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Posts posted by brianp0803

  1. I currently have an extension or stay based on working (teaching) from last years contract (currently valid until the end of September)

    The new contract is unreasonable. 

    Another teacher that did not sign a new (unreasonable) contact had her Extension of stay and work permit immediately cancelled by the school.  (Had 7 days to arrange another extension of stay)


    There are flights to America and entry is allowed.  What do I put on the application for wanting to stay in Thailand?

    If the school cancels my current extension of stay, what documents do I need to get the Covid extension of stay?


    If the school takes me to immigration to cancel my extension of stay, can I apply for the Covid extension at the same time?


    Thank you for your help?

  2. I entered Thailand on  non-immigrant B visa but the job did not work out.  

    I am American living in Bangkok.


    Return flight to America are available and no restrictions on entering America.

    Can I apply for the Covid visa extension?


    I want to try to have time to find another job.

    I think nobody is really stuck in Thailand, but I think the government is happy to have us remain.

  3. Based on data supplied by the Covid vaccine tracker website, before Biden’s inauguration, California had administered only 30% of the vaccine that they had received. The day before Biden’s inauguration, California opened up dodger Stadium and several other mass vaccination sites and started to administer their huge store house full of vaccine. Now the website is reporting that California has administered closer to 70% of the vaccine they have received. That is facts as reported by the Covid vaccine tracker website. 

    I’m not sure if it is possible to get all data off of the website because it is updated daily. But I was monitoring it daily and California had huge surplus vaccine in storage until Biden got inaugurated. This is fact

    There may be different ways to interpret the reasons for the facts, but that is a facts based on the vaccine tracker website.

  4. The only way to prevent an airborne virus from entering your body would to be to walk around in isolation suit similar to walking on the moon. You must totally isolate your air supply and your eyes from the environment.


    I believe you are most infectious when you have high amount of virus count in your body. This would be the period before your body has started attacking and destroying the virus.

    All vaccines act to create an early warning  system for your body that recognizes the virus quickly as dangerous as quickly prepares a defense and quickly starts attacking it. The better the vaccine prepares your body to quickly recognize the dangerous virus and efficiently attack it, then the more efficient the vaccine. If your body quickly attacks the virus, then you will be less contagious and have less symptoms.

  5. The goal of a vaccine is similar to a country training an army against a specific country’s attack. You cannot stop the country from attacking you, but your trained  army should be able to put down the attack quite quickly. 

    If the virus does infect the body, it has already developed an attack strategy and will hopefully quickly destroy the invasion before much damage is done.
    Ideally, the body’s defense mechanism, after being vaccinated, will quickly defeat the virus before it is multiplied and start spreading.

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  6. I think it was a well thought out number.
    It is small enough that they’re very gullible person might believe it’s possible. It’s large enough for the very optimistic owners of the few tourists related industries to keep open.


    But unless there is a huge number of commercial flights between China and Thailand, and the government requires no quarantine, there’s not a shot in @&$& of them getting anywhere close to that number.
    With the reports of the vaccination from China having marginal efficacy, it’s unlikely Thailand will bow to their master and allow huge volumes of Chinese tourist.

  7. It’s likely, but unfortunate, that the US is the only country that will assist in defense of Taiwan acting as an independent country.


    All the war is horrible, if the US and China get to a battle, it will force Biden to revert to Trump’s policies and start to become more independent from China. Many people want their cheap products from China instead of defending the economy of their own country, while China puts  tariffs on their country’s products. 


    My fear is that China already feels they are too powerful and nobody will mess with them and they can do what they want. 

  8. I understand the risk of giving a placebo during the pandemic.  Everyone eligible for the potential vaccine should receive it.  

    But, I am hoping they are continuing to collect and process data of the number of people receiving each company's vaccine, and the number of people developing symptoms and testing positive for Covid-19.  


    I understand the "rush" to get the vaccine out to the public.  But, I hope while being distributed, data is still being collected on each vaccine and analyzed as to its effectiveness.

  9. I have head that the brief trials on the effectiveness of the Covid Vaccine are going to be stopped for ethical reasons and everyone be given the actual vaccine.

    Although a placebo group is the only way to know the effectiveness of a potential vaccine, in light of the current pandemic, this makes sense


    However, with widespread vaccination going on, I hope the will continue to monitor the percent of people being vaccinated that develop symptoms.  

    This could be compared to the percent of people in the general population developing symptoms.  Then we could get updated data on the different vaccines (assuming transparency of actual data) effectiveness.  The current sample sizes and duration of study have huge margins of errors.  


    Does anybody know if the research study for the approved vaccines will continue and in what fashion they are continuing?

  10. I have not seen any reports about the number of students (under that age of 18), that have tested positive for Covid-19.  But, maybe they are thought to be asymptomatic carriers or the disease.  If it is believed that there are many asymptomatic carries, then wide spread testing is needed.  


    The only reason I can think of for locking down schools is if there is any evidence to in the the student population. I think the government should 1st focus on locking down the borders - oops - they say it has been locked down for a long time already.

    Has anybody heard any report where a school was thought to have spread the virus?


    Unless you shut down the shopping malls, or back to only 1 person to a table, then the school lockdown will likely see more students in shopping centers and sharing tables without masks.  At least at school, hopefully school teachers will enforce the use of asks and social distancing at lunch time.  

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  11. I wish all provinces would do minimal testing and be declared Covid-19 free and then no need for further testing.  

    People who go to hospitals with high-temperature and loss of taste will be treated and released - but no need for testing because Covid-19 free.


    It is damaging Thailand reputation of controlling Covid-19.


    I hope Bangkok will do the same thing - stop causing problems with testing and reporting

  12. I got confused at the earlier comments about planning to visit your child 5 days a month.  The goal is to have a child to visit and not a wife to spend time together.  Is the goal to have a Thai child to be able to get a visa?


    I think good international school cost at least 600,000 Bhat a year.  Among well educated people, color is not important.  There might be discrimination of a child with an abscent father (5 days a month is an abscent father).





  13. I would be in favor of anybody showing a transfer of 65,000 Baht per month for the last 3 months  from overseas  get a 1 year visa.  After the first year, then need to show 12 months of deposits.  I think reasonable to require medical insurance or at least a required deposit to guarantee ability to pay medical cost. 


    Instead of all these different qualifications for visas, give a visa to anybody that can show they are  bringing in enough money to Thailand.  This would allow digital nomads and anybody bringing in money to the country permission to live here. 

  14. Since the lockdown has limited the availability of good teachers, schools are desperate to get a warm body with a European looking face in the classroom. It is likely there will be many people getting job teaching that do not even like being around students but will take the job to stay in the country.
    It would be better if they just paid an agent to bribe the officials to get them a volunteer visa that does not require volunteering.(Of course getting a volunteer visa without volunteering requires a bribe, many threads on this topic)


    It’s amazing the number of people living in Thailand for multiple years doing short term visas and frequent border runs. 

    Maybe the visa system needs to be revised so that long-term stayers are on long-term 1 year visas, and people on short-term visas must leave the country for at least three months before returning to the country. I’m definitely in favor of a digital-nomad visa, provided proof of income stream from online work that doesn’t depend where you live. (i.e. travel blog about Thailand would not qualify)

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  15. Although for a foreigner transferring money out of Thailand, it makes sense that they want to know where that money came from. If you have a work permit, then it’s obvious you earn the money legally in  Thailand. If there was evidence that your transfer the money into Thailand, and was now sending the back, that should also be easy.

    Otherwise, I would understand if they were suspicious of large sums of money being transferred outside the country with no evidence of where the money came from

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