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Posts posted by NHT

  1. I dont understand why a chinese tourist would dress up as a student to check out a university!

    i'm baffled!!!

    does it mean that they are trying to get into lectures and learn something?

    or is there some sort of chinese game show where they have to dress up and pretend to be part of an organisation?

    and why would a tourist camp on a university campus? hotels are pretty cheap in thailand!!

    Thai propaganda!

    If it was Chinese in the photo, the Thai wouldn't white out their eyes. In fact, Thai would even name their names.

    A farce, as so many times, to justify their move to charge entry fees. - AND - the Thai students may have complained not getting enough "photo taking" fees from the Chinese. And now, the university tries to retaliate ... hahaha

    I wonder, what the Thai suckers (governors) are being told, next time they travel to China, trying to beg for more money, again. As far as I know Chinese, they will tell the Thai, gently and softly ... to f*** off. (not only because of that, but because of many other reasons, too).


    • Like 1
  2. Wondering if this will really promote tourism further? Thailand managed to screw away Westeners and replaced them with rubel-paying Russians lingering in front of 7/11s with a bottle of beer trying to get access into restaurants and girlie bars not understanding, why drinks and food from outside are not allowed. Now the Chinese are threatened to be scared away; wondering what they do with the Indians and the Middle Easteners. Once all that has been achieved, then Thailand has only the Thai people left. Pathetic!

    Not that this means, any nation would need to accept all rubbish thrown at them by any idiots. but -

    - that's the whole point - they call that a "sustainable kingdom" !

    I just wonder what they will use to try and sustain it?


  3. As a parent I can think of a heck of nasty occurrences, and if it was a "Farang" kid, no Thai would even bother.

    If you have nothing positive to say to help a child, then please don't post misleading statements that might cause others to not consider helping.

    Tia's doctors are not looking for "Thais" to be tested. They are looking for the adult offspring of one SE Asian parent, and one western parent.

    Ignorance, suppression!

    Well, if there is nothing positive in a write-up, for "YOU", then don't read it!

    go pick a fight elsewhere

    Your post was ignorant at best, c**tish at worse, especially given the topic matter. I tend to believe the latter.

    Who is fighting?

    I made a statement. Then, some "smart" people started picking. A lot for losers can only accept what fits their collar. Did you read the end of my statement, or didn't you make it that far? Now go, pick again. You need that!

  4. Anand supported the 2006 military coup that abrogated the People's Constitution and overthrew the government of Thaksin Shinawatra. Anand had been a sharp critic of Thaksin for several years prior to the coup, and he blamed the coup on Thaksin. He also stated fears that the military junta would fail and that Thaksin could make a comeback. "When the [Chatichai] government disappeared from the scene [after the 1991 coup] there was no fear it could make a comeback. But over the past five years Thaksin and his party have become too powerful. They have consolidated their hold over the government machinery and certain sectors of the armed forces and parliament. So I think it's a more precarious situation." Anand claimed that the coup was well received by the people and that the military junta's ban against opposition or political activity would not last long. He also noted surprise at the international community's condemnation to the coup.

    He is my Man.

    who cares what YOU think?

    are you Thai? no - so shut up and let Thais decide

    There you go!

    Then shut this entire ThaiVisa up, and let it be "RULED" by the F88888 Thai!

  5. Thaksin's money flow to his supporters in LOS needs to be cut off for starters. And blocking all of his lines of communication to his supporters would be a good idea too. The man is a large-type MENACE. This is not to say I am fond of the way Suthep has been conducting himself either. But Thaksin by far shoulders most of the blame for this mess. And his kid sister acting like a feckless cry-baby doesn't help either. If the Army needs to step in so be it, but there are ways to handle this without that having to happen.

    First thing they need to do is to make it an offence to aid, abet and consort with a convicted criminal on the run. Of course that would assume thailand had a functioning legal justice system.

    The entire country is nothing but an "assumption", a farce, a "lemme be, too", in short - a joke!

    Oh, wait, I was wrong. It's still the No.1 sex-heaven and "get screwed, chewed up and beaten out, place to be!

    Hallelujah - Amazing Thailand - Amen

    Agreed, but i am sure most politicians,judges, police, senior civil servants etc of any political allegiance would be weary about having a functioning and effective legal justice system!

    You hit the nail. That's why Thailand doesn't have any! (oh, they carry the name and titles, that's for sure, and with what pride!)

    Their system was proven many times, but not always so straight forward, than in this post. Simple rule:

    The winner is who strikes faster, bloodier, more lethal, and who can intimidate the rest enough, to shut up, or else! (best, with a smile, still) See, no problem, best country in the world, all problems solved.

  6. Now an eight-year-old girl to shot in the head at the protests in Trat. Continued unconscionable behavior by irresponsible parents.

    Yeah, tell that to my fuc** brainwashed Ex, and she (together with their entire clan) will crucify you for not respecting their culture!

    So who cares, how many get shot?! It's their culture! Don't interfere with humanity. No place for such illusions in this kingdom.

  7. Thaksin's money flow to his supporters in LOS needs to be cut off for starters. And blocking all of his lines of communication to his supporters would be a good idea too. The man is a large-type MENACE. This is not to say I am fond of the way Suthep has been conducting himself either. But Thaksin by far shoulders most of the blame for this mess. And his kid sister acting like a feckless cry-baby doesn't help either. If the Army needs to step in so be it, but there are ways to handle this without that having to happen.

    First thing they need to do is to make it an offence to aid, abet and consort with a convicted criminal on the run. Of course that would assume thailand had a functioning legal justice system.

    The entire country is nothing but an "assumption", a farce, a "lemme be, too", in short - a joke!

    Oh, wait, I was wrong. It's still the No.1 sex-heaven and "get screwed, chewed up and beaten out, place to be!

    Hallelujah - Amazing Thailand - Amen

  8. 18 successful or attempted coups since 1932.

    They just haven't been taught HOW to run a country. If I was Thai ... I wouldn't be so cocky about "Never having been colonised" right now.


    That number alone, should tell everybody, "everything" about this "Modern" country, its leadership cheesy.gif and everything that comes with it, including a "slipping off the scale" education system. To rule a country, it is utmost essential, to keep your folk dumb, yet - indoctrinated!

    Yes, you and I wouldn't be that cocky. Easy said, because we know different. They, however, are so much muted, deafened and made retarded in specific areas, for them, they "Need" to be that cocky, otherwise the suicidal rate in this country would be just as alarming, as the number 18 (all in relevance, though)!

  9. Personally most of the racism I have witnessed in Thailand has been from Europeans, although I don´t find that so strange. Integration doesn´t work so well in Europe as it does in the US or Canada and it sure creates a lot of tension which the tourists bring with them to other countries for some reason.

    I can't remember a place in Europe, where they'd charge the locals 100, and Farrangs - 1000!

    Just to start off with.

    Boy, if "T" doesn't stink racist all over, then I call myself the Pope!

    Let me guess, you are either a yank or a can, or, maybe a yank in the can. Perhaps, a can opening a yank? Anyway, you're just dumb and we forgive you! Just stay in Thailand, you fit perfectly!

  10. "White People"....so you're a bigot. Really doesn't matter what anyone may refer, you can't single out one people since all people, all civilizations within history are guilty. The West, humor....which West? Your hate is intensified to put "white people" & "Holocaust" in the same line. Even the Church has committed this act of which than was considered a norm.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    And you're an idiot.

    I was specifically talking about the enslavement of Africans. It was written in clear English.

    The rest of your post doesn't even warrant comment

    it doesn't matter, you can't single out people with such a argument, the act is racist in itself. The idiot you see is....simply yourself but only until you see the truth in your logic.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Until he/she sees the truth in his/her logic?

    So you agree with, but accuse of ignorance of the truth?

    Why would he/she defend his/her logic without truth?

    Could it be, perhaps, you meant "... the wrong of your logic?"

    My apology, English is my 5th language, only.

  11. . . .

    It's very easy for a country to avoid being called racist if they're largely homogenous; many countries avoid the problem by simply not allowing outsiders to immigrate.

    Is that "worse" racism or just smart?

    And you seriously believe they escape of being called "racist"?

    Those countries that have a wide mix of races and nationalities living together in the same areas are the ones with a challenge - and it certainly does create challenges.

    It seems to me that out the large developed nations, few continue to have racial problems as large as the US.


    And many sectors of the US population are certainly not working toward greater harmony and integration, in fact I'd say the right there (which borders on fascism compared to the rest of the developed world) is actively working against those goals.

    Are you drunk?

    Those European countries that have only recently (this century) begun allowing non-white immigration are only just starting to figure out how to do it, but it seems at the official level they're trying harder than most locations in the US.

    Apart from repeating yourself, you've got a heck of "seeming" going on, dude!

    The fact that INDIVIDUALS may have hateful attitudes is more prevalent there is simply that their culture hasn't had as much time to change.

    Can you make up your mind what it is, a "fact" or another "seem"?

    But bottom line as I said before, racism does exist everywhere, and trying to say X is more and Y is less racist isn't a very productive topic of debate.

    Who drew the bottom line of X-racist >Y-racist?


    I read your ... whatever, 3 times, and I am still cheesy.gif

    Do you read what you write, yourself, or do you just allow your fingers to punch away any ...! Gee, it's getting really worse in here. But - I admit. You're just another "expert". How big is your Facebook idiots circle? Boy, this world faces some serious issues. (I hope you haven't reproduced yourself yet and, won't get a chance).




    Have another beer. coffee1.gif

  12. Is this a good idea?


    I'm worried about her, she has never been to Thailand and her back pack is almost bigger than she is.

    So you should be. Why Thailand? There are dozens better places to backpack.

    She will be staying with me for a week then go to a Buddist retreat for 10 days.

    If she wants to experience Buddhism, Better go to where Buddhism is more Buddhism, and less street beggary, and more practiced by the public.

    Practice = Practice, not Prayer!

    She says she also wants to go to Burma, Lao, Cambodia, and Vietnam.

    All 4 - a "much wiser" choice.


    Hey, you asked the questions. Don't like the answers? Don't ask the questions!

  13. why are most of the 'farangs' here bent on trying to make me feel the problem is actually with the Thais when we all know

    the west initiated slavery and slave trade

    we all know

    the west initiated slavery and slave trade

    Great post, dont know whether to blame a sub standard ecucation or the PC revisionist history you were taught.

    You mean "Slavery" as we all get to watch it in films and read about it in books? But you ignore slavery, "carried out" by other ethnic groups, for thousands of years, and ago, already.

    That being said, Who says that "Slavery" must, or should be the equivalent to "racism" or, the "determining factor" for racism.

    Your remark could merely be considered a lack of education.

  14. Please explain this sentence from your post; thanks

    ""Chinese are not that open as far as SEX is concerned, but apart from that - China is WIDE open, Thailand? "Closed"!""

    what does this mean, Thailand closed?

    closed to what?

    Closed to anyone, who is not Thai.

    Do not ask for more, as I cannot speak it out on here. Just wait for a "Thailand report" to appear in multiple international media.

    It is eh? Google auto production in Thailand or hard drive production in Thailand. Who is the worlds third largest hard drive maker? Who are the worlds top ten auto producers? I'll give you a hint. Hundreds of foreign companies produce products in Thailand. I cannot say more. Try google.

    Actually it would be very easy to say more but if anyone has an interest they can look it up.

    Western Digital Thailand. Ford Thailand. Mercedes Benz Thailand. And on and on and on.

    DId I mention corporate prostitution somewhere along on ThaiVisa? Hm ...!

    Obviously you either know nothing about this business culture, or you ignore it as a drive!

    While Corporate prostitutes put up with all mafia and red-tape, SME foreign investment enterprising drop-out rate in Thailand, is meanwhile surpassing the 90% mark.

    Boys and girls, you need to look behind the curtain, not at the glitter, covering the curtain.

  15. Yes, so many expats have nothing good to say about Thais about whom they generalize appallingly....

    ... and Indians, Chinese, Russians, Africans ...

    For some people it's all about :

    Have you lived in these countries?

    I lived in China(10y) and Thailand(1.5y)

    I'd need to live in China for at least a hundred years, to pull par with racism as to the magnitude of that of Thailand!. Sure, Chinese are not that open as far as SEX is concerned, but apart from that - China is WIDE open, Thailand? "Closed"!

    Please explain this sentence from your post; thanks

    ""Chinese are not that open as far as SEX is concerned, but apart from that - China is WIDE open, Thailand? "Closed"!""

    what does this mean, Thailand closed?

    closed to what?

    Closed to anyone, who is not Thai.

    Do not ask for more, as I cannot speak it out on here. Just wait for a "Thailand report" to appear in multiple international media.

  16. Yes, so many expats have nothing good to say about Thais about whom they generalize appallingly....

    ... and Indians, Chinese, Russians, Africans ...

    For some people it's all about :

    Have you lived in these countries?

    I lived in China(10y) and Thailand(1.5y)

    I'd need to live in China for at least a hundred years, to pull par with racism as to the magnitude of that of Thailand!. Sure, Chinese are not that open as far as SEX is concerned, but apart from that - China is WIDE open, Thailand? "Closed"!

  17. Go eat somewhere, go shopping, go here and there and spend your money. You will no find ONE THAI, who would not smile into your face and touch you and ...

    But, don't spend as much as they hoped!

    Or, even if you do, turn your back and if you'd have eyes on your back, you would see - too often, a different Thai.

    Then, another, try get involved with some Thai, in any way you want, I don't care. Go, try it!

    Then come back again, and say again, the expats are the racists!

    Boy, you're either hyper naive and need to get a few hits first, or you are such a phlegmatic, that even ripping your tongue out - wouldn't bother you and you's only - write down, "I will no longer talk with you".

    Let me clear that for you very simple. I have lived and worked on 4 continents, in too many countries with too many different cultures. Weighing all off, I need to say, Thailand is the most racist, discriminating, humiliating country of all of them. And it all stems back to their ... you'll find out!

    - - -

    Hey, sure there are some good Thai, too. Myself, I know a lot of them.

    Speaking about "generalisation". Can one fair say, if more than 50% are like this or that, one can take this group, to call something as "in general". Tough life for the minority, but ij the majority is like that, it's up to the minority, to become the majority, to change the general status! Physical law, kids.

    Think back in history. Not every German was a Nazi, yet, still today, after almost a century now, Germans are still called Nazis. So, It's quite fair, to call Thai, "notorious, indoctrinated, racist narcissist". Because most of them are.

    As a "good" Thai told me once ... "man, never see the smile of a Thai, hear their heart beat". There's something true on that.


  18. Wonder if they've heard that before? - go, asks them, then you know.

    I bet some money changed hands - how much do you want to bet, USD100K?

    The Thaksin Control Group preys on the gullible and desperate. - prove it?

    It's the same as buying a lottery ticket and hoping to strike it rich. - same? lottery ticket cost money, promise is free!

    Why the Airport? - go, asks them, then you know.

    Amazing coffee1.gif

  19. That alone, man, you hit it on the head. clap2.gif

    May I just add "deliberately" ignoring. Simple because the NEED to ignore, to avoid to frustrate themselves over reality. Usually the case for people they find (as long as they have enough money left) - Thailand as a last resource to overcome their inability to live a decent social life.

    How many times do I hear, "ah, c'mon, Thailand is still the best place to be; bars and girls everywhere". I hear that even from the "professional expats", who are in Thailand by "overseas (not)working" conditions.

    Everyone who finds Thailand as a great place, always falls back on the "Easy Sex" in Thailand. That will never change!

    If it was for intellectual, social and life qualities, not "one" clear minded person would even consider this country!

    Thailand is a place for people:

    • who are ready to place their brain into a drawer, and never pick it up again,
    • who need to be here to carry out their scam ideas,
    • to carry on with their internet crimes, without interference,
    • who are sex addicts in any way
    • in short, all people who are not wanted in a good functional society

    So sure, folks, you'll all love it here in Thailand. Stay on there, we don't want you back home!

    Google any of the names below. You are wrong.

    Giovanni Contarin

    Bill heiecki

    Darren Buckley

    John Atanas

    Matt Bradley

    David Cardin

    David Nardone

    Ops, facepalm.gif you are right, I forgot ... AND - "corporate prostitutes"!

    (yahoo, bing, google, or use any other SE, to find the description of the term)

    This is a test post, In the above exchange (which is listed in it's original order no changes made by me) whom did NHT refer to as corporate prostitutes?

    Thank you. You're proof to me, that this forum "does" have some people who can read and understand, and not only idiots, who use this forum to attack each other, without a solid reason, just, so they can feel good!

    TKS, again.

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