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Posts posted by NHT

  1. ...

    And now after being proved thoroughly wrong and calling a priest a corporate prostitute you are trying to change the subject!

    One would think at least you could say you were sorry about being so far in error. The founder of Minor Corp a corporate prostitute? He is the founder of one of the largest corporations in Asia and one of the richest men in Thailand. He came from America.

    I know what I wrote, but you, obviously not! Just in your last attack, you "ADD" something, to suit your sick attack!

    Look, you poor little war machine

    If you want to use this post, to turn words around, to seek confrontation. Be your own little sorrow!

    I never did, nor ever will, call anyone who is doing a good deed, a corporate prostitute. Go back to the post and read again, as*hole. Now go and play war with yourself, poor little "nothing".

    The only one who need apologise would be YOU, for going off track here, and use your dirty track to paint others dirty. The dirt is YOU.

    AND YES, I still want to keep "corporate prostitutes" as an add-on to my original list!

    My list is about all the suckers, not about the good people. Just in case you don't know the difference yourself. Now if you bring in good people, to accuse me to have them included in my list, again - BE YOUR OWN LITTLE SUCKER!


    just in case you stilll struggle with yourself (so you should)

    A "newly industrialised country" needs the help of foreign volunteers, because it is incapable of taking care by itself?


    No, don't get me wrong. I appreciate people who spend their life, love and compassion, for people in need, anywhere. But - should it be really necessary, in countries where everyone, up to the top of their highest leadership, claim to LOVE their own people?

    These are my words! Now - tell me again - I call "priests" a corporate prostitute!

    I wrote, "that you were wrong and listed; Giovanni Contarin, Bill Heiecki, Darren Buckley, John Atanas,

    Matt Bradley, David Cardin, David Nardone."

    You wrote in response, "Ops, facepalm.gif.pagespeed.ce.EuN79TyYk_.gif you are right, I forgot ... AND - "corporate prostitutes"!

    You're obviously trying to find someone who you can crucify ...

    Here I am!

    Come with your holy cross and knock me out!


  2. Agreed, but it needs to be a fight to the death, maybe on war elephants, as this is the only way that the country can move forward. Otherwise the loser just gets up and starts all over again.

    Just to be clear, my proposal is meant to be as stupid as what Thai politics seems to have come down to.

    ... war elephants, are you kidding?

    They are almost already on the level of being avoided, like their sick street dogs. Soon hunted as rats, and then stepped on, as cockroaches, once they're reincarnated.

  3. ...

    And now after being proved thoroughly wrong and calling a priest a corporate prostitute you are trying to change the subject!

    One would think at least you could say you were sorry about being so far in error. The founder of Minor Corp a corporate prostitute? He is the founder of one of the largest corporations in Asia and one of the richest men in Thailand. He came from America.

    I know what I wrote, but you, obviously not! Just in your last attack, you "ADD" something, to suit your sick attack!

    Look, you poor little war machine

    If you want to use this post, to turn words around, to seek confrontation. Be your own little sorrow!

    I never did, nor ever will, call anyone who is doing a good deed, a corporate prostitute. Go back to the post and read again, as*hole. Now go and play war with yourself, poor little "nothing".

    The only one who need apologise would be YOU, for going off track here, and use your dirty track to paint others dirty. The dirt is YOU.

    AND YES, I still want to keep "corporate prostitutes" as an add-on to my original list!

    My list is about all the suckers, not about the good people. Just in case you don't know the difference yourself. Now if you bring in good people, to accuse me to have them included in my list, again - BE YOUR OWN LITTLE SUCKER!


    just in case you stilll struggle with yourself (so you should)

    A "newly industrialised country" needs the help of foreign volunteers, because it is incapable of taking care by itself?


    No, don't get me wrong. I appreciate people who spend their life, love and compassion, for people in need, anywhere. But - should it be really necessary, in countries where everyone, up to the top of their highest leadership, claim to LOVE their own people?

    These are my words! Now - tell me again - I call "priests" a corporate prostitute!

  4. Google any of the names below. You are wrong.

    Giovanni Contarin

    Bill heiecki

    Darren Buckley

    John Atanas

    Matt Bradley

    David Cardin

    David Nardone

    Ops, facepalm.gif you are right, I forgot ... AND - "corporate prostitutes"!

    (yahoo, bing, google, or use any other SE, to find the description of the term)

    The first name on the list and the logical one for you to have googled first, is a priest who runs shelters for children who are HIV positive and have AIDS.

    A "newly industrialised country" needs the help of foreign volunteers, because it is incapable of taking care by itself?

    That explains, why Thai founded organisations can still be as discriminating and racist as they are acclaimed for, like the Thai own "Child Line".

    That explains, why families need to place money beneath the table of a primary school principal's desk, just for their child to get into a "little" better school (wonders me if such a school is worth any money, though.

    No, don't get me wrong. I appreciate people who spend their life, love and compassion, for people in need, anywhere. But - should it be really necessary, in countries where everyone, up to the top of their highest leadership, claim to LOVE their own people?

    Should it?

    Or could one assume, latter claim is all just but a farce?

    • Like 1
  5. That alone, man, you hit it on the head. clap2.gif

    May I just add "deliberately" ignoring. Simple because the NEED to ignore, to avoid to frustrate themselves over reality. Usually the case for people they find (as long as they have enough money left) - Thailand as a last resource to overcome their inability to live a decent social life.

    How many times do I hear, "ah, c'mon, Thailand is still the best place to be; bars and girls everywhere". I hear that even from the "professional expats", who are in Thailand by "overseas (not)working" conditions.

    Everyone who finds Thailand as a great place, always falls back on the "Easy Sex" in Thailand. That will never change!

    If it was for intellectual, social and life qualities, not "one" clear minded person would even consider this country!

    Thailand is a place for people:

    • who are ready to place their brain into a drawer, and never pick it up again,
    • who need to be here to carry out their scam ideas,
    • to carry on with their internet crimes, without interference,
    • who are sex addicts in any way
    • in short, all people who are not wanted in a good functional society

    So sure, folks, you'll all love it here in Thailand. Stay on there, we don't want you back home!

    Google any of the names below. You are wrong.

    Giovanni Contarin

    Bill heiecki

    Darren Buckley

    John Atanas

    Matt Bradley

    David Cardin

    David Nardone

    Ops, facepalm.gif you are right, I forgot ... AND - "corporate prostitutes"!

    (yahoo, bing, google, or use any other SE, to find the description of the term)

  6. Excuse me, but are the above posts actually made by expats living in and out of Thailand?

    I have been here for over 20 years and was on the front line on the night of May 17 1992 when Thai security troops under the Suchinda government opened fire at protesters gathering at Sanam Luang.

    I am so proud (then and now) to see the heart of the Thai people out on the streets farmers and all.

    Expats....do your homework. Do just a little research and you will find a history of a man (Thaksin) who has been a hugely corrupt and an unscrupulous and greedy parasitic megalomaniac who will NEVER be able to steal enough money from this great country.

    He is a convicted criminal who has siphoned billions upon billions of baht from the Thai people and now under his own sister has completely ruined the best quality and best producing rice industry in the world!

    It is gone with Cambodia winning last years Best Jasmine rice in the world award and India and Vietnam's rice harvests both out producing Thailand.

    They have ruined the country and totally divided the Thai people.

    For God's sake! These poor rice farmers are the very people the Shinawatra's convinced to vote for them.

    Yingluck doesn't even have the integrity or consideration to even show up to appease these poor farmers and Chalerm is running scared and half mad as he knows that if the Shinawatra Regime crashes his career and life is over and that includes his alleged murdering son.

    The alleged murdering son comment is simply information taken from public domain (Google it!) and should not be omitted.

    Wikipedia: Chalerm Yubamrung: In 2001 Duangchalerm was arraigned for the murder of a police officer. After deserting from the Army and fleeing to Malaysia, he returned and handed himself in. He was released from jail on bail terms in 2003, and finally acquitted as the court considered the evidence insufficient and the witnesses accounts contradictory.[

    Notation: In Thailand the word contradictory is often a synonym for purchasable.

    Yes, it does seem that you have to organize a band of corrupt thugs to become Prime Minister in Thailand but plundering the nations funds, ruining the country while turning Thai citizen against Thai citizen and then spitting on our King is just NOT in the cards folks.......it ain't gunna happen!

    Yes, Suthep has his own allegations of a corrupt history......but which one of you would walk in his shoes today....for even a minute!

    The man is and will go down historically as a super hero and servant to our King and the people of Siam......want to bet?

    Stand up Khun Thai! Stand up every Thai farmer that gave their rice harvest and received nothing in return!

    Fight this insanely evil piece of dung and through every generation of his family out with him as they have disgraced our King, our country and the very souls of our people.

    Yes, I'm white but I'm no expat!

    This is my home, my King and my brothers and sisters.

    Fight on and drive the snake out of the land!

    Now let's turn this over again to the usual ignorant barking dogs so they can shoot their uneducated and sorry asses off!

    I wouldn't place a cent on your bid

    Instead, I believe, the "real problem" in Thailand, are the two sides, both of them indoctrinated in their own way, each side backing up their own criminals/crimes, only weighing off each other's crimes and to accuse each other "You are the bigger criminal".

    So what's the point, really? What difference does it make, who gets the run on screwing their own country?

    Fact is, somewhere down the line, something went completely wrong, and the wrong is only built up and up and up - because of what I just said!.

    The more I follow all these puppet and muppet shows, the more sick the whole country shines. Your cold-heartedness, your blindness, your brainless and unwillingness to get to work, instead but, keep accusing each other, break out in violence, etc., will achieve ONLY MORE hate for each other, than you're already filled up with. And if you look closely in the mirror, it's already overflowing!

    And Thailand is a country with a "Buddha" shrine every 10 meters along the roads, in every house?

    Dispickable - all I can say!

    Get your act together, Thailand. Stop running into your temples for praying to Buddha, Buddha ONLY helps people through their own hands.

    If you keep growing your hate inside - but smile outside and are violent and kill, are a sick minded person ... NOTHING you will achieve, but more misery, and more of it, still!

    Go home, all of you. Watch a few videos of the Dalai Lama, to calm down and learn what he talks about "compassion" - then go, and meet and work things out. TRANSPARENT TO YOUR FOLK!

    Turn yourself into "HUMAN", so you can respect humanity!

  7. And who said the protesters don't have weapons. More lies.

    Please calm down.

    This is just an isolated incident.

    I am sure it is just an accidental discharge.

    Not the fault of the protesters.

    I won't happen again.

    Suthep's protesters came in peace and with no weapons.

    Every violence, every human rights offense, etc., is just a "maipenlai" in Thailand, we all know, and we all "Must Respect" this sick culture! Or be "punished"!

  8. People come to Thailand for a holiday on their saved cash for such a holiday. They should not be subjected to beggars at the airport on arrival and the Police should have them removed. The Gov is now paying them, so bugger off.

    Is that true - the government is now paying them? How many, how much?

    That's easy to answer. The Farang did not buy the rice, which the government tried to sell, Hence, the government couldn't pay the farmers.

    Result = whole Thailand blame the Farang, All is well - Thailand is good, falang is bad!

    • Like 1
  9. Has anyone else ever noticed when there is a problem with something in Thailand it is always a foreigners fault?

    Notice what?

    Sure noticed, but it's a well known factor! In fact, the "arrogant ignorance" is Thailand's trademark ! It's the easiest way for Thailand to cover up their;

    • incompetency in ... well, almost everything!
    • take no responsibility for anything


    I also notice, that a lot of people can't read, and only ask stupid questions!

  10. As much of a pain in the neck as they might be to you personally and as meaningless as they might seem to you (not to mention the waste of time and effort that they might appear to be causing you) they are necessary nowadays.

    Funny. If something happens, especially to someone "personally", they all run and blame ... government, police ... whoever, for not making sure, bla bla, bla.

    Then, if checks are actually "implemented", they complaint again. This time about the "pain" of wasting their time, feeling discriminated (why check me, not them?).

    Boy, what does this whinging society really want, apart from just whine?

  11. I have been in SE Asia, Australia and New Zealand since 1995, but 80% of the time in Thailand. I was born in London in 1953. I still have property in East London and Torbay, Devon. I can't wait to go back home. I am sick of the sun and the lack of any aesthetically pleasing counrtyside. Everywhere here is the same, when you travel its like a hamster on a wheel, very boring. If all you want to do is drink beer and sit outside a bar looking for girls, then, yes, Thailand is great, Philippines even better for that. However, I am a day person and an outdoor person. I rarelt imbibe alcohol and the girls here really bore me stupid. Anyway, It is just too hot. In April I am returning to UK permanantly. I was there for 6 months last summer and one month in December last year,, I was so happy there. Yes, I am financially solvent, I retired when I was 41, and I just love it back in England. I'm going home !!

    I have been in Asia since 1990, no way to I want to go home.

    Everywhere is the same, sorry far from it, get your sorry ass down to Chan, helps if you can actually speak and read Thai of course.

    Not interested in girls or bars, its hard enough trying to find an a/c snooker hall.

    Phillipines, gimme a break what a effin shithole.

    The girls bore you stupid, can you actually speak to them in their language?

    Sound more like another cash strapped coffin dodger.

    Best you move to a ground floor room asap.

    Are you able to read ? Travelling around this country everything looks the same with a few exceptions.

    Philippines is an effin shithole yes, I agree, but I stated if ALL you want is booze and birds........ far better than here.

    Yes, the girls here so boring, and yes I can speak Thai and Laos quite fluently. I don't know you, but the chances are that my grasp of the language is far better than yours. In general I have no problem speaking Thai or Laos. Often, expecialy females, hate it because my Thai is so good and they REALLY hate it when I speak Laos to them. They don't realise why themselves, but it is because they can't control me and lead me around everywhere. I had one girl say I was Kee nok (Worthless) and why? When asked she explained it was because I can speak Laos. hahahahahah !

    Cash strapped, hahahaha another hilarious comment. I have property in the Centre of the East end in London and two lovely properties in Torbay.

    I have other assets too. No, money really isn't a problem for me, except what to spend it on.

    I may kill myself from boredom here but never because of money. so so funny !

    Mayber it is you that has all these problems. You have to stay here so you force yourself to like the place, where are you ? Pattaya LOL

    You or I may not care to admit it, we have more in common than we care to admit.

    Conratulations on your language ability, I have never got beyond "pasat klang" it serves most places in Thailand, never had the need or urge to learn pasat lao reu Issan.

    I am not so insecure or suffer from such low self esteem as to admit to my properties in good old bligthy, or my other holdings.

    Like you I could leave this country tomorrow without so much as as backwards glance.

    Before leaving I would like to congratulate the Indian girl who was working in the HSBC in Silom Rd years ago, the same girl who pointed me in the the direction of Aberdeen trusts when the SET was about 250..

    Best of luck to you, at least you have the option of leaving, most I come across head back home for the following reasons, contract finished (dragged kicking and screaming to the airport), kids education, or run out of money.

    Pattaya, you couldnt pay me to live in that place, head further East to Chan.

    As mentioned before I have been out of the Facist EU for too long now, I speak like a dinosaur, dont belong back there.

    Best of luck to you.

    *** Or others that state Thailand is perfect ignoring the obvious.. ***

    That alone, man, you hit it on the head. clap2.gif

    May I just add "deliberately" ignoring. Simple because the NEED to ignore, to avoid to frustrate themselves over reality. Usually the case for people they find (as long as they have enough money left) - Thailand as a last resource to overcome their inability to live a decent social life.

    How many times do I hear, "ah, c'mon, Thailand is still the best place to be; bars and girls everywhere". I hear that even from the "professional expats", who are in Thailand by "overseas (not)working" conditions.

    Everyone who finds Thailand as a great place, always falls back on the "Easy Sex" in Thailand. That will never change!

    If it was for intellectual, social and life qualities, not "one" clear minded person would even consider this country!

    Thailand is a place for people:

    • who are ready to place their brain into a drawer, and never pick it up again,
    • who need to be here to carry out their scam ideas,
    • to carry on with their internet crimes, without interference,
    • who are sex addicts in any way
    • in short, all people who are not wanted in a good functional society

    So sure, folks, you'll all love it here in Thailand. Stay on there, we don't want you back home!

  12. Now more people have been prosecuted under the lese majeste law in the Yingluck government than in Apisit's tenure.


    And they call this Press Freedom?

    What is this, the Thai Joke of the Millenium - or - The Thai Arrogance at it's peak?

    Not even in this forum you can speak out, not to mention - the truth and facts.


    Bring it on people, more of this jokes, they aren't even funny any longer. It makes a great resource for a book, the world will not only laugh about this sicko stuff.

  13. Theres no backround information in this article, can speculate a lot...I mean about social state and who what about the fathers...coffee1.gif

    If this "Smiling" country would practice less racism and discrimination and "accept" a FARANG FATHER - equal to a THAI father, than I promise you, this country you have a lot of single mothers, less.

    To give you the answer "with official evidence" -

    A farang fatherhood does not count in Thailand! That, according to Thailand's leadership!

    Kid, you're asking the wrong question here, and to the wrong people, and need to expect to be stung if you stick your fingers into a wesp-colony.

  14. So bitter, how did you get that way? Some of us are quite pleased with our choices.


    Most aren't. I have been here a very, very long time and what I see, the guys I see in the streets in the larger Thai cities are not men enjoying themselves. They are unhealthy men eeking out an existence. Judging by the guys I see in the streets, you all find the heat unbearable.

    You also, judging by this board refuse to do snything the local way. Visa runs are done by plane and visa services. You whine endlessly about lack of western food. You constantly berate the female population.

    First and foremost, you must acknowledge that Thailand is a fleshpot and that is why most men are here. Not doing so is not being honest.

    These guys would leave Thailand faster if therevwas a total clampdown on prostitution than if the govt decending into utter chaos. Like 2010?

    To those with homes, wives, kids, long standing business, adventurers, avid travelers, farmers, golfers, birders, divers and outdoors people - hats off, you are enjoying your life and what the country has to offer.

    The rest are just fooling themselves. Sad old fools.

    Do you realise how many likes you get (and I)?

    That should tell you everything who is here and likes it here.

    Did you also notice what post get's censored out and which can stay on this (won't name any color) forum?

    That should tell you everything who is staying here as fools and happy posting here ...


    Tells you everything, doesn't it.

    Hope they get what they want, and then it will be 100% worse than China, which opens up more and more, while this circus is about to close down.

  15. Just kick all government out and take over as the "perfect none-governmental Dictator". appears to me more and more that this is what they want, so - yep - go for, Go! GTHBMIF

    There you have your positive.

    Just one question... why always bring the Americans into these crap topics?

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