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Luuk Chaai

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Everything posted by Luuk Chaai

  1. Not enough prawns in Thailand ? same same as buying cheap Chinese crap to re-sell
  2. the HUB of thin skinned people
  3. Maybe he should have both his hands broken for assaulting the woman
  4. you went there .....short memory ?
  5. to the confused individual leave the 1970's and go with up to date science.... PHD .... Proper HUMAN DIet
  6. and .. probably will hit the news in 1 more day .. RFK Jr will be dropping his election bid andsiding with Trump add him to the cabinet !
  7. The updates to this strategic document are highly classified, with only a few hard copies distributed wait a few months .. they will be available right next to the Corvette
  8. been there.. if you pay for the V.I.P. foreigner visit , you are off to the 5th floor to see a General Practioner 10-15 min.. who goes over everything with you then directs you to the necessary specialist I was wheezing and producing massive amounts of fluid I went and had a chest X Ray, saw the pulmanologist, the otolaryngologist( itchy ears ), a lung/breathing therapist, and a blood test then back to the GP all in rapid fire no waiting approx 3 hours and total bill amounted to $65 US dollars turns out I was having an allergic reaction .. and the culprit was cashews that were roasted by a coffee shop ( that took a few days to figure out)
  9. Carbs67g that kills all fat burning right there go 1 week .. no rice, no noodles, no bread, no pasta no soda/beer or any other sugar laden drink eat beef,, butter, eggs .. drink water ( no chicken or pork ) eat until you are satiated .. don't waste your time trying to count calories.. useless effort
  10. He kept hitting until the snake finally went limp. at that point the real snake had nothing left to hold onto and let go
  11. notice how quickly they moved when Brutus beefcake in the short black nightwear got in the mix
  12. 12 years living in the US.. everything was in my name house land ins banks etc now it's her turn Land (obviously) in wifes name house in wifes name ( I am listed on chanote with lifetime usufruct (***) ) car in wifes name ( she does not drive or even have a license ) all ins policies in her name we have a joint bank acct we go shopping.. all member #s are with her phone # I as in me alone ... own 4 guitars and my underwear . ( and my bank acct for immigration ) those are mine ..hands off after 16 years of total bliss. I have no doubts or fears about anything my life is simple and quite satisfying I'm 4 months shy of 70 she's 48 .. I figure that still give me an edge on the longevity outlook... (***) wouldn't have it any other way !
  13. ethical ? you mean chemically ...
  14. and medals... especially the paratrooper
  15. yeah . she got the mo. mo stupid.. let's see inflation went from 1.4 % to 9.2% in June 2022 ( you can't blame Trump ! ) Food prices up over 20% overall .. so let's freeze prices .... bread is up 50% beef is up 50% proven fact that will backfire ,, should we go visit history ? Rome, Soviet,Cuba, Venezuela ? Gov policy causes inflation .... let the Feds print more $$$$ THAT WILL ONLY CREATE MORE INFLATION ... Bad as print more diplomas ( as in lower the standards and just promote everyone ) that will cure stupidity ! amazing how much damage has been done in the last 3-1/2 years
  16. the border Czar ! Harris defends not going to border: ‘And I haven’t been to Europe’ everything is working according to the plan ,, let them in.. we can destroy the middle class and grow a new batch of dem voters ..
  17. Cackling Kamala is not a choice,, who did she debate ? who was the other dem party candidate looking for the nomination ? oh. there was none. they pulled a coup on sleepy creepy joe and after 3.5 years of her totally worthless vice presidency where she did absolutely nothing except make a *** of herself.. they said look. better than sliced bread she's our saviour ! what do they call those four legged animals with wool ? baaaaaaaaaaaaaa baaaaaaaaaaa
  18. you would think in the year 2024 ... that totally clueless people still exist
  19. just like Ukraine, it would have never happened
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