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Everything posted by Dogmatix

  1. Yes. He is perceived as a serious threat to the established order involving politicians, bureaucrats and military being allowed to steal systematically from the taxpayer and commit various other crimes with impunity. The problem seems to be that they risk digging themselves into a deeper hole. The rise of Pita and the momentum of MFP at the ballot box was a direct result of the earlier moves to ban Thanathorn and dissolve FF. This also generated angry protests that created an atmosphere where people dared to talk about reform of 112 and the military. The movement seems to have proved it can regenerate itself in adversity and come back stronger. Probably wouldn't have done so well if Thanathorn had been allowed to continue as leader with his rather chaotic and dictatorial billionaire style. Pita, who is a far greater threat than Thanathorn, due to his more organised style with coherent policies for every issue under the sun, would never have made to party leader. Remove that head and another one will appear. Better for the establishment to let inexperienced, young MFP ministers get power and mess up which would probably erode their popularity for the next election. But that is not their style and wasn't their approach with Thaksin who is now trying to pose as a pro-establishment politician just to come home. Ha ha.
  2. Korn was actually a good finance minister but his unholy alliance with a old fashioned gangster politician ended in predictable failure. It didn't help that Korn was blacklisted by MFP rank and file for supporting Prayut to be PM in 2019. I guess he is now talking to Abhisit about a joint come back to the Democrats. That would involve him playing second fiddle to Abhisit again but better than sitting out in the cold.
  3. P:ersonally I don't see it as at all inevitable that MFP will get to form a government. Even if Pita is not yet suspended by the Constitutional Court by the tme the PM election takes place, the senate will not vote for them in large enough numbers. Anutin's BJP will not vote for him, neither will the Democrats. So where does Anutin think he will get the 375 votes. I think he is just putting out his position for whoever gets to be PM.
  4. Chonanan is just a figure head. The party is owned by Thaksin who dictates policy but he is virulently anti-drugs, having witnessed the effects on his son. Had about 2,000 or more alleged drug dealers murdered without due process on his watch. Many, including a 9 year old boy and a 70 year women, were either nothing to do with drugs or were members of rival drug gangs not supported by police.
  5. A few nights in the Pattaya lock up in just a pair of dirty shorts being bitten all over by mosquitoes should sober him up. Let's hope he has enough money to pay off the BiB and pay for the damage to the hotel but BiB may have lifted any cash he had already.
  6. No sting operations on foreign hookers operating in the Nana area? In the past plain clothes cops got a budget to have sex with some of these and arrested them when they had finished, keeping their knotted up condoms as evidence. Only problem was that that their wives saw their faces on the news and make complaints to the Bangkok police chief about the police methodology. You couldn't make this stuff up.
  7. Of course. They are selling on behalf of police drug gangs.
  8. Exactly. About time this freeloader started paying rent and utilities on that army grace and favour house. He probably has piles of pieces of brown paper stacked up like newspapers in the army house. The maid gossip network told me that the house of a politician in our village piles of that stuff everywhere. These guys never need to use credit cards for anything in Thailand.
  9. Before COVID China offered Thailand a reciprocal visa on arrival or no visa reciprocal deal but the Foreign Ministry made some arrogant response about Thailand was not yet ready for this. They are so desperate for cash from Chinese tourists it is a no brainer to do this deal instead of making Chinese jump through hoops and wait 3 weeks to get visas, knowing that the Thai government is not doing any meaningful screening of applicants and the criminals come in anyway. It would also make things more convenient for Thais travelling to China but the government doesn't care about that, as long as government officials can travel on diplomatic or official passports. They did a visa free deal with Russia years ago and don't care how many Russian crims get in. So why not China. BTW I am not making a judgement about how loveable and cuddly Chinese tourists are - just what's good for the economy and Thai people.
  10. You could have had the house registered in your name with a title deed, if you had applied to have the structure registered separately from the land before the house number was issued but it is too late now. Foreigners can own houses but not land. You would have needed a 30 year lease or usufruct for from the missus to be allowed to own the structure. There is some cost in this and many land offices, particularly upcountry, will simply refuse to do it anyway as they don’t like to see the Thai spouse giving up rights to their property to a rapacious foreign devil. There is some cost involved and the protection provided is questionable anyway. Re tabien baan. You can’t become the householder because your missus is already the douse holder in the blue book and the house can only have one householder. Otherwise there is no restriction on foreigners being householders. I was the householder for my house as a foreigner with written permission from the owner (my company), although I had a blue book as a PR. I am not sure, if you can be a householder with a yellow book, as you would not be able to add Thais or PRs to your book but perhaps this is possible. Anyway there is no significance to being a householder. It just means you are responsible for reporting additions and subtractions to and from the household.
  11. Good thing the OP didn’t call the cops. He went on a date with an obvious hooker he met online and voluntarily agreed to give her 3k as a deposit for a so called cultural show and then changed his mind and lost his deposit without being able to make his own deposit. The BiB would be scratching their heads about what crime had been committed apart from wasting police time. They would have pointed out that nice Thai ladies don’t invite complete strangers to go out and get drunk with them prior to going back for a jump.
  12. My own recollection of a Patpong BG with too many tequila shots in her is of her opening my car door on Sathorn Road and releasing a stream of tequila and Som tam poo plaraa into the night air. No BJ. But I think this one wanted to get the OP drunk, not herself, to make it easier to fleece him.
  13. Mr Mehmet said he had read about non-binary pickpockets and necklace thieves operating in Pattaya and maintained vigilance to avoid falling victim to the naughty non-bs. Pity his vigilance didn’t run as far as leaving the 25k baht gold necklace at home. Why would you want to wear such an expensive and easily liftable bauble while walking along Beach Road or Walking Street?
  14. You can’t really blame the non-binary person for not knowing the the difference between a Turk and an Indian.
  15. I don't see why anyone would expect them to view convictions for substances that are still illegal any differently from what they did in the past. How would convictions for cocaine be considered be considered when someone applied for a working visa to a farang country? Not positively in most I suspect.
  16. It's available for anyone. Mrs Dog got a shot last week and she is under 60 and not in a high risk group. However, the government is strongly recommending for over 60s and high risk groups.
  17. A similar force in Bangkok is so efficient that they pitched up at the house of farang their records showed had overstayed a number of years ready to haul their prize off to the standing room only Immigration jail in Soi Suan Plu. Imagine their disappointment when his Thai missus told them he was abroad but had become a naturalised Thai some years earlier, giving them a copy of his ID card as evidence.
  18. She must be proud of herself selling unhealthy junk food to school kids.
  19. Bear in mind that Thaksin's first conviction over the Lardprao land case was while a Pheua Thai government was in power and his nominee was prime minister. None of his cases have been tried in a military court. HIs conviction in the Lardprao and other cases took place in the Supreme Court Criminal Division for Holders of Political Office. This court was established under the 1997 "people's" constitution which applied the 1956 Penal Code. So I guess you must be happy with that, except that you may argue that nearly all of Thailand's law is invalid because it was passed after the military coup of 1932, so that only the laws of absolute monarchy prior to 1932 should be used. Thaksin had 36 billion baht restored to him by the Supreme Court in a civil case against the government in 2021 under the Prayut government. Many people argue that this was a travesty of justice and that Thaksin paid a cut of the 36 billion for this ruling but I respect the ruling of the court, due to the contempt of court law that prohibit criticism of court rulings, a law of which your post is in criminal violation.
  20. “The course is also available to individuals from various fields whose skills are money is sought after by the police force.”
  21. My two year old always claims that he didn't eat anything for lunch at his private Thai kindergarten or just ate blueberries which he takes with him and seems to eat quite a lot when he gets home. There is menu but he always says he didn't get chicken with rice and soup or whatever was on the menu that day. The missus and some other mothers on the LINE group have asked the teacher to post photographs of the kids having lunch but she never does. I wonder why not. She posts pictures of the kids in the classroom and in the playground. Difficult to get to the bottom of it as two year olds always like to deny everything and often talk nonsense for fun.
  22. Maybe Big Joke should investigate how this Chinese criminal obtained Thai citizenship.
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