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Posts posted by brianp0803

  1. To compare the total cases in Thailand with the total cases in Hawaii, you need to compare the population of Hawaii with the population of Thailand.

    But I do find it very suspicious the number of people returning to Thailand that test negative 72 hours before leaving and test positive upon arriving in Thailand. It seems the percentage of returning  people that Thailand says our positive far exceeds the percent of people in the respective countries having the virus.


    Maybe this is an example of - with more testing you get more positive results. Thailand only test people returning from foreign countries, or who had contact with people from foreign countries and then blames the foreign country for any positive results.

    How many of the people returning that Thailand says are positive are asymptomatic or have symptoms completely different from typical COVID-19 people?

  2. Why does anyone get married?

    Hopefully is a statement about the love they share and commitment to each other. This official statement also helps bind couples together to work out problems.


    Why should gay couples be denied this?


    Initially, interracial couples were thought strange and unusual, but now accepted as normal loving couple.  Gay couples will like to go through the same process of acceptance that interracial couples went through

    • Like 1
  3. Recently, many people felt interracial couples should not be allowed to marry, and definitely should not have children.


    would you agree if all people married to someone of the same race said interracial couples should just live together but not get married and not have children?


    It is exactly the same issue about gay marriage. You should agree to both or disagree to both.

    • Like 1
  4. Taking money from the police department and giving it to all the social programs in the black community for the people that aren’t working will possibly reduce the number of deaths from policeman killing potentially violent black criminals.

    But the side effect may be a huge escalation of black on black killing because the police will not have the resources to protect, defend, and prosecute violent offenders. 
    But there might be increase in resources, added to the already available unused resources, to improve their education and job skills.

    But I think they are saying they want reparations (free money), more than increased in programs aimed at improving their education and work skills.

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  5. Taking single verses out of context is quite amusing while ignoring thousands of other verses.

    Many people find events in the world and their lives that match the prophecies in the Bible and from fortunetellers. Giving a series of statements, it is frequently easy to find a circumstance that matches those statements.

    This is how fortunetellers make their living by giving vague information and people can find events to match the predictions. 

    But I am also curious about the bill, and whether it will be signed and what it would mean.

    Taiwan’s version of marriage at first I thought interesting that - they could only marry foreigners if from a country that allowed marriage. But as an American, I am not allowed to do anything outside of America that is not also allowed inside America. I assume it would be illegal for gay people from Iran to get married In Taiwan since it is illegal in their country.

    To any other Asian countries currently allow gay marriage? But I assume all communist countries do not allow gay marriage

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  6. Although I hope for full equality in marriage for straight and gay people, many countries have started with some form of civil union first and then evolved to full marriage equality.


    What if Thailand had a marriage similar to what Taiwan does? I believe the rule is for equal marriage among Taiwan people, and between Taiwan people and foreigners from a country that recognizes gay marriage. Since many of us come from countries allow gay marriage, this is a big step. But it would still exclude marriage between people from China and Iran. But as more countries allow gay marriage, I predict a rapid increase to the majority of the world.


    If Thailand did the same as Taiwan, would gay foreigners married to Thai be entitled to a marriage visa?

    • Sad 1
  7. Fortunately, more and more people are becoming enlightened as we become more educated. In educated circles, gay people are generally excepted as part of social circles.

    In the past, women were not allowed to vote. Women were considered to be too stupid to be able to vote. Fortunately laws were passed that gave them the right to vote.

    in the past, many people believed Black people should be slaves. People actually fought and gave their lives with such strong believes that it was not beneficial to the country to free the black slaves. Fortunately the government intervened and slavery was abolished.

    Then people try to give Black people “separate but equal” schools. The government had to intervene and says separate is not equal.


    Many people have strong beliefs that sex outside of marriage is Immoral


    Are the lot a lot of bigotry and selfishness still exist, the government will probably soon have to act again to grant all people the right to marry.
    Marriage is between consenting adults, not animals. Homosexual sex between consenting adults is no more or less immoral than heterosexual sex. Women are just as intelligent as men and have all the same rights as men. People of all races are equal and no one should be subjugated.


    History has shown us that people will frequently try to put down anyone different from them or anything that does not directly benefit them.

    The government had to intervene to give women the right to vote, free black slaves, and allow interracial marriages.Probably the same will happen with gay marriages.


    It looks like 80% of people feel that gay marriage, or at least civil partnership is a good idea. People are becoming more enlightened


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  8. In one part of the article it says they tested positive for COVID-19, and later it describes them as person under investigation. 

    The symptoms described, I did not think were typical symptoms of COVID-19. They were only in Hawaii three weeks. Where were they before that?


    Hawaii has some of the lowest infection rates for America with about 20 per day. But a recent spike of 55 infections. If it is COVID-19, I suspect one soldier got it and then pass it on or maybe they all got it from close contact with the same person. 

    • Like 1
  9. No, the government cannot selectively give rights to some groups of people and deny it to other groups of people. But it can deny it to all groups of people.

    Your arguments are nothing new. They were initially used when trying to deny interracial marriage. The same arguments about allowing marriage to dog we’re given then also. I believe they also use a religious argument about denying interracial couples marriage because unevenly yoked. I would guess you were also against interracial marriages and complained about the cost to the government of allowing mixed races to marry. I remember reading political statements talking about the “horror of children’s books having a white boy holding the black girls hands.“


    If you believe two people making a commitment to each other is a bad thing, then all marriage should be dissolved.


    I believe the marriage vows are about loving and commitment to each other but nothing in there about sex or having children. The marriage vows do not have to change at all for same-sex couples. They fit perfectly. If the wedding vows are what marriage is about, the same-sex marriage is exactly the same thing. Otherwise the marriage vows should be rewritten to be specific how heterosexual love is different. Something should be put in there about sex and children.


    The government can give rights to all Polyamorous marriages that are interracial, heterosexual, homosexual, or deny those rights to all groups. 
    If Polyamorous marriage Is granted to one group of people, then it must be granted to all groups of people. If denied to a group of people, then it should be denied to all groups of people.


    But general Polyamorous groups were generally religious groups with the church arranging marriages with a view that the function of women was to give sex to their arranged husband and take care of his children. Often involving child brides. Unless required by their church, very few women who want to be wife number 3, 4 or 10.

    The government has right before to take away the tax benefits of a religion that is sexist or racist. The religion then gets a quick revelation from God that he changed his mind, and the church changes the practice and maintains their tax benefits

    We either need to deny to heterosexual, interracial, homosexual couples the right to marry, or give heterosexual, interracial, homosexual couples the right to marry


    But the government does have the right to deny to all types of people (gay and straight) behaviors it feels are bad for society or racist or sexist.


    If marriage is a basic human right, it should be given to all humans.

  10. Did they all take a test 72 hours before arrival and test negative?

    Was it a positive test at the end of their 6 days in quarantine or at the end of 12 days in quarantine?

    Were  they asymptomatic or had symptoms?

    How many people are there under quarantine? What percent of people in quarantine are testing positive?


    I’m trying to gauge a perspective what percent of people returning from overseas passed their initial COVID-19 exam but later tested positive.

    And also what percent test negative after six days in quarantine but positive after 13 days in quarantine.

    • Thanks 1
  11. Before I had a girlfriend that was very religious, She went to church constantly, knew the Bible very well, and prayed for everyone(or gossiped about everyone). She was good about citing Bible verses about how everyone else was doing something wrong. 


    After about the third date we were having unprotected sex. She was very horny. But I was careful to pull out. She was good in bed.


    Although I felt conflicted when we were supposed to teach junior high kids together in the church about proper behavior on dating.


    About six months after her having a new boyfriend,  she was claiming she was raped. I assume she got pregnant from her current boyfriend but was claiming rape so she would not lose-face about being pregnant from her boyfriend. She did not have a baby. Not sure if she thought she was pregnant, was really raped, or aborted the baby.

    Most religious people I’ve met feel God wants them to be prosperous. And since “the ends justify the means”, they will do anything to fulfill be prosperous. Because God says they should be prosperous


    I will avoid any business that claims Christian values because I know I will be ripped off.

  12. 23 minutes ago, Logosone said:

    But you can't deny civil rights to people I thought?


    So you're saying you can deny polyamorous people the right to marry whomever they want?


    Why are marriage rights for polygamists not a civil rights issue but marriage rights for gays are?

    Allow marriage between two people, heterosexual and homosexual, or demy to all

    Allow polygamy to heterosexual and homosexual couples,  or deny to all. The government chose to deny to all. 
    No special rights given or taken away based on selective groups.


    Based on your argument, should the government allow incestuous relationships?
    But the rules should apply to everyone and not only special groups.

    As polygamy was practice, it was very sexist. A man could marry multiple women, and often arranged marriages of women under the age of 18. But women could not marry multiple men.

    The government felt this was not good for society and denied it to all people. No special group was given special rights above another group

  13. Polygamy is not related to the civil rights of allowing single sex marriage. That is a religious issue.


    Religions that believed in polygamy and marriage to women under 18 were going to lose their tax benefits. Then they got a revelation from God that Polygamy on Earth was no longer accepted and could only be practice in heaven.(Multiple temple marriages are allowed but only one civil marriage is allowed until divorced)

  14. 5 minutes ago, Logosone said:

    Again trying to equate gay rights with the noble civil rights struggle of blacks? Really?


    You know it's not convincing.


    There are lots of financial arguments to deny marriage rights to gays, to say nothing of sociological reasons.


    An argument that it’s OK to deny civil rights to some groups if it cost money. Wow
    Some people may feel that if granting civil rights cost them money, then it’s OK to deny civil rights to groups different from themselves.


    I disagree with denying civil rights to a certain group because it may cost money to the other groups that already have the civil rights.
    But white supremacists will definitely agree with you. 

    Side topic, many gay couples love each other and do not have anal sex. Marriage is a statement of love and not about how they have sex.

     I believe Genesis 38 Talk about do not spill your seeds upon the ground. This would imply no using condoms and no pulling out. Every time you ejaculate must be inside a woman. I hope you also follow that commandment from God. Cannot cherry pick what you want to follow and not follow. Do you follow the rules about eating only kosher food? Don’t complain about a splinter in your neighbors eye when you have a log in your own eye.

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  15. Agreed, marriage is not needed to have sex and have children.


    Marriage is an official announcement of love between two people with intention to stay together and watch out for each other and take care of each other. It is a recognition of love. But it is not needed for sex or children


    Marriage should not be denied to interracial couples or to same-sex couples.

    (Many states did try to pass laws against interracial marriage in the recent past.)

    • Thanks 2
  16. I believe that God gave free will 

    God made sex pleasurable(including anal sex, unless he made a mistake)


    I believe the stories of Christ talking about the Pharisees preaching on the street and acting superior, and the stories of overturning the money changers tables at the temple apply to most current day churches.

    Most churchgoers need to be reminded about the story of the good Samaritan, because I very very seldom see church-goers doing good deeds for random strangers.
    If a person is walking with crutches and carrying a heavy bag past the church parking lot before Sunday morning services, I highly doubt anyone would stop to help him.  For most church-goes, getting to church on time is more important than helping a stranger. 

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  17. I agree, with no reported virus in Thailand for almost 2 months, rallies will not cause an outbreak.


    Most of Australia has had very few cases of the virus, except Melbourne. Unless the referenced Only Black Lives Matter protest was in Melbourne, and the statistics are for one week after the rally, it does not reflect the damage done by Only Black Lives Matter protest. If it was done in Melbourne, this may help explain the recent outbreak

    Even in Thailand before the virus was completely suppressed, people took off their masks were talking to each other because it was inconvenient. It’s difficult for me to believe that a group of protesters yelling and screaming and throwing rocks were wearing mask most of the time. 

    I’m curious about the average education and income level of the rioters for the Only Black Lives Matter group

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  18. It seems like a good idea to me if these rich families who are building the shopping centers and condo complexes will pay for the quarantine of the migrant workers.They should also pay the full insurance and medical cost of these migrant workers.

    Then they can decide if it’s cheaper to hire migrant workers than Thai people. But possibly the expertise to do this manual labor has long left the average Thai  person

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