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Posts posted by NHT

  1. I'm going on and on about this, because it seems we have come to a point where we believe mediocrity is excellence... we begin to believe our own bullshit.... we begin to believe we can excel and be paid more by sitting and protesting and blaming others. What happened to working hard for a decent wage?!

    No wonder Thailand is a peaceful, third world country.... there are wonderful things about it, but hard working, progressive, honest are NOT three adjectives I associate with the country.... maybe this is what we should strive to be, instead of finger pointing, nose picking whiners.... Let's go forward!!! [Chalerm, can you read this, lols]

    Honest no, progressive defibitely not...but hard working, come on - how many hours is a work week in France? And how many annual leave days are alkowed in the UK?

    Sent from my GT-S7270 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Okay Okay Okay ... I agree.

    It's bloody hard work to stay in the office for 12 hours, having to chat with my friends on Facebook all the time, watching movies, arguing with the boss, because he/she asks you to do some work for HIM/HER for a change and for the next half an hour ... gosh, it's so hard work, and all that for merely what ... 12K, 15K ... Ah, I need to migrate to Australia, US, UK, Germany ... there i can even be unemployed and still get paid ...

    No doubt, there are some Thai they actually work, but the greater mass, ... No wonder this world is going downhill

    Nothing was ever achieved anywhere, with a lazy employee attitude, backed up by even worse unions!

    Australia alone, could entertain the world with lazy stories, for the rest of the days. I still remember the good'ol Hawk times and when Kenneth got cut, after he turned a bankrupt State of Victoria into a AAA rating state again. Of course he wasn't loved by the bludgers!

    Boy oh boy, kids, you need to experience real hunger and the fight for a slice of bread, then you'd know what a decent day of work is worth.

  2. Some good stories. I've overstayed a couple of times accidentally. I find immigration at the airport friendly and really unconcerned.

    I overstayed in Hong Kong, twice. First for a week, second time for a month. No fancy test, no silly scummy smile, no fine, just some explanation and "legal" check work, and off I was, on the flight.

    I just wonder, no I don't coffee1.gif

    • Like 1

    City shut down

    Farmers blockading roads.

    military snubbing the government

    NOW the flag carrier airline shutdown.

    What is next


    Do you really need to ask? cheesy.gif

    Make sure you're out, as long as you have a chance to get out thumbsup.gif

    I just wonder, how are they going to deport all the foreigners the next few months ... ah, yes, I forgot, there are still a few dinkies floating in the bay.

  4. I would suspect, that their decision is politicised, like their other recent protests against the government. Looks, like the union bosses have strong political views and that they are not democratic

    Remember when the Yellow Shirts took over BKK, the THAI Union publicly encouraged their THAI Union Members to siege the airport. There is no question where the THAI Union lies.

    That's one reason why I stopped flying with TG a long time ago already. Is this the reason they go down?

    BTW, Air Asia is closing the doors already. They were smarter than their old folks. Al least they acknowledged much faster that they are just a waste.

    This is only the beginning of big companies, local as well as international one, to move out. The circus looses its audience, slowly and no longer steady, but speedily.

  5. I'm going on and on about this, because it seems we have come to a point where we believe mediocrity is excellence... we begin to believe our own bullshit.... we begin to believe we can excel and be paid more by sitting and protesting and blaming others. What happened to working hard for a decent wage?!

    No wonder Thailand is a peaceful, third world country.... there are wonderful things about it, but hard working, progressive, honest are NOT three adjectives I associate with the country.... maybe this is what we should strive to be, instead of finger pointing, nose picking whiners.... Let's go forward!!! [Chalerm, can you read this, lols]

    I know plenty of hard working Thai people, and yu'p for sure there are plenty that don't,

    I wonder just what you would think a fair wage for the day on a Thai construction sight for YOURSELF? I'll wager you would not do it for 300 Baht huh???

    No, he wouldn't, MR Senior (will you join the strike?, some OZ are just like them!)

    and why should he?

    You, however, should learn how to read and comprehend.

    It's now about how much they get paid, it's HOW MUCH THEY ARE WORTH teh pay they get?

    Most of them I would not even employ, because I'd need to employ 10, to get the job done, whereas someone else would do it "single handed". Thus, I agree with Blackmirage2013 a 101%, and remember the one who winch with the Bludgers here.

    It's amazing how many folks hang around here, because they blende perfectly, while back home, they can't find a job any longer,

  6. But whose the most corrupt!

    Who's the most corrupt? No idea! How does one judge or quantify the amount of corruption? By how much was stolen? By how often corrupt practices occurred? By the amount of damage done to the nation? The Shinawatra clan do seem to have taken the largest amount of money but they did give a tiny fraction back to the poor, unlike Suthep and his Phuket pals.

    Personally I think Thailand will be well rid of both of them.

    According to Transparency International corruption was higher under Suthep than under Thaksin.

    But the main problem isn't corruption, it's poverty. Or at least so think the majority of Thais.

    Being supported by the middle class against the poor is the clincher to me...the rest of the world.has worked it out that it is the uber rich who are the threat.

    Instead of.looking down to their threat they should be looking up to wonder why the rich don't pay more.

    Inheritance tax or land reform anyone?

    If I was the US

    If I was the EU

    If I was China (hang on, there is actually something I can do)

    If I was any other nation. I'd just simply forget Thailand exists.

    Leave this arrogant land and people alone to themselves.

    • Like 1
  7. 19 000 likes. What a popular movement. Meanwhile Thaksin has 1.7 million likes.

    Just 1.7m?

    Very poor show.

    Suthep can count more people on the street than that over the past few months and nobody really likes him.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    The problem with Suhep's counting is that he has been using binary code every time. He just doesn't tell the media.

    1. I can't see why this should constitute a problem for Thaksin's counting

    2. Where is your "binary code" proof?

    Sorry, you don't need a proof, you just dictate it as "truth"!

  8. 19 000 likes. What a popular movement. Meanwhile Thaksin has 1.7 million likes.

    Likes can be manufactured. Had a scam artist setting up FB groups on Samui last year taking money from bars promising to get 1000 likes on the page for 20k Baht. Turned over a friend of mine so I went and found him, he gave her money back. Month or two later he crashed his bike and is now in a wheelchair in the UK. Accident? I doubt it.

    Why would someone even pay 20K baht. You can get that many likes for 150 baht on some websites. If someone pays 20K for them, then they deserve to be ripped off.

    Worse than the person selling them is the person you suggest left him in a wheelchair for the sake of 20K baht. I hope you're reported this to the police. Or are you happy to see a man deliberately put in a wheelchair and happy to withhold evidence?

    How long have you hang around in this dohdorm?




    • Like 1
  9. they said: all foreign nationals will be screened if they have entered Thailand four or more times without sufficient reason.

    well i am going to give them a good reason !!xpartytime2.gif.pagespeed.ic.V_K7hML3fS.

    what about a person who is married but don't have the 400 000 baths in a bank anymore because he spend his money . to live, to build a house, to buy a car, suport an entire wife's family.....and perhaps lost also money trying to make a business with his wife. hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ.

    so now what can this person do legaly ?...... apart going back home and loose everything, wife included or .......try to get tourist visas as many as he can, if he saw a failure in the burocratic thai system .cheesy.gif

    is it normal or human that a government separate a man from his wife for the only reason , he hasn't got enough money .bah.gif....to them ?

    i don't say the thais have to help economicly wai2.gif the farang (they could do sometimes )but if this person is correct and respect the thais and pays for what he need ,........why don't they let them live their life in peace ?facepalm.gif

    i hope some in the thai government read these post sometimes and rectify, because today, in the 20 th century it is incredible that we still have to see such things, especially in country who receive more than 15 milions visitors a year, and his the third destination of the world.

    i am not talking about north corea, i am talking about this thailand where a lot's of people want to go because most of thais are nice people to visit and meet but where the institutions don't follows foreign visitors needs.

    if the democracy goes well to burma, this is going to be a very good alternative to thailand, the country is virgin and beautifull , perhaps it's worth change and go with our money somewhere we could be respected and not called every second with the pejorative word "farang".

    good day and good night


    The Thai ( and a lot of the farangs, who NEED to live here) give a shi* about you.

    As a matter of fact, YOU DON'T COUNT and NEITHER DOES YOUR THAI CHILD (if you have one).

    But let them be happy. K A R M A will keep hitting them forever. They hand out enough shi*, it's good for a couple millenniums of bad karma cheesy.gif

    Oh - and I need to add. If you understand Thai culture, then you would not blame the Thai government. As a Farang you can marry a hundred of their girls, produce a 500 kids here, they wouldn't care less, as long as you can pay? Because - you will NEVER BE PART OF A THAI FAMILY. And if you think so, try stop paying. You will quickly learn - LOVE turns into Hateful HATE, a hug, into a "stab", a smiling person, into a biting wolf. ... Go, try it!

    Good luck to the silly boys, who enjoy supporting this Narcissist Socio/Psychopath madness, and keep paying for their cheap entertainment!


    wowwwwwwwwwwwww,your hatred is overwhelming,maybe got fleeced

    N ---------------- native

    T ---------------- thai

    H ---------------- hater

    Hello, camouflaged Thai sniffer-dog.

    That's exactly it! Everybody who addresses the Truth must be a Thai hater, very disrespectful, huh?

    Well, that''s the main reason why your country is so <deleted>**ed up. You think everything is just right and, of course "culture", too. Poor Thai - the bad Westerners always go off on your caring discrimination, your perfectly crafted racism, your smilingly friendly deception, which took so long for you to turn into a unique culture signature.

    Well, dare to show your face, together with your "elite" cleansers in front of international media and then you repeat again!

    BTW, I am NHT, and not NTH. But TITs 'n TATs, right? Everything will be twisted to fit the bas*ard* here.

  10. Well done to

    the government!!thumbsup.gif

    First you bankr

    upt the ricefarmers, and now you are killing the livelihood for all the people working in the service-industry!!

    Thank you, three times!!coffee1.gif


    Thailand deserves better that that.

    There are still too many naive foreigners who dream of Thailand beiing a friendly place. Eventually, they will come to their senses and will scrap their flights, too, and eventually, Thailand will need to prove how good it can do without all that foreign money!

    Arrogance will get what it asks for!


  11. "as the Bernanke bubble deflates", so will the American economy, which only has two ways to go...either they keep printing money, until people will need a wheelbarrow full of it, to buy a loaf of bread (like in Nazi Germany), or they are heading for a major deflation and depression.

    Maybe, they should look at their own problems, because I think SE Asia, will still be around, long after the "American Empire" falls

    Nazi Germany - huh... look who is talking.

    If anyone of us would name names for this shi*hole which wants to be a ..... we'd be locked up/

    Anyway, good to know what ill-stricken, arrogant pride this "Amazing" land is riding upon. Just remember, Thailand never made it to anywhere close to where so many other countries made it to, after the 2nd WW. And they all will make it again, if they have to, so will the US! - And - AGAIN - your lovely .....om will stay far behind, because all you have is a big mouth full of SH** (it even lies around the street, step outside and look around).

    Now go and pad yourself on your left shoulder. You are so good!


  12. What Thailand dont need is another bla bla advice.

    What Thailand doesn't need, is - ANYONE! They do so good without - ANYONE!


    Fine! Remembered.

    Come to us again, and beg again, you oh so glorious, proud, smart, intelligent, brave, Buddha loving, caring, blatant land!

    We will remember who you are!

    Bad news; the wrong country built the great wall. Good news, you have enough slaves, you can still build your own wall. Inwardly, you did already, all you need is the "symbolically", still, and then you're complete - HOME ALONE!


  13. Of course the EU is worried.

    Where would all their lonely sexually frustrated humpty dumptys go, if something happend to Thailand? biggrin.png

    Ho Ho Ho...

    ... and what would this blandland be without all those sexually frustrated humpy dumpees (this time, I make an as* out of you and me and say, that's who you meant) ?

    only more (of a);

    N onplused

    O bstructed

    T errifying

    H oax

    i mpertinent

    N eurotic

    G ruesome

    Sorry, and, of course, all the criminals who can't live at home. But it's easy for them to pay for their holiday stay cheesy.gif

    clap2.gifclap2.gif Go Thai-bland, go - you are only a few steps away from being No.1 - only Somalia and a couple of other still ahead of you. You can do it!

  14. First we are lead to believe that the protests are damaging to the reputation of Thailand Internationally, Now it seems as if they are wollowing in the glory of international press headlines.

    Maybe they wish it were another Syria or Ukraine? or maybe they think too mut of themselves and their place in the world?

    You're almost right. Just scrap the word "maybe"


    • Like 1
  15. Yet again, the international media will be tested as to how well they grasp what is happening here, and whether it will still fit into their previous narratives. I read a CNN article yesterday that was absolutely stunning in its naivety. It stated that the emergency decree would be easily accepted by the public as an almost non-event. The political situation in Thailand - in all its complexity - cannot be reduced to a 30 second soundbite, or apparently, even in a three paragraph article. But there is nonetheless a strained effort to make it fit. At all costs. The result is that much is lost, the complexities are papered over, and the West ends up as mystified as it ever was.


    Are you hallucinating?

    Besides, what is so interesting to be grasped on this country?

    Oh, don't let me list all the stuff what Thai can't grasp. Do they even even grasp themselves?

    Further besides, if Thailand would be of anyone's interest, that could be if it was a really nice country with lovely people, caring people, honest people, you know, all this bul***** stuff that make a better community, maybe then some overseas reporters may spend a little more efforts in filling some empty spaces.

    It's not what you think you are - it's how other people see you. Of course, this does not apply here neither, we know.

  16. they said: all foreign nationals will be screened if they have entered Thailand four or more times without sufficient reason.

    well i am going to give them a good reason !!xpartytime2.gif.pagespeed.ic.V_K7hML3fS.

    what about a person who is married but don't have the 400 000 baths in a bank anymore because he spend his money . to live, to build a house, to buy a car, suport an entire wife's family.....and perhaps lost also money trying to make a business with his wife. hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ.

    so now what can this person do legaly ?...... apart going back home and loose everything, wife included or .......try to get tourist visas as many as he can, if he saw a failure in the burocratic thai system .cheesy.gif

    is it normal or human that a government separate a man from his wife for the only reason , he hasn't got enough money .bah.gif....to them ?

    i don't say the thais have to help economicly wai2.gif the farang (they could do sometimes )but if this person is correct and respect the thais and pays for what he need ,........why don't they let them live their life in peace ?facepalm.gif

    i hope some in the thai government read these post sometimes and rectify, because today, in the 20 th century it is incredible that we still have to see such things, especially in country who receive more than 15 milions visitors a year, and his the third destination of the world.

    i am not talking about north corea, i am talking about this thailand where a lot's of people want to go because most of thais are nice people to visit and meet but where the institutions don't follows foreign visitors needs.

    if the democracy goes well to burma, this is going to be a very good alternative to thailand, the country is virgin and beautifull , perhaps it's worth change and go with our money somewhere we could be respected and not called every second with the pejorative word "farang".

    good day and good night


    The Thai ( and a lot of the farangs, who NEED to live here) give a shi* about you.

    As a matter of fact, YOU DON'T COUNT and NEITHER DOES YOUR THAI CHILD (if you have one).

    But let them be happy. K A R M A will keep hitting them forever. They hand out enough shi*, it's good for a couple millenniums of bad karma cheesy.gif

    Oh - and I need to add. If you understand Thai culture, then you would not blame the Thai government. As a Farang you can marry a hundred of their girls, produce a 500 kids here, they wouldn't care less, as long as you can pay? Because - you will NEVER BE PART OF A THAI FAMILY. And if you think so, try stop paying. You will quickly learn - LOVE turns into Hateful HATE, a hug, into a "stab", a smiling person, into a biting wolf. ... Go, try it!

    Good luck to the silly boys, who enjoy supporting this Narcissist Socio/Psychopath madness, and keep paying for their cheap entertainment!

    • Like 1
  17. they said: all foreign nationals will be screened if they have entered Thailand four or more times without sufficient reason.

    well i am going to give them a good reason !!xpartytime2.gif.pagespeed.ic.V_K7hML3fS.

    what about a person who is married but don't have the 400 000 baths in a bank anymore because he spend his money . to live, to build a house, to buy a car, suport an entire wife's family.....and perhaps lost also money trying to make a business with his wife. hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ.

    so now what can this person do legaly ?...... apart going back home and loose everything, wife included or .......try to get tourist visas as many as he can, if he saw a failure in the burocratic thai system .cheesy.gif

    is it normal or human that a government separate a man from his wife for the only reason , he hasn't got enough money .bah.gif....to them ?

    i don't say the thais have to help economicly wai2.gif the farang (they could do sometimes )but if this person is correct and respect the thais and pays for what he need ,........why don't they let them live their life in peace ?facepalm.gif

    i hope some in the thai government read these post sometimes and rectify, because today, in the 20 th century it is incredible that we still have to see such things, especially in country who receive more than 15 milions visitors a year, and his the third destination of the world.

    i am not talking about north corea, i am talking about this thailand where a lot's of people want to go because most of thais are nice people to visit and meet but where the institutions don't follows foreign visitors needs.

    if the democracy goes well to burma, this is going to be a very good alternative to thailand, the country is virgin and beautifull , perhaps it's worth change and go with our money somewhere we could be respected and not called every second with the pejorative word "farang".

    good day and good night


    How about a husband who grows a set and has priorities. You state you will go to Myanmar with your money?? What money, sounds like you spent it all. I also am married and have all the things you state plus my legal extensions (based on marriage to a Thai).

    Not the governments fault you can not abide by the rules........sounds like your family is laughing all the way to the bank with the "farangs" money...so to speak!

    It amazes me, always, and still, how illiterate, ignorant and carefree some people are.

    You fit perfectly in here, rct99q. Wish for yourself your money will not run out and you can keep many corrupt racists happy with it. Because the time YOU run dry, I wish for you, you get to feel when all of a sudden, you have NO family at all any longer. Maybe that's the time you will really start to understand True Thai culture!.

    Until then, enjoy dreaming!

    • Like 1
  18. well this works both ways , i suggest he goes into the NK office and see what goes on .... took my mother to get a re entry visa to visit Laos for a day or so , the old woman immigration officer tried to sell her jewellery , handbags , rings .... what a laugh !!! these are govt officials , meanwhile the farangs ,with real credentials , with real visas, who have family here, get interrogated just to be able to stay .....

    u want to fix it !!! CLEAN UP YOUR OWN BACKYARD FIRST !!

    Family has NO VALUE in Thailand, if there is a "Mail Farang" as father involved!

    Thailand is the most pathetic, racist, and most family-destructive country in the world in this regards.

    We should all go home and do the same to Thai, who enjoy a "civilised" family life overseas!

    This goes and is, far beyond humanitarian comprehension levels!

    What's your beef NHT? Not criticising, just curious. Haven't noticed a problem as a male farang head of a Thai-based family. From my perspective, immigration seems to treat us fine as long as we have the wherewithal to support keeping a Thai family.

    Generally speaking the rural parts of Thailand still has family values that have long-since been regrettably destroyed by greed-driven mobility in my home country. Makes me laugh when fellow countrymen come on here berating Isaan for having wives that want to stay close to the blood line and who will take care of their close relatives. They would have society sectioned off into little soul-less distributed boxes with unhapply lonely people abounding. [sorry for that digression!]

    Makes me laugh when fellow Farangs beat up other farangs, without knowing facts.

    Quite frankly, I give a shi*t about how nice you have it here. Congratulations, and be happy.

    The beef I ate is so rotten, it would make the dead sick. So I will go and tell the wold all about. Maybe it saves a few naive souls, still dreaming from the time Thailand had an honest, racist-free smile on its face.

    So, yep, be curious and make up more assumptions and keep laughing. I will laugh about you, when it hits you. It will happen, sooner or later, to you, too. ANd then I want to see you laughing about yourself.

    • Like 1
  19. Thailand has great potential to become a startup hub due to the excellent weather, cheap cost and good infrastructure, the only thing that is lacking is the desire to be so and of course political interest.

    So, MR Hammer, and you believe that's all that's needed! ?

    Well, your hallucination might be "the" reason you're there, and may I say, you fit perfectly,

    and -

    that's sure "a" reason why Thailand has a lo__________________________ng way to go.

  20. As Western expats, we would do well to analyze our own problematic patterns of intellectual laziness before we attempt to make sweeping generalizations about a culture

    most of us know far less about.

    So not caring enough to move over and let an ambulance pass to help someone who is injured is a cultural thing that you think should be accepted?

    Not caring about conservation of life in any country is heinous.

    You should stop being a Thai apologist and live by the rules of common human decency.

    Let's make an agreement, shall we?

    l promise to stop being a Thai apologist just as soon as the Thai bashers on this forum stop being apologists for their own countrymen.

    You Thai bashers make big issues out of every observed fault you see in Thai people, while ignoring how screwed up your own society is.

    If you have ever lived in the U.S. you are quite familiar with the problem of drivers not yielding to ambulances.

    Is it because your home country is so wonderful and has such high morals, that you decided to come live here among "degenerates"?

    Now, go ahead and tell me about how wonderful American, Australian and British society is. How caring and compassionate folks are.

    I'll wait for that -- but pardon me if I don't hold my breath

    I won't hold my breath for the reason you stay here. whistling.gif

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