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Posts posted by gharknes

  1. Assume that you were wearing your crash helmet :o ...yeah

    I would assume that you were wearing a recognised brand of crash helmet which at lease will convince your insurance company that you are a responsible biker and maybe assist in your claim...good luck... :D

    I actually never ride my bike without helmet, although I would say that this little trip was like going down the driveway of you own house or to the bottom of the street and back, I never actually went out to the main road. There 's a message there somewhere.

  2. Comparing a 3000+ pound pickup truck with a speeding bullet! You're a comedian right! You didn't see this pickup truck!!!!!!!!!Where you blindfolded or just not paying attention?

    The pickup truck was parked at the side of the road facing the same way as me along with about 20 others, yes i saw them all but didn't expect this one or any other to pull out in front of me, the entrance to my condo building is two one way roads with island in between, people park trucks cars bikes buses on both sides of each one way street, this was not even out on the main road, it's the driveway to my condo, this lady was moving from a parked position in a line of many cars/pickups it was not from a side street, she did not indicate she was pulling out she just did it right in front of me I had nowhere to go with cars and bikes parked on both sides, it had darkened windows so it was impossible to see if there was even a driver in it, it just looked parked like all the rest until it moved, like is said about 15 feet in front of me. Maybe you thought this was from a side road or something, it wasn't.

  3. congratulations Dave I will certainly be in for a few with the misses! Dont miss my first anniversary next month!

    was in the BF last night with some friends, not hard to spot limping around, plan to come on Sat with some friends if my ribs don't bother me too much

  4. Kasi it's pretty poor that you feel you need to take the piss from someones misfortune, perhaps the same will happen to you some day and well see how the mightly fall, it is obvious you don't really have a clue, maye when i am well enough you can come talk about it face to face


    Face to face...ummm. Are you insinuating you can prove your point better with perhaps some physical intimidation? You assume many things. I'll leave the obvious unsaid.

    My point throughout this protracted thread is you need to be responsible for your own actions.(You have failed to take responsibility for yourself)

    If you can't do that go home and cry about it with your mates at your favorite pub. About how horrible Thailand has treated you!

    Give it a rest... as the further you proceed the more ridiculous you reveal yourself to be. :o:D

    you fail to grasp the fact that we live in this world with other people sharing the same space, yes be responsible for your own actions is pretty obvious advice as that is exactly what we are, but we cannot and should not be held responsible for other peoples actions especially when they directly effect us, i remember a young man sitting on his motorbike at trafficlights on his way home from work on North pattaya road, he is now dead because he intercepted a stray bullet from a gun fired at someone else - was he responsible - was his death his own fault for being there, was this accident my fault because I was there when this stupid lady pulled out in front of me without looking

    I think ridiculous describes you very well, you don't seem to be able to grasp the environment around you, perhaps you live in a room with no windows or doors. Your contribution to this "my" thread is not welcome as you don't seem to know what you're talking about. so don't bother with a reply

    As for face to face, I doubt very much the tone of your conversation would be the same, I'm not threatening you, just a fact. You may come across a little better as would I.

  5. Kasi it's pretty poor that you feel you need to take the piss from someones misfortune, perhaps the same will happen to you some day and well see how the mightly fall, it is obvious you don't really have a clue, maye when i am well enough you can come talk about it face to face


  6. So , exactly what urgent advice is needed here ?

    well actually if you read through I wasn't wanting to know who was at fault, I new that already...HER

    the help I was requesting was about dealing with insurance police legal etc, I am in no doubt that this lady caused the accident my injuries and my damage

    is it just that many people here are just anti bike or are they involved in this incident in some way or have there heads up their assses

    BTW I was a COP for 27 years I know about accidents. I am also an advanced driver.

    Perhaps when this is over I will be able to offer advice to people who find themselves in a similar situation.

  7. well as it turns out the fact that alough my bike didn't hit her car but I did changes the whole picture, she is now 100% involved, she is also avoiding the police and they have issued a warrant for her arrest, she may spend a night in the police jail if she doesn't present herself to the police today. It also seems she was drinking at the time and has a drink problem.

    Very interesting thread

    At the risk of being unsympathetic from the amount of damage described I strongly suspect speed in excess of 25 kph was a factor. A contributing factor appears to be a lack of defensive driving judging from this fellows inability to fess up.

    Driving a motor bike is extremely dangerous. You can never assume someone sees you. You need to assume they don't see you.. Even then accidents happen.

    The advice of live and learn is very sound.

    Many aren't so lucky. Here in Phuket there are 12000+ accidents a year with fatalities in the 300+ range. If you don't think riding requires extreme care think again.

    When you get on a motorbike you had better have plenty of skill and your wits about you. Either that or you better be feeling lucky. Maybe a little of both, do you feel lucky?

    at thr risk of being rude, you are a typical poster on this forum that decides the information given is wrong and you know better even though you where not there and know little or nothing about the matter.

    You will have a fun time trying to get the driver. On the face of it she 100% NOT INVOLVED. not a scratch to her truck no evidence of her intoxication. You really cant prove anything.

    All I did was some simple deduction regarding your statements regarding your speed and the damage described.

    From 25 kph a competent rider can come to a full stop in a minimum 5-10 meters. Are you trying to say this accident happened inside that distance? What were you doing driving blindfolded?

    For this to happen you either were traveling twice the speed you say you were or you were distracted by something and failed to see the vehicle pull out in front of you.

    I have people pull out in front of me all the time, people run lights stop signs, blow through traffic circles. Guess what if you're traveling a safe speed you can avoid them.

    You can't change the bottom line: You are the one who dropped his bike and crashed into two parked vehicles. :o

    Start paying attention and quit trying to blame the rest of the world for your small difficulties. :D

    ARE YOU FOR REAL, YOU ARE ONE SMARMY CHEEKY *******ER, how many bikes have you put your leg over ? i said 25kph est its enough to say I wasn't going quickly maybe 30kph hard to look at the speedo when you're flying through the air, 5-10m well actually it was about 15-20 feet in front of me she pulled out, <deleted> are you talking about, are you involved in this perhaps ? boy some people

  8. Just to put this into perspective, once I was riding my BMW K75 into town in Liverpool, and was in slow moving traffic, I guess I was doing about 20 MPH.

    Now the road ahead curved left after which was a zebra crossing, a police car was in front of me, and one behind me. As I approached the curve, I took a quick look over my left shoulder, (to check no cyclist was coming up the inside) and when I looked forward again, the car in front was stopped, I braked, lost the front end and dropped the bike.

    The police car behind saw everything and they explained to me that a women had run into the zebra crossing causing a car to stop suddenly and the police car in front of me stopped too, she caused the accident, however that was of no use to me.

    He explained that he wouldn't caution me because I was not speeding or driving badly, but I was left to pay for repairs, cracked fairing, bent engine guard and ripped jeans. Even though the other women caused the accident I had no legal recourse against her, and would have to claim on my insurance for any compensation, I was lucky I didn't hit the (police) car in front or it would have been worse.

    So even with a UK police witness, on your side, the situation doesn't always work out fairly, my guess is the OP should let it go and chalk it up to experience

    a rear end collision is always your fault, you must always be in a position to stop safely no matter what happens in front of you, the lady on the crossing had nothing to do with you driving into the rear of vehicle in front, if you rear end someone you will always be to blame, there is only one instance where this is not true and that is if you have stopped and someone rearends you pushing you into vehicle in front, this is totally different to someone pulling out in front of you, it is impossible to do anything about, if I had been driving a car I woukld have been completely unable to avoid a collision but because I was on a bike there was just enough space for my bike to go past at an angle but no way to correct once it stepped out

    I must admit i am surprised at some of the posts here, this lady was 100% to blame for this, she pulled out about 15 feet in front of me leaving me nowhere to go except either into her door or into the parked vehicles on the right, there was no way i could brake in time to avoid either, believe me I know my way when it comes to driving and quick reactions as i competed in motor sport for years and have a few trophies, there was nothing I could do, this lady didn't indicate, didn't look she just drove outin front of me, the cost to me appart from the pain and disability will be about 50k baht to fix my bike and pay my medical bill. IT WAS HER FAULT 100% NOT MINE - SHE SHOULD PAY FOR HER POOR DRIVING NOT ME.

  9. I am impressed.

    How are they going to prove that she was drinking at the time?

    Good luck Gharknes I honestly hope you win this one.

    TBH drinking or not she pulled out in front of me and caused a collision.

    I have not contacted insurance as yet and was wondering how to go about this given the circumstances, also should I be making a legal claim against her or is the police investigation final for all concerned ?

  10. well as it turns out the fact that alough my bike didn't hit her car but I did changes the whole picture, she is now 100% involved, she is also avoiding the police and they have issued a warrant for her arrest, she may spend a night in the police jail if she doesn't present herself to the police today. It also seems she was drinking at the time and has a drink problem.

    Very interesting thread

    At the risk of being unsympathetic from the amount of damage described I strongly suspect speed in excess of 25 kph was a factor. A contributing factor appears to be a lack of defensive driving judging from this fellows inability to fess up.

    Driving a motor bike is extremely dangerous. You can never assume someone sees you. You need to assume they don't see you.. Even then accidents happen.

    The advice of live and learn is very sound.

    Many aren't so lucky. Here in Phuket there are 12000+ accidents a year with fatalities in the 300+ range. If you don't think riding requires extreme care think again.

    When you get on a motorbike you had better have plenty of skill and your wits about you. Either that or you better be feeling lucky. Maybe a little of both, do you feel lucky?

    at thr risk of being rude, you are a typical poster on this forum that decides the information given is wrong and you know better even though you where not there and know little or nothing about the matter.

  11. Almost the same happened to me, a baht bus taxi driver hit the brakes just in my face, the rest is the same, he flew away, even though 3 witnesses (thai people that I had nothing to do with) the police didn't do anything, I had to pay for the car that I hit while avoiding the baht bus and for the motorbike that at that time was rented (about 12,000 bht losses)...just let it go, you'll just run inti a scandal that will get you anywhere...:o

    someone braking in front of you is always your fault if you hit them, someone pulling out in front of you is their fault, it is careless driving

    those that say I have no chance ...... why ? this lady caused an accident I have a witness willing to testify the whole thing, are you saying I would have hadf ti hit her car to get her involved ? I have witness that says she pulled out in front of me....which is exactlyu what happened.

  12. I went out for a loaf today down the soi where my condo building, there is a 7/11 a few hundred meters.

    On my way back a lady in a pickup pulled out in front of me causing me to brake hard and loose control of my honda blackbird, I was doing about 25kph going slowly, I missed her pickup but the bike went down and so did I, my buike ended up hitting 2 small motorbikes parked on the street, I ended up in hospital. I was dazzed at the scene and in quite a lot of pain with blood oozing from wounds everywhere, and was winded, the lady in the pickup got into her car and drove away, I tried to stop her but in my condition I was not able..........In then went to holspital for emergency treatment

    when I got out of hospital I spoke with poilice man dealing with the incident and I gave him whatever details I had about her and explained what happened and that she left the scene, there was no damage to her car because I managed to avoid it, but my bike and the 2 parked bikes where damaged.........I gave the licence number of the lady's car to poilice man but he basically said he couldn't do anything as the number off plate was not enough.........this lady is german, she owns a bar/res off sukhumvit road near north pattaya road, the shop she was visiting to buy coffee refused to give me her name and phone number, shouldn't it be up to the police to find this out ? very easy really as she goes to the cooffee supplier many times and is well known. She left the scene of an accident before poluice arrive which in my books is an offence to start with, shouldn't the police man be doing the investigating to find this lady instead of me

    Anyway, I have to go to police station tomorrow to make statement and police man said he will give me letter to give to her to attend the police station also, again shouldn't he be doing this.

    Should I get legal councel involved in this, tghere are 3 claiments, me and the other two motorbike owners who are initially making a claim against me, although I managed to avoid hitting this ladies car she was the 100% cause of the incident, I have a witness that saw the whole thing, there where other people around that are unlikely to say anything as she was in their shop buying coffee.

    What should I do

    what should the police be doing

    any help/advice would be very appriciated,

    anyone recomend a good legal councel that wil be able to sort this mess out.

    I couyld do nothing at the scene as I was injured.

    Shouldn't your insurance be sorting all of this out?

    How could you have such a bad accident at 25 KPH?

    cocrete is hard human flesh is soft, I have no broken bones except for my toe, my insurance is the standard government insurance which I know nothing about, I was about to get insurance renewed next month, 25 kph ...I meant about 25mph, this lady gave me no chance whatsoever she just pull out without looking, I salmed on the brake while trying to avoid hitting her and the bike slipped down sideways on the front tyre, I have comptetd in mororsport for many years and I had no way out of this, she just pulled out without looking and left me nowhere to go.

    Couple of points to consider from your "statement".

    but.....dont recon you have any chance and suggest you just get on with life.... :o

    ...causing me to brake hard and loose control of my honda blackbird, I was doing about 25kph


    I missed her pickup but the bike went down and so did I, my buike ended up hitting 2 small motorbikes parked on the street.....


    I managed to avoid hitting this ladies car she was the 100% cause of the incident


    ... other people around that are unlikely to say anything as she was in their shop buying coffee.

    and finally.....

    I gave the licence number of the lady's car to poilice man but he basically said he couldn't do anything as the number off plate was not enough

    this lady caused an accident and then fled the scene before police came, she knows she pulled out on me without looking, what is it i am missing, maybe I should have hit her car.....i done very well not too. There is probably about 50k worth of damage to my bike not sure about the others.

  13. I went out for a loaf today down the soi where my condo building, there is a 7/11 a few hundred meters.

    On my way back a lady in a pickup pulled out in front of me causing me to brake hard and loose control of my honda blackbird, I was doing about 25kph going slowly, I missed her pickup but the bike went down and so did I, my buike ended up hitting 2 small motorbikes parked on the street, I ended up in hospital. I was dazzed at the scene and in quite a lot of pain with blood oozing from wounds everywhere, and was winded, the lady in the pickup got into her car and drove away, I tried to stop her but in my condition I was not able..........In then went to holspital for emergency treatment

    when I got out of hospital I spoke with poilice man dealing with the incident and I gave him whatever details I had about her and explained what happened and that she left the scene, there was no damage to her car because I managed to avoid it, but my bike and the 2 parked bikes where damaged.........I gave the licence number of the lady's car to poilice man but he basically said he couldn't do anything as the number off plate was not enough.........this lady is german, she owns a bar/res off sukhumvit road near north pattaya road, the shop she was visiting to buy coffee refused to give me her name and phone number, shouldn't it be up to the police to find this out ? very easy really as she goes to the cooffee supplier many times and is well known. She left the scene of an accident before poluice arrive which in my books is an offence to start with, shouldn't the police man be doing the investigating to find this lady instead of me

    Anyway, I have to go to police station tomorrow to make statement and police man said he will give me letter to give to her to attend the police station also, again shouldn't he be doing this.

    Should I get legal councel involved in this, tghere are 3 claiments, me and the other two motorbike owners who are initially making a claim against me, although I managed to avoid hitting this ladies car she was the 100% cause of the incident, I have a witness that saw the whole thing, there where other people around that are unlikely to say anything as she was in their shop buying coffee.

    What should I do

    what should the police be doing

    any help/advice would be very appriciated,

    anyone recomend a good legal councel that wil be able to sort this mess out.

    I couyld do nothing at the scene as I was injured.

  14. I got to page 3 of this thread and gave up, most of the posts are pointless.

    Based on what has been officially released, they have proven that sex took place between these two people...............no further discussion required on that one

    Did she consent ? rapes are usually between 2 people so no witnesses, conviction is based solely on testimony from both parties, other factors such as motives would be considered if either party had something to gain

    Did he confess ? if so the case is closed.

    end of thread

    A bit slow on the uptake, are we?

    -Witnesses before and after the event, such as security video and the people she called for help.

    -She was carried out of the bar in a comatose state after being drugged. Did she consent?

    you don't get it, the only witness at this point that would be of any value is the one that heard her say no, like I said, the event did take place the point is - did she consent, how does she prove she didn't, how does he prove she did.

  15. I got to page 3 of this thread and gave up, most of the posts are pointless.

    Based on what has been officially released, they have proven that sex took place between these two people...............no further discussion required on that one

    Did she consent ? rapes are usually between 2 people so no witnesses, conviction is based solely on testimony from both parties, other factors such as motives would be considered if either party had something to gain

    Did he confess ? if so the case is closed.

    end of thread

  16. "proper authorities"? they pay the Police\Mafia!

    Control? have you tried to park lately? many traffic jams are caused by delivery trucks double parking as they cant get to where they wont to be.

    5\10 years ago the traffic situation was tolerable, with the increase in volume something needs to be done :o

    Cheers :D

    They actually pay the local government.....I once saw a girl in the local govt uniform come down to Mr Toys Bike rental outside the Roo Bar and ask young Mr Toy a few questions and then count the rental bikes.....after she left young Mr Toy explained to me what it was all about. She was checking that he was complying with his permit conditions which allow him so many bikes and a certain area of operation. If he strayed out of his allocated area or had more bikes than he is allowed, he would have been fined.

    Yes I have seen the traffic jams.....but when you consider the width of the road it is hardly surprising... :D In the meantime we just sit and watch and shake our heads....TIT after all.. :D

    personally I blame the traffic situation on the increasing count of Baht Taxi's, they continually tour in a long daisy chain round 2nd road and beach road mostly empty, stopping when thety thinik they have a cutomer causing traffic obstructions everywhere.....there are simply just too many of them.

  17. Just wondering as to your attitude at the time...you obviously didnt speak Thai to them and made "motions"...could your "motions" have been taken as aggressive??

    Me, I would have smiled and made a joke of some sort...I know a few of the guys in that area and they are mostly ok guys.

    would you have pretended to be australian again??

    Would that work though?

    I actually remained very neutral in my response, refering the the ciggy i was about to finish and go, these guys where just aggressive and looking for a fight no matter what, very rude very crude and i did back down to a point but it was no walk over, I remained calm and resolute in my stance, and yes it was probably a mixture of jealousy and hate for farang.................I parked outside a 7/11 went in came out and these two where just plain ignorant, to move my bike 6 feet would have required me to back it up go round a couple of bikes parked in front of mine and park it 6 feet away, neither practical for me or something i was willing to do and i didn't, who lost face...well it wasn't me, i refused to do waht they wanted and continued smileing the whole time, yes i could probably pay these chaps a visit with a few thai friends of mine but I would then be just like them...thugs. They are such big men when there's 2 or 3 of them.

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