that sort of thing,


    watch out for the unplanned pregnancy, as they ARE planned,

    by them

    Seriously, I'm losing the will to live.


    whats up?

  6. I am one hell of a lucky guy, as my wife is normally tight on spending. She earns far more than me, today she took me out and bought me two very nice rugby shirts. I would never spend that much on myself. Yes she is Thai and 23 years younger than yours truly. I sure did pick a one in a million girl.

    how long are you married?

    and your age?

  7. same poster

    180 on the thread

    he had a thread where he was braggin on about her

    this is the thread where the world her thought he was in, met the reality of who she is

    Yep -- tattooed trash.

    well, before judgement, we should be brought up to speed, dont you think?

    this guy, offers us all an education into the minds of the thai's

    we, or at least me, are not accustomed to this way of life,

    the girl I was with, was honest with me, which is why we were able to have a good finish to our first round, which lasted almost 5 months,

    she benefitted and I benefitted,

    I am still trying to learn because, in addition to the education value and saftey factor,

    I expect to engage with more thai females

    it is the "dis-engaging, that seems to be where the westerner has the trouble,

    so, far, I was able to avoid that, but ot WAS WITH, the valuable insight I gained from others, including here, but mostly, the people I met on subways, shopping adventures etc., who had no personal axe to grind with me, and gave me good advice, like,

    1) never ask a guy where he met his girlfriend

    2) you never lose your thai g/f, just your place in line,

    3) love them all, marry none

    that sort of thing,


    watch out for the unplanned pregnancy, as they ARE planned,

    by them

    • Like 1
  8. the time has now passed for the two week trip to have ended,

    the tattoo woudl have healed,

    the result should be upon th OP of his wife's most excellent thailand adventure

    are we not entitled to some closure here OP?

    we have invested time and psychological capital here,

    I feel you owe us a closing reply,

    and a real one

    • Like 2
  9. This is no joke:


    massive CME just occured and suggests quake watch:

    I'm afraid that guy sounds like a big time conspiracy theorist. He's other videos are also.. well interesting. smile.png

    But out of curiosity, how an CME would cause earth quakes?

    Proton bursts pressuring the magnetosphere interacts with the magma, or creates the pressure on the tetonic plates,

    but before anyone criticizes,

    I am just a guitar player

    there is a host of people out there doing the work.

    I personally do not know a darn thing about it


  10. First thoughts on reading title were, 'yeah, go get some of that moody W2II gold back off them Swiss folk'. How wrong was I! whistling.gif

    Oh not another one! The Swiss accepted a lot more Jews than the Americans.... blah, blah, blah... any more misinformed preconceptions?

    Thanks Captain Obvious... America is across an ocean and Switzerland is directly next-door to Germany. What else should we expect?

    And taking in more Jews than America during WWII somehow absolves Switzerland of being the private bank of the Nazis and all the wealth they stole from the various peoples they enslaved?

    The Swiss were the Bank "rollers" of the Nazi's

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