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Everything posted by Dogmatix

  1. I think German murderers would know this and would go for quality murder accessories but not sure about the Pakistani villain.
  2. One of the few positive effects of the 2014 coup was Gen Anuphong being installed as interior minister and apparently reading the riot act to bureaucrats for deliberately stonewalling citizenship and PR applications in the hope of getting bribes. But it seems like he gave up the unequal struggle a couple of years ago and the jungle has been growing back. Anuphong got the wait for MOI interview down to about a year during the junta government but it has been creeping back towards the three years or so it was averaging before the coup when 5 years from application to ID card was considered good. Who knows what the new government might bring?
  3. So many voters choose PT for the constituency and MFP for the party list. If another election is forced soon, they might abandon PT and give both votes to MFP.
  4. Thaiger that makes out that this is all new legislation which it is not. The list of 40 reserved occupations was a Royal Decree from the early 70s that remains totally unchanged. The exemptions are from various MOUs with neighbouring countries and an agreement with ASEAN.
  5. This Senate's term is up in May 2024 and with it goes the Senate's power to vote for the PM.
  6. Wan Mohammed Noor was interior minister at the time of Thaksin's war on drugs. Even as a southern Malay Muslim himself he failed to speak out about the Tak Bai and Krusae Mosque murders by the Thaksin regime of which he was a part. He's just in it for the money and is a former Thaksin man. No good for MFP can come from the appointment of this politician for hire.
  7. Can they find out your real name and other details, if you review under an assumed name and country in Tripadvisor? That's where I have put my honest negative reviews on Thai hotels for years and never had any comeback. It sucks to feel intimidated into silence rather warning other travellers about things they need to know and maybe even inspiring the hotel management to fix problems.
  8. Most of these were international flights from the days before Swampy.
  9. It is a temple school. Free education for the poorest of the poor Buddhists. It is assumed the parents have no rights. The teacher probably transferred to another temple school where the parents and children also have no rights and have this dirtbag imposed on them.
  10. This evil woman hit a small child so hard that she bruised his back and they transfer her to "help out" another school district where the parents there obviously don't want her and where she is free to abuse other children. What disgusting behaviour! She should be suspended immediately and, if found guilty, she should be fired and have her teacher's licence revoked for life in addition to criminal penalties for assault of a minor.
  11. If you keep vicious dogs of that type, you need to keep a loaded .45 ACP by your bed and with you at all times and hope you can get to it to blow their heads off before they can incapacitate you. Better still don't keep such revolting animals.
  12. The blood must be in the section of the walkway that collapsed with the remains of the poor woman's leg.
  13. You can buy Tesla, Apple and the S&P 500 ETF (SPY), NASDAQ ETF (QQQ) and many other US stocks through a Thai brokerage international account. I have one, although I don't use it as I have accounts in the US and HK.
  14. I guess that the section of the walkway she was standing on suddenly collapsed as she was coming to the end of it, causing her leg to fall down a hole and be trapped by the intact walkway section behind it before she could haul it out. There is a clip in the Mail article showing several sections of an escalator collapsing and swallowing up a man completely in Turkey.
  15. My heart goes out to the victim of this heart wrenching and totally avoidable accident caused by using equipment past its sell by date and then not bothering to maintain it. From the photographs it is hard to see what happened but one assumed a section of the walkway collapsed just before the end pulling her leg down and the section behind it that did not collapse severed her leg. Some reports blame her for tripping over her suitcase but that would not sever her leg, if a piece of the walkway did not collapse under her.
  16. "The airport director and other senior administrators went to the hospital to follow up on the victim’s condition and promised to take care of her medical expenses and compensation. The management also offered an apology for the accident." This is AOT, a powerful state enterprise. Their lawyers and connections will ensure compensation is pitiful. The apology is not good enough. The director responsible for safety should be fired without compensation. It is the only way to make Thais bother about safety. This was an aged escalator installed in 1996, possibly second hand, and left unused for a few years while the airport was empty.
  17. Thailand has no nuclear power industry and no need of uranium futures. Even the CME uranium futures are very illiquid and difficult to trade. One of the attractions of investing in uranium is actually that there is no substantial futures market, so it is not manipulated by bank traders in the way that gold and silver are. The spot price is dependent on demand from utilities to make up short falls at the margins, although they get most of their fuel requirements from long-term contracts direct with miners. There is also a substantial amount of recycling of uranium by utilities. The easiest way to get exposure to uranium spot prices is by buying the Sprott Physical Uranium Trust listed in Canada that actually holds physical uranium https://sprott.com/investment-strategies/physical-commodity-funds/uranium/. There are also listed uranium mining companies. The largest in the West is Cameco listed in Canada and the US. The largest in the world is Kazatomprom, majority owned by Kazachistand and listed in London. There are many smaller uranium miners listed in the US, Canada, Australia and the UK. If you want more information on investing in uranium look up Uranium Minute on YouTube.
  18. If you want to trade onshore in Thailand using Thai baht, you may open an international trading account at any Thai securities company and trade international markets online directly. All offer the US market and major Asian markets like HK and Singapore. Of course you pay a double commission because they have to put the orders through foreign brokers but the online commissions are still quite reasonable. So you can buy SPY in NY or any S&P 500 stocks through a Thai brokerage account, if you wish to do it. Since you have a bank account with SCB, you can ask them to introduce you to SCB Securities.
  19. The link with cannabis seems somewhat tenuous in both cases. However, it is strange that there are no calls for a total prohibition on alcohol every time some one is killed by a drunk.
  20. Necessary to clear out the database to make way for new foreign crims that Big Joke keeps turning up.
  21. A picture to inspire confidence. A row of plods with pistols drawn and fingers on the trigger. Finger should be out of the trigger guard until ready to fire to prevent accidental discharge. What appalling traing.
  22. It's the lawyer's job. Can't blame him for filing the complaint. He has to do the best he can for the client, no matter what she has done.
  23. That was that election in July 2011 that lead to Yingluck being installed as nominee PM for Thaksin. Fortunately the poor Isaan boys now have an alternative to the greedy and corrupt Shinawatra family party that now has no meaningful reform policies, in fact no meaningful policies at all other than to bring the party owner home. No need to vote for family business parties owned by billionaires who might deign to throw a few crumbs of their cake to the poor, if they are lucky.
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