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Posts posted by Scarpolo

  1. Two things strike me here:

    1) why didnt you immediately take her to the bedroom, and then

    2) after she left, change the key?

    DON'T DO IT!

    That is, don't give her a guaranteed increase.

    Just hand her the lump sum, as a present to show how much you love her.

    Repeat once in a while, of course only when she's giving good value for money, but make the timing more or less random so she doesn't know when to expect it.

    That way you don't have to set up an explicit performance-bonus plan, might make her feel cheap but more to the point once any payment scheme has become routine they take it for granted and stop with the extraordinary efforts.

    Just keep a separate account she doesn't know about, deposit into it regularly as she earns it. If she comes up with sick buffalo stories, you've got a fund she's already earned you can happily dispense. If it grows and grows you can give her nice gifts and surprises to increase the odds she'll stick around a bit longer. . .

    • Like 1
  2. We will see how fast you say no, to your "real" girlfriend, if she is suddenly not working, spending all her time with you, and the mortgage is due.

    you may speak from experience, but solely; your own


    OP, has gf come back for more yet? If not, be glad, but be sad for the falang she is getting higher income from. Sad facts of paid girls. Sorry.

    She is not back yet. I went out to a decent restaurant paid 300 baht. Yesterday went to macdonalds. Today I'll hang out with some Thai guys n drink medium. Tomorrow I'll go to sukhumvit for two hour lady. Not the same but moving slowly. There is a hotel/massage place on soi udom suk for two hours I'll pay 1,700 baht. You see TV members, it can get expensive. I'll send laundry and pay about 400 baht. Massage I'll pay 450 with no extras.

    Ummmm... REAL girlfriends (Thai, not Western,) do all of that because it is part of "take care". If they didn't, they know you would move on to someone younger in 1/2 a heart beat.

    You can have a new girl in your bed faster than she can hook another farang to pay her, but likely she didn't leave you until she already had found one.

    Read the posts on here and on other sites about how to find a REAL Thai gf.

    Hey, live and learn! It is easy to come not knowing the difference given how Western women act. For less money (wine and dine changes to give cash) we get WAY better 'service' here. But, man, REAL gf does not need money, she just wants to take care of each other. Don't buy what you tried to buy in the West. Only Western women and BAD Thai women are whores. Good Thai women are amazing and easy to find.
  3. Again I ask,

    what would any man on this thread pay to live with this girl for a month, or a week, sleep in her bed, have her drive you around.....?

    I wont discredit myself with the pitiful words of the person instigating all this, as, he would surely not pay 15,000 baht for an overnight

    but I surely would,

    Americans are paying this and more for married women posing as travelers for heavens sake

    No. I'm not sure.


  4. did you say the US oesnt block voting preciencts?

    you are apparently unaware of the Black Panthers manning polling stations, scaring away white voters,

    and the 108% of the vote that Obama received, mostly from dead people

    I'm sure Americans are appalled at seeing voting precincts blocked. A reminder of their not too distant past. If it happened today, not only would police break up any protest, but voters themselves would attack!

    When someone breaks the law in the US, and works outside Wall Street and Hollywood, the domestic armed forces will stop at nothing in apprehending the suspects.

    Does anyone remember the final chase in the movie the Blues Brothers? "Unnecessary violence in apprehending Elwood and Jake Blues has been approved."

    NOT sure where you are going here, but in America they don't block voting precincts, they just don't have you registered or allow you to cast your vote because you are black and in a swing district. Vote rigging is rampant in the USA.

    Between the electronic counting machines, chads, the non-registration of constituents, and the trusty ol' US Supreme Court -- which decides insanely "let's not continue to count the votes because if we did Dubya won't be elected". I shit you not. That is EXACTLY how the USA runs its fraudulent elections.

    Here in Thailand they typically try to monetarily bribe the constituents. In America the propaganda machine captures their minds so they think one whitewashed Mafia Don is somehow better than the other.

  5. The US isn't following anything closely, unless they are talking about the citizens of the USA thdy plan to round up and put in concentration camps, fondly called FEMA camps. The US has no concern for its own people, surely not that of the Thai's. If that was so, why can't the regular Thai get a Visa to the USA and why does the Thai gov't force US citizens out of the country every 6 months;

    yeah right, they care about people,

    Thailand is a Chinese protectorate in almost every way possible now:

    the USA has no influence just Naval and Air Force presense, which will sometime chemtrail at night, when no one is watching

    That's a joke. Just look what side they are on in the Ukraine protests. Those protesters are doing the same things the protesters here are doing, except taking it further. When they storm a government ministry, they don't just hand out letters and flowers, they stay there and take over.

  6. did they mention the Black Panthers scaring off old white people in important districts to make sure Obama won them?

    lets correct some replies and point made so far in this thread

    The US has never made a statement that mentions the Government

    When they refer to peaceful and none violent they are talking about all concerned

    The Violence is an obvious one - guns grenades injuries and murder - not blowing whistles

    I agree that blocking voters was not the right thing for the protestors to do - but then there have been many things over the last 2 years that were also very wrong

    • Like 1
  7. Returned from Ventianne last night, received the double entry Tourist Visa.

    One hour first day, to drop off paperwork, with a very helpfull consulate officer,

    and one minute the next day to pick up at 3pm, office deserted.

    speaking of deserted, the BKK airport was nearly a ghost town at 745PM, whereas generally, before the shutdown, it was an hour at the immigration line, and another 40 minutes for a cab,

    because I was w a Thai girl, they allowed thru the Thai resident side and were very very friendly....even coached me about my new visa

    I can use Mae Sai for the second entry if needed, but havent figure that out yet

    7 years out, my God, what fratricidal battle brought that on?

    Better to leave that skeleton in the closet. laugh.png

    Do you need an immigration office or a consulate/embassy for your visa?

    If immigration use MaeSai for sure, if the other then Vientiane is your best bet.

    Just got back from there last week, the process is quite civilised, they even let you sit down while waiting now.

  8. I am in Thailand since Sept. and have a friend here 15 years. I also live w a Thai girl, and spent nearly 30 years in financial services, and what I see here, is a fabricated consumer market that favors the street vendors, and who may or man not pay taxes and steals money from mall shops and actual stores, as they park directly in front of most stores where money is, and most MRT and BTS stations are a joke, which isnt funny,

    no place to walk, and nothing but hustlers, everywhere

    that said, the American brands are everywhere as is the push of credit and interest rates.

    the housing market has shown growth, I feel, primarily to the same mortgage schemes that caught the west with their pants down,

    balloon mortgages are an accident waiting to happen here,

    as is this shutdown,

    I flew in last night at 7:35PM, and there was zero people at immigration, when 3 weeks before, there was 800,

    the cab line which is usually 45 minutes, was; no line,

    anyone who thinks defaults from every sector aren't coming, is pipe dreaming themeselves and their clients.

    China is the main promoter of building here now and could very well be the chief employer of many of the construction work,

    If China implodes, or defaults on anything larger than this first deal that is to be announced next week, or was announced already,

    then the shiiite, hitting the fan, in bkk, is already a snowball rolling downhill,

    Thailand is tapped,

    its people, for the most part, are broke,

    businesses that started the last few months, will suffer most, as thet didnt count on not having customers,

    mall shops have been warned to stay open, or ve evicted,

    I am seeking an opportunity in the guest house business, perhaps in Chiang Mai, fully expecting the rout to begin,

    I would stay in bkk, but after growing up in NYC, I have seen enough cities, and prefer countryside, and cooler air

    feel free to attack any point made, but, please, for the sake of all, no one need degrade anothers viewpoint,

    after all, you may think your wife is gorgeous, but the last guy that was tired of her, was glad to see her go,

    oh wait, I am talking about my 2 ex wives, sorry

    Thai Default Risk Soars...

    The risk of Thailand defaulting on its debt rose to the highest since June 2012 as anti-government protests prompt money managers to sell the nations assets.

    Credit-default swaps insuring Thai debt against non-payment for five years rose to 158

    The spread has widened 53 basis points since anti-government protest broke out on Oct. 31, compared with increases of 30 for Indonesia and 19 for the Philippines.

    an example par excellence how Bloomberg journàsslists present extreme rubbish in a sensational way. using expressions such as "soars" and "selling the nations assets" will -and has already laugh.png - fuelled the wet exchange rate dreams of some of Thailands expats.

    as far as credit default swaps are concerned there must be more than a hundred countries on this globe who would be glad if their CDSs trade at 158 notwithstanding the fact that they "soared" 8 points.

    to add polish to the served bullshit not the actual CDS of Indonesia and the Philippines are mentioned but just the increase.

    for the record: Indonesia's CDS trade presently at 215 saai.gif

    I genuinely have no idea what you just said, but yipu said it convincingly!
  9. Nobody has mentioned a crucial point here about Thai culture, which is that it's still widely considered normal for the male in the relationship to support his spouse and in most cases his minor spouse ("mia noi").

    I know several Thai men who do well and they give allowances to their spouses and brag about it - money and relationships often do go together in Thailand, it isn't considered sinister.

    Well worth remembering in order to keep the debate meaningful and relevant, we are in Thailand here folks, not in the West. Of course a lot of dudes are taken for suckers but still, we need to drop our Western outlook from time to time, it does help in achieving a successful expatriation.

    If I may add to that,

    it also seems that many thai wives, girlfriends, w/e they are,

    expect their men to have other women,

    and just request that you use condoms with them,

    now that, is not something I ever heard, in the west

  10. <snip>

    Bottom line is nothing lasts forever, sometimes you get a few good months, sometimes longer, but don't expect years and years.

    And really who wants that anyway?

    All depends what you've got.

    Even the best wine eventually turns to vinegar.

    Or (more apropos) - a fresh cream Belgian chocolate truffle has a shorter shelf life than a Hershey bar.

    So when's the last time you screwed a Belgian chocolate truffle?

    Ms. Tangomo here will turn 30 this year --


    and, I will guarantee, that several times a day, her boyfriend hears, who fat and old she is getting...........

    btw, are you sure that is a girl?

    • Like 1
  11. Paying a Thai girl directly tells the girl you're doing something wrong to her and you need to compensate her with money. Usually she will assume it is because you are just using her for sex and have no intention of long-term commitments.

    This has a whole lot of truthfullness in it. Thank god some girls like (or accept) they are being used for sex. Works for me.

    Finally, the voice of reason,

    and in Thailand, or is this Candy Land?,

    I have found it isd all a matter of "price"

    Some of us are willing to pay for exactly what we want,

    I found what I wanted in my first few weeks here,

    tried out just about everything I wanted too, and decided,

    she was the one to start with on something more serious,

    I moved in,

    and paying 40% more than I was in the hotel I was staying in, to live in a house, away from the city, with a car, and a gorgeous female, who speaks the language, gets us thru roadblocks without any fuss, helps me at immigration and the consulate, gets me past every single obstacle that US citizens face here, and, am I willing to pay for that? of course I am,

    and, did I mention, gorgeous, 5'7" 98 lbs, and sweeter than candy?

    • Like 2
  12. I want to know why anyone thinks in today's world, we are not in a "pay as you go" soceity?

    With all the Visa rules and tourists who come thru here, professing to love them forever,

    Is it not reasonable for them to exepct you to "prove" your love, as she opens her legs?

    I am not sure if anyone here has experienced a US divorce, I have had two, and for the price of the lawyers, I can tell you, 15,000 Baht a month, for a "live female" is toilet paper to us, and to them, so you get what you pay for; and your interest was paid; in full.

    sorry for the reality check, but whining in public about mistakes you are making, with "living people" not property or cattle, warrant you seeking advice from a female psychiatrist, perhaps one with a shirt skirt and long boots?

    on a more seriosu note prince charming, have you considered for a moment, that you are not exactly a "prize" at 15,000 Baht a month, and there is always going to be a bloke willing to pay more, if she is cute?

    Aha. You forgot to marry a rich one. tongue.png

    working on that next!, ;-)

  13. I hear so many stories that start like this: "I've been with my wife/girlfriend for X years, she's great/wonderful/perfect, I give her 10-20k/month --"

    I always want to stop right there and say, "what?" I don't get this, why do guys do this? Is this normal? I never had a girlfriend who I just gave money for whatever she wanted to spend it on. Am I alone in this?

    I don't just give my wife money. Whenever she wants something or needs money, she justs asks me, and we talk about it and I usually just give her what she needs. Whenever I want to spend money, I always consult her. Yes, the final decision is usually mine, but the vast majority of the money comes from my side, so I think that's only fair. If its her own money, then she can always overrule me instead. Am I the strange case for handling our financial decisions like this?

    Seriously, do most of you guys just give your wive's discretionary allowances (either farang or Thai), no questions asked?

    Yes, most Americans and South Americans give their wives spending cash, especially if they aren't working, or, they have been asked not to work, by the man,

    it depends on your lifestyle, age, and living arrangements and expectations

  14. ok, I get it now.

    I would have "discovered" this upon entry to Thailand tomorrow, but Ventianne is so similar, I forgot I wasn't back in Thailand yet!

    thank you for the data,


    The date on the visa is the expiry date, you must make both entries before April 22.

    You enter Thailand get 60 days, go to immigration and pay 1,900 baht to get another 30 days and leave the country and return to Thailand to get another 60 days and go again to immigration with 1,900 baht for an additional 30 days.

    But this second entry must be made before the visa expires, on the 22nd.

  15. Need a quick understanding of this Visa I just received in Ventianne.

    I thought it was a 60 day, double entry visa, that required a stamp at an immigration office in thai, to extend it to 90 days,

    but is marked April 22, must re enter kingdom, so, it is very clealy a 90 day Visa?

    I believed I was applying for a 60 day Visa, that was renewable, (once) required a stamp after 60 days at a local immigration office, giving me 90 days, and then I would have to renew it, (somehow) to give myself a full 6 months, in country

    but this implies I only need crossd a border before April 22, and not do any of the things mentioned above, which seemed crazy, but, nothing to me seems crazy in thailand anymore,

    If this is a new style of Visa, perhaps, that explains it?

  16. With millions of available young women in Thailand, why do you waste any thought on her. It may even be a shit test and she returns later.

    Whatever, go on and find the next chick. Shouldn't take more than a few days.

    Thank you. Out of the millions there should be at least one that will qualify with my requirements. You see my problem? I have requirements in return for some bills or gold.

    Sorry....but...if a man need to use some bills or gold to get its "requirements"...what is the difference of its woman with a bar girl or prostitute..?

    I want to know why anyone thinks in today's world, we are not in a "pay as you go" soceity?

    With all the Visa rules and tourists who come thru here, professing to love them forever,

    Is it not reasonable for them to exepct you to "prove" your love, as she opens her legs?

    I am not sure if anyone here has experienced a US divorce, I have had two, and for the price of the lawyers, I can tell you, 15,000 Baht a month, for a "live female" is toilet paper to us, and to them, so you get what you pay for; and your interest was paid; in full.

    sorry for the reality check, but whining in public about mistakes you are making, with "living people" not property or cattle, warrant you seeking advice from a female psychiatrist, perhaps one with a shirt skirt and long boots?

    on a more seriosu note prince charming, have you considered for a moment, that you are not exactly a "prize" at 15,000 Baht a month, and there is always going to be a bloke willing to pay more, if she is cute?

  17. No offense intended here, but,

    were you living together, or was she going somewhere else at night?

    Just curious, as to what a girlfriend is, and what a playmate is.....

    these girls also have a risk reward ratio to consider, and frankly 15,000 Baht a month, is "nothing"

    not sure what kind of "girl" you get for 15,000 baht, sorry

  18. Thank you for the incredible update. I am going tomorrow and, had you not mentioned the sun, I may have left the hat and sunblock home!

    I too, am seeking the 90 day, double entry and will report on progress, next week.

    I am USA resident, and havde been to Ventianne twice.

    Not sure why people dont like it, I found it to be pretty friendly, enough to encourage me to bring my thai g/f this time

  19. Ive had it wih the getting down to Udon Thani to get to Bangkok, Lao Central flys straight to BKK for $80, add up the time and money involved specially if you're headed to or from BKK, it usually cost me about 800 baht to get from Laos to Udon and 500 baht from DM to BKK, Laos immigration is really easy too at the airport, VTE BKK 800am BKK VTE 1000am, no online booking thou you can buy at VTE airport, its never full and they serve food,

    Things have changed for Jan 2014

    It is now a 9:35 AM Flight, arriving 10:40 AM, so it is a roll of the dice to get to the Consulate before 11:30 AM,

    The Fare is now $350 round trip, or $175 each way......

    and if there is a plane that just landed ahead of you, expect a long line at immigration at VTE, to enter,

    leaving is a breeze,

    In all, this is still better than the route you advise against, and as I am going w a Thai national, expect no trouble, anywhere:

    You did grossly over pay for Tuk Tuks though, they didnt get away w that with me, but they did try: All it takes is pretending to walk away and they agree to whatever you offer

  20. Almost as sad, I suppose, as the boredom and loneliness that keeps you reading posts four months old. cool.gif

    Some of us, who are new to thailand, are reading these posts now, and not 4 months out, 4 years out!,

    but the info is still needed,

    I am using Ventianne tomorrow for a 60 day Non IM, and have a g/f from Chiang Rai, so,

    if it is going to be more convenient (and maybe cheaper?) to renew in Myammar, onthe bordef where she has a home, I will do so,

    for now, we live near BKK Sub......airport, so, Ventianne is fast and easy, for now.

    I will still be looking for answers in 60-90 days, so, I hope this is still an active forum


  21. Thailand is for Thai's, period. But, the hospitality industry and entertainment, is the exception.

    they do like Americans, I can attest to that, for a certainty, and as a musician, I have no trouble at all, becoming "friendly" with other musicians.

    Last night, I walked into a rstaurant that I have been frequenting for about two months with my guitar on my back,

    approached the musician who works there, and he plugged me right in, and we played for close to an hour.

    It may be the bgeinniing of something, and it may just have been a great time for both of us as well as the employees,

    but that said, without a Thai girlfriend, I would have gotten nowhere in this town and would have stayed in Chaing Mai, which is open for Westerners and indeed, dominated by them.

    I just wouldnt try owning a business here, as I havent heard of one westerener other than bar owners, who can succeed here.

    I would llike to be wrong about the last part and welcome those with positive experiences to share

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