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Posts posted by NHT

  1. IMO the OP top

    ic can be summarized:Is the fact that Thais often interrupt conversations in English due to their just being rude, or are there cultural/language factors that help to explain the phenomenon?

    I think it's been pretty well answered so far, but ad-hoc personal sniping doesn't help the conversation nor the forum.

    Can only agree, and I answered short and to the point.


    if other think they need to stick their sweet fingers into a beehive, then they shouldn't cry if they are stung but realise how stupid they were.

    Unfortunately, this forum is crowded by attention-seekers and "i need to say something" (although they have nothing to say at all.

    But let's summarize this again:

    when i am talking to my girlfriend and someone comes along and interrupts she automatically turns and answers them leaving me there with my mouth still speaking i think it is very rude so does this happen to you as well or is it just my girlfriend she is a thai lady

    Then he answers back (because obviously he doesn't like what I said), that they are together for a long time already and they really love each other.... Wait a minute - Where is your issue, boy? Or - are you just another attention-seeker?

    Seriously, someone together for many years? And then "bothering" about something that little (is there something at all) ??

    Wait, I have another question for him; "do you wonder if she is rude, because she doesn't finish her plate, but you spent so much time cooking up her favourite dish"?

    Kids, get a life, will you and if you're bored, take a book and do some reading! (apparently it stimulates something. Go, give it a try)

    To all others, who open their mouth and just let all their cra* fall out, expect someone to pick it up and throw it back into your mouth!

  2. Wait ... you are happy - and then you waste this forum with such a crap question?

    boy is there some sick folk around!

    hahahahahah you are real piece of work no one asked you to go to reply to this topic you maggot

    The OP is not sick because of what he's written. As for 'maggot' and other gratuitous drive-bys, how about staying on topic and refraining from projections onto others?

    As for johnmarhall, and the one who started this shoddy topic, I won't quote you on your frivolous social patterns. It's simply a waste of time.

    As far as the familyjule whizkid is concerned, you are so smart, "kid" you will sure be able to explain "gratuitous drive-bys". Or was that just an attempt to join the former two?

    Besides, how can someone stay on a topic where there is none from the beginning? Whiskas ... your turn again, say - something - again.

  3. As already mentioned in this thread, this does happen often, however this is not a culture thing at all. I asked this question to many Thai friends as I wanted to know the correct answer myself. Every single one of them including my partner said no it's just rude and that although many Thai people are rude in doing this, it's not everyone and it has nothing to do with culture.

    It feels good to know, some people have a clear understanding, and don't hide behind "culture" all the time!

  4. Without reading further,

    and without getting into silly "culture" stuff (gosh how do I love this incompetent excuses)

    the answer is very simple

    She is not interested in what you say, hence, neither in you! Full Stop.

    I strongly suggest you look for someone how is. This relationship is a cul-de-sac, meaning, a one way. One need to give, the other is the receiver. Guess, again, who'll need to give!

    Good luck

    i have been with her for many years and she is very interested in me as we do really love each other it is not the a.t.m or my wallet it is me and we are very happy together

    Wait ... you are happy - and then you waste this forum with such a crap question?

    boy is there some sich folk around!

  5. I am debating which music theme is more appropriate to post.. "Benny Hill", "Three Stooges" or "Laurel and Hardy".. Tough choice..

    PS: Decided to go with Entry of the Gladiators. Perfect match for this circus..


    you wouldn't have, by any chance, a clip of the "Souptrap Circus" leader, running in a circle to add to this, would you ?

    Aftereffect designers ... where are you - can you do something here?

    cheesy.gif - you could sell it for gooood money, I bet ya! (can I have a share for having had the idea, please?)

  6. How could seals get arrested by the keystone cops? Could you even contemplate USA seals getting arrested, hahahahaha. I thought seals were the best of the best?

    cheesy.gif they are the best, but, then there are still better than the best and then best of the better best ... why do you think they call it "Amazing"

    I sold my TV yesterday, this land provides me with the best "live" entertainment and storytellers


  7. Without reading further,

    and without getting into silly "culture" stuff (gosh how do I love this incompetent excuses)

    the answer is very simple

    She is not interested in what you say, hence, neither in you! Full Stop.

    I strongly suggest you look for someone how is. This relationship is a cul-de-sac, meaning, a one way. One need to give, the other is the receiver. Guess, again, who'll need to give!

    Good luck

  8. I always was, and will continue to laugh about

    puppets pretending to be better than a puppeteer, or

    an egg not hatched, yet, playing a cock already

    or, a Tha* tell they are the best.

    They sure are, best in entertaining.

    Besides all this laugh -

    parents have to pay on average Bt25,000-35,000 per student each year

    per year? is that all, or, could it be you meant that to be in a month?

    Heck, I don't know how you count ;-)

    My dear DR, Einstein, Professor ... at the world laughter Univeristy of Mahidol, next time before you make such noise, make sure you got your facts straight. You may be the highest in Thailand, no doubt, but let me guarantee you, not in the world.

    Besides, if your students and parents spend ..., why is it that you slip back on the "quality" scale, in Asia alone?

    And where are all this wizbits?

    I wouldn't even dare to juxtapose Thai with greater Asia, and you, you claim the world?

    Thank you, at least I found my reason today to laugh


  9. This site only is alive, because they lick shoe-soles ;-)

    Get it?

    You obviously haven't met George! ROFL!!!

    Should I need to?

    I don't care who, or what's their name or whatever. I see what's going on.

    But hey, you are welcome to come with me to China, next time we meet with some Thai clowns there, again. put your and George's name on the list, I may send you an invite.


  10. It was not Yingluck who said she would not resign

    It was Thaksin who said she would not resign

    Poor now even allowed to make her own decisions about her own life ..

    YS ...... "Thaksin is it ok if I go potty now"

    You have made an outrageous allegation here which is highly inflammatory.

    You state "It was Thaksin who said she would not resign"

    You have not put this as an opinion, you have not referred to unverified and therefore possible false newspaper reports from unnamed and unknown people.

    You have made a claim it was Thaksin.

    Please back up this absolute allegation you have made with unequivocal proof that your statement is 100% correct !

    Why should he or I or anyone else have to give unequivacable facts in a foram format. This is the place to state rumors, facts or almost anything else you feel like stating!

    Unfortunately - you're wrong.

    If you want to say whatever you want say, you'd be much, I mean far much better off, moving to China.

    (I can claim that, because i lived there for 10 years and was many times invited my the big guys, to voice my opinion, and also met Thai governors, by the dozens, there, too... whiners they are, let me tell you ;-) )

    In Thailand? Many things you are not allowed to talk at all.

    Fact, Truth, are some of them as long as they concern Thailand in some way or the other!. If it's about taking the Shi8 cra9 out of any Farang? Please go ahead, maybe you even get a free visa. See the pint?

    This site, e.g., is only alive, because they lick shoe-soles ;-)

    Get it?

  11. Useless dipshit.

    The Government already asked the Council of State. The Council of State already said that postponing the whole election was not allowed under the constitution. The government offers to try and do it anyway, and he snubs them.

    Am I the only one who think the EC's tactics mirror the PDRC's a bit? Demand something, then when you finally get it, ignore it and demand something else.


    May I add (maybe I didn't read) - but WHY would he say, meeting all this people is no point, HE needs to meet with teh PM first and THEN, meeting all the others WOULD make sense.

    Sorry, shall I think of something here ??

    Am I the only one who think the EC's tactics mirror the PDRC's a bit?

    After that article? Not at all, now it's at at least 2

  12. Good for her the people voted her in and if they want her out then vote her out on Feb 2nd

    Real easy

    in the meantime the constitution requires her by law to stay as the caretaker until the new election.

    There is that vote em out and elections banter again. Silence is deafening on the other 14 principles of democracy they don't adhere too.

    Not sure if it is just complete gullibility or the PT supporters have an off switch after elections that get turned back on just before the next election making them only ever see the 1 principle of democracy the PT adhere too in action. If that switch stayed on long enough for the rice farmers we won't have these issues by the regime. Good to see the red shirts are starting to wise up and not attend the rallies up north. So desperate are the paramilitary leaders they have rebranded to white. We might just see rice farmers overtaking the UDD PTP falang supporters on the intellectual level the way this is going!

    DiamondKing addresses a point, 100% valid. Read the lines.

    This is not about her corruption, incompetency or whatever level. It's about upholding democratic values. Without taking any site, but I agree 100% and anyone understanding Democracy, Constitution, etc., would need to agree, too.

    Now, if you don't like the government or any politician, the people have many options to go for and still, abiding the law. You can even impeach the PM.

    Seriously, i don't understand this - running nuts. All I can think of, is, there must be quite a few lads around, who feel should receive more attention than they'd get, otherwise (none, maybe?)

  13. She said she would like to see the Democrat joining to show its spirit adding political parties have the duties to run in the election.

    If they do no not observe the rules, how could the country live.

    Thank you clap2.gif

    Then, Loser Soupstep said

    There was no win-win solution but either win or lose, Suthep said, and also disclosed the government has sent a mediator with an offer to hold new election on May 4 which he has rejected.

    Great, then lose more than you'd lost already cheesy.gif

    • Like 1
  14. I have to add - I met a young Thai... what 25,26, a day ago (where I am are only ordinary Thai, who will all be affected) they wore a T-shirt reading "Bangkok Shut Down"...

    I asked, why they wear it, and all they could answer was "Fight"

    I asked back - fight for what?

    Short answer again "fight for the government go"

    Asking back again, "and then?

    Short answer again "I don't know"

    clap2.gifcheesy.gif - and that is the young, university level educated folk cheesy.gifclap2.gif

    Don't know, just fight

    Bravo, wonderful, TRUE amazing


    attachicon.gifDaffy.jpg Amazing that you haven't considered the possibility that his English didn't allow him to elaborate further.

    If you live in Thailand and look down and step on Thai because of their ability to express themselves in English. You should consider learning to speak Thai and express you view in the local language. If you are not bother to learn, how about pack up and go home!

    I always wonder why there are quite a lot of foreigners here in Thailand keep complaining and looking down on Thais. At the same time, they keep doing their Visa run instead of heading home to their own countries.

    Yes, the same can be said about the Thais that live and do business in America but yet they don't learn English. I think maybe they should pack it up and go home nobody needs another Thai restaurant.

    @ bunny11kk


    @ GazR

    Where did I critizise their "English" and why do both of you make such an as* out of YOU (not me) by assuming a bad enough English so they couldn't say more?

    AND - WHY do you think i look down on Thai?


    You know, I always wondered why there are so many mediocre people hanging around in Thailand who have little else to do than just bashing on foreigners without any reason.

    I won't even feel sorry for your low grade.

  15. Back to the future.

    I said it already and repeat it. "what do you get if you throw rubbish into a pot?"

    cooked rubbish, correct.

    Keep your good memories of a once - quite nice Thailand - and move on. There's nothing left here, except a brain-diluted population who will run after every better smelling fart.

    Does it bother you that your post also has a "brain dilution" smell to it?

    I can't help you if you can't smell it, you need to run faster to get closer

  16. Back to the future.

    I said it already and repeat it. "what do you get if you throw rubbish into a pot?"

    cooked rubbish, correct.

    Keep your good memories of a once - quite nice Thailand - and move on. There's nothing left here, except a brain-diluted population who will run after every better smelling fart.

    • Like 2
  17. Corrupt or not,

    more corrupt or less,

    the fact is, she is the democratically elected PM,

    what's wrong with that, if she'd "chair" a talk with all sides?

    The fact that this clown rejects her offer tells you ANY and EVERYTHING how far backwards this country will go if he or any of his circus clowns and animals would reign.

    I never was a friend of any sides, but now it's sure, this dried up dwarf - promoting something he himself is dismantling it.

    How sick can Hippocratic get?

    The Dems aren't contesting this election but then neither is Thaksin but if there is an election then he will be in charge again undemocratically.

    So what's the solution?

    Condemn democratic ways because we assume, something, or

    we go rogue like this souptrap clown, or

    we put all efforts in to do the best to have fair elections to allow the people, who really earn it - to decide who should lead them for the net term?

    I'd say and agree/support, always - the latter.

    Hence, the more the opposition now rejects, I'd say, in then end, the ore THEY pave the way themselves so nothing changes but only gets worse.

    Didn't we all learn that "Dialogue", the competences to talk to each other, reduced risk s going to war. no?

    I can't see any reason why the Thai shouldn't be able to learn the same. Given, however, that crazy loudspeakers get turned off and brains, on, instead.

  18. Easy money! He's hardly bin laden is he!

    well then, show us all how big your balls are, go and get him or are you just another mouth piece, yeh, easy money, you are a joke.

    Does he need to show balls?

    Who is he, the commander of the Thai navy seals or G9 group?

    Kids, come to your grips.

    A man accused of such heavy crimes and with warrants set out against him that, would you need to tag'em on him, you wouldn't be able see him any longer, what's the deal to get a trained force walk right into the circle and pull him out? The warrants are legal, so who would dare to incriminate themselves? In fact, all the people sheltering this rusty megaphone, should already have their own, proudly earned, warrant of arrest.

    Seriously, it only confirms the wimp status of this ...! - BIG mouth, then pull your tail in and make a u-turn. No wonder this country is in such a mess.

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