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Posts posted by NHT

  1. Let the protester block what they want to.

    If they believe so much in "Democracy" that they bring down the entire country, I am sure they will accept democratic measures after everything is over and accept that they need to pay back all damages and losses to their fellow country people who were all affected my the protest moves.

    Some Thai need to learn to give, too, not just demand. What goes around, comes around!

  2. My brother and his wife (now divorced) use to work from Thailand and had an online editing business mainly editing Phd thesis papers for uni students.They were based in Australia but would stay in los 6 months of the year and as long as their hotel had wifi, that was it. Business was good! Enough to earn them both a good wage and own a nice house in Australia. She still does it, I can't stand her so happy to pass this info on.

    Wouldn't mind talking with you about that, myself.

    Currently I translate (German to English) and help to write a "logistics" lecture (500 PPT slides), on behalf of a German University, for the Singaporean Government.

  3. So he didn't speak with Suthep. Interesting - does that mean the UN doesn't recognise Suthep as a legitimate player in this?

    The UN has been neutered a long time ago and represents no real power. Countries (even Western Nations, like the US), do whatever they want.

    I guess, the UN chief, needs to speak up once in a while, to justify his huge paycheck rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif

    What does UN stand for, again... Useless Nonsense? One can only laugh about this group of clowns.

  4. I assume the restaurant owner does not own the road outside his business so has no right to reserve it for himself or his customers.

    Having said that it is about time City Hall were to licence Taxi Motorbikes and operators.


    • Checking of driving licences
    • Mandatory insurance
    • Limiting the places of operation (ie just inside every soi)
    • Marked Taxi Ranks

    May be even outlaw trading (street vendors, bike and car rental, taxis plying for business, advertising, etc) from roadside parking areas, maybe even limit waiting/parking to 2 hours, no return for 4 hours.


    With your ambition you'll make it as the next mayonnaise - sorry - mayor


    Any other good ideas to get rid of vast growing and ill-rotten behavior patterns?

  5. Motto of the story is 'Don't sit out the front of open-fronted bars (or songthaews)'.

    With the "Amazing"ly fastforwardpositivetrend in the land of Smiles in mind, it wouldn't take much longer to get beaten to death, chopped into pieces, just for looking at an amazingly smiling face. One would only wish to getting shot, instead, it's faster and thus, more painless.

    I have lived and worked in... what - over 20 countries around the world. That includes 10 years China, 4 years Phils, 2 years Indonesia, in Africa, Russia ... Now? I only wish i'd never placed my foot at the edge of the heated doline.

    Just out of curiosity - who ever came up with this misleading, deceptive name "land of smiles"?

  6. How about stopping the buses loaded with protesters before they get to Bangkok?

    All the southern rent-a-thugs could be stopped long before reaching Bangkok.

    Knock down stages blocking public streets. (offer other venues, parks, stadiums etc.

    cut their power.

    Shut down their media.

    Actually DO something.

    How about the right of freedom of speech, freedom of movement, and freedom protest in regard to what any person believes is wrong?

    So all these "rights" give you the right to shut down life important facilities, so you can sickly protest and scream all your rubbish off your head that would otherwise have your head exploding?

    What about all the "innocent" children, who, if they could tell you ...

    What about them?

    Should they starve, fall sick and die, so YOU can run rogue in your mentally sick demand for freedom of speech?

    Speak and demonstrate, for as long as you want, but don't cause HARM! IDIOTS!

  7. Farang not know thainess....

    No offense, but, and I only cite what is being said so many times - is there a chance that you stem from the North East of Thailand and are perhaps among those with a little less education?

    If that is not the most accurate and independent analysis written, then I assign myself to the ... you know.

    It is sad to say, but it is people like you, that make Thailand sink deeper into the mud, day by day.

    Even though i am a Farang, too, I am not a racist nor do I discriminate and as such, I pray fro Thailand that its people come to their senses and see start seeing and "accepting" the real color their country is overshadowed with ... can you guess?

    Although this country had done worst to myself, one would not even wish to dream of, I have only good wishes for Thailand.


  8. I suspect the eventual answer is education.

    I've observed that Thai lads and lasses are not properly educated at home as they enter puberty and pass through that phase (perhaps it is difficult for Thai people to discuss sexual issues with their children and/or grandchildren - possibly a culture issue rather than a knowledge issue).

    Thai kids are generally repeatedly told simply "don't get pregnant" which is similar to the advice they receive when they start driving their motor-scooter at around the age of 10 (give or take) which is "don't have an accident".

    No advice on how NOT to get pregnant is offered (much as no advice is offered how to drive the scooter in order to avoid an accident).

    My own kids are well into their twenties and I invariably say "drive carefully" when they go out in their cars and "stay safe" when they go out for the evening.

    Wholly pointless phrases (I feel better for having said them, though) but at least my kids were taught properly how to drive and they were also taught about contraception and relationships, equally. Thai elders maybe feel their own responsibilities are absolved by offering up equally meaningless aspirations, rather than proper advice.

    In short, many Thai kids are simply instructed to avoid a particular situation/event without ever having been advised of just how to go about that (never-mind the consequence that may otherwise result).

    Just my twopenn'orth, based on observation.

    So, if the family elders won't or can't educate the kids, it's up to society to do so as part of their formal schooling, in my opinion.


    well seen and addressed, yet, there is one extreme aspect still missing.

    See, in Thailand you don't address, and NEVER speak out the truth, you just simply "RESPECT", without questioning anything nor anyone!


    Even here in this forum, you can't speak certain facts, otherwise you'll get banned, or even imprisoned.

    SHOW ME -


    Good luck Thailand, you are well set to hit No.1 in all the negative aspects. Go for -

    just never forget, you MUST respect, and thus, eat the sh*t from your own plate.

    Makes me wonder why there are demonstrations anyway ... ah, hypocrisy! I forgot.

    Let's pray for the few Thai who would have the brain and could, but can't! (least, will never be allowed to - and - we all know why.)

  9. - Thai guys don't take responsibility and leave the mother. It's not only shocking there are so many teenage mothers, it's even more shocking that they are single. Thai guys don't take responsibility, use the often younger girls as a tool for pleasure. The laws is also not on the side of the women, like in most western countries.

    Most Thai guys do take responsibility for their kids so I can only assume by Thai guys you mean the man who impregnated your wife and abandoned her? Hardly a basis to judge an entire race.

    See, that's what I'm talking about.

    Idiots like "wprime" can open their mouth and let all the rubbish fall out, and that's "welcome"!

    Dear WPRIME

    as someone already addressed the inaccuracy of this post, and also pointed to the source http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/03/08/us-thailand-pregnancy-idUSBRE92705P20130308, if you now have enough intelligence left and do your maths, you may well see a number higher than "1".

    While the poster said, indeed, "Thai guys don't take responsibility and leave the mother." - Why on earth, is, making an "as* out of you" the best you can? You are surely one of the best assumption puller. Why did you assume the poster meant the mother of the child and not the "Thai man's mother?" And why do you come up with an utmost skyrocketing assumption that - what 67,000 x 54 pregnant teenage girls were all impregnated by that ONE guy who ... citing YOU -

    I can only assume by Thai guys you mean the man who impregnated your wife and abandoned her?

    You are one hell of a douche - wprime, but, sure a reputable "Senior" contributor of bullsh** talk to this outrageous overwhelmingly-smart-people-equipped forum.

    Carry on, douchebag, the world needs to know what idiots run around freely.

    This si getting too, stupid in here. There is now "factual" talk going on, only full of loners and losers who think they need to say something.

    Admin... you are free to remove me from this forum, it's a joke forum, with the fact addressing posts being removed, and all the rubbish being collected, stored and published!

  10. 2nd highest among ASEAN countries?

    Does anyone wonder?

    A country with

    • an "Every" system that oppresses ANY attempts of addressing truth and facts,
    • rejects, and again, oppresses any criticism at 24/7,
    • runs one of the worst education systems in South East Asia (wasn't always like that),
    • turns a blind eye on too many issues, which should be, not just seen, but, acknowledged and solved,
    • oh, I could carry on, but beg off, there are obviously much more important issues than caring for "dignity, humanity, etc.,", like, money, to name but just one ...

    Who doesn't wonder they aren't No.1 yet?

    • Like 2
  11. This month is the month of 'make or break'. Please wait for a signal from us.

    I'm gonna stock up on popcorn, because it will get get exciting this month .

    What a sad post!!bah.gif "Our" country might be on the brink of a civil war, and to you it is entertaiment!!

    Shame on you!!

    Not that I defend any tasteless comment, ...


    and with all due respect, but the shame starts, where it started, and you as well as millions of other people know, who should take ALL blame!

  12. I really enjoy reading all the "expert" comments and advises.


    register yourself as a possible PM candidate for the next elections. All of you would've a good chance to be the next PM

    How pathetic, just to allow for comments.

    You may as well allow MR joe Bloke from Hurlaturlah to comment. Nothing worse than a bunch of smarta**** to utter their voice, how ridiculous.

  13. "Police are urged to arrest those who drink and drive, drive at high speed, or ride motorcycles without a helmet."

    How about charge people for not wearing seat belts or talking on the phone while driving.

    You gotta be kidding, are you?

    I was on a bus last night North/East, bus even overtook a police vehicle - speeding at around 130-140km/h

    Driver fell asleep and almost off the road.

    From 2am till 6am I kept talking to him, to keep his eyes up and speed down.

    He din to comply to my request to pull over and take a nap, at least for 30 minutes, and kept driving.

    I was the only farang ont the bus, other Thai I asked for help to make the driver understand, just laughed.

    I guess it's some kinda fun for this folk to DIE ON THAI ROADS. will that turn them into heros?

    Think I make it up?

    I took some footage, which I will upload, should I make it back home, alive!

    It's pathetic!

  14. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

    ... ... ... What are Thailand's claims to Excellence ? - in anything ? If i had a child in LoS, i'd consider it my prime duty to give them the benefit of a western childhood and education, with all of the aspirational goals and the richness of Culture they would be immersed in.


    I tried to quote this, but something is completely going wrong here. - - - - Anyways


    100% agree!


    the only problem to all this is- what to do if you can't get to your child because you are the farang here, only!

    In fact, farang fatherhood COUNTS NOTHING, so does your child. Immigration officers tell you into your face "YOU" (farang) don

    t count. Asking back - "what about my child, my child was born here in Thailand?" Answer, again; "does not count".

    So if I and my child, both don't count, why not allowing me to take my child where it COUNTS ???

    This hypocritical, racist and arrogant behavior towards farangs and their children must take an end!

    What is the difference between a farang father and a Thai father? WHat give an immigration officer the right to tell ANYone, they don't count?

    Why can Thai attack farangs with an ax and knife and then just laugh? (including police?)

    What is wrong with this folk?

    Fine ... as most of them love to say "Up to you"... fine - up to them, too.

    But allow me to take my son, because MY SON COUNT FOR ME, and let him go with me, where HE CAN COUNT TOO!

    That is why I start this initiative now. Worst that can happen, Thailand throughs me out. Fine, up to them, they just didn't know WHO they dumped, but they will.

    I ask every batted farang parent to come forward and join me in my efforts to oppose this racist, rude, violent and inhumane acts of, whoever does or supports it.

    Are you an educated Thai? You are more than welcome to join me. We need a joint effort to tackle a rather utmost urgent and long time overdue issue.

    Best of luck to everyone, who experiences similar problems.

  15. WOW... what can I say, except ... there must be more here than just me.

    Indeed, if some of you'd know my story, maybe some would have jumped already (I read that too many times and, from what I hear and see every day, I don't only fear about my son's upbringing in this land, but I am freaking out, just thinking about it from miles away)

    Who EVER is interested to know more, I invite you to look me up on facebook... eton.pasta, leave a note that you'd come from here, at thai visa, and join me there, for now.

    There is absolutely nothing that would help people her in Thailand, NOTHING, So - despite I am a farang, I plan to take action, myself.

    This cannot go on as it is. I am now planning to establish a "human self-helping group". People who have family problems of any kind, and mind you, this is not just for farangs, so if any THAI read this and feel they are being treated wrong, and far too bad, too, WELCOME, join me.

    I believe it is time, for human beings to DO something, not just site around and say this is how it is and then just complain and winch.

    Let's do it for our sons and daughters, who cannot help themselves.

    Best wishes for all of you and have a happy new year. Heads up. tomorrow the sun will rise again.

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