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marko kok prong

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Posts posted by marko kok prong

  1. 59 minutes ago, bbi1 said:



    Why the hell would you give a 9 year old kid 1.5k baht? Why not give it to the parents? Who knows what the kid will spend that money on...

    The kid is unlikely to drink the money,no aspertions on the nice family,but the lads could have '<deleted> it up the wall'

    • Haha 1
  2. 4 hours ago, smedly said:

    could be a good move for Thailand when this is all over - we will see a massive surge of S Korean men coming to Thailand looking for happy happy 

    Not just men,i know a massage girl who worked there a long time a lot of the Korean girls dare each other apparently to go and have the full deal with a Thai massage girl,in fact my gf worked there for 3 months and hated it especially the girls asking for this,she told me she refused,but a little more money on the table,who knows?

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  3. Okay,have bird proofed my gutters[ easy for me 15 years a pestie and had decent wire], in Oz could have done whole house in a day,problem here the heat,worked til 11 other day started feeling woozy,stopped,first sign of heatstroke,felt a bit spaced out for a few hours then okay,put up a curtain sealing north wing off house,from main room,made a/c to main room more effective,fixed cuboard that is fairly high on kitchen wall,and builders messed up,kept falling off,,plenty of other jobs lined up,just the heat,can work from 7 t0 10am ,then maybe 5.30 ish until sunset,have learned,never work in afternoon,your asking for heat stroke which i can assure is not pleasant.Luckily have to lights on back of shed,intend to start containing soil on garden bed using left over roof tiles,also enough light to cut grass,evening shift,eh what!

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