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Posts posted by SOMeTOM

  1. Hi Costas, that's just a way to make sure he or his possible descendent will not trespass again.

    For as far i am concern, i consider them all to be lethal, as i cannot identify the dangerous ones from the not dangerous.

    I wish they would stay in the wild, but somehow they prefer to come into my home... the catfish in the pond seems to appreciate it though, while the neighbours will not eat them raw but BBQ is ok for them

  2. Still being blocked on AIS......

    ......actually, it works if you change browser, all good with FireFux opening anon window, but Cameron having selfies it's something should definately be blocked, i wish i still had that beautiful green screen :D

  3. Thanks, i haven't changed a single thing, but now it's working again.

    It's been several days like that, no way to reply or add new topics, as i could not write anything into the box, just a blank box with no editing options and the "More Reply Options" was the same, also logging in/off to solve this issue did not work either, i could logout and login again but no difference to the reply's box, same problem with private messages too...

    Lets hope it stays like that, now it's back to normal.

  4. post-193352-0-30417600-1411836798_thumb.


    Thanks for that - but my setup is otherwise...

    I have a mobile (Sony xperia E) and I connect the laptop via wifi to the hotspot. There's no apparent options for DNS changing in Sony's android 4.1.1 and all the apps I find need root access, or they have some dubious VPN solution .

    Do you have any experience of that. DNSet is one like that.

    OK, you're connecting to mobile 3G and then using the tethering/WiFi Hotspot option to share the connection. Different kettle of fish, as they say.

    That would require a rooted phone and special software.

    Yours is not the normal Average Joe Internet connection. If you have support questions later on you may want to let them know how your connecting as it sometimes makes a big difference in isolating the issue.

  5. Maximum 3 days.
    This is one of the first lines you can read on the link you posted :

    "Any applicant has not received e-Visa certificate through email please kindly download it at Check & Change"

    so, i would do that if i was in you....just click and fill in the required fields


    Ohh and as an update to my last post, there is no 300 B charge for same day return, so, whoever was charged for it, you have just been scammed...ta-taaaaaaann big surprise! They will ALLWAYS try to scam you for any reason they can think of, if you just let them.

  6. then I spotted whole milk from chokchai farm. First time I ever saw it on sale and was ecstatic as I was sure it is superior from all the rave reviews I heard about it.

    Been to that farm years ago, it was a big disappointment.

    None of their products was any better than what else you can find around, i had (much) better meat on the seaside (!) and the single glass of milk they sell for more than the money needed to buy a whole litre from another brand was like water......

  7. Renewed for the second time my 5 years license (1 for motorcycle and 1 for car), the total was a little more than 1.000 for both.

    Given back my 2 old licenses, original yellow book and copies of passport/yellow book for each license.

    Had to watch a very long and ridiculous movie exposing unbelievable behaviour from the actors (things like a young thai being biten up and kicked from a multitude of other people surrounding him thai style, a young lady who thinks she's an asian Barbie doll or something, etc...) apparently was compulsory to watch it, it was like an hour and a half or 2......then the "brake test" and "color test", no medical certificate required and picture taken digitally on site, this is for the Prachinburi DLT.

  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Again I say...ban people from West

    Yes, all evil is flom West, falang-dam, falang-kao, all the same!!!

    Wilcopops post # 12

    Facile comment.

    No-one said it would NEVER happen - and so far according to this report, it hasn't


    There is no Ebola infection in Thailand!!

    Well, it reminds me the word of a thai "medic", and they are representatives of the hi-so here, just think about the rest......

    He basically said that there were no bad viruses in Thailand and all those nasty things comes from foreigners (!)


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  9. I don't know why people here immediately worry about this working permit etc. thing.

    Maybe because even if this guy it's a complete stranger for the very large majority of people, some people actually care about others and are aware of the real dangers other fellow foreigners can fall into.

    So as long as this guy does a 'na rak' thing and is a decent guy he will not be bothered

    That's totally untrue and deceiving! Are you insinuating that all the people being scammed/arrested here, were all acting in an "indecent" way??? Are you trying to kidding us or what? Get real please!!!

    So I am pretty sure the happy Swiss will be happy cooking Thai dishes for many more years, even with a simple retirement visa. No problem

    Yes sure! Just continue to tell people to break the law as nothing will happen, all the people being locked up are just pure imagination, there are no prison for foreigners in Thailand......unbelievable!!!

    It's people like you that bring others less informed individual into troubles for all the wrong reasons.

    • Like 1
  10. In Pattaya a friend of mine got arrested by immigration for "illegally working" in Thailand, by simply sitting down a sofa inside the cafe' his lady works on and because he was telling customers going in or out, things like "hello" , "goodmorning", "bye", etc....

    He had to pay 30.000 to get released which was a bargain compared on the fine they wanted him to pay.

    Then they told him he could not sit down inside that coffee-shop again or they would come back and arrest him without any other discount been made........so he had to follow what this police's captain told him.

    Welcome to Thailand chaps! (i hope i don't get arrested now, i just welcomed you!!! what a massive crime that is....)

    Well, it was very obviously a corrupt captain, looking to raise some cash. I would have fought that all the way to the higher courts. I would have made sure I did everything in my power to make sure that captain lost his job. Now that the military is in power we do have some recourse, as there are ways to report vermin like that. Fight them tooth and nail, and things may begin to change. That incident is nothing short of ridiculous, foolish, petty, abusive, and unnecessary.


    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

    Well, for how much i dislike what happened, i believe the BIB was simply applying the laws.

    Obviously there are people that take advantage of them and others that understands how wrong some of the rules can be so they don't.

    It's not the first time there are reports of these occurrences and very likely it will not be the last until the laws becomes what they supposed to be created for, and not to exist to simply make life even worse because someone can get some cash from it.

    • Like 1
  11. Oh get a life you pathetic people,

    (No work permit) (will get deported)(can't even wash your car) really. It's boring.

    There is anything wrong in making others aware of the very real dangers they are in, once they put foot in this land?

    Do you enjoy when others get into troubles?

    How disgustings the "thaier then thai" can really be?

    No limits i guess.

  12. Stories like this get foreigners landed in jail. The guy is breaking so many laws it is not funny. There is no way you can get a work permit for this work. This is a deportable and blacklistable crime. All he needs is the wrong labour, immigration, police officer to walk by or even a disgruntled competitor or family member and he is out. Please do not get any romantic crazy notions in your heads. If he has Thai citizenship he is safe.

    Exactly my same thought.

    Foreigners unaware of the local laws will fall into this trap so easily, then more money to be made for these sewages and a good (fake) image for the country.

    Then, at a time of their convenience, the Pad-Thaier will very likely serve the same destiny or worse, either in a silent way or been described as a very bad law's breaker, TIT.

    I sincerely hope he got thai's citizenshit, as that's the only way to avoid breaking local laws and fall prey to any of these hypocrites vultures.

    • Like 1
  13. In Pattaya a friend of mine got arrested by immigration for "illegally working" in Thailand, by simply sitting down a sofa inside the cafe' his lady works on and because he was telling customers going in or out, things like "hello" , "goodmorning", "bye", etc....

    He had to pay 30.000 to get released which was a bargain compared on the fine they wanted him to pay.

    Then they told him he could not sit down inside that coffee-shop again or they would come back and arrest him without any other discount been made........so he had to follow what this police's captain told him.

    Welcome to Thailand chaps! (i hope i don't get arrested now, i just welcomed you!!! what a massive crime that is....)

  14. Over the years I have been shown websites of seed suppliers in BKK.... but they are all Thai....so unless you have a Thai speaker it is hard to order!

    You can translate website in a language of your choice automatically by using Google's Chrome as a browser instead of IE (which also can translate by using Bing, but i prefer Chrome).

    It's far from being perfect, especially with the thai language, but often it can at least give you a grasp of what is it in there....

    Website before translation Same website after translation

    post-193352-0-33077300-1406262647_thumb. post-193352-0-91611500-1406262671_thumb.

  15. There is usually a good reason why you can't find seeds here - they don't grow.

    None of them grow up.

    Maybe i am doing something wrong, they all become mouldy and die, i did use some of those ready to grow small pots you get in the supermarkets.

    I did try both, seeds bought locally and abroad, no luck.

    The Rosmarin plant in the backyard so far seems to cope with the new environment.

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