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Luuk Chaai

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Everything posted by Luuk Chaai

  1. gather them up and put them on a plane to Palestine .... and leave them there !
  2. Thaksin Plans Electoral Changes ... ! what's wrong with this picture ? ( starting with everything )
  3. By far the classiest and best looking First Lady we have ever had .. and she's no dummy ! can't wait for round 2 !
  4. 10am or 10pm .. your stomach don't know the difference and.. I suggest you read/listen to all the words
  5. Current up to date mobil phone, refrigerators, ( well stocked ) cook tops, shower system, wide variety of amulets for sale, cigarettes, lottery tickets
  6. Let's go Brandon ! add this one to his list of victims
  7. he suspect approached her from behind, grabbed her breasts and pushed her into the room. The man kept asking her to have sex with him and she refused.
  8. I'll venture to say they did not get all the details They found a blue car with severe front-end damage, ( which was probably speeding while the driver was texting )evidence of its collision with the large black buffalo. However, the drama didn't end there. Two motorcycles trailing ( tailgating )the car failed to stop in time and also collided with the fallen buffalo.
  9. Massive Fire Erupts at Chaiyaphum Cannabis Plantation Warehouse quick.. everybody get upwind... and breath deep
  10. with The real boss .... use airwaves to inform citizens of their future plans.
  11. just look on "The Web" ! (sorry it was too easy to pass up ) or Amazon...
  12. 69 178cm according to the charts.. I'm 18.5 BMI full six pack ... lot's of muscle the secret ......... cut out carbs ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  13. time to do a deep dive research on your diet choices .... T2 diabetes is reversable with a keto or carnivore diet insulin resistance is reversable cholesterol .. is essential ... do your research on the effects of carbs / sugar / processed foods / seed oils / alcohol you can mend your body !
  14. we just lop off branches and stick them back in the ground .. just like weeds they keep growing and yes,, trim them back hard constant regrowth and ridiculous amounts of fruit
  15. not everybody "prays" on the same team .... with Liberty and Justice,, FOR ALL
  16. does it really matter if it was a boss or some other low life bar scum ? bottom line... she crossed the line and was not faithful ,, cut the rope and send her packing ...
  17. ...any intelligence agency or law enforcement can track your every move very precisely by tracking the cell towers your phone pings before it connects. All this data is stored in the phone carrier's database and can be accessed by these agencies and...9,000 pages of purported internal CIA documents, indicated that the spy agency had gained access to Android and Apple smartphones, Samsung SmartTVs and Internet-enabled cars using a variety of tools.
  18. talk about ass backwards ,,, he plans to file a complaint against the director for adultery. how about..... https://www.google.com/search?q=into+the+mud+scum+queen&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS914US914&oq=into+the+mud+scum+queen&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDg3MTFqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:fa468382,vid:ZDVubEimNDs,st:0
  19. You can burn and piss on the US Flag ? ,,, but you have to display the 10 Commandments ....... ???? and my family keeps asking why I never go back to the US
  20. They have Caveman mentality .........rapid emotional reactions to cues before your rational mind can think.
  21. ya gotta ask .. How did they even make past puberty ?
  22. I can see it now. young hostesses strolling up to customers at the BlackJack table,, Drinks Sir ? Cigarettes ? Ganja ? that will help break them down and keep them glued to that seat
  23. Wife and I went to the Rev Dept yesterday in Pran Buri, we told the smiling man behind the desk we wanted a T.I.N. so we can be prepared for the (possible) situation /2025.. first words out of his mouth were ( wait for it ........) "NO, can not" I busted out laughing... but as I always do.. I had my Felix the Cat magic bag with me.. so I started busting out my Pink Card, Yellow House Book, Passport, and a stack of paper which was all the photo copies and relevant pages of the above , 5 months of bank statements for this year with all the incoming transfers already highlited, and my U.S. Social Security statement the look on his face was priceless, So I had to sign all the pages then he took the stack over to level 2 and they started processing everything. half way thru he comes back and asks why I did not do a report/return for all the previous years I lived here.. replied ...just started coming up in the news recently he said it's a 200Baht penalt for every year 10 mins later the traveling food vendor walked in with her basket of pre-packed food. I stopped her and we gave her 500Baht and had her pile a bunch of packs on the desk and told the staff lunch was on us.. Total of 57 minutes time and he walked over with the little card with my ID # ( totally diff from any #s on the Pink Card, and said he would only charge us for not coming in this year ,, so he nicked me for 200Baht,, at least I got a receipt ... told us when you come back to file your report bring the full years worth of statements. and then I had to take my Wife out to lunch for grilled shrimp .. Pa Sao in Takiab. and you get a free show as they constantly chase the monkeys away that are trying to steal the seafood on the ice counters.

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