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Posts posted by SOMeTOM

  1. O goody another newbie bashing the Thais because they can't live up to their idea's. I hope you at least try to give their different culture a chance before you discover all that is wrong with it.

    I can't believe how many people there are, trying to defend the indefensible and confusing ignorance and malfeasance with "culture" .

    Do you really believe that people here are complaining or just telling their tales about the inconveniences they had, only because the baddies were thai???

    Try to come around my place and misbehave, or act in the "cultural way" you are writing about anywhere near which is going to cause me annoyance, you have no idea on how many ways there are to let you see that was not about being a local or a foreigner....

  2. they know no different and telling them is a total waste of breath and time ,They can't see the big picture. This is Thailand and How dare we try and change that!

    I agree, just telling them it's not going to achieve much if anything at all.....but try to scream it to them instead, holding on one of your hands a baseball bat, a bamboo stick or even a machete, clearly showing at the same time that what they do it's not making you happy, and as magic you will get an almost completely resolved issue.

    I had problem in the past with neighbours thinking my land was their free parking space, then i used that magic trick and now it's just a memory from the past.

    Mind you, that probably wouldn't help you in making them your friends, but honestly, whom really want to have those elements closer than what they are already?

    A happier life is achievable with a little dedication, you just have to find the right tools.....biggrin.png

  3. Might depends from a series of various factors.

    One for sure it's this need to do as less as possible, the laziness.

    Have you ever watched the crazy stuff they are literally hypnotized from on local tv, the lakorns?

    They try to imitate the ultrarich they see on those tv series on any way they can, and throwing rubbish like this possibly make them feel superior as someone else will have to clean their crap (or more likely it will hang around for a looooong time).

    If you ask them what they think of people who clean up, they will tell you "They are stupid!", and i can't blame them for this answer, as someone really seems to be so stupid to continue cleaning up after these people INSTEAD of challenging them and perhaps find a end to this rubbish (pun intended).

    I had this problem on my road too, you should see these people, of all ages sizes and walk of life, with a rubbish bin available every 10 meters or so, even when passing by one at a half a meter distance from their lazy arm, they still throw it on the floor.

    Had some discussion with some of these outstanding true thai citizen when the rubbish was throw on my land, at first i did explain them in a quiet and civilized way, then i had to let repeated offenders understand on the way they seem to understand, loudly and with my opinion about them well eared around....this did work!

    Their reason would be "This is Thailand! We do like this! You are farang and you are bad, go back to your country!" ah ahh ahh, almost a copy of what some posters like to write around on the forum.

  4. They taste the same as what I use to buy in the U.S.

    I have no knowledge on the US canned tuna, i tried long ago an Alaskan canned salmon and that was good, nothing to do with this Thai salmon.......for what i know, it might even be the same product with the notorious special thai touch added to it, as in letting it rot for sometime until they feel they got a job to do or something, i wouldn't exclude that possibility.

    The fact which remain is that there is an abysmal difference between the brands i quoted and the local ones (and for local i don't mean Sweden).

  5. Tinned fish.

    Why would you buy it?

    Unless you had a cat,or wanted to poison one.

    Believe me, i perfectly understand you, but there are canned tunas that will make you change mind for sure.

    Many people are already aware of the difference between our western beef steaks and the local thai beef, for the tunas it's almost the same if not worse.

    In fact, next time i will head up for Pattaya or Bangkok, i am going to stock up on "Rio Mare" and "Palmera" tunas, you just have to try one of this once in your life and you will get addicted from how good they taste, you can truly taste the Quality there, with a capital "Q".

  6. Try Sealect MASMAN TUNA,Canned in Songkla.Its great.And tin says its dolphin safe ?

    Yes that's one of the few which goes along well with my personal taste, however, that spicy sauce sometime it's just too much.

    That strong Masaman sauce works well in taking away that horrible taste.

  7. So why would you buy Thai tinned fish here?

    I like to give a chance on almost everything, that's how i discovered i do enjoy foods that before i didn't even know it could exist.

    As i mentioned before, the EU canned fish it's really good and you can feel the quality of it.

    Thai canned fish, just forget it, it's like buying a Fortuner made of cardboards and cling film for an even higher price of the original, a very bad attempt at copying to not say worse...

  8. You get what you pay for.

    Not in this case, i totally disagree.

    The canned fish back home it cost less and it tastes so good it make you feels you want to eat more and more.

    Try the ones here, as soon as you taste it, the feeling you get is that you just want to spit it out immediately....and it costs more.

    At first i thought that fishes here, with all these beautiful seas around, must be even better, then i got the surprise.....

    How do they manage to do that? It depends from the magic supreme better touch they seems to have on almost everything or is really about the fish itself?

    Might remain a mystery

  9. I tried almost all varieties, only a few are on the verge of been edible and even the most expansive little can of salmon, which cost more or less as a full working day of a local, tastes absolutely rubbish!

    These food back in EU would probably be classed as not for human consumption, or anyway not be on the market long as i can't imagine whom would buy them again after the first try.

    Are they using low quality fishes? Is the fish deteriorating or getting wasted at some point? I mean, how can it be such a huge difference between canned fish available in EU and Thailand, it's really like stars and stalls, yuukk!

    I am not going to comment on the english words you can find on these gourmets, as "supreme"...yes supreme shiete!

  10. I live in the boonies between the real thais, and something i noticed, it's when they get sick and need medical attention, they do not try to pin point from where this sickness originated from, it seems that must to be some sort of divine unavoidable occurrence, maybe karma or something, no way it is connected with lack of hygiene/common sense, nor there is any will to do any further investigation...a quick trip to the local clinic and a bag full of any sort of drugs (the legal ones) will do.

    Recently our area was flooded, so many fields still have that dirty and stinky brown water stuck there, the local villagers apparently have developed a taste for this wild plant that grow (infest) on the water, more than once i have witnessed them relieving their self with the water on their knees and then carry on picking their smelly (as the sewage) plants.

  11. I was doing my grocery's shopping at one of those big Tesco Lotus superstore, passing by the big refrigerated metal's tables where they put the fresh meat, some of those tables had some kind of mountains of meat as the store was just opened in the morning.

    Then i noticed a big piece of meat on the floor, soon after a Tesco's shirt wearing sales assistant took that meat and just put it back on top of the pile of meat, no wash or anything else necessary, as it is probably the standard operating procedure for Tesco....great eh?

    Also the Coffee Today inside Tesco, with her basin in full view of customers which was full of cups, spoons, etc, waiting for a wash up, then all of a sudden the cleaning lady which was mopping the Tesco's floor passes her dirty mop to the Coffee Today woman, which squeezed it just on top of the cups she serves to customers.....that was the last time i ever got my breakfast there....

    Try to tell them something and they might even getting upset and telling you this is Thailand and you don't understand! Just as some of the best members on this forum

  12. OP, I get your point given that you think it's a scam.. But, if a person living here can't tolerate the typical person that comes in and tries to sell things in a restaurant, I'd have to say Thailand isn't for you. This matter is very low on the level of annoyances that go along with being here.

    Ah ah ahh! So funny....My dear, if you haven't find out yet, i have to inform you that there are plenty of other places that can ensure their patrons a little more respect that those ridiculously managed places.....

    Think, you don't even have to leave Thailand if you find that getting some respect it's such an inconvenience for you, just keep going to your kind of places.....to each his own!

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  13. Years ago, i used to be a regular customer of a little thai styled's buffet a few hours away from BKK.

    There was also some live music being played on the stage, but every time the live music would stop, then, an assumingly blinded man accompanied by his mate, would kick in between the tables to ask for money, he had this loud portable speaker hanging out on his neck and the music was so unbearably loud that it would distorts the sound.....so,so annoying and uncaring toward paying customers.

    After a few times i gave up, not one of their customers any more, sabai sabai.

  14. Thais will not be able to perform as tour operator as they are too stupid and to lazy to learn the language of their customers properly.

    And that's where their rulers step in, to create "laws" whose only means is to make sure this <deleted> can carry on and on, criminalizing anyone trying to improve things up.....welcome to LOSS

  15. Its a shame because they started off very fast with the work, what 7/8 months ago? the lack of any seating is annoying, nowhere to sit and watch the world go by.

    Its still a mess in lots of places, should have all been finished by high season. The new trees are maturing fast so there is some shade

    It makes perfect sense, as they acted fast to produce that mess, once the annoyance has been put in place then there is no means to keep working fast or doing something at all, as their goal-post has been reached.

    In making your life worse they elevated their status and gained so much face at the same time....

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