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Posts posted by SOMeTOM

  1. The photo color seems a bit off, but the close up of the head and scales looks like a cobra to me as well.

    Cobras are usually brown to black and their tongue is usually pink. If the OP opens the mouth then we can see the huge fangs.

    Sorry but i disposed off it already, also i don't think i want to do that either, i will keep my doubt and snake policy, if it comes into the house/land, it's bye bye snake.....i am aware that many are not dangerous, but the problem is that i am not so good in recognizing them, i usually have lots of bright green ones climbing banana trees, lately i got a few of this too.

    I don't know if it makes much difference or not, but when it came head to head with the Little White Hunter ( my dog is the size of about 3 cats, maybe 2 and a half, ah ah), i clearly heard a loud hissing sound, so strong i thought it was a cat down there, then, little missus bite the beast and started banging it on the floor, left and right to presumably avoiding being bitten back, then i grab a machete and end up the struggle.

    Doggie it's still okay, so, either didn't get bitten or it was not venomous.


  2. Briggsy, i sent you a PM (not Yngluck), check it.

    Also, there is no such thing as an extra charge if you don't stay 1 night there, i always turn around and no charges........think about all the people visiting the casinos there, between the 2 borders, do you really think they need to stay overnight?

    And as someone else have correctly pointed out, there is no way to know if it will takes 2 minutes or 2 hours, as you can easily be the only one on that queue or just arrive a minute later and having to wait 2 big buses full up of people that goes to play at the casinos there, so, in case you need a fast track, just call back any of the uniformed money seekers and he'll do it for you, easy.

  3. Had the same problem in the sticks.

    Places that would sell single cans, all of a sudden would run out of them almost at the same time, so went to the big Tesco Lotus (not a the small Lotus Express), and found them again, but they would only sell them in a pack of 6 cans.

    Otherways, just buy some Bicarbonate of Soda (look in the shelf where they sell flour and all the pastry ingredients, it just cost around 15 bahts for load of it), then buy some lemons/limes of your choice, or just some Citric Acid which is the "main ingredient" of your lemons/limes, add some water,sugar, whatever else to suit your own taste and you have an even better drink right there.....and cheaper!

  4. Yes the total charge will be 30 US Dollars.

    They (Cambodians) will try to give you another Visa even if you tell them you already have one (the one you've paid online), by telling you to stop before the actual check point because it's closed or any other fake reasons, so just stand by your ground and say "no", to either plain clothes freelancers or official uniformed cambos on duty looking for some easy cash.

    The "fast track" they offer to you it's often just another way to scam you, as often there is almost nobody at the check points and you might even be served straight away, they also want 200 extra bahts or more for the for the entry or exit stamps, as at the beginning i have personally been tricked that way, they got me a Visa without having to stay in the queue ( during the holidays you might have even a hundred of people before you, so if you are in a hurry might be worth to spend a little more), then i had to pay again for the stamp or having to join the queue again....

    The staff on duty are usually extremely slow and some of them incredibly rude.......

    The good thing about the e-visa is that they don't take a full page of your passport sticking a "paper" Visa on it, and also you have less dealings with those people up there, apart from keeping them away.

  5. Hey i was looking for the same stuff too, so i went to the Chatuchack's Market (JJ) in Bangkok this week end.

    I managed to find a small stall with an elderly couple selling a few erb's seeds i wanted, they also told me that the best day to find small plants was on Wednesday and not Sunday (the day i was there).

    I attached some pics where you can get some more usefull details as well.

    There is also a company that seems to sell those herbs to an association of chefs or something, but they are not replying to e-mails, so maybe they stop business or whatever else, their farm is or was in Khao Yai but the owner i think is located in Bangkok : Lily Gongvatana 69/1 Soi Charoenrat 30 Klongsarn Bangkok 10600 [email protected] phone 02 437 04 90 Fax 02 438 09 53 Mobile 081 985 07 85

    Let me know if you get lucky, as i am actively researching those small herbs plants for my garden too.

    I planted some rosemarin seeds from back home in a small pot, but insects are having a feast with it.........


    In the Chatuchack's Market you need to go at the section 24.




    • Like 2
  6. Years back in Pattaya two guys on a motorbike pulled up beside me and tried to pull my phone off my belt. I was unlocking my gate at the time and didn't see them coming. I gave the guy a few punches and then they just took off down the street. They did not get the phone but it really got my attention. I reported this to the police 20 minutes later and they asked me " did they take the phone? " I responded "no" .... Their response was " so what are you worried about, what do you want us to do ".

    Not a clue about stopping crime..... They are part of the problem !!!

    I totally agree with you!

    Some time back i had a struggle with another local, when the police arrived they said they couldn't do anything because there was "no blood", nobody was hurt so nothing they could do about it.

    Last month i was attacked again by a different pack of wild locals, for which i required an hospital and i went covered up in blood to the police station (as nobody was willing to attend, they just insisted to go at an hospital), then the cop asked me if anyone had shoot at me with a firearm, i said "no", i let you imagine the rest of our conversation........

    As you very well said, they ARE part of the problem.

  7. H1w4yr1da ,is obviously one of tv's resident Rambo's,and thankfully they don't last to long here,when attacked by 10 machete and knife wielding Thai's,but hey,he felt good standing up for his phone big hard man,that i am sure he is another-ex special forces guy no doubt.

    Marko, let me tell you something about life.

    Have you ever seen a door's lock? Do you know why such thing exists or why there are people willing to "waste" their money on them?

    They are there to protect whatever is behind them by making the life of ill intentioned people harder, bear in mind that none of those locks are impossible to breack up, but by making it harder or anyway more difficult and a less pleasant experience, they actually have a high rate of success in letting those bad people choose an easier target.

    The same happen in other life's circumstances, as if everybody would simply give up without struggle their belongings, don't you think that more and more people would simply even just give it a try, knowing that it will be so easy and nothing will happen to them???

    Think about it sometime...or just let us to know where do you stay so we can take advantage of your way of thinking, ah ahh, just kidding wink.png

  8. I call bullshit on this story. I don't believe all cops were inside the BTS.

    Sounds to me like the G4S staff on their shift change.

    I think i have been around long enough to be able to differentiate between the cops uniforms and the security's uniforms,and i can tell you, those were COPS and also apparently not been on their job for a long times, all very young and being marched up inside the BTS station, then at the street's level, hundreds of them (this time not kids but fully growed up men), in small groups all over the place, sitting down, looking at the merchandise on the street's stalls, eating, everywhere! and again, not army, sailors, security guards or the Red Cross, they were all police men.

  9. I call bullshit on this story. I don't believe all cops were inside the BTS. And I definitely don't believe you managed to catch up with him to get your phone back..

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    CryWolf, honestly i couldn't care less if you believe it or not, but my report is meant to give a warning and share common knowledge with people more intelligent then you or whom liked your post, that's all.

  10. Pal,your just lucky you did not get stabbed when you grabbed the phone back,next time use more caution.

    I am fully aware of the risk, but everyone chose to live his life the way they feel more comfortable with, and at this point, i feel sick and furious against all the crap we have around.

    I had people telling me to give up my home because some locals wanted it -free-, and that's their land so i should just do it to avoid being killed, etc..

    NO WAY!

    and then a western lawyer that, basically, suggested me to write down a letter to express i was sorry to a local junkie that attacked me and i had to go to the hospital for it.....when they say "amazing thailand", these are those moments you start understanding why is that....

  11. Too bad you couldn't read the licenseplate, i also can't read thai alphabet but in these cases i regret that.

    I wrote down the numberplate and a description of the mc, just i didn't bother to go looking for a police station as they are useless and will do nothing to frame down a fellow criminal, as obviously WE foreigners are the problem here!

  12. School boy error walking with your phone in your hand like that, I have often corrected my bro in doing the same in my country in not so plush areas.

    You need to be street-wise in the big Mango!

    What? Are you one of those guys that only take out something from his pockets when you are locked up in the toilettes or something? I just don't believe it....what is the point of having a phone or gps with you, if you can't look at it when you need it?

    I wasn't walking with it on my hands, i just took it out to look at the map to try to locate a small place in a maze of streets, and thats just after i had a good looking around me.

    My opinion is that i was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and the fact that i was walking on my own considerably made the chances to be targeted higher, as these cowards seems to be willing to attack only when they have back ups and can outnumber you, but off coarse that's just "culture" and we shouldn't criticize it, etc...

  13. On Sunday, i went to different famous locations in Bangkok, i noticed that the BTS i went to, were full of policemen, even a small platoon of possibly new reclutes, as they were so young, being marched up outside of the tickets counters....Then, downstairs, litterally hundreds of other cops everywhere and also inside the train a very noticeable group of them joined in. Just after lunch's time, i was walking near the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, on a big road, pleanty of daylight, etc., i took my phone to check the gps and all of a sudden, a young man in his early 20's runned silently from my back, grabbing the phone and runned away, i chased him and managed to grab back the phone, then his mate on a motocy number plate 275, possibly a Fino or something similar, white and light blue, stopped next to us and they speed away. No police in sights anywhere and all the traffic boots deserted, be carefull out there, as with the police only at the BTS, maybe keeping an eye on those dangerous tourists, the rest of the city is just a playground for would be criminals....those 2 just looked as some of those younger soldiers but in civilian clothes and i wouldn't be surpised if that's really the case, with so many youngsters being moved from the remote provinces in a place full up of foreign preys....

    A few years back i have personally seen a young monk being nabbed at his temple because he had the brilliant idea to take a motorcycle he had stolen there.....anything goes around these shores

  14. How it's possible that for just writing or talking bad about something/somebody there is a risk of ending up paying unlimited damages, and if you get assaulted seems that you are not even able to recover the medical expenses?

    It's really like that here???

    • Like 1
  15. Not sure but don,t they sometimes go to the Wat,i don't know if this is instead of doing prison time,but one would imagine you only go to the monkey house if you do not have enough money to pay your way out of it.

    Hi Marko,

    yes i heard something similar too in many occasions, even around here, the mother of a convict, apparently got his baby released earlier by making many donations to a not better specified entity in control of the detention center.....

  16. I try to ask a similar question on the "Ask the Lawyer a Question" forum, but hasn't got an approval there, so i try here where somebody might be more knowledgeable.

    If someone personally assault another person, and get condemned to pay some sort of monetary compensation to the victim, does a run to not to pay, there is a legal time after which he can just restart to show up and get scot free or the crimes don't have an "expiration date" (decadence of legally designated terms).

    I saw a thief that was awol for a month or 2, restart to live in her property as usual after that, and no police showing up anymore, no idea of what happened there...


  17. "Canadian expat Andy Greenlay, 72, who with 10 others has been picking up garbage in the Soi Namjai area for 15 years, says that they are no longer making a dent in the trash problem – it’s outstripping their efforts."

    That's what locals would address as "stupid people" , and you think about it, they are right (unfortunately)....

    "he has been trying every way to stop people dumping garbage there"

    Well, it doesn't seem he tried to build a high wall around the site, maybe that would help a bit ? To keep hoping on the goodwill of locals to behave as decent human beings and not wild beasts as their usual, do not produce the expected effects.

    It's not just a Pucket's problem, just look around you when you travel around, rubbish of all sorts everywhere. The only way they understand is if you challenge them directly and using a very direct language, that way the most of them will stop.
    I had similar problem in the past, and they would say that i am the problem and not their rubbish dumping's habit, as this is Thailand and that's part of their culture (!).....
    The solution would be to teach them about civic's education from schools, and not just expecting them to sing songs and dress paramilitary uniforms, while not caring the slightest bit if they behave as wild animals, as when they grow up, that's just what they will be, a result of an almost totally absent education, so, what do you expect?!

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