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Posts posted by gharknes

  1. Just wanting some views and opinions

    I have noticed recently more and more bars serving small measures of spirits (vodka etc) either from an optic 25ml or from a measuring dispenser which has a large or small offering, always from the small one, the glass is filled with ice and cola first then the spirit is added, at least with a beer you know what you are getting.

    consider this

    bar pays roughly 30baht for a tiger beer and sells for 60-80 baht 100% profit customer reasonably happy

    bar pays 550baht for 70cl bottle of branded vodka (300baht for the cheap stuff) and sells for 80-110baht, customer unhappy if they are aware.

    so that means 70cl bottle will serve 28 25ml measures taking the average price at 90baht that totals 2520baht almost 500% profit

    Anybody see anything wrong with this, :D oh and don't say free mixer, a large family size coke is less than 30baht, so insignificant i didn't even include it

    consider also that most people will drink a short in half the time of a beer, no wonder bar owners are feeling the pinch - complaining about people not spending money, do u guys think that we are all stupid, I am outspoken and will complain when i see this, most people just won't come back or drink beer instead,.

    To the bar owners out the, come on guys give a fair measure or drop the price.................or both actually :o


  2. i think the guy is trying to say he doesn't believe...........up to him

    some charities are run as missions, the work is good but as a none believer myself I can see his point

    religon is evil..............look at current and past conflicts in our world...tell me i'm wrong

    Speaking as someone who has no religion, and in particular has no time for organised religion, there would be a lot more dead and at risk kids in Pattaya if it wasn't for Father Giovanni at the Camillian centre and Fred & Dianne at the the Mercy Mission.

    If they want to do it in the name of religion - who are we, who do absolutely nothing, to critisise?

    And I can tell you from first hand experience that no religous beliefs are crammed down the kids' throats. They are in the business of saving and protecting lives - not dispensing Christian dogma.

    as i said.......the work they do is good and invaluable, all credit to them

  3. i think the guy is trying to say he doesn't believe...........up to him

    some charities are run as missions, the work is good but as a none believer myself I can see his point

    religon is evil..............look at current and past conflicts in our world...tell me i'm wrong

  4. all these recent claims by bargirls and working ladies is getting quite disturbing, it seems that no matter what is agreed or paid they can call the BIB make up a story and get what ever thay want, once this catches on I can see many more of these scams taking place......................in the long run they are shooting themselves in the foot, just another downward step to encourage visitors to think twice before taking a holiday here. It's all turning a bit sour

  5. I have had a SE smart phone for years, they are superb, the new model SE P990i is the dogs *****ks wouldn't consider anything else, quite simply the best on the market, check it out before you buy anythng else

    That's interesting, what does your Sony do that my Nokia E70 doesn't.

    By the way you should never ask shop assistants here about their gadgets, they have no idea. Do some on-line research first, read a few reviews, that's how I opted for the E70. Just waiting for the new N95 to come out with 5MP camera, built in GPS maps, plus loads more.

    where would you like me to start.................touch screen to begin with, battery life, 2 features i regard to be extremely important, screen size could be another one, scroll wheel, general ease of use...............it's simply better in my opinion

  6. Both.... paid both 5 and 10bht depends if I have the proper change. Having proper change is the key btw. :o

    having proper change isn't really a problem, I show him the 20 or hundred note - get the change first then hand over the money, never had an issue yet

  7. Thailand has been violent country for as long as I can remember. Life is cheap, and thousands of Thais are murdered very year.

    A vast majority of these murders and other crimes rarely involve foreigners, and even rarer do they involve tourists. There have been a few high profile rapes of female tourisists, which happens in most world wide tourist spots . Apart from this, the violent crimes and murders involving foreigners have usually been against long term residents or sometimes, loutish, drunken Eeropean tourists (mainly Brits) who think they can behave here as they do back home.

    I do not have any statistics of violent crimes against foreigners, but if the news reports are anything to go by, I doubt it is more than two or three per week for the whole of Thailand, and considering that in Pattaya alone there were something like 4 million tourists last year, I'd say that is likely to be a very low number

    Interpol reports that in Thailand in 2001 (the latest year of records) there were 5,027 murders (14 per day), 20862 sexual offences, excluding rape (57 per day), 3847 rapes (11 per day) 21,054 serious assaults (58 per day) and it goes on and on.

    So from these stats we can assume that the number of crimes against foreigners is very low, and I think it is reasonable to assume that in general Thailand and Pattaya is still a pretty safe place for foreigners, and it is only a few drunken brawlers and farangs who get involved in business or domestic disputes and put their heads 'above the parapet' who are increasing their risk of becoming part of those statistics.

    I feel a lot safer here than I have done in most places I have lived - including Bangkok. :o

    great post

  8. my parents are at my house in phucket. i am playing a video game with my thai girl friend who is uni educated and works in an office. i scored a goal against her in a football game so she threw the controller across the room.

    i suppose this was a "thai" moment for her.

    how can i explain to my parents that her doing this does not make her a complete idiot, and that things like this are common among thai people for some reason unknown to farang.

    if she acts like a child then treat her like one............................send her straight to her room for the rest of the day and ground her for a week........no pocket money

  9. This particular Shell station has come under scrutiny in the past for the same scam--see letters. (http://www.pattayamail.com/630/letters.shtml).

    Typically, the gas attendant fills your tank and then you pay whatever the meter reads, right? Well you should probably check to see that the meter was actually reset before the attendant starts to fill.

    It happened to me yesterday (11/23). Although I usually check the meter, I was distracted by a skirt in the wind and before it was all over, my motorbike's tank was full at nearly 85 baht. I've never been able to fill it beyond 55! So someone's pocketed my 30bt. Over a few hours, that's a nice profit. Beware.

    inconvienient as it is , I don't fill there anymore.........self imposed bann

    police where involved and I got a refund of 100baht when the contents of my tank didn't meet what i paid for.

  10. Are bars or places that sell booze allowed to advertise?

    no they have to hide the bottles and pumps from site, maybe they could serve the drink from a back room and then we'll never know what we're drinking

    this is all just plain stupid, if they want to tackle road death through drinking then they need to address driving standards - policing standards and detection

    lets stop deaths in the fishing industry we'll all stop eating fish

    For a lot of people bars and drinking is a major part of our social interaction, it ain't going to change, for those that don't drink I don't think you have a place in this argument

  11. Many people are arguing against the alcohol advertising ban by citing statistics that in Norway and other countries the alcohol consumption rate increased when advertising stopped. This is really an indictment against the effectiveness of advertising and marketing in general. Billions of baht wasted on advertising every year in Thailand to achieve a decrease in consumption over what would have been consumed if no baht were wasted! Or are they coloring their statistics with wishful thinking!

    up to them .....but they do give use something back for all the money we spend............concerts and live music..........am i missing something

  12. When the fag companies were banned out of sports in the UK the negative effects to the sporting events and related industries (advertising, printing etc) were short lived.

    The cost to Thailand if a few advertising companies go under and they miss out on a few rock concerts would be a small price to pay IF the ban saves even one life. Around 14,000 people die on Thai roads annually. 80%+ of these deaths are drink related. And that represents only one of the negative effects alcohol has on society.

    Less drinking, less puking, less hangovers, less hospital visits, lower insurance, safer roads etc.

    A very good news indeed !

    Let's wait a few more month, to have other cancelations. And then, maybe, the government will start to understand that they should review their ridiculous face-based decision...

    Sponsorship is only the tip of the iceberg... Actually, it's a big economic blow to the advertising and printing industries. That's the main issue.

    Less activities, less revenues, less VAT, less taxes, etc.

    Face has a price. They will pay it. At no discount.

    now that's the stupidest post i've read here yet, advertising has nothing to do with drink driving, perhaps a sponsored campain and some advertising from the drink companies about drinking and driving might be the way to go, I don't think any manufacturing ccompany in the world would support driving while drunk, seperate issues, you think everyone will stop drinking because there are no adds......are you for real.

    Yes I am. I'm sorry you think it's stupid, but I've researched it and it's possible for you to do the same. Try typing, "arguments for ban on alcohol advertising" in google. You might be able to find a link to some research papers on the subject. One (from a little school called MIT) has data suggesting that if there was a ban on broadcast advertising (only) with no bans on advertising for events etc, then around 3,000 lives would be saved (in the US at the time the study was carried out).

    I never said that "everyone will stop drinking", read back to what I did say. Oh wait, I'll just say it again and try and make it clear....

    IF the ban saves EVEN ONE LIFE, then isn't that worth inconveniencing a few rockers booze makers and a few advertising firms?

    And "adds" is "ad" in this case, short word for advertisement. Also "separate" not "seperate... and "campaign" not "campain". (Sorry, but just check your spelling before you send a post to tell someone else that what they wrote is stupid. And check your facts after that. And then be sure that you read the other person's post properly and try to understand what they were actually saying.

    If people drink, they might get drunk... if they get drunk they might drink drive and are then more likely to crash. People who crash are more likely to get hurt or hurt others than people who don't crash. You follow? It's not really rocket science is it?

    And advertising products does effect sales, otherwise they wouldn't spend millions of baht on ads would they? So taking the ads away should have a negative effect on sales, right?

    Less alcohol sales = less drunks = less drunk drivers = less crashes = less roadkill

    I am sure MIT had a much more involved formulation for their conclusions, but I suspect that mine are reasonably accurate.

    how does "full of it" sound

    I studdied statistical analysis and I'm sorry but it ain't as simple as that..........it's all open to a slant from the origin of the survey, ban gun sale and nobody will be shot, ban driving and nobody will be killed by a car, ban airplanes and nobody will ever die in an air accident, ban motorsport and nobody will ever be killed in a track accident...............want me to continue

    what you are talking is just subjective bullshit, you don't ban motorsport you try to improve the safety, you don't ban drinking or anything associated with it, you try to improve the environment around it i.e. discourage people from jumping into a car while drunk, you will never stop people drinking, advertising has nothin to do with drinking alchohol - it is the brewers saying to people "that drink" "our product is better than theirs" it's called competition, you obviously don't take too much of the evil fountain yourself ...eh sorry but i'm a sinner and love it :o

  13. When the fag companies were banned out of sports in the UK the negative effects to the sporting events and related industries (advertising, printing etc) were short lived.

    The cost to Thailand if a few advertising companies go under and they miss out on a few rock concerts would be a small price to pay IF the ban saves even one life. Around 14,000 people die on Thai roads annually. 80%+ of these deaths are drink related. And that represents only one of the negative effects alcohol has on society.

    Less drinking, less puking, less hangovers, less hospital visits, lower insurance, safer roads etc.

    A very good news indeed !

    Let's wait a few more month, to have other cancelations. And then, maybe, the government will start to understand that they should review their ridiculous face-based decision...

    Sponsorship is only the tip of the iceberg... Actually, it's a big economic blow to the advertising and printing industries. That's the main issue.

    Less activities, less revenues, less VAT, less taxes, etc.

    Face has a price. They will pay it. At no discount.

    now that's the stupidest post i've read here yet, advertising has nothing to do with drink driving, perhaps a sponsored campain and some advertising from the drink companies about drinking and driving might be the way to go, I don't think any manufacturing ccompany in the world would support driving while drunk, seperate issues, you think everyone will stop drinking because there are no adds......are you for real.

  14. I have had a SE smart phone for years, they are superb, the new model SE P990i is the dogs *****ks wouldn't consider anything else, quite simply the best on the market, check it out before you buy anythng else

  15. actually out of the box harley come with mufflers, stupid people take them out because they think it's cool, I ride a 1100cc honda and it's as quiet as a car, get a life guys and give all some peace

    every time i hear/see one of these my thought is "what a stupid phucker"

    I did say that they were muffled.

    Do you dress like a power ranger whilst your riding your Honda 1100? :o (Blackbird i presume?)

    I wear a dress.............what difference does it make, i enjoy my bike without anoying others

    Dave are you heading to chaingmai ?

  16. actually out of the box harley come with mufflers, stupid people take them out because they think it's cool, I ride a 1100cc honda and it's as quiet as a car, get a life guys and give all some peace

    every time i hear/see one of these my thought is "what a stupid phucker"

  17. Some people like bikes, some don't!

    The ones that don't, don't care for the ones that do and i reckon that goes the other way also.


    Idon't have an issue with bikes everybody to their own, what I do have an issue with is forced invasion of my space, why on earth do these people feel the need to effectivly remove the exhaust pipe, why do the authorities let them away with the noise, if every car/bike owner did the same we would have one hel_l of a noisy city, so why do these few want to have and engine with no exhaust, including you Dave, get a muffler back in there and stop anoying everyone.............pretty childish if you ask me.

    noise pollution

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