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Posts posted by NHT

  1. Here is the article in full:

    Thai World

    By Bart Walters

    Often I speak to foreigners who have recently arrived and believe they have just set foot into utopia. I never, never comment as to their perception of Thai's, just listen with a smile. Like the poster of this article they always make the assumption you hate every Thai and Thailand if you make comments as above..

    Love to read some more entertaining experiences.

    He is definetly not telling it how it is.He is giving his opinion of how he thinks it is.

    I agree with you. He's definitely not telling,how it really is.

    He makes it sound mellow and dissolves the rigid truth!

    Maybe he's scared to get butchered if he talks more facts and truth. (a very common way to answer, from far too many of the Buddha loving folk, if they realise a Farang could read them beyond their mask).

  2. I know I was only there two weeks, but overall, the Thai people seemed quite friendly and easy going. I could imagine if you are the boistierous type, you're not going to do to well there, but I'm pretty laid back and enjoyed my stay. DIdn't like the stray dogs snarling at me though all over the place biggrin.png

    Or........you could educate your son to be a shining light for others to follow in a country that seems to desperatly need help. A huge task I might add.

    Impossible task!

    His Narcissist, Socio/Phsychopath grandmother took possession of him, and trying to just to get close to my son - an even more impossible task.

    (or I risk being attacked with an ax again)

    Oh - I love Thai culture!

    Ouch! Sounds like a movie in the making! You certainly have an intense thing going on over there, I wish you only the best. I can only imagine that it must be a huge emotional strain on yourself.

    Beyond anyone's comprehension, if not experiencing himself (I am sexist here, simply because this discrimination only affects a "male" Farang)

    Never ever I would have imagined to find such high cruelty, inhumanity levels in a land that is accused of being the "Land of smiles".

    Mind you, there are now more Thai (negative) involved than one could think off. All just turning away with a blind eye.

    Maybe it is a movie. It certainly is a book!

  3. I know I was only there two weeks, but overall, the Thai people seemed quite friendly and easy going. I could imagine if you are the boistierous type, you're not going to do to well there, but I'm pretty laid back and enjoyed my stay. DIdn't like the stray dogs snarling at me though all over the place biggrin.png

    ... oh there you go.

    only on a 2 week holiday but already don't like the dogs...

    I tell you what, try to live here, and you will NOT like a hell lot of other things.

    Why am I here? (still you should add), because I want my son out of this discriminating, self-centered, racist country and give him a chance to learn how to respect and value any color and race, in a civilised society!

    Or........you could educate your son to be a shining light for others to follow in a country that seems to desperatly need help. A huge task I might add.

    Impossible task!

    His Narcissist, Socio/Psychopath grandmother took possession of him, and trying to just to get close to my son - an even more impossible task.

    (or I risk being attacked with an ax again)

    Oh - I love Thai culture!

    Make no mistake. It's not me telling this is Thai culture, it's Thai telling me!

    And as a Farang, you're suppose to respect, or face harsh consequences!

    • Like 1
  4. I know I was only there two weeks, but overall, the Thai people seemed quite friendly and easy going. I could imagine if you are the boistierous type, you're not going to do to well there, but I'm pretty laid back and enjoyed my stay. DIdn't like the stray dogs snarling at me though all over the place biggrin.png

    ... oh there you go.

    only on a 2 week holiday but already don't like the dogs...

    I tell you what, try to live here, and you will NOT like a hell lot of other things.

    Why am I here? (still you should add), because I want my son out of this discriminating, self-centered, racist country and give him a chance to learn how to respect and value any color and race, in a civilised society!

  5. Well written and 100% true. Good to educate some of the westerners who talk a lot about 'democracy' but don't seem to know the crimes which include the murders done under the Shinawatras.

    And yes, the democratic system here has failed miserably.

    Not actually very well written (verbose and lacking in structure) but let that pass.As a rejoinder to the Congressman's letter it is a failure because it veers from point to point aimlessly, and lacks a clear conclusion.

    It concentrates on the abuses of the Thaksin era but omits mentioning the complicity of the army and the unwillingness/inability of the Abhisit government to pursue justice on these issues.

    Yes, as you say, some truth in it but most points could be disputed or nuanced with context. And I say that as someone who doesn't like Thaksin at all. It's like blaming Tak Bai on Thaksin's security forces when it was a military operation - would people blame Abhisit for the deaths of Rohingya that the Thai navy were responsible for? AV's stance on that wasn't much different from Thaksin's on Tak Bai. An inquest held under the Abhisit govt found that security officers had performed according to their duty and that no one was at fault.

    War on drugs - ignoring the incorrect numbers that people keep using even when they've been pointed in the direction of the true figures - a horrific campaign and a crime against humanity. I hold Thaksin ultimately responsible. Yet it's far more complicated than blaming one man. Many involved, very few prosecuted. Junta and Abhisit also had opportunities to take this seriously and didn't. Why? Because it involved those on both sides now. If they could just nail Thaksin without implicating others, they would've done it. Many of the lower middle class now supporting Suthep were fully behind the campaign. Polls were uniformly positive at the time.

    Most of the other could also be challenged to some extent. But what does Obama have to do with this anyway?

    It seems people somehow feel Obama is backing Thaksin. When in reality the US just issued some generic statements support elections and calling for negotiations or whatever. As they always would in these situations. And as others have pointed out, the US Ambassador likely has a far better grasp of the situation than most, given he gets to hear what people actually think, off the record (assuming people actually still tell them things post-Wikileaks, lol).

    Just look at the IQ around her. These are racists worse than the any other, and they would blame and kill their own family, if it was to get a buck for themselves. Can they spell Thaksin?

    • Like 2
  6. Michael Turner will have a chuckle after reading that nonsense.

    Poor old Vanina Sucharitkul hasn't a clue in the slightest what democacy means.

    These are all facts that he's quoting.... so please enlighten us what you think should be done.

    1. Hold an election.

    2. Abide by the results.

    By all means press for reform, but not after you have overthrown an elected government and replaced it with a neofascist regime. No one can possibly imagine there will be anything resembling a free and fair election once Suthep and his bunch of well heeled and well connected thugs get their paws on the levers of power

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Thank you Jag.

    Gives me some hope on this forum !


  7. Well. Police on to this like a shot were they not. Think they know its one of Sutheps men. CCTV pics 4 at least look clear as a bell and in colour.

    Names appearing already but only speculation..... But if you follow twitter and follow the FB links, they have the name of a Navy seal one of Sutheps Bodyguards.... lots of pics and lots of speculation.

    Proves nothing, but there is a debate raging.

    Suthep accuses the government of being behind the blasts, ... Ridiculous.

    The police is seeking a former Democrat MP's aide who acted suspiciously... Believable.

    Now there are clear pictures of the man (in white with a black cap) who dropped the grenade today...

    Some indeed already put a name on the man... Soon we will know the truth...

    And the truth may be very disturbing for Suthep... He will have to drop a few more tears to make the people believe he is not seeking violence... whistling.gif

    What is certain is that Suthep, the Dems and all those irrational people who support this madness, should be held responsible for all the deaths which occured and will occur during his insane protests. From the very beginning it was very clear that the mob rule is not a solution to anything. It can only make the things worse.

    These protests and their ridiculous demands aren't going anywhere. These naive protesters should better go home and give the country a break.

    Yingluck will hopefully save the country from these thugs annoyed.gif.pagespeed.ce.EWbqpZ7s0b.gif

    People started this circus, people can end it.

    There's no need for any "political" party to end it.

    If people would start using brains instead of greed, this country could go a long way.

    Over 95% Buddhist?

    Yes sure. Just as much used as an excuse as "culture"!

  8. Well written and 100% true. Good to educate some of the westerners who talk a lot about 'democracy' but don't seem to know the crimes which include the murders done under the Shinawatras.

    And yes, the democratic system here has failed miserably.

    And keeps failing under the democratic protesters. Gimme a break. clap2.gif

    What's next, a letter to Pranab Kumar Mukherjee, Xi Jinping, Angela Dorothea Merkel ...?

    Does it really matter how much anyone knows about this circus?

    cheesy.gif Let's continue laughing.

  9. Including those big children like Suthep who spreads his lies to incite the protesters. Not only that but also threatening the children of the government families. What a shameful example of a leader he is.

    There's a FAT line between leadership and dictatorship. But, that, of course, does not apply to Thai leadership, mind us.

    We just don't understand.

  10. I tell you what.

    These kinda people give a dam* about an "expert" advise or how negative the impact on their kids may be. The only thing these fanatic "*********** ****-******" care is about themselves!

    I can testify that first hand. My "self-caring" ex is one of them!

  11. Any organisation/party who utilizes/enables people to throw grenades(whether their hand made or military made) will be found out in the end. It is absolutely disgusting that the innocent people, street venders are the victims of these attacks. Truth will find a way of coming out, it always does. Its just a shame that this situation is escalating out of control. Not only are people being killed or injured, but the Thai economy is taking a massive beating at the moment and it will only get worse. I hope for everyone's sake that a peaceful resolution can be made. If the military needs to get involved to mediate things, then so be it.Sounds like the police just cannot be trusted to protect their own people.


    Why always beat the police only? Is there anyone (maybe I'd better say - anyThing) that can be trusted?

  12. We are taking a cup off coffee, watching TV-Blue, me and my next door retired police maj. Is it strange, this when we both at the same time are asking ourselves: How much blood to be given, and this exchange for money, where is all common sense?

    Good question.

    As far as I know, local common sense was abolished generations ago and replaced with egocentrism, while import of foreign common sense is meanwhile perceived as an invasion and thus, carries stern penalties for both, importer and common sense virus carrier.

    • Like 1
  13. How dare to throw a bomb at a hospital.

    Only animalistic creatures are capable of doing this, No human would attempt such a low than the lowest level attack on helpless people.

    The entire situation is pathetic enough, already, but now - it starts getting even worse.

    Cynic part of it is, they have scanners at every MRT station, but can't do anything to check people approaching demonstration sites.

    Pathetic just got more pathetic ...!

    • Like 1
  14. They are clearly paid by Thaksin and haven't made their homework and some proper research.

    Otherwise they would know, that the only way forward for Thailand is to hand over all power immediately to "the peoples council", because their corruption is somehow okay and the other's corruption isn't!

    five steps to the top






    Congratulations, you made it to the top, at once.

    You possess all attributes, at the highest level, to make Thailand's next elite-waste!

    All you need to do is, throw the current PM off her seat, and claim it for yourself.

    See, so "Amazing"!

  15. What Thailand is crying out for is a 'third way' in the political sense. PTP and the Democrats have had their chances and failed the nation so a new centre party is required that will marginalise the extremists, crooks and vested interests that riddle Thai politics. Above all Thailand needs a leader to show the way.

    So..... in the words of Roger Waters....... is there anybody out there?

    Agreed bigbamboo, but the rich elites are so engrained on both sides I am afraid a third party would not stand a chance, and lets not forget that the majority of Thais have no problem with corruptuion.

    Well, that's the worry, isn't it? I read, some time ago, that over 30% of "youth" here would accept bribes if it was for their better.

    E D U C A T I O N, my dear people. and accept that life isn't throwing you everything onto your table, only because you are a lovely smiling T**i.

    Unlearn to Request


    Learn to Earn

    Not an easy task if there isn't hardly anyone who could, and would be willing to, teach, but, a sincere WILL to it, can run off wonders on you ( you = individual )

  16. Do "some" of the Thai finally wake up?

    This could be your chance, Thailand!

    It is neither the now governing, nor the the one trying to take over "Power", side, which is "For Thailand". It is the "silent people" who either couldn't bother since they just try to go on with life and make a living, and the silent "less" educated people who can easily be bought by either of the two sides, who can make a difference.

    We need more of you, Thai, who dare to get off their butts and speak up. Don't let tyrants intimidate you as a living human! Don't degrade yourself only because you're not one of these power-houses.

    • Like 1
  17. Don't be a lying idiot. How is the Feb 2 election going to solve the political conflict? So what if you win it? People will still hate you and your brother. The only way to solve this conflict is for your government to distance itself from your idiot brother and actually try to govern this country without any interference from him. You may not be able to govern wisely because most of you are idiots but at very least, try not to come up with hare brained schemes like the rice pledging or tablets for children! bah.gif

    BUT, the Thai people voted for them with a big majority........Yes or No.............rolleyes.gif

    Doesn't matter who governs, none of them have a clue. So where does the country go..........?

    Deeper and deeper. I said it already. After so many generations - this turned to be, by now, a genetic issue!

  18. I think alot of businesses in Bangkok are closed,We have 2 suppliers in Bangkok and neither are answering their phones this week.


    Do you think these shop owners wouldn't send you a reminder - at least - if your payment is overdue?

    Why can't they send a notice about their "temporarily" hold on business activity?

    Ops, sorry, we don't understand T**i culture, right? We should understand and accept and respect, isn't it?

  19. File a claim with the Office of the Consumer Protection Board. The link is here and you can download a complaint form:


    Waste of time - BIG times

    Filed two with them in the past, they all run down the river. It will all go the normal procedure. at the beginning you think ... WOW and as yo go on, your email will not even be answered any longer, phone calls are answered by a giggling girl and then you hear voices about "Farang" in the background and you waste your money on the call, eventually hanging up and giving up.

    These things are only instituted in Thailand to provide jobs for private nail-cleaners and facebook stalkers, etc., and, of course, to mislead the world by showing off - hey, we have it, too. Now we are no longer a developing country.

    Don't waste your time. Don't shop online, N E V E R from a Thai online shop!

    Do some read-up, do your homework.

  20. Yes.....you can report it to the police, the government, the senate........it will take you nowhere, unfortunately.

    This is Thailand, my friend.

    At least, you got some satisfaction by reporting it to TVF.

    Sympathise with you.sad.png

    Morale for all other, still in the loop for possible buying off a Thai website. By now you should really have understood.

    Yess, not all are the same. We could start an argument here again.

    Fact is, there are too may dishonest and crook people around and what makes it worse, if it hits you, you're all on your own.

    Full stop.

    Go and buy from an halfway reputable shop. next time

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