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Everything posted by Dogmatix

  1. Thailand has the best justice money can buy and we are seeing what kind of service you can get as a convict, if you slap down a billion baht - soon to be recouped from taxpayers. New airport projects already announced.
  2. It could be a criminal as well as civil matter because he stole the fitted furniture, even though no resale value.
  3. If you rent out a residential property long enough, you will have a bad tenant who will do excessive damage, annoy neighbours and default on rent. My estimate is around once every 10 or so years. It is a risk factor that has to be factored in.
  4. I think they might. Thaksin is very impetuous and came out very anti-drugs when his son was allegedly being seen at hi-so parties as high as a kite on various substances, resulting in his implication in 2,000++ murders of people claimed to be in the drugs trade.
  5. The Champion of Democracy thing was only invented by him for the consumption of naive Western media after he got the boot. While he was in office he used to say things like, "Democracy is only a means to an end." and "The UN is not my father", criticised by the UN Rapporteur on human rights for murdering thousands of alleged drug dealers, who were mainly just on police hit lists for not paying protection money or not involved with drugs at all.
  6. It is pathetic. They should report the truth. Corrections Dept and Police hospital doctors paid off to pretend he is sick.
  7. I am sure the Patek Philippe Watch was brought for Pravit as a conciliatory gesture but obviously wasn't enough, or maybe Pravit already had that model, as he didn't even show up to vote for Srettha and most of the senators that voted for him were Prayut's appointees not Pravit's. BTW the way I didn't see anything about Thaksin being brought to Thai customs to pay tax on the watch or other expensive items.
  8. We will soon see Thaksin getting his police rank back again. He retired as a captain but promoted himself to Lt. Col. when he was PM. He will probably emerge as a major general soon.
  9. There were calls to ratify the Rome Statute and have the International Criminal Court put out an arrest warrant for Thaksin for the 2,000+ murders he instigated. Of course, no government could ever do that because it would implicate so many police in the murders. The case involving the Ratchadapisek land looked a totally sound conviction to me and that was during the time he had a nominee as PM. I think the other judgements were sound too but didn't look at them in detail and they took place when PT was out of power. The point is that Thaksin was massively corrupt but just never thought he would ever be taken to account and then just whines that his corruption cases are political for Western consumption because all Thais know the truth, Prayut, Pravit and just about everyone else who has ever been in government in Thailand are also corrupt and deserve their days in court. But that doesn't make Thaksin less guilty.
  10. By now there are a lot of Thais who would like to see both Prayut and Thaksin get the death sentence or at least lengthy prison sentence with the same conditions as other prisoners. Since they are now close buddies, they would enjoy being cellmates.
  11. According to the Land Code this practice is illegal and punishable by prison terms for the foreign buyers and Thai nominees. It used to be easy to do very easy to do, nonetheless. but in 1996 it was made harder by a letter to Land Offices from the Interior Ministry ordering to investigate companies with any foreign shareholders, directors or even a foreinger lurking around at the land office and send suspicious cases to the director general of the Land Dept. That is not to say it was made impossible but definitely made harder. Land officials have been known to ask nominee directors about their business plans and why they want to spend the company's entire share capital on an ocean view villa in a resort area. If they can't answer the transfer is rejected.
  12. They flew down South to prime Thaksin hater territory and asked constituents who happened to be direct family members. They all said do whatever it takes to join the Thaksin government to make money.
  13. He deserved to go to prison for rape of two Thai school girls in London but daddy apparently got him off the hook by talking to the girls' parents in Thailand who got their daughters to drop charges. Metropolitan Police were appalled that they were unable to prosecute what they said was an open and shut case. Narrowly escaping an English prison where he would not have got any privileges due to his father should have been a lesson to Prinn to stop molesting young girls. But he chose to continue. His employer in Bangkok, CLSA, knew what he was up to because everyone in the securities industry in Bangkok knew but chose to ignore it because they saw him as a rainmaker who could make money for them. Young female analysts in his office were terrified to work late when they had company results to report on urgently and other staff had to stay in the office to chaperone them in case Prinn popped in to indulge in himself in yet another sexual assault. CLSA didn't care about these young women. They only cared about profits. The DemocratParty, like CLSA, also knew what he was up to but assumed wrongly he could always get away with it and his assaults would never reflect badly on the party. Now there is almost nothing left of the Democrat Party which is about to be gobbled up by its arch enemy Thaksin and Prinn is going to prison, Poetic justice at last.
  14. Bought and paid for. Rumours after the election were 20 mil per senate vote. I are sure Uncle Chu's press conferences increased that significantly. Maybe he gets a commission on the incremental amount.
  15. And they control over 90% of the country's wealth.
  16. Not a lot of younger red shirts, unlike the 2009 and 2010 protests. Not sure how much Thaksin's brand resonates with young voters as a 74 year old out of touch with Thai people and a sell out to the military.
  17. So he is just a liar who claims an absolute right to tell lies for personal gain. Great choice for PM.
  18. Thaksin's major contribution to tourism and immigration was the Thai Elite card that he fraudulently claimed would allow foreigners to own land. In reality he actually made it harder for foreigners to own land. Apart from that he had all the PR and citizenship applications knocked back and either rejected completely or delayed for 3 years. He also increased visa fees. Thaksin's approach was always to pander to the super rich foreigners, clear out the bottom tier and make things harder for the middle of the road expats. Visas for super rich are now saturated with Elite Card and LTR visas. So he can just focus on clearing out the bottom tier and raising visa fees and financial hurdles.
  19. Tulsahtit's article is utter nonsense. MFP made it totally clear that that it cannot go against its supporters' wishes, unlike PT. MFP did a poll of members and got a 95% vote against voting for a PT candidate after the backstabbing. So the MFP leaders couldn't support a PT candidate now, even if they wanted to.
  20. Thaksin did introduce some reforms, e.g. universal healthcare, OTOP, but he could have done a lot more, if he wasn't focused on lining his pockets through corruption and knobbling the independent agencies to avoid scrutiny. Now his party has nothing new to offer while Move Forward has forged ahead with detailed, well thought through plans for reform in virtually every part of government and the civil service.
  21. I hope Ung Ing will be wearing her tiara when she goes to the airport to meet him.
  22. Wonder how many of the red shirts in the North and Northeast are still loyal following his dirty deal with the military parties. And the younger voters don't know how who the hell he is.
  23. I have two middle names and when I got PR and my name in Thai was registered in the tabien baan system, Thailand had still not amended the law to permit middle names for Thais. I found out later that because of this my two middle names were included to make a single first name which has continued after I got citizenship. This actually seems easier than having an official middle name and anyway you can only have one middle name. It is a bit burdensome but I have never had a problem with my three part first name, apart from complaints about its length. It also suits me to have exact match between my Thai and farang identities. My son has had a middle name from birth.
  24. I remember someone posted in another thread a few years ago that he bought a house in the name of his wife and everything was good for a few years until tragically his wife got sick and died. Within two weeks of the funeral his wife's relatives ordered him out of his house because they had found a buyer for it.
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