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Posts posted by RobFord

  1. has anyone bought one of these after owning a nouvo sx ?
    I dont really need to upgrade but its always tempting lol 
    is it lower to the ground because the wheels are 2 inches smaller ?
    trying to justify the expense for a "faster" scooter but i have big bikes 
    that can go plenty fast but theyre useless in bkk in morning rush hr etc 

    I went with the Vespa 150 3V. Feels like a real motorcycle ( quality tires, suspension and hydraulic disc brake system ). Big enough for a big guy, and it slices through traffic.
    Nothing really happens when you turn your wrist, but there is the 200 cc model.

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  2. Has anyone removed that God awful center stand?
    Was behind one a few days ago is looks like something from a Soviet Era truck. Must weigh about 5kg too. 
    Is it an easy removal - just a few bolts, or is it connected to the side stand and would need to be cut off?

    555. I haven't seen a center stand yet that doesn't look like it was fabricated by a ten year old.

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  3. After puncturing the rear MOE Pirelli tire with 23,000 on it, I decided to give the Michelin Power Pures a try. Not a good choice.

    After 10,000 km the front is like a squared off V. Difficult to hold a line both on the straights and when turning into / thru corners. Below 30 kmph it's just weird. Inspires no confidence in the wet, particularly with a passenger.

    I've just switched to the Diablo Scooter and it feels ok, but it's damned expensive.

    Anyone else have any experience with Power Pure, or can make recommendations?


    If you look carefully you can see that the left side of the tire is actually scalloped. This is due to crowned roads in Thailand causing additional wear on that side. The photo was taken after the tire was removed. The V shape and scalloping is much more apparent when the tire is mounted on the rim.





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  4. all your conspiracy theories are a work in progress…..no smoking gun just a big fat smoke machine with a cnn logo on it.
    your boy comey just testified under oath that there is nothing linking trump to collusion with the russians. something the nyt just blindly asserted based on a source that they cant seem to locate right now…lol.
    all we established is that comey suffers from incontinence….a tendency to leak when he feels uncomfortable…555

    Looks more like a very well directed controlled flow.


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  5. Out of 350,000,000 they take 1500.. Oh yea, that is probably a good representation of the entire country. It was probably from New York or California, the two most leftist states in the union. This is propaganda, from leftist cucks... 

    Cuck is an alt-right fantasy obsessed with huge black schlongs penetrating submissive wives. Then hubby goes in too clean up.

    Sound familiar mcdiddly?
  6. Unfortunately for your argument, there is no "undeniable proof" that climate change is caused by humans. Scientists don't all agree on the data.
    However, even if it was proven that humans caused it, no one has proven that humans can reverse or improve the situation.
    Not to say that a pollution free world is not a good objective. They could start by banning plastic bags and planned obsolescence.
    Even if we could change it, what would we change it to? There have always been weather extremes, even before GW was first mooted. Go back to last century and scientists were saying that an ice age was due about now.
    Scientists said that salt was bad for us, now they say it is good, they said sugar was good, but we know it's not, they said butter was bad and margarine was good, now we are told margarine is very bad- need I go on?
    people are not going to do anything about it until it's catastrophic. 
    Agree 1,000,000%

    Ninety Seven percent of scientists agree that climate change is probably due to humans. You're truly are a 3 percenter, and you're hardly a scientists.

    Will you shut your gob hole and inane posts.


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  7. I hope these girls aren't reading the news. If they are, they will know the cops know where they are now and will probably do a runner again.
    When will these idiots learn? Keep your mouth shut until after you have made the arrests.
    If they spent as much time investigating as they do talking to the press, crime rates would plummet.
    It's almost at the stage where if a gang wants to know if the cops are on to them, all they need to do is to check the news.

    The GF has been following this on Thai news. She's convinced they did pick up the right girls in Myanmar. They fled Thailand to sanctuary in Myanmar and were released.

    But she doesn't trust the police much.

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    I agree that Trump seems to not be able to help himself. 
    My guess is that it has to do with the nature of his business prior to his presidential campaign.  At that time, it was probably much easier and practical to just make something up to resolve the immediate situation.  I think he then did view - albeit not wisely - long-term consequences of little or no importance. 
    Thus, perhaps his mind is just not used to keeping track of whatever b.s. he had spouted out earlier.  It just didn't seem necessary to him and he may have replied to complaints with things like, "And what are you going to do about it?  Sue me?" 

    Don't over complicate it. He's just a psychopathic liar. I've found the best liars always believe it while they say it.

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  9. Couldn't agree more!
    I'd vaguely hoped that trump was looking towards his legacy, and may therefore turn out to be a good president....  Its looking increasingly unlikely - but nonetheless I could do without pretty much every thread turning into a 'hate trump' thread :sad:.
    This thread is about a man who hated moslems and killed two people as a result of his hatred.

    You and thaibeachlover should wander off into the jungle together and bond like men.

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  10. How did this turn into a political issue??
    We have a stupid man killing two others who defended two moslem women from his initial verbal abuse.
    It wasn't 'political' - he hated all moslems!
    He has no defense and needs to be locked up for the rest of his life, but its probably time to ban all religious head-coverings and the like in christian countries.

    It's political because trump's presidency ( and I loath the bastard ) is being used by nut jobs to commit hate crimes.


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