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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. I'm thicker than the large print version of the complete works of Shakespeare!!

    Is that the large print Braille version of Shakesperes complete works? :D

    Even both of them put together is being too kind Mr Daleyboy :o

    What about if i add a few dozen short planks to the thickness? Will that be getting close? :D

  2. The wife wanted to call our soon to be youngster after her 2 favourite foods. For a boy she wanted to call him chilli and for a girl it was going to be ginger. :o

    But after much discussion i finally persauded the wife that those 2 names would mean a life of piss taking from everyone including myself. So we finally decided because we are having a boy to call him Joe. :D

  3. Isn't there a law about bring dead threads back to life. :o Let the punishment fit the crime I alway's say sometimes :D

    Ahh but this isnt a dead thread, it was just having a little nap while i was away on my "holiday" and now i am back so is the rain thread :D

  4. Just a quick note on Bangkok phil that i found quite amusing

    He said this in an interview

    But there are a hel_l of a lot of web-sites about Bangkok ?

    Sure there are. And 90% of them are dire. There's nothing to read on them - a few nice pictures and a load of bog-standard stuff that I can get from any guide-book. I can't imagine anything more tedious than compiling a site like that. Also there's nothing worse than seeing that a site hasn't been updated for months and months. If I click on a site like that, I think well you can't be bothered doing it, so I can't be arsed to read it. Bangkokmouth is updated at least once every four days. It's well taken care of.

    So he says it is updated every 4 days ehhh He says on the home page:-

    UPDATE 4th October 2005 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm busy rewriting and updating all of the site content

    Forgive me but i do believe that the 4th Oct to the 11th Jan is slightly more than 4 days :o

  5. Maybe i should have read on BUT the first few lines of your post say it all, your "friends" wife is 6 1/2 months pregnant, and is looking around at other women. The rest of the post is completely irrelevant and a waste of bandwidth.

    Only one word comes to mind and that is ASSH0LE. :o

    How can a person get somebody pregnant then look around at other women. :D Your "friend" needs to grow up and learn to take responsiblilty for his actions.

  6. Whatever you call it I strongly support the creation of a seperate forum where people can discuss and disect matters relating to marriage, kids and family. (there's a title) The recent rubbish relating to baby food on the General forum (in which I regretfully became involved) is a good example of subject that could reside there.

    :o Not a baby lover then Croc?

    If you asked me a year ago about a family forum i would of said i wouldnt be interested but now with one on the way i would really appreciate somewhere where i can talk about my concerns,worries, thoughts and interests.

    I have seen loads of threads concerning children and families and a new forum is a great idea.

    Some names could be

    Families at home and abroad

    Family and lifestyle

    Relationships with family and your children

    Family and kids

    Life at home with the spouse and kids

    Just a few ideas :D

  7. I have noticed some poking fun at us yanks on this forum and I know a lot of it is just joking. However I got to thinking about it and wondered if there are some people in Thailand who would rather not be friendly with a Yank. I am not posting this to start any @%^$, just wondering. I have joked with one of my friends that when I move to Thailand if I want Thai friends I will need to speak Thai and if I want any other friends I should speak with a British accent. So, really I am curious if I really will encounter such a person?

    Dont worry about it mate.

    I will take the piss no matter what nation you hale from. If people cant take a joke thats upto them. When i make fun of Yanky doodles or Aussies or those sheep worrying New zealanders, it is meant in jest and with no offence intended.

    The world would be a mighty boring place if we all spoke with British accents, i mean <deleted> who would i take the piss out of? :o

    If someone doesnt like your accent then that is THEIR problem and not yours, just tell them to "talk to the hand cause the face aint listening" in your broadest Southern accent :D and watch them run for the hills.

  8. Thanks for all the great advice, just one more question. The wife wants to have baby sleep in our bed but after reading loads about cot death, and added to the fact that i am a big bloke that sleeps very heavily, we have decided he will need his own bed or cot. Are travel cots cheap to buy? I dont really want to have to carry one of these as well as a pram, baby seat all the bags. I would rather just buy one of those collapsable travel cots.

  9. Well we have already booked the flights Qual. We are flying British airways, so we might not get the same service. Never flown with BA so dont know what there cabin crew are like, but if they are anything like the customer service and the booking system then we should be well looked after.

    The customer services of Ba have been excellent in helping us with the booking, then i had problems with my internet connection and they put me through to their web support. They told me all about how to book once the baby comes, they have already reserved our bulk head seats with i think they are called bassinet cot. I must admit i have never been treated this well by any of the other airlines i have flown with, even when i used to fly business class. :o

  10. Don't set yourself up quite yet for a bad experience, Daleboy. Every kid is different so there's always a chance that you won't have any problems at all.

    I had two kids and they were night and day. From the day my daughter was born she never stopped crying for what seemed like an eternity. My son never made a peep until he started teething.

    Well lets just hope he was like me. My mum said for the first 4 months she would have to wake ME up for feeding as i never woke up crying for food.

    And as far as someone mentioning alcohol goes, dont really think that is a very good idea. I think a couple of crushed up valium would work better :o dont worry i am only joking

    I guess i will just have to wait and see what our new bundle of joy brings us. :D

  11. That looks great Gulliver. How easy is it for transport? Say to the night market or that sort of area? Are there taxis readily available? I would just normally rent a motorbike, but with 7 of us that might be a bit difficult :o

  12. Thanks for the links chuckok. I found that galare apartment one as well.

    Not sure what to make of the family room though, they say 2+2 beds and 2 bathrooms, now do you think that means 2 bedrooms? or just 2 beds in one bedroom? if it is 2 bedrooms ten that would be ideal.Think i will have to get the wife to call Thailand to confirm this for me. :o

  13. Thanks for the advice from everyone. Looks like we will be bringing a car seat with us then. As far as breat feeding goes the wife doesnt want to breast feed so i am not going to push her into it. I am glad to know the immunisations are readily available in Bkk i am hoping that we have timed it right so he has his first lot of immunisations before we go then when we get back a month later he will have his boosters.

    You used the right colour tipper it is going to be a boy, which means i dont need to grow up now for another 20 years :D xboxes, playstations, motorbikes, radio controlled toys.

    Cathy you might be right about bringing my own formula, the trip will be for a month so how much do you think we will need?

    Udon, got a nice big 3 wheeler already, made by jeep with independant suspension and blow up tyres, so i reckon that will cope ok.

    Old croc, your right that was my first post and yes i was pretty annoyed at being suspended, but as you know discussion of moderation issuses is against the rules, needless to say things are sorted out now. Ohh and by the way that is just about as much as i expected from you, and i have had some decent onfo from my "mates" and thankfully your not one of them.

    If you dont have anything constuctivre to say then dont say anything at all to drag this thread off topic.

    Thanks again everyone for the great advice, and thanks for the congratulations we are starting to get really excited about the impending delivery of our little boy. The wife wanted to call him Chilli, but after a bit of discussion we have decided on Joe.

    Keep the advice coming it is all appreciated, this is going to be a completely new experience for me and i feel i need to plan this holiday as a military operation so that is why i am asking for advice now :o

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