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Posts posted by RobFord

  1. Well, in this case they do not appear to beating the drums of war and trying to justify an invasion. Even liars can tell the truth if it serves their interests. I think this is actually a genuine problem, and Trump needs to give it some priority.

    Trumps too busy playing survivor at the White House.

    There's also that Mueller thing...tic....tic...tic.


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  2. Donald John Trump is the 45th President of the United States of America.  He is the Commander in Chief.  He owns the Generals and everyone who is on active duty or subject to being called to active duty.  You seem to be having difficulty understanding long-standing concepts in law and war.  
    You have now more than once claimed that Trump dodged the draft.  
    Do tell us all how he did that.  
    Be specific.
    We are all waiting for you to show us that you can make a valid point.

    Do not feed the trolls. Ignore him.

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  3. China is pushing the envelope at 1,000 places in 10,000 ways.  The US is the only country which can effectively push back.  The EU or Russia could, but neither has the courage to do so.  I usually advise avoiding war, but the S.C. Sea is 1,000 steps too far.  The US should form a military coalition with S.E. countries, against China's ever-creeping take-over of other countries' territories.  The alternative is; increase of the same, with China eventually putting its ownership claim ever further afield.  Where next after the S.C. Sea?  Papua NG?,  Pacific Islands?   S.E. Asia?   Africa?   Antarctica?   I jest not. 

    China doesn't recognize international law. They follow a policy of realism.

    "Under the policy of realism, nations should continuously play a zero-sum game to maximize their own state interests."


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  4. The PRC has put pressure on its smaller neighbors. What if it was a US oil company?


    China calls it Wanan Bei-21 and has leased the same piece of seabed to a different company.

    Exactly which company is not clear. In 2015, the Chinese rights were sold to a Hong Kong-listed company called Brightoil, but it has recently denied owning them.

    Two of the directors of Brightoil are senior members of the Chinese Communist Party.






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  5. Are you talking about collecting some petty cash on the roads
    Personally I have little objection to the odd 200 bhatt here and there
    I do not believe there is widespread of exploitation of the public, money from business owners is another story

    You're part of the problem. Go to the police station and pay the fine. Mind you, where it goes from there is anybody's question.

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  6. Someone please explain to me why Russia are still perceived as a threat to the west? I mean to the west (without dragging up Ukraine, which is an irredentism issue between those two states and is nobody else's business).
    Russia is no longer communist, they're Christian, the Soviet empire is over, they have no plans or incentive to invade or attack Europe, and Russia and the US have a common interest in suppressing Chinese expansionism. The fear is out of date and counterproductive.

    "Someone please explain to me why Russia are still perceived as a threat to the west?"


    Maybe because Putin regards the break up of the former Soviet Union as the 'greatest geopolitical tragedy of the 20th century'?

    Those former Soviet Republics are terrified by Putin and becoming NATO members as fast as they can, yet YOU support him.

    <deleted> is with that anyway?


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  7. The image of the United States is pretty good in George Clooney's English countryside.  This resistance leader has moved his family back to the US after leaving due to the Trump victory.  In doing so he acknowledges Trump is making America great again and that he, Clooney, was wrong to leave in the first place.

    More nonsense. Real estate is always a good investment. The Clooney's have 5 homes.

    I hope they're able to enjoy time in all of them.

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  8. You need to take a Bex and have a lie down mate.
    Your logic is like someone arguing over the existence of unicorns - irrational and all over the place.
    Maybe have a beer and cigarette with that Bex.
    Call me Betty if you like.
    Dont worry if you dont get it - I dont really expect you too.
    Surprise me??

    Completely vacuous response. Next time try saying something.

    Surprise us.

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