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Posts posted by brianp0803

  1. 3 minutes ago, Sujo said:

    No. Police just need to do the job as per their training. They are not trained to kneel on the neck for 8 or so minutes.

    Agreed - and they are in jail and will be tried for murder. 

    The police did something illegal and they will likely spend their life in jail for it.  

    So - no special treatment for the police


    The police are taking the proper action for the use of excessive force on a criminal resisting arrest/

  2. Do most Thai people agree to the use of a barbwire fence to protect its borders from illegal immigration? Was this planned before coronavirus or his response to it?


    How do you Cambodian people feel about a fence between the two countries?


    I’m not sure if liberal Americans are against protecting United States borders or just fight anything that President Trump wants.

    • Like 1
  3. Looking at statistics from Bluespunk for violent crimes, it appears for some violent crimes for black and white have similar numbers.   Some violent crimes blacks commit only half as many as white peoples. 
    The conclusions are open to interpretation when you factor in the percent of population that is white and black.


    My former job as an engineer employed about 85% white and Asian engineers. The wall of Manager’s was 70% black 20% Hispanic and 10% white. You’re open to interpret this as you prefer. 
    At least at some universities in Los Angeles, free tutoring is available to non-white students. Are we all equal?

  4. If Egyptian crew followed all the rules they were told about, then they did nothing wrong. If they disobeyed the rules, then that it is a different story. 


    If the government told the schools and shopping center to close down, then the government should fully compensate the shopping center and also give money to the school. The average daily profit for each store within the shopping center should be paid by the government

    Most countries are opening up, even though they still have infections. I think shutting down the shopping mall for two weeks is extreme overkill.

    Unless there is evidence that the virus spread to the employees in the shopping center, this is unnecessary. It seems test are highly inaccurate, and a waste of money to test the employees so quickly


    With this attitude the country will not be able to open up for a few years

  5. Maybe the post had a typo. It said gay people should not have special rights. Maybe it was meant to say straight people should not have special rights. In that case I agree, straight people and gay people should have the same right to get married. No special rights for one group.

    Utah within the last couple years passed a law stating must be at least 16 to get married. Before that it was possible to get married younger than 16. Although technically not pedophilia if you’re married, it just seems a way around it. Do a Google search on “child brides” and “mormons” and get prepared for a ton of reading on this practice in recent history.  Do you think the men marrying child brides had sex with her before married? But I forgot the previous poster that through this is strictly a gay issue. 

    • Like 1
  6. If the government actions/inactions cause an outbreak of coronavirus, I would hope they would take the financial responsibility to compensate businesses and schools that their actions caused to lose money. Although I think this is highly unlikely they will be financially responsible for their errors. 


    If the soldiers did get tested, and the results are reported truthfully, I have to question the accuracy of the testing. What percent of the tests give false positive? What percent of the tests give false negative. How long after exposure is a test at least 80% reliable? The test must be very flawed, otherwise there would be no need for quarantine.

    if diplomats or soldiers or other people must fly to Thailand for short visits, the contact with people should be severely limited. Only contact with people related to the business. Then contact tracing will be easy. No contact with the general public should be allowed.


    If the soldiers did have a legitimate virus check before coming to Thailand, then the Egyptian government did nothing wrong

  7. I’m curious with all the gay pride parade throughout America and other countries have any if them had the rioting and looting and destruction of property that we are seeing with the some activist groups in America?

    Generally the gay community is not a violent angry group seeking to destroy things. But I could see the fear of radical activist wanting the destruction of any statue or anything  that - remotely has a hint of possibly, maybe, ever making a one time comment, that might be, considered by some people, as derogatory remark about gay people. (Can change gay to another word as needed). Also removal of any movies that have a hint of being funny of the stereotypical way that some gay people talk.

  8. What about all the children being raised by single parents? I think this is extremely common nowadays. In Thailand it is very common for the child to be raised by the grandmother because the mother is working.

    I think frequently in gay and lesbian relationships one partner typically takes on the stereo typical male qualities and one partner typically takes on the stereo typical female qualities.

    although not provided by a male and female, they typically get the more nurturing from one partner and more authoritative from the other partner.


    Probably the biggest problem a child has been raised by a gay couple is the bigoted attitude of people around them. Initially, interracial children suffer the same problem of non-acceptance by either culture.Children raised by gay parents are currently facing very similar problems to what children of interracial parents faced in the past. Bigotry of the community.


    As many people have evolved to realize racist comments are not acceptable at school or anywhere, hopefully soon the same will happen with children raised by gay parents.

  9. I am curious about the accuracy of the test and length of time to get the test results. I think someone earlier stated it was 80% accurate and took two hours to get the results. Economical?
    I thought initially quarantine was two weeks because it took up to two weeks to show symptoms. When you combine the test with the quarantine, does it still take up to two weeks for the test to give an accurate result?


    If a vaccine is not available, but a reliable test is available that would detect recent infections, then it would be possible to let tourist in after passing the test.

  10. Some lesbian couples may use a sperm bank and raise a child from infantry to adult. But gay couples are only able to adopt. I would love to see a study of gay and lesbian couples that raise a child starting under the age of 2 through adulthood and compare the child’s progress compared to a straight couple under the same circumstances.


    A heterosexual couple would be the first option for a child needing adoption. Then they would probably give single females as 2nd option for a child. For “problem children” that cannot be adopted they will probably allow a gay couple to adopt.

    Since gay peoples only choice for adopting is a child with problems, then it may be no surprise that the child does not achieve as well.

    This is the same as dividing a classrooms Into lower achievers and high achievers.  The teacher of a higher achievers class brags at the progress his students makes and how he must be a great teacher.


    Most studies can prove anything if they carefully select the participants to achieve their bias.  They can pick the data that supports the claim they are trying to prove. 

    they have been numerous studies of certain drugs that claim to help about coronavirus. There are also numerous studies that prove the same drugs do not help about coronavirus. How can both studies be correct?

  11. It is always possible to find some research study that proves something that you want. I’m sure you could find research that proves the world is flat and we never went to the moon. The fact that someone published a paper stating this does not make it true. If multiple independent research teams involving thousands of participants came to the same conclusion, then I would believe it


    My Social Security payments are not a generational contract. If I invested the money given to Social Security since I was age 20, then my Social Security when I’m 65 would be quite a bit higher. If I contribute $1000 when I’m 20 years old and then collect my principal plus interest when I’m 65 it should’ve grown at least five times as much. 
    Some of the same arguments people are using now against gay marriage is were also used against interracial marriages before. Just the words of change slightly. But human rights are human rights.


    In a heterosexual relationship does the man generally want sex more than a woman? If men generally want more sex than women, then gay couples probably have more sex than straight couples.


    If straight men were not allowed to marry, do you think they would be dating and having sex with a lot more different women? Ability to marry create stability in a relationship


    Civilized people create laws and rules to respect people. And sometimes respecting people may cost money, but that is a civilized thing to do. Unfortunately, not all people have civilized behavior and thoughts.

    I laugh every time I see the benefits of marriage is to create future taxpayers.  Marriage is about people professing their love and making a legal public declaration of their intent to plan a life together. 

    Historically marriage was to create a stable unit for raising a child. I wonder what percentage of people are raised to the age of 18 with the birth mother and father. My guess would be below 30%


    Many countries would benefit greatly by a 20% or more reduction of the population. There might be some readjustments in the labor force, but the overall quality of life would improve.

    • Like 1
  12. The argument seems to be about the ability to produce future taxpayers is the only benefit to society of marriage. Unless someone produces future taxpayers, they should receive no benefits from the government.

    Maybe marriage could be changed to a provisional marriage until future taxpayers are produced. Until that time, they receive none of the benefits of being married.

    If a man on a provisional married to a woman is in a coma, the woman will have no rights to decide on his care because they only have a provisional marriage.

    If a man and woman are under provisional marriage and one person dies, then the other person must pay full taxes on inheritance.

    No pension can be given to the surviving partner of someone under provisional marriage.
    No health insurance from a company can be given to the partner of a provisional marriage.

    If the man or the woman are over 45 years old, then they should not be allowed to be married because will be too old to raise a kid to maturity.

    Women passed childbearing years, men unable to conceive, and people not wanting babies should not be allowed to marry at all. Since they will receive benefits and not produce taxpayers, they should not be allowed to marry


    If people feel gay people should not be allowed to be married, then the above conditions seem very reasonable.

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  13. How is pension a generational contract? I pay money now and I collect later. My pension is based on how many years I paid into the system and how much per month I paid into the system. Then, when I retire I collect out of the system based on what I paid into the system. Where is the generational contract?

    But ability to have babies and getting married or two completely different issues. You can have babies without getting married. You can get married and not have babies. Either way you get the same benefits. Less having babies that produce tax revenue is a requirement for the benefits of being married, and gay people should have the same rights as straight people. Why should gay people be treated as a lower quality a person?


    But since this question is about Thailand, I’m not sure if that applies.


    This is a human rights issue and not about money. People now take the attitude if it doesn’t benefit me directly then I don’t want it. Very selfish of people who think this way. 

    Should the government continue to pay welfare payments when the grandmother, mother and children are all on welfare. They are unlikely to generate tax paying citizens.
    Everything is not about money. Some things are about basic human rights

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  14. Is there a reason you do not want to cancel your work permit? I think when I have quit working at a school, they always took care of canceling the work permit. I just had to notify them I was not renewing the contract. I believe it is actually possible to go today except the cancellation of the work permit for a week from now when you take your flight.


    But, I’m a rule follower. I’ve still been updating my 90 day reports even under amnesty

  15. But since the question is about Thailand, what are the benefits that married couples get in Thailand. Are the benefits based on being married or having children? Do the benefits only apply to the Thai person or do they also apply to foreigners married to Thai


    In terms of immigration,

    I think there is a large percentage of foreigners that marry Thai women with no intentions or ability to bear children. But an obvious benefit to the country is bringing in money.

    If Thailand treated gay and straight marriage the same, there is a great possibility many foreigners would come to thailand and marry Thai guys and bring substantial income. 
    But it would be interesting to see if they treated it as a foreigner marrying a Thai woman (income requirements) or as a foreigner marrying a Thai man (no requirements)

    In Thailand, what are the costs and benefits of allowing gay people the same rights as straight people in terms of marriage? This is the question for this topic.

  16. Instead of looking at the cost of giving the same benefits to gay married people straight married people, maybe look at the cost of benefits given to straight married couples that produced no future taxpayers.

    if the wife dies, I believe the husband does not have to pay huge inheritance tax. But if they produce no children, then the husband should have to pay the same inheritance tax as a gay couple would pay.


    If one partner died, the other partner should not be able to collect the other partners pension unless they produce future tax payers.

    This would be more equal I assume you feel this would be fair

  17. Wow

    I thought my current taxes were used to pay for roads and schools and to support the government. Thanks for informing me that it is my future children’s future taxes that are going to support these functions. 

    in America, people pay money into the Social Security system, and when they’re older, they get money from the Social Security system. It should not need future taxpayers to pay for my retirement.  Unfortunately, the government saw all this money future retirees had put into the fund and decided to spend it. It was intended to be - give money to the government now and collect later. But since the government spent the money on various social programs, it depends on future taxpayers to replenish the money.


    (The social programs may have been good, but it should not have used money from Social Security to pay for them)

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  18. Safely is the key component to any new medication/vaccine. Personally, I would not want to be part of phase 1 or phase 2 of a potential vaccine study.

    That is why I believe the first phase of a study is a small group focused on safety and side effects. A vaccine rushed to mass distribution has a good probability of the side effects being worse than the virus and/or being ineffective. 

    Before I took part in a vaccine study I think on phase 3. Phase 1 was for safety, phase 2 was to check the body’s immune response, and phase 3 was to determine if it was an effective vaccine.

    Although the potential vaccine did create the desired immune response in the body, it was in Ineffective at preventing the virus. A desired immune response does not always create the desired effect on the virus. The body is a complexed mechanism. 

    They could possibly do phase 1 and phase 2 trials in any country, but phase 3 would need to be given to people who are not currently infected  but are in a high risk of infection area

  19. Maybe I’m wrong, but I thought the first round of people receiving the potential vaccine was to check for side effects.

    It is too small of a sample to determine if it is actually effective. But before giving huge amounts of population a brand new injection, it is important to know the side effects are not worse than the virus.


    It should be a double blind study. They will probably be giving different doses of the vaccine and measuring the body’s immune response. 

    But a simple immune response does not necessarily mean it is an effective vaccine. That will come in the second phase of the study

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