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About ChrisKC

  • Birthday February 14

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  1. That's what a Trump fan would say, not a Harris fan - or of any use whatsoever to help the OP
  2. So a request from the forum for help to avoid being stopped (caught) by police officials in the course of their duties to enforce the law! Something we keep saying on here - more enforcement! In any event, based on all the incidents reported, ALL of Pattaya is the "Dark Side" - of Thailand
  3. 2014 was 11 years ago! Not exactly up to date is it?
  4. You know what I meant - don't be manipulative!
  5. It is SOMETIMES derogatory! And in many cases of its use over 20 years living in Thailand it is NOT derogatory! This not my opinion but a fact involving myself!
  6. No need to "think" - the post includes clearly they are!
  7. This is not the time to be thinking of yourself!
  8. The rules should be strict to the point of pitbulls being banned in Thailand as they are in many civilised countries!
  9. Much like that comment!
  10. I think it is masculine, and whilst not charging, unless its an electric model, does require expensive maintenance to keep its throbbing up to scratch and for the appropriate levels of thrust!
  11. Don't shoot the messenger - the OP is right! Your position appears to suggest that doing nothing is a waste because the smog will kill your lungs anyway! Regular purposeful exercising helps resist environmental issues and contributes to maintaining a healthy immune system! I live under the same conditions here in Thailand as others. Arising from my regular exercising: biking, running, walking and working out on my home gym I enjoy perfect health, going through 80 years old last week, with feelings of not ever being specially affected by the air quality! I readily accept that many others do not enjoy what I have re my health and fitness!
  12. If size does matter, then a Harley throbbing between your legs is quite an expensive way of suggesting one is made of much more!
  13. Nothing to do with where I come from. I don't consider it "unacceptable", I consider it irresponsible. My comment remains valid!
  14. So you condone young children buying beer - and you too tired to go yourself? You wouldn't even need to run. A poor example from an irresponsible adult!
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