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Posts posted by RobFord

  1. Yes, they love 1st hand houses and hates 2nd. Personal experience.
    They might justify it by that ghost of past owners lives there or gave you some simlilar crap. Real reasson ussualy is, that after first owner that property will start falling apart. Level of maitanance, unqualified workers, trying to save on everything when building a house. It just ads up.
    In our village on the main street was build a house. First renter stayed there about 5years. I came as a 2nd renter. The state of this house is completely horrendous after this 5 years. The roof is leaking so bad, that ceilings in the bathroom literally fell down. 20% of ceramic tiles in bathroom just simply felt off own on their own. Balcony is leaking. 2nd floor toilet is leaking through ceilings to 1st floor bathroom. Frame of door in living room simply felt on the ground. Its basically falling all apart. 
    Im not the owner, but if I was and I was trying to put this house together, it would be cheaper just start from the scratch.
    2nd hand properies sounds good only if you're not familiar with thai standars... 

    Exactly. They don't put a cent into it after it's built.
    People here with money are looking for places to hide it that won't cost them anything in taxes, etc.
    Take a tour through Green Valley if you're ever in Mai Rim. Lovely golf course centered development filled with abandoned houses, yet at least 8 new very expensive homes have been recently completed or are under construction, including an empty high rise.
    The rules don't apply because it doesn't cost them anything to hide their money in real estate. You'd be bled dry in taxes back home.

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  2. I've had little luck finding good avocados in Mai Rim. From searches online when they first introduced avocados they went for a large variety. Unfortunately their tasteless and watery. Avoid the big ones. There are smaller ones, firm and full of flavor when in season. Just haven't been able to find them.

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  3. Nice going, Donald!
    Try thinking things through from now on.  (Like that's going happen.) 
    That tapes threat tweet really worked out well for you.  Now, you have admitted that not only have you lied - as if that's a surprise - but it sure looks like (check out Chou Anou's post #8 and link above) you have engaged in witness intimidation.  Plus, this gives even more credibility to Comey's testimony of that one-on-one dinner conversation that could have been left as a "he said, he said" legal contest.  Maybe you should have taken every criminal defense attorney's advice to their clients of keeping your mouth shut (or fingers not tweeting).   
    So, what kind of indication is this of how well the president is handling negotiating with seasoned foreign leaders and diplomats?  
    Donald, maybe you should get some advice from this classic book called The Art of the Deal.   

    Since you brought up "The Art of the Deal". This is an article by the guy who actually wrote it, and it's a fun read.

    It can be surmised with " I put lipstick on a pig". Enjoy.


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  4. I would actually take issue with that. Maybe because I only see the English language version but I have seen their presentation as balanced. Certainly not anti American. Again i do not agree with all they show. I do find them very informative. And often far more balanced in their approach to some middle east and World problems. I think it is their more balanced view on the Arab World that upsets their Gulf neighbours. 

    With most of these government news organizations it's more about what isn't covered than covered.

    RT cherry picks negative US news, but never mentions Putin, and it is available in most of the hotel rooms I've been in while in Asia.

    How is AJ different? And I visit their APP most days ( wouldn't touch Fox or RT with a ten foot pole ).

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  5. So Australian immigrant in Thailand wipes out family after minor scrape.
    20 years imprisonment is the only acceptable punishment

    It isn't about time served time, it's all about the money.

    The Red Bull heir paid about 2 million baht to the family not to have them pursue him in court. Seems about right because you haven't heard a word since, and know the ones letting him run free aren't settling for 2 million baht from a billionaire.

    If you have money you don't serve time, it just cost money. Same as back home.

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  6. Kinda like when a Thai does it people here judge all Thai drivers, ain't it?
    Fleeing the scene is often the correct thing to do but not when the police are there! 

    A friend who worked here 20 plus years ago was told by his company that if he was in an accident to leave the scene and contact the company lawyers. The point was that if the police had you, you were truly screwed.

    I don't think much has changed.

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  7. The inside word is that it was an instruction guide written by Trump's hair stylist.  Fat little Un secretly coverts the look.
    A Whitehouse spokesman said there's no way that could be allowed to happen, as the thought of a thatched headed, childish, paranoid narcissist with his finger on the nuclear button was just too terrible to contemplate.

    Trump could only wish for this flat top.


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  8. I have lost count of the number of times Trump has denied accusations then given an interview or tweet confirming the accusation only later to send a minion out to deny that he confirmed the accusation.

    Someone's keeping track for you.

    294 false or misleading statements so far while president.

    Some of them are qualified by stating it's hard to know of he's ignorant or just stupid.


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  9. A good example of the dishonesty of the media. How can you even try to have an intelligent discussion with someone who is just repeatedly trying to pretend to not understand what you are saying. 

    The lawyer did say he ( trump ) is being investigated. He said it twice. Read helpisgood's post #8, and go back and listen.

    3rd rate lawyer and typical fox newscaster.

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  10. It might be hopeless without changing mindsets.
    Granted, Trump is all the things said about him. Fine. But the alternative (read other candidates) weren't much to write home about. Their main allure is that they aren't Trump. That can carry for a while, but it doesn't address the issue, just postpones the next episode. Whether it will make sides come to terms or if each "next episode" would become worse, is anyone's guess. I wouldn't be too optimistic as far as the short run goes.
    So it's not just a question of "resisting" Trump. But what's to be done post-Trump. And also, let's say the "resistance" will triumph - there are victories and then there are victories. Win while pushing people too far, and things could go badly bigly. End of the day, regardless of popular votes, there are plenty of Americans who voted for Trump (for whatever reason). It's something that can't be ignored by labeling, and can't be dreamed away as a non-issue. Need to come to terms with that. With them.

    I do agree with you this whole underbelly needed to be exposed, but if trump is the tonic I'll take an enema.

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    That might be your own take, not mine.
    If anything, the post above exemplifies my point. The American public seems to have more and more trouble discussing anything in a rational manner, without resorting to extreme partisan position. And that cuts both ways. There could also be choice words said about cultural changes making it possible for such a caricature of  person such as Trump to be seen as a viable candidate, never mind a President. Goes a ways beyond the political divide, though, so guess it's outside the scope of this sandbox topic.
    I dunno if the last line was intended as general or personal. If the latter, you're outta line and off mark. If the former, still off mark.

    The last line is intended as personal. It does start with who you want to be.

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  12. OK Transam , in the '60s I had a 500cc Norton , punch ups at Brighton , tying the aerials on scooters in knots , oh what fun we had.
    Now I have a Forza as Nortons are more hard to come by.  Back to topic.  Tyre pressures are interesting , mine should be 25psi front - 29 rear. Same everywhere ..check when cold.   Now cold here on a hot day is a lot different to cold on a cold day in Iceland. A few months ago on a hot road over here the road holding was horrideous . I now run the tyres with 20psi front and 25 rear, much better .

    Today I buy a pressure gauge.

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  13. The Vespa usually sports 10 inch rims, in some cases 11. That means, that the tire on a Vespa with 10.000 Km on the clock equals 17.000 Km on a 17 inch rim.  I change the rubber on my 110 Yamaha  Nano Spark (17 inch) latest at 15.000 Km. So, a tire on a Vespa with 10k is pretty much done and should be changed immediately. The reason that motorcyclists have to change their tires more often than car drivers is due to the fact, that the rubber mixture is - for a good reason - much softer, than those used on car tires. There should be no problem with the mayor brands like Heidenau (!), Metzeler, Michelin and Pirelli. I will not comment on riding a MOE Pirelli tire with 23,000 on it.

    Even with 23,000 km it hadn't touched the wear marks and was replaced due to puncture. The tires still had good adhesion, the rear would only lock up for the last 3 feet under full rear brake. The Power Pure wouldn't lock up at all when new.
    It's my understanding that when the tire manufacturers make a MOE run for a vehicle they use a harder compound. When the tires are shot the owner will buy the same brand expecting similar mileage. I'm not expecting 23,000 from the Pirelli Diablo Scooter tire.
    My mistake was knowingly going with a soft compound performance tire without realizing it would only last 10,000 km ( and not like the front feel ).
    Live and learn.

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    Trump is a symptom, not a cause.

    Absolutely right.

    And the cause is the filth from right wing fake media starting with shock jocks like talk radio Howard Stern ( remember those fun interviews with that regular Donald discussing anal sex? ) moving onto present day social media.

    It all starts with you. Are you going to be an <deleted> like Stern and the Donald?

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  15. As long as he is connected to the businesses, he is profiting.  The real reason is to get at his tax records and business records anyway.  Considering all of these investigations deepening, it will happen eventually.  What will come of it, who knows?  It's better for him if it's all in the open anyway (assuming there is nothing to hide).

    I do agree that eventually all his tax and business records will be exposed, but it obviously isn't "better for him if it's all in the open anyway". If it was he'd release his tax statements as promised.

    Just speculating now, but after numerous bankruptcies he's no longer paying any taxes ( thanks to tax laws protecting developers ), and no bank will touch him with a ten foot pool except those connected to the Russian mafia laundering Russian money. This is why he's so in love with Russia, they own him.

    Google is your friend, look it up, I'm too lazy to provide links. Time will tell.

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