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Posts posted by gharknes

  1. Get yourselves nice powerfull sport tourer like the Honda Blackbird CBRXX 1100, they are a good all rounder, 160hp and loads of low down torque, probably the best ever made, do 180mph or tootle along at 70 in absolute comfort for both you and passenger...........I did my visa run on mine last Friday and it was a most enjoyable experience, definetly better than sitting in a cramped minibus for 8 hours

    They are not that expensive either. enjoyment factor 10/10




  2. My only complaint is there are too many of them, that is why you will see an increase in fares over the coming months, there's not enough customers for them to make decent money so what few customers the can manage will pay more, I'd rather see maybe 250 baht buses round the town, this would relieve the serious traffic congestion, improve public safety (for many reasons) improve the environment, improve customer relations with the drivers as they would actually be making money as opposed to sitting/driving around intheir empty baht bus feeling angry because they can't fill it up

    It's rediculous

    Also nice to know every driver is a foreign exchange expert, what a silly thing to say

  3. Gharkness, the problems with iPSTAR and Maxnet are quite different!

    Maxnet (together with True and some others) simply does misleading advertising!

    They simply do not state clearly enough with how many people they let you share a single 512/256 line.

    Remember, they pay roughly 12500 Baht for a 512kbps link to the CAT, so you are sharing this line with 20 other people (although I reckon they share even more heavily right now, hence the very slow speeds you are getting now!). You have one of those 20 doing big downloads and your speed goes down!


    I'm on maxnet4life (1:10 sharing) and my speeds hardly ever drop below 60% of rated speed...

    With iPSTAR it's a different story alltogether! They pay over 4000 Baht for 512/256, so they should be getting a much better sharing ratio, something like 1:7... Obviously they are not getting that level of service. On a 1:7 sharing, speeds should not drop below 70% of rated speed, even during peak hours!

    I don't disagree in principal to your post, I have been using Maxnet for about 8 months now and usually get >300k, this is a recent developement, I believe they do have a technical problem, will wait and see what developes over the next week, if no improvement I will cancel my account.

  4. I have also sent them e-mails and I get replys that the technician is coming to fix it well they did come to my house today. After a lot of checks they told me my house telephone is faulty so They removed it and said thats it job done. Well I can say that the service I got was very good but the only thing they did not do was fix the broadband as its still only 70 kbps :o

    there is nothing wrong with your telephone - line -or modem, it is simple........they cannot provide you with anything near acceptable performance...........my recomedation is look for another provider or downgrade to dialup..........they sent me an email about sending an engineer to my home, I told them don't, as my modem - line - telephone are working perfectly

    try the tt&t speed test, you will get over 400k, this is not a true test of internet speed (the world wide web) www...........it is simply a test that proves you have a good connection from your location to the tt&t server, it means nothing in terms of connection speed, it does prove that your modem connection is good

    there is no way i am paying 10 quid a month to surf the tt&t website.

  5. from the pattaya forum http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=68034

    I've had it with maxnet, after many emails and phone calls it seems the best they can do is <50k when it is supposed to be 512k, I know 512k is out of the question but less than 50k is just taking the pi55, this is broadband at dialup speed.......why bother ? and for those thaat think 800baht is cheap - well it isn't, it is very expencive campared to EU and NN when you relate it to performance and service

    Anyone looking for broadband I would advise you to stay away from Maxnet, they simply cannot provide it, if there is something wrong with their server and they are trying to fix it then is is still useless as it has been like this for more than 3 weeks now

    Lucky my condo building are installing wifi at 300baht/month it has got to be better than maxnet

    sorry TT&T but you've lost the plot and I would guess many customers., My phone line goes too, no need for it . probably save some 1000baht per month.

  6. I've had it with maxnet, after many emails and phone calls it seems the best they can do is <50k when it is supposed to be 512k, I know 512k is out of the question but less than 50k is just taking the pi55, this is broadband at dialup speed.......why bother ? and for those thaat think 800baht is cheap - well it isn't, it is very expencive campared to EU and NN when you relate it to performance and service

    Anyone looking for broadband I would advise you to stay away from Maxnet, they simply cannot provide it, if there is something wrong with their server and they are trying to fix it then is is still useless as it has been like this for more than 3 weeks now

    Lucky my condo building are installing wifi at 300baht/month it has got to be better than maxnet

    sorry TT&T but you've lost the plot and I would guess many customers., My phone line goes too, no need for it . probably save some 1000baht per month.

  7. anyone having any joy with TT&T maxnet, I have been talking to them for the last 2 days and still no improvement, I get some guy on the phone who doesn't speak english trying to tell me my modem is at fault, I get 350kps with the Maxnet speedtest on their website and 44kps on the thaivisa test and all others i have tried, I may as well just have dial up


  8. It nearly works-but some minor problems :o

    I do not want to publish my sheet here in a public forum cause there are some company names and numbers in it.

    May be you send me an email to [email protected]

    and I reply with my sheet to explain you my little problem. It's easier to understand when you see that sheet.



    in Excel dates can be represented with numbers that you can work with in "work cells" then display the results in the cells you want to see them as date and time, so have a work area on your spreadsheet and a view area. Go to rght click format cells then custom, select date and time, then type a number like 12 into the cell it will be displayed as a date and time.

  9. If the world cup hadn't been on would the channel schedules have been different ?

    I honestly think there was a "you will watch the King" and not football attitude by the authorities, my guess would be if football had been screened on any channel from 8pm that a lot of TV's would have been watching it, somewhat disrespectful for such a momentous event in Thailand..........our King is celebrating and everybodies warching football. I kinda agree with what they did.

  10. It's getting worse, sure I used to get higher speeds and better performance with my old dialup last year.

    28.8 kbps dial-up

    30.2 kbps YOU which means you can download at 3.78 KB/sec. from our servers.

    33.6 kbps dial-up

    53.3 kbps dial-up

    56 kbps ISDN

    128 kbps ISDN

    384 kbps DSL

    768 kbps DSL

    1000 kbps DSL

    1500 kbps DSL/T1/Cable Modem


    Yes good point. Don't think that ADSL is faster than a good dial up.

    The fastest internet connection I have ever had was a 56k dial up from Eftel in Perth Australia.

    It delivered a true 56k and you could watch movies using REAL.

    Here I am experimenting with ADSL from TT&T, TOT and Loxonfo.

    Yes, despite what they tell you, it is still possible to run Loxinfo on TT&T.

    Loxinfo 512/256 is very good.

    Another route is One2call *99***1# using a mobile telephone and bluetooth.

    30 Baht per month for 4 and 1/2 hours. After that 1 Baht per minute.

    There is also a speed up service called onespeed.

    I have not tested this. Anybody ever used it?

    Anybody know about Hutch?

    Do they offer an internet servive like one2call?

    Like *99***1#

    Asianet the best 56K dial up card available from 911 stores.

    One to call dialup is extremely slow, I use both BB computer and AIS on my PDA

  11. Pattaya's registered population is approx 90,000. That's it. Ninety-thousand.

    It has an estimated population of 500,000, which includes ex-pats and Thais from other areas that are living/working here, but are still registered in their home provinces.

    where on earth do you get theses figures from ?

  12. Can we please stop the Pattaya bashing now.

    There is a "pattaya haters thread" for you.

    Being Thailand's #2 city with over 1.5 million people shit happens from time to time.

    Agreed let's keep Pattaya bashing off this thread - certainly doesnt have a place here. :o

    I find this whole thing quite disturbing, i lived in troubled northern ireland all my life, it was bad but nobody ever got shot for cheering a goal, &lt;deleted&gt;

    Also it happened in pattaya why hide that fact, there are a lot of goings on in this area that don't get posted here, maybe I will start. Everybody needs to know about this stuff

  13. am i right in saying that dynasat is a supplier of equipment and stuff and the service you are trying to watch on agila is actually dream tv from the phillipimes, just trying to get a handle on this thread

  14. As the title suggests is maxnet back to what i hear are its old tricks with capping traffic outside Thailand?

    I am on the 512/256 home. I have been checking bandwidth on 5 sites in the US, 2 sites in the UK 1 in denmark and another from Russia over the last week or 2, all of them are saying exactly, or there abouts, the same thing 30kb- 80kb. (evening use, morning i may even get 150Kb) Right now i just did a test from Thaivisa bandwidth test and i have a staggeringly huge 86kb. I have been talking to tech support on the phone yesterday and they tell me its a fault in my line ha ha this is after i had to explaining that 20kb is not the same thing as 200Kb (that took 35 mins to get across) i think she got it as she was getting the same bad speed report from DSL reports on her screen, but she could surf with no problem on Thai sites! I checked out a few Thai based web sites and wow it was fast so i can only assume that they are now capping all traffic outside of Thailand, or so it seems in my area of Kanchanaburi. Prey tell me, if i can get good readings from Thai broadband tests, and get fast surfing from Thai websites but anything foreign is slow or unusable does this mean i have a fault in my line or that they are doing that, lets lie cap the ba****d and hope he keeps paying us good money for crap service?

    This is crazy, i have a worse connection that a 56k modem and this is now everyday.

    many people on maxnet are having the same problem including me, i called them yesterday and today, eventually i was told there was an issue/fault with their network, i asked when it would be fixed ............ Monday. I'm not that confident, I was down to 34kps at one point today, I told the girl i may as well not have DSL, if everyone with maxnet decided not to pay until it was fixed we might see a different response

  15. Im on TTT Maxnet 512/256 .

    Central Pattaya @ 13:57

    Your current bandwidth reading using Thaivisa link is:


    which means you can download at 10.9 KB/sec. from our servers.

    28.8 kbps dial-up

    33.6 kbps dial-up

    53.3 kbps dial-up

    56 kbps ISDN

    87.2 kbps YOU

    128 kbps ISDN

    384 kbps DSL

    768 kbps DSL

    1000 kbps DSL

    1500 kbps DSL/T1/Cable Modem

    extremely bad

    Using Maxnet speed test


    which means you can download at 44.86 KB/sec. from our servers.

    33.6 kbps dial-up

    56 kbps ISDN

    128 kbps ISDN

    358.9 kbps YOU

    384 kbps DSL

    768 kbps DSL

    1000 kbps DSL

    1500 kbps DSL/T1/Cable Modem

    this most likely checks between you and the maxnet server only, not really the internet as such

    I am now down to 34kps, called them and sent email....rediculous

  16. Im on TTT Maxnet 512/256 .

    Central Pattaya @ 13:57

    Your current bandwidth reading using Thaivisa link is:


    which means you can download at 10.9 KB/sec. from our servers.

    28.8 kbps dial-up

    33.6 kbps dial-up

    53.3 kbps dial-up

    56 kbps ISDN

    87.2 kbps YOU

    128 kbps ISDN

    384 kbps DSL

    768 kbps DSL

    1000 kbps DSL

    1500 kbps DSL/T1/Cable Modem

    extremely bad

    Using Maxnet speed test


    which means you can download at 44.86 KB/sec. from our servers.

    33.6 kbps dial-up

    56 kbps ISDN

    128 kbps ISDN

    358.9 kbps YOU

    384 kbps DSL

    768 kbps DSL

    1000 kbps DSL

    1500 kbps DSL/T1/Cable Modem

    this most likely checks between you and the maxnet server only, not really the internet as such

  17. I guess i am anti harley, BIG NOISEY BOATS not motorbikes, people that think it's cool to be noticed by making losts of noise need a reality check..........and perhaps a 100cc scooter.......... I own one of the most powerfull production bikes ever made and I also have a 100cc run about, I like riding both and they are both quiet,

    The home of harley and indeed harley themselves are about to put an end to the public harrassment these 2 wheeled noisey POS produce

    It is just annoying

    I vote Phantom with good exhaust :-)

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