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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. Coming witht the wife to Thailand in July and we will be bringing with us our newborn baby. By the time we get there he will be 2 months old, so what i need to know are baby foods readily available and all the stuff that goes with bottle feeding. Things like steriliser tablets, newborn baby powdered milk.

    Never had to worry about things like this before so whnever i walked round lotus or Jusco i never even noticed things to do with babies.

    Also how readily available are car seats? or do i need to bring my own over with me? any idea on costs?

    I am also assuming that disposable nappies are easily bought everywhere?

    I tell you this is going to have to be like a military operation in its planning. Before i used to pack the night before i left fot the airport and worry about everything else when i got to Thailand. <deleted> is this whats its like to get old and responsible? :o

  2. What do you mean by quite central? The pics look quite nice but is dosent tell you where the hotel is. The price certainly looks good. Do you know what the family facilities are like?

    Edit// just saw the back button and seen the location of the hotel, looks good mate. Do you know of any apartments as well?

  3. Off to Cm in July with the mother and father inlaw my step daughter and my nephew, we will also have a new born baby with us. Been looking for a hotel that is reasonably priced that can accept a big family like this.

    Anyone know if i could get something similar to a serviced apartment for 1 week with 2 or 3 bedrooms. The kids are too young to be in a room of their own so if we go the hotel option it would have to be 2 rooms with 1 of these being a family room.

    I dont want to spend a fortune on the rooms i only want to spend about 1000 baht a night per room, so i am not looking for 5 star luxury but we would like a swimming pool.

    I would really like to go with the apartment root so if anyone has any info on a house or apartment i caould rent for 1 week let me know :o

  4. Just booked online with Ba for £430 return in June. You can get extra discounts if you join their club.

    Well impressed to get the flights so cheap :D So anyone about between the 25th June and the 25th July fancy hooking up give me a pm :o

    Almost forgot to mention, you have to book before the end of Jan

  5. So you do like doing animals then wonder :o Got any camel home movies i can have?

    Now if you said it was a labrador then yes it could have been her, but to my knowledge she has never done an alsation, and i should know i am her manager.

  6. Boy Wonder, would you be of Arab descent?

    Yes I was born in Iran and I find quite a few posters here highly offensive, I have never had sex with a camel nor do I know of any of my friends that have had sex with camels, do all Australians have sex with Sheep?

    Only if we can find a a pair of Velcro gloves. :o

    Dont forget your wellies and your tennis racket with the strings cut out. Personally i wouldnt like to f uck a camel as they have big teeth and they spit

  7. What you see is what you get, unfortunately there are several members and mods out there that dont always like certain styles of posting, so no more posts from me! This is my final post, at least for the time being, i am no longer willing to share ideas, expressions, opinions,advice, humour, thoughts, personal things or anything else. :o

  8. If money really wasn't an issue I don't think I would stay in any particular place, but have houses/villas/apartments in a various locations.  Those that come to mind are: Thailand (of course) New Zealand (never been, but looks amazing) Buenos Aires, somewhere in Brasil, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, China, St. Petersburg and Moscow, Budapest, Dubrovnik, Barcelona Switzerland/Austria, somewhere in Italy and New York, oh, of course my home town Newcastle.  Don't quite know what I would do once I'm there, I'm afraid I'm not quite as imaginative as Daleyboy  :o

    Thats just the start of things mate, i could go on for about 10 pages about how i would have a go kart track round my island or how i would have plasma tvs in every room of my 20 bedroom mansion that change to differtnt picture when i walk in or the pool tables and snooker tables in my library with the fancy open fire place, or the very larger swimming pool with waterfalls, and obviously the different cars i would own, but they would be on the mainland as i would be using my golf buggies to get round the island.

    I have even thought about the architecture of the building, and for anyone that has driven past the rac building on the m5 at almondsbury, thats what i would like my house to look like. And for those that have never seen it here is a picture.Obviously i wouldnt have the rac written on my house but i like the idea of the pod at the top, i reckon that would make a great bedroom.


    Believe me i have given this some very serious thought. And just latley i have decided if money was no object i would fly all the members of TV to my island from wherever they were in the World for one serious pissup. :D

  9. Build a <deleted> great big house, and have it staffed by naked ladies. I would move all my friends over from the uk and into luxury houses i had built on the island, and we would party hard.

    i love the naked ladies plan but how to get it past the missus :o

    before i moved here i used to work for a guy called Jim Clark. He founded Silicon Graphics, Netscape and a bunch of other companies and made billions of $$$$$$s.

    I managed his pet computer project, luxury yacht, house, etc.

    He was quite a ladies man, and it always perplexed me that he never did anything like daleyboy suggests. he got more fun flying around the world yelling at people and been pissed of about everything. the rich are f*$king wierd.

    Ohh i would do that as well but i would have lots of naked ladies following me everywhere i went. As for the wife she wouldnt mind naked ladies as well if you know what i mean :D

  10. Report her to the police. She will carry on doing things like this unless someone puts a stop to it. Or you could tell her that you are going to speak to her boss and the police unless she can "find" said package, then tell her you will come back in 1 hour and you expect to see the package.

    Just because you are a visitor in this country dosent mean you should let people walk all over you.

    I hope you sort it out, of course you could just walk away, but that isnt my style. :o

  11. Turps?  :o

    Spiritus Veni Methylatus :D around the world for a dollar and a half :D


    Flammable Yes

    Distinctive odour Yes

    Funny colour Yes

    Tastes like shit Yes

    Removes paint Yes

    Father in laws moonshine

    Flammable Yes

    Distinctive odour Yes

    Funny colour Yes

    Tastes like shit Yes

    Removes paint Yes

    Looks like they are one and the same, but i have to say if i had the choice it would without a doubt always be the turps :D

  12. I am going round in circles :o

    My plans have always been to have kids by the time i am 30. Check as long as she isnt more than a couple of days late.

    To give up smoking by the time i am 30. Check almost 3 months now.

    To lose 2 stone in weight, well i am getting there.

    To start my own business, well that has to be put on hold until the baby is born.

    And finally to retire by the age of 40, so i have 10 and a bit years to bring my plans to fruition :D

  13. Did someone mention my name?

    I dont know what the <deleted> the op is talking about, so i dont think we will get much of a mass debate here :D

    You're joking there are plenty of mass debaters on this forum,Connor Mc Cloud is a big <deleted> for one :D

    I dont believe i have come across this connor mcloud that you talk about. Is he really into mass debating then? Ohhh i like a mass debater. Ohh suits you sir!!! :o

  14. Well if i was loaded like that bird that won £85 million on the euro lottery, then i reckon i would throw The king of Thailand a few mill to let me have one of his islands. I would then declare independance and i would become king of my island.

    Build a <deleted> great big house, and have it staffed by naked ladies. I would move all my friends over from the uk and into luxury houses i had built on the island, and we would party hard.

    I would also spend 5 or 10 years travelling the world, just to see what else was around.

    I find it funny when they interview these people that have won the lottery, and they always say they are going to keep working. WHY? for fcuks sake you have just won milllions and you still want to work. I think these people should give their winnings to me and i would show them how to spend it properly. :o

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