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Luuk Chaai

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Everything posted by Luuk Chaai

  1. went to Home Pro Hua Hin other than Hello . no english spoken by the sales rep.. I handed them a preliminay scetch of what I wanted .. and with the help of Google trans they came to the house and measured everything then created a full computerized layout .. including a custom size cabinet .. (at that point the wife did all the talking ) approx 30 days from sign off to complete install, including granite and appliances
  2. one example The B Vitamins Beef has more thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, Vitamin B6, folate and Vitamin B12. Beef Apple Thiamin 0.051 mg 0.017 mg Riboflavin 0.176 mg 0.026 mg Niacin 4.537 mg 0.091 mg Pantothenic Acid 0.658 mg 0.061 mg Vitamin B6 0.336 mg 0.041 mg Folate 11 ug 3 ug Vitamin B12 2.9 ug ~ alcium Beef has signficantly more calcium than apple - beef has 35mg of calcium per 100 grams and apple has 6mg of calcium. Iron Beef is a great source of iron and it has 17 times more iron than apple - beef has 2.3mg of iron per 100 grams and apple has 0.12mg of iron. Potassium Beef is a great source of potassium and it has 157% more potassium than apple - beef has 275mg of potassium per 100 grams and apple has 107mg of potassium. Omega 3s For omega-3 fatty acids, beef has more alpha linoleic acid (ALA) than apple per 100 grams. Beef Apple Alpha Linoleic Acid 0.056 g 0.009 g Total 0.056 g 0.009 g Cooked Beef 70g ( patty ) DAILY VALUES (%) Apple 125g ( cup, quartered or chopped ) 194kcal 10% 198% CALORIES 65kcal 3% CARBOHYDRATES >999% 17g 7% Dietary Fiber >999% 3g 12% Sugar >999% 13g 13g 20% >999% TOTAL FAT 0.21g 0.3% 5.1g 29% >999% Saturated Fat 0.04g 0.2% 6.2g >999% Monounsaturated Fat 0.01g 0.35g 483% Polyunsaturated Fat 0.06g 0.82g >999% Trans Fat 62mg >999% CHOLESTEROL 57mg 4% >999% SODIUM 1.3mg 0.1% VITAMINS AND MINERALS 2.1ug 0.3% Vitamin A 81% 3.8ug 1% Vitamin C >999% 5.8mg 8% 1.4iu 0.3% >999% Vitamin D 25mg 3% 233% Calcium 7.5mg 1% 1.6mg 9% 966% Iron 0.15mg 1% 13mg 4% 106% Magnesium 6.3mg 2% 193mg 8% 44% Potassium 134mg 6% 0.04mg 3% 100% Thiamin (Vit B1) 0.02mg 2% 0.12mg 11% 299% Riboflavin (Vit B2) 0.03mg 3% 3.2mg 23% >999% Niacin (Vit B3) 0.11mg 1% 0.24mg 18% 379% Vitamin B6 0.05mg 4% 0.46mg 9% 474% Pantothenic Acid (Vit B5) 0.08mg 2% 7.7ug 2% 103% Folate (Vit B9) 3.8ug 1% 2ug 85% >999% Vitamin B12 0.08mg 1% Vitamin E 175% 0.22mg 2% 2.1ug 2% Vitamin K 33% 2.8ug 3% 18g 36% >999% PROTEIN 0.33g 1% 54mg 13% >999% Choline 4.3mg 1% 0.05mg 4% 66% Copper 0.03mg 3% Fluoride >999% 4.1ug 0.1% 0.01mg 0.4% Manganese 297% 0.04mg 2% 130mg 19% 829% Phosphorus 14mg 2% 15ug 27% >999% Selenium 4.3mg 54% >999% Zinc 0.05mg 1% 39g WATER 174% 107g STARCH >999% 0.06g
  3. Carnivore ! 4-5-6 eggs ( and lots of butter ) with 4 strips bacon and a can of sardines or a 1/2lb burger no bread (sugar ) ,,no fruit ( sugar ) banana's are one of the worst .. and that means no fruit juices either no pasta/rice/beans .. no corn/grains of any kind... these are the heart attack makers it's the grains/sugar that causes the inflamation that leads to plaque Human bodies are designed to be carnivore .. check out the "Proper Human Diet"
  4. Coconut trees can grow 60-100 ft high So .. this is ok ? I'll stick with the monkey
  5. I use a DeLonghi La Specialista .... fully adjustable grinder and fully adjustable qty Specialty beans "Brazil Santos" from a local roaster and use bottomless portafilters I pull "2" 18gr shots @ 180ml each into my cup. @ 9bars. then froth full whipping cream/ usually Magnolia brand
  6. here ya go ... and a room with a view
  7. Party Poopers ! it's still rainy season .. I vote for raincoats
  8. had over the top monsoon type rain here in the Hua Hin area over the last two days
  9. oh you maskers .... do you really think a sheet of toilet paper across your face does any good ? (unless you're talking poop ) what about the sheepies who wear them ,, then take them off to sit with a group in a restaurant and dip their spoons into the same dish ( aka swapping spit ) ! come on Forrest . stupid is as stupid does
  10. hmmm I predict , ... no Pm vote concluded . and a delay due to "weather conditions "
  11. naaaaaaa .. he gets Bubba's "Little Brother"
  12. u need a new lawyer and " better relations at the land office " Short version The right of usufruct transfers possession, use, and enjoyment of immovable property from the owner to the usufructuary. Usufruct can only be registered over properly titled immovable property and is established by agreement with the owner and registration at the local land office. Use of Usufructs Although the law does not prevent Foreigners from being able to apply to register a usufruct on a land, however, this is still subject to the discretion of the Land Officer. The person who enters into a contractual agreement with the owner for this right is called the "usufructuary". Section 1418 of the Civil and Commercial Code provides that a usufruct may be created for a period of time or for the life of the usufructuary. A usufruct will be registered in a similar manner to a lease of up to 30 years or until the lifetime of the usufructuary. Once registered, it will have effects as a servitude on the title. The owner of the land cannot sell or transfer the land until the servitude has been terminated. The usufruct terminates automatically upon the usufructuary’s death. However, the usufruct does not terminate upon the owner’s death. As such the usufruct may continue to survive even if the owner of the land has died.
  13. naaaaaaaa ! Is your name on the Chanote ? Have a Usufruct ? you can stay in house and on the land until you pass away
  14. Name "1" ! A real one !
  15. I've got my Grandmothers cast iron pans ( yes we shipped them here with all our goods ) they are well over 90 years old and slick as an eel . don't use steel scouring pads and don't leave then wet . It's either Olive oil or bacon fat
  16. there's a lot more soldiers than politicians
  17. probably ment "Python" King Cobra would most likely leave.. 1 or 2 punctures where as if the Python bit. a slightly better chance of leaving a multiple puncture patern as they have a more distict pattern in either case . not a reliable source for accurate detection in any case ,, I'm 100% sure we would get no volunteers to test this theory
  18. My wife must own stock in Lazada and Shoppe .. delivery trucks are her 2-3 times a day ( plus the local postman ) Rule 1 is no matter who it's for we use her phone # not mine .. and she will usually tell them to just put it over the wall and slide it down by the sliding gate .. for the times when I'm outside doing some gardening I will go and retrieve the package and it's usually them asking if the addressed to (my wifes name) is correct and the usual response from me is "Yes" ,, any further chit chat I just tap my ear and shake my head like I don't hear / understand ( I do ) and that stops it cold ...
  19. you can't train the locals to drive a car.. and you want them to train a wild animal ? Govnm't should do a sweep 2x a year and cull all soi dogs ...
  20. Just an alternative .. for people that realize that grain/flour = sugar I use two Cabbage leaves ... offers a great crunch as well
  21. Hua Hin -- PranBuri all stores out of Magnolia Whipping Cream This one does not curdle when put in coffee,, makes a great cappuccino
  22. same as driving a pick up here .. pre-occupy yourself with staring at a phone with no clue as to your surroundings
  23. think of it as the same logic as escalator maintenance ...... does not apply until it FUBAR
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