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Posts posted by RobFord

  1. If people want to understand Trump and his methods they must read art of the deal. The liberals are being tossed around like toys along with the main stream media. He is slowly outing who he calls the swamp dwellers from both parties. The hysterics against him from the left are playing right into his hands. All this Russia nonsense will prove just that. Nonsense. As if the U S never interfered with other countries elections. Obama in London calling against brexit for example. The show is fun to watch with still three and a half years to go. 

    Trump never wrote art of the deal.


    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
  2. Trump's only choice now is to clean house- everyone in the White House has to go- and that include Bannon; Priebus; Kushner and even Ivanka. they need to be replaced by people who have worked as close Presidential aides and know the system. I do not like Trump at all but there are too many real dangers out there like North Korea that have to be attended to and the chance of going to war increases by having such chaos in the White House.
    Someone needs to tell Trump he must stop the Twitter nonsense; stay on script with foreign leaders and stop his narcissistic tendency to tell everyone how great everything is. The man is a walking time bomb.
    There also must be an independent prosecutor appointed to determine if indeed there is any WH connection to Russia and if anyone collaborated with Russia to affect the election.Trump could well end this debacle by supporting such a move-  If things do not change- Trump may well be removed by the 25th Amendment or by an Impeachment conviction. The problem is a lot of damage to America will be done until this is sorted out.

    The only choice now is impeachment.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
  3. So, to be clear on the opinion of the Trump-Haters; In YOUR opinion as stated repeatedly, he's "An Idiot", "Incompetent", "A Man-Baby", "Incapable", "A Moron", "Has No Clue About How The World Works", "Flip-Flops Every Other Day On Everything", YET, he single-handedly devised and executed a plan, Without Any Prior Political Experience, that completely duped the 2nd/3rd most powerful man in the world (Putin), the entire executive staff of every Russian intelligence agency, Julian Assange and Wikileaks into covertly undermining Crooked Hilary and associates (who by the way, were already doing this to poor Bernie as they knew no one would EVER find out) AND then proceeded to fool most of America into electing him to be the most powerful man in the world. Does that about cover it? :thumbsup: 
    The man must have an IQ of 180, the charisma of Slick Willy, Charles Manson, Jim Jones, Jerry Falwell, Billy Graham, JFK and an acting ability that rivals the best in Hollywood. Way to go Mr. President!
    Flame away. :jap:

    No Mr. Webb. The Russians are playing Trump and America.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
  4. 38 minutes ago, wirat69 said:

    Last night a motorcycle with a lady and her young daughter swerved to avoid a drain plate. They swerved right into the side of my truck, being driven properly in the next lane. I made the mistake of stopping!!! She had no insurance and her ex-husband wanted my insurance to pay for her hospital even though there was no fault on my part... a waste of 2 plus hours..... So I have a little sympathy for the Merc driver as the motorcycle seems to swerve a little into his rear.....

    Swerve a little into his rear? The passing Merc was so close it would scare the shit out of anyone. Too bad there wasn't a dash cam recording showing your incident. 

  5. no such ting as a credit card in thailand for falang, you deposit money then draw down on it up to a max of 80 percent of money deposited in account. when they told me i laughed i nearly brought a round.

    Yes there is. I have two of them.

    For the application you need your work permit, tax receipts & payslips.

    Credit limit is 2 month's salary.


    I'm thinking of retirement in Thailand and spoke to my local branch manager. He suggested I open a Thai bank account and obtain their Visa Card, then pay the card on line using my home account.

    Any problem securing a Thai Visa Card for those with a Retirement Visa?


  6. no such ting as a credit card in thailand for falang, you deposit money then draw down on it up to a max of 80 percent of money deposited in account. when they told me i laughed i nearly brought a round.

    Yes there is. I have two of them.

    For the application you need your work permit, tax receipts & payslips.

    Credit limit is 2 month's salary.

  7. 1. No license necessary for anyone riding scooters. Even elementary students can ride them

    2. No traffic violation enforcement. Poor police enforcement = bad driving habits.

    Hmmm….."in Dec the Thai car market increased sales 206% from Dec 2011".

    More cars more death is nothing new. Wonder what the figures are for China. Don't blame scooters and cyclist for being killed by cars.

    Your Mayor,

    Rob Ford

  8. Bringing own ride good idea, riding during smokey season bad idea. Fellow cyclist's IMHO, but Feb should be ok esp if you ride in less smokey areas (they do exist)

    Does the smoke sit in the valleys? Can you climb out of it? One of the reasons I've chosen Chiang Mai over the party beach locations is the climbs.

  9. America has the world's 3rd largest population - perhaps 4 - 5 times as large as the UK, but I seem to find more Brits in Los than Americans. Maybe that's a wrong impression I have? America has 15 times the population of Australia, but I seem to meet more Aussies than Americans in LOS. For Aussies, LOS is close and cheap.

    Quite a lot of Americans claim to be Canadian when abroad.

    meh....if you are American you can tell most Canadians apart by their accent. Some definitely sound like Americans, but when they go "oot and aboot, eh?" you know they are from north of the border...again...most.....remember, Canadians are crafty like that! (Just a joke).

    Seriously, though....you can tell usually and I would never pretend to be Canadian unless I were in a situation like Mumbai and the terrorists were checking people's passports to decide who to kill. I would cook up a nationality quick (I have a few passable ones to choose from) and say I had lost my passport. Barring that, I welcome all comers to have a go at me if they hate Americans that much.

    I don't meet many Americans here in Thailand compared to places in the Western Hemisphere.

    Every Canadian has an American cousin.

    Unfortunately, few Americans have Canadian cousins.

    Hence the disconnect.

  10. That's not rain, Mr. Ford, it is smoke/smog, a curse upon the north from Feb-June. The rainy season is approx late June-late Nov. This tear the rainy season in Chiang Mai was very moderate,compared to Central and Southern Thailand.

    Holy Schmookies. A whole new season.

    Good information. Thanks.

  11. I will try to answer the poster's question, yes I know that is hardly the spirit of this forum but what the heck. Try Googling Chiang Mai Cycling. They recommend Cacti Bike near the moat but there a few more. The last time I rented prices were around 180 Baht to 200 Baht per day.

    I've found everything on line to be outdated and emails have been either rejected or ignored.

    Think I'll be rolling my own. Hope I'm not too badly sodomized for oversized by the airlines.

    Isn't the rainy season June / July in Northern Thailand?

  12. re

    I'll be in Chiang Mai this Feb / March and would like to rent a decent road bike ( 56 ) for about six weeks.

    are you sure ?

    pic 1 .. doi suthep view 16 feb 13

    pic 2 .. doi suthep view 11 apr 13

    pic 3 .. doi suthep view 11 june 12

    if you want to see something june is better smile.png


    hehehe……a wee bit wet. As opposed to this?


  13. OK. How's this for a strategy?

    I'm over 60, thinking of retiring long term in Thailand and don't expect any company to provide health insurance under those circumstances.

    1. Take out accident insurance incase I'm hit by a tuktuk and break an arm or a leg or otherwise have to spend a time in hospital (upset tummy). facepalm.gif

    2. If I'm diagnosed with a heart condition or cancer etc. take the next flight back to Canada, pay the $750 and make a doctors appointment to confirm the diagnosis and determine long term care. bah.gif

    If I have a sudden jammer it's likely over anyway and they can all fight over the spoils. clap2.gif

    Whadda' ya' think?

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