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Posts posted by RobFord

  1. IMG_0069.PNG

    The image of cosmetic surgery gone bad.

    David Duke, the former KKK grand wizard, is unambiguous about what Saturday’s alt-right and neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, means to him: It’s the fulfillment of President Trump’s vision for America.


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  2. Sorry to bump this old news up, but I figured Mooch fans would want to know that Colbert laid a Mooch trap and got himself an exclusive interview wth The Mooch for this coming Monday on Late Night With Stephen Colbert.
    He announced they WILL be doing some front stabbin' as he asks The Mooch how he feels about Trump's vaunted loyalty now. Should be interesting.

    Fantastic. Colbert is the best and I'll be staying up late.

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    I stand corrected. Syrian, not Iranian. I wasn't aware of Jobs' adoptive mother's backgraound.

    But the guy who wrote the basics of the MacOS (Originaly, the Next Operating System) and iOS is the son of Armenian immigrants. His name is something like Avie Tevanian (sp.)



    Can't recall which documentary on Jobs it was, but he had no interest in his Syrian ancestry, and was introduced to his biological father who was managing a middle eastern restaurant at the time.


    Neither realized they were related, and he was the great Steve Jobs at this point.



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  4. Hogwash

    It's about brake balance. Try emergency stops using the rear only, front only, and then both. See what locks up.

    The rear brake does next to nothing.

    The Vespa 150 GTS (discs) is so well balanced that the rear only locks up for the last three feet under full brake. Won't lock at all with new sticky tires.

    And that's without ABS.

    Obviously some bikes have discs on the rear because it's less expensive, and disc brakes are more powerful than a drum. But it's about the balance. Most braking is on the front and the rear easily locks.

    I believe the Click has a single lever for both brakes so you don't screw up too badly.


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  5. Why do you liberals think he is worse that Bush? Until he starts a war, causing millions of innocent deaths, I will prefer Trump any day to him. You Yanks have a shot memory and seemingly willing to forgive these war tyrants.

    Trump may be closer to starting a war than you think.

    "On Tuesday morning, Sen. Lindsey Graham said that President Trump is willing to go to war with North Korea to stop it from being able to hit the American mainland with a nuclear weapon."


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  6. Google top gear hydrogen car for one of several stories...

    According to the good people at MIT Technology Review.

    "There are many reasons not to embrace hydrogen. The fuel is usually made from natural gas in a process that emits large quantities of greenhouse gases. Attempts to create hydrogen cleanly and affordably at scale have proven unsuccessful so far, and, as Elon Musk has strenuously argued, the alternative approach of using electricity to break down water into hydrogen is inefficient. And for consumers, the overwhelming lack of infrastructure for refueling has proven to be a deal-breaker.

    And yet the fuel does have one incredibly appealing feature: unlike charging an electric car, a fuel cell vehicle can be refueled and moving again in minutes. That's of particular interest in industrial and defense applications."


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  7. Is that this weeks mantra? Rate of change? Is that the memo from Big Green head quarters?
    The rate of change has been much greater at different times and it was not human caused. So until you can show a relationship that eliminates natural variables as the cause, you are just projecting your favorite hypothesis.

    Is it just me that trusts the scientists at NASA?

    Please make the effort and read the article.

    "The paleoclimate record combined with global models shows past ice ages as well as periods even warmer than today. But the paleoclimate record also reveals that the current climatic warming is occurring much more rapidly than past warming events."


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  8. The shot landed 1,000-km away, but it was lofted at a steep angle, which shortened it's maximum range dramatically. Western scientists have calculated that if launched on a flatter angle, the ICBM could have easily reached well into the US mainland.  That being said, we don't know with certainty if a nK-designed nuclear warhead as exists today has reached sufficient design capability to survive reentry and detonate successfully. 

    Right. They're working on the nuclear war head surviving the heat of re-entry. Once that's done they've got it and can strike the US.

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  9. Really, the US has millions of people like this, wake up, this is just part of the hate Trump campaign. I'm sure you could find a picture of a skinny transgender soldier and a macho Trump voter.  
    It looks like the US has become a split society -  those intelligent anti-Trump ones, who think their vote counts more than someone who is uneducated, or looks like those in the above photo. Give Trump a chance, he's done some great things so far, unnoticed of course by the press, who are totally biased.

    Great things? Name them.

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