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Everything posted by Dogmatix

  1. That is not what the RD is saying. They are saying that any overseas sourced income parked in a bank account for a number of years and remitted to Thailand is potentially taxable in the year it comes in.
  2. PT has no right to accuse anyone of playing games after double crossing MFP and reneging on most of its election promises. The whole thing is a game to PT.
  3. People in the travel industry are saying that visaless travel for Chinese will have no immediate impact because the number of flights is still restricted and most are already full. Flights to China and back are still much less than pre-COVID and it takes time for airlines to increase them, as they need to lease new aircraft and hire and train new staff after cutting back to survive.
  4. This will soon be walked back, just like Wissanu's statement that prisoners would no longer get Royal pardons until they have served a third of their sentences last year. Then he turns around and says Thaksin will be eligible immediately and visits him in prison during the few hours he is there.
  5. An act of parliament to amend the Revenue Code could introduce global taxation for Thai residents which would clear up any confusion. The PT think tank has come up with hair brained schemes like the digital wallet for Srettha to implement that are not funded in the 2023-24 budget and Srettha refuses to say where the money is coming from. Then they plan to subsidise mass transit in Bangkok at huge cost that was designed to attract private sector investment because the government couldn't afford to build them. They know that they will ultimately have to raise VAT but before they bite the bullet they will scrabble around trying to raise tax from anywhere.
  6. I don't think that is correct. There is no banking secrecy law in Thailand and government agencies seem to have no trouble in getting information about people's banking transactions, e.g. the police do it frequently. So why not the RD? Remittances over a certain amount are also automatically reported to the Bank of Thailand for anti-money laundering purposes. I think you should assume that the RD will be able to get assess to any remittance information it wants and may even set up a system of automatic reporting like the Bank of Thailand has.
  7. The problem is that this is a vague order of a couple of paragraphs to Revenue Department officers announcing a major change to the treatment of overseas sourced income with no guidelines as to how to implement it. You are making assumptions based on practice in other countries which may well be different from the assumptions the Revenue Department chooses to make.
  8. Technically your pension income from most European countries will be exempt due a double tax treaty since it is normally taxable there already. However the devil is in the details and we don't know how they will attempt to enforce this. If just up to you to declare and you don't have to declare or file a tax return, if you are covered by a tax treaty, then OK. But if banks are forced to report all incoming remittances to the RD and you have to provide burdensome documentation avoid tax or get tax back, then it will be a disaster.
  9. The Democrats were the party that scuppered the Cannabis Bill on its second reading. They are now in the opposition. Current government parties that were in favour of the Cannabis Bill were BJP, PPRP and UTN and outnumber PT with 147 MPs vs PT's 141. Of course, since it holds the Public Health Ministry, PT can just do what Anutin did last year in reverse and put a one-pager in the Royal Gazette to recriminalize cannabis with no new law or parliamentary scrutiny. They may be counting on Anutin being fat and happy with what he can make out of the Interior Ministry, so he won't rock the boat. On the other hand Srettha talks vacuously about drumming up 5% GDP growth with no concrete plans to do this other than visa free travel for Chinese and Kazaks, despite the poor Chinese economy and lack of flights, and the absurd digital wallet vote one-off buying scheme. So shutting down a promising new economic sector is not going to contribute much of his economic growth promise.
  10. When you think about it there are some suspicious elements of this thread. Middle class Isaan girl attending university with middle class parents who own a shipping business sounds like a fake background. This kind of family doesn’t really exist in Isaan which is landlocked and not a great location for a shipping business. There are middle class and indeed wealthy families in Isaan but they are all Chinese and neither they or their daughters have much interest in marrying farang, unless he is good for several millions in dowry without bargaining. Even so they much prefer to marry other Chinese. I guess we can find this type of stuff forourselves on Reddit without the need to go through AN.
  11. I heard this from a driver who drove us around Chiang Mai province once. His daughter married a cheap charlie farang and he refused to pay sin sot. Then he took her to farangland and refused to give her money to send back to family. But the Isaan family in question is wealthy as they have their own shipping business - perhaps on operating packet steamers on that big lake created by dam in Ubon.
  12. A million sounds a bit high for this type of girl. She should bargain it down and agree with the parents that lie to all the idiots in the village that they received a million or more. Most of them do that and borrow the cash that gets showed around at the ceremony. Sin sot was a sore point between the missus and me for some years before we tied the knot. I bargained it down to 300k plus some gold in the end. Mrs Dog grabbed the gold for herself and I still have it in the safe but her mother frittered away the 300k on lottery tickets and other forms of gambling in a few weeks before complaining she was broke and needed another cash infusion. It is often a complete waste of money. So have no shame in bargaining it down to as little as possible.
  13. Send him to prison immediately and get prosecutors cracking on his 112 case filed by the military in 2015. Srettha said he is a strong supporter of 112. So this is a great opportunity to prove that. Anyone who fails to take action over 112 is guilty of 112 himself.
  14. When I was 17 I got my first real girlfriend who was 19 and had her own flat in London where I was studying at a crammer away from home. I moved in with her and did some growing up being around her friends who included a few older than her who had already graduated from university and were working. They were nice to me even though I was a long haired kid to them. Then I went to university myself and broke up with her and got a gf my own age. Now my wife is 25 years younger. Theres a lot to said for an older gf when you are a teenager but do you want a 95 year old wife when you are 70?
  15. 1 Buy the prodigal son a condo in Bkk and pay for the maintenance and a monthly allowance on condition he doesn’t come to the house anymore. or 2 Buy yourself a condo in Bkk, Pattaya, Phuket or wherever you fancy and find a new and younger girlfriend, preferably an orphan without children, grandparents, uncles, aunts or sick buffalos.
  16. Best way for Srettha to show his new military friends he’s really sincere about upholding 112 is to urge them to proceed expeditiously with the army’s 112 case against Thaksin for accusing the Privy Council of being behind the 2014 coup. The evidence can be found in Korean TV. No amnesty or pardons for that.
  17. Yes, Thaksin was the victim of a military coup but that doesn't mean he was not also guilty of corruption.
  18. Thaksin's bills must be in the millions of baht per month plus US$100m++ lump sum but he doesn't care. Apart from coming home he gets to control the government and will recover all of this and more in a few short months of corruption.
  19. I like the idea of the fertilizer. Imagine panic stricken Navy chiefs, former junta bosses and politicians calling up Credit Suisse and UBS to ask them to take delivery into there vaults of the next commission installment in Chinese night soil.
  20. It was a bait and switch with collusion from those cheated. Both sides knew from the outset that Germany could not sell the engine to China or its satellite state ThAiland. The fall guys were the Thai taxpayers.
  21. Obviously not OK for her to have one but fine for me. However having one is enough trouble and I don’t want the hassles of a kik. if it floats, flies or f0cks, rent it.
  22. What about Thaksin's pending 112 case? Get that going and PT will suddenly support amnesty for 112 prisoners as well as for Yingluck who is getting her Burberry wellington boots ready for the Thai rainy season.
  23. What we can see in the photograph is a bottle of Maggi sauce on the top shelf, essential for Thais to eat fried eggs, on the right and what looks like a jar of jam on the left. There is a sink with washing up liquid and a small filing cabinet for documents. Thaksin would not normally live in a bed sitting room and it looks too Spartan to be the sort of hotel room or bed sitting room he would normally stay in. So most likely it is his VIP room in the police hospital with his favorite sources and jams supplied (just like any other prisoner of course) and a filing cabinet brought in, so he can organise incoming classified government documents and instruct Srettha how to deal with them, while other prisoners are denied newspapers. Have Thaksin's youngest grandchildren or someone else's very young children been visiting him in overseas hospitals of a someone Spartan looking nature where he has to bring in his own sauces and jams. Yes, possible but extremely unlikely. Therefore the most likely conclusion is that it was taken in the police hospital but the family has falsified the date to make it look it took place some time ago. Not surprising. The Shin clan is now very comfortable getting into bed with dictators but they have never been comfortable with the truth.
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