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Luuk Chaai

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Everything posted by Luuk Chaai

  1. Good Am.. we used a service from the US /Thai owned company to do this, most important is that " everything " goes under the wife / Thai National's name .. stating repatriation. All the boxes must be numbered and labeled "USED PERSONAL EFFECTS " so there is no VAT / Customs Duty for shipping. We took clothes, books, dishes, silverware, utensils, pots, pans, glass ware, couch, chairs, cast aluminum patio set, wood cabinets, vases, Buddha Statues (yes.. and some pretty big ) 2 bicycles, 3 sets golf clubs and a large rolling tool box with all the tools, all in all it was 72 moving boxes plus the big items . door to door and ZERO hassle I suggest you watch this You Tube video for a basic understanding Good Luck, hope all goes smooth.
  2. "i wonder why so many noodle shops are literally “glued” to the road ..I see many customers eating with one foot on the road. " call it "resourceful" think of the level of effort it would take to throw the garbage into the street from 2 meters away.. when you could just "drop it " I have to give myself a ☹️ face for this one ..... so sad, but true
  3. the Rathole I used to call home ....... ( USA ) should be way way down on anyone's list corrupt / woke / elitist / deep state / Soros backed garbage .. with Mr. Sleepy potato head "installed" in office life here is so easy and good for the soul........
  4. My wife is the landlord ... a simple 30k Baht every couple of weeks keeps everything smooth as silk
  5. just did mine Sat 7:30 pm.. got instant receipt of application, and got the approval 6:30 Sunday am I have a house # (555) and a Muu (5) no physical street/soi name and it still works like a charm
  6. "Pelosi will go down in history as one of the greatest statesmen the US has even had. She has the guts to make to clear to China that Taiwan is and always will be a sovereign nation. That she does this at her age speaks volumes and condemns those weak politicians who don't have what it takes." OR............ maybe she was "sent" to create a diversion from the Blundering Biden Buffoon show.. heck we all know the dems like to wage conflict
  7. Pranburi.. make an appointment.. then they will suggest a local translator to get you "certified" translated copies of passport / birth cert copies of wife's Blue book sign here, here. here. and bring a witness to the Amphur.. that gets u the yellow book then u get an appointment for next week to get the ID card here's the kicker very top of the card,, in Thai script .. ID card of a person that does not have Thai Nationality back of the card in Thai script Code of conduct for ID card holders Line #1 "This Card Is Not an Identity Card" now you know !!! at least you can check into a hotel without your PP
  8. try walking thru the airport in Hong Kong without someone coughing uncovered, blowing their nose with 1 finger on nostril and letting it fly or spitting on the floor ....
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