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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. Daleyboy,

    Quite seriously, why not drop her a line c/o King Charles St advising her of the progress of your relationship enclosing a suitable photograph concluding that in your wife's application her judgement was patently crap. If nothing else, it might remind her of her fallibility and the effect it had upon you. It all helps to keep them accountable.

    Not a bad idea Gent :o After all the horror stories i have heard over the last 4 years, it amazes me that these people can keep their jobs. They are just a bunch of jumped up dictators playing with peopes lives, i sometimes wonder how they sleep at night, they are like traffic wardens, they like to have a power over their stations.

    Not sure if Jane lacy smith still works in the bkk embassy, anybody come across this woman? she was head of visa applications when we got our visa 4 years ago. I went in with my wife to speak to her, and within 10 minutes she had my wife in tears, and she just sat there with such a smug look on her face i will never forget it. In all of my 29 years i have never felt like hitting a woman, but i tell you now my blood was boiling and it took all my self restraint not to stand up and start smashing the glass between us and then battering her.

    I appreciate they have a job to do, they have to try and weed out the fake from the real applications, but there are ways and means of doing these things, and people like her who are so obviously failing in people skills really shouldnt be dealing with the public, they should be tucked away in a little office somewhere and kept out of site.

  2. I feel for you Rich. I had a problem with a dog barking all day everyday in the U.K, one phone call to the dog warden problem gone.

    It had got to the point where i had purchased some rat poison and was all ready to go round and give my friendly little yapping mutt a good dose laced in a bit of beef.

    Now dont get me wrong i love dogs but when you work different shifts, the last thing you want is a dog barking at 4am or 11pm for 2 or 3 hours at a time, and this isnt even on a council estate, this is a middle class normally quiet estate.

    This barking had gone on for over 6 months before i found which house it was coming from. As 2 rows of houses face each other down a grassed pedestrian area it was echoing and very difficult to locate.

    Anyway what i am trying to say is the dog problem is easy solved with a bag of rat poison and a few cheap bits of meat.

    As for the neighbours well i cant really offer any suggestions, i know if i had these problems in the U.K, i would simply go round to their house and tell them to wind their necks in, but somehow i dotn think this approach will work.

  3. however you have nothing to lose by complaining to UK Visas about your treatment and to your MP . Wait until you get the visa tho won't you !! Personally i can't see why a spouse doesn't have automatic right of entry , but then thats me .

    Good luck !!


    Why wait? When we got refused the first time, it was the same old excuse, "we dont think you will stay together as husband and wife" With this i got seriously mad, i wrote to anyone and everyone. I wrote to the head honcho at the embassy, i wrote to my local mp, who then invited me to see him. He then took on my case and started a barrage of letters being sent to the embassy and also to the immigration dept here in the uk. Long strory short 2 months later my wife had another interview and was given her visa, even though the visa officer said she still didnt believe we would stay together as husband and wife.

    Ohh well shows how much they know, will be six years together 5 of those married later this year, with our first child due in April. :D

    So dont give up hope and use any means necessary to fight these facist, jumped up, mini hitler thugs that they have working in the embassy. :D

    Many time i have been tempted to saunter back into the embassy and say there you go Jane lacy Smith shows how much you <deleted> know about relationships. :o

  4. The last time I saw it was at the Topps store that is under a hotel, and a Mc Donalds near the Asoke BTS. I can't remember the name of the hotel :o

    McD serving beer? I've never been to one that does, am I missing out on something here!

    :D I didn't mean in Micky D's, under it. Robisons is above the Topps store. And their beer does change quite a bit. and not Robisons but the Topps store. Is that clear enough :D

    Edit, sorry just re-read previous post, i will just shut up :D

  5. Sad story, yet more bad news for Thailands image, why doesnt the TAT trying publishing some positive stories to try and counter act all these other stories that are coming out

    Proposed TAT article:

    The Tourism Authority of Thailand, facing tourists mounting concerns over their safety while touring Thailand, attempted to put things in a positive light by making an announcement today that unlike the Samui case, the Russian tourists were neither raped nor murdered, merely stabbed.

    That's ok then, nothing to worry about is there.

    :o Thanks for that the SJ. Your right Sierra that will stop everyone from worrying :D

  6. Redrus, were you the kid that everyone dared to eat and drink stuff they didn't want to? :o

    I reckon even redrus wouldnt be able to drink my 18th birthday drink. This had from what i can remember the following ingredients

    Natch cider

    Wife beater Stella



    Wild turkey

    Jack daniels

    Southern comfort

    That one in the really tall bottle that looks like a triangle

    The green liquear whatever that is

    it also had a pickled egg and a tablespoon of mustard :D

    This was given to me in the middle of my local pub, and when i refused to drink it, and there was much piss taking, one of the much older seasoned drinkers sank it in one. Fair play to him he held it down. Unfortunately he passed out about 20 minutes later against a radiator, when he woke up 4 hours later he had recieved 2nd degree burns to his leg.

    Shame really, but glad i didnt drink it, been a non drinker i reckon that would have put me in hospital :D

  7. I am afraid is nobody here just me the maid...do you want something to drink? watch a movie? play cards? Trivia?....I am bored here....

    I am still waiting on my sake. :D Some service here.

    What kind of movie? I could go for something fun and fast, action flick maybe?

    Typical bloody yank always pushing to the front of the que. Wait your turn :D:D , can i have a orange juice and lemonade please miss :D

    Settle down Basil, wouldn't want a little chinwag to ruin that upperlip of yours. :D

    O.J. and Lemonade? Blimey the limey likes citrus. :D

    :D Yep afraid i am not much of an ale drinker, i prefer my citrus, far more refreshing :D

    That's okay. my favorite cocktail was always a screwdriver. Citrus is good! :burp:

    Watch out redrus is looking and he is the biggest fruit here :o

  8. I too am looking for car rental places around this area. The wifes village is about 30 minuts from Khao Chagan and i wouldnt mind renting a car for the few days we are there.

    I have also thought about renting in Bkk and driving up there myself, how easy do you reckon it would be? I dont fancy driving through bangkok so i would like a rental place just outside bangkok, somewhere i can get a taxi too then dric the est of the way myslef. :o

    What route would you take? :D

    Forgot to add anybody got any prices for a car for say a week. Need something that i can fit a car seat and room for 2 adults and luggage. The ideal motor would be one of those pick-ups with the double cab on them, as long tey have seat belts in the back. I would want proper insurance as well. :D

  9. I am afraid is nobody here just me the maid...do you want something to drink? watch a movie? play cards? Trivia?....I am bored here....

    I am still waiting on my sake. :D Some service here.

    What kind of movie? I could go for something fun and fast, action flick maybe?

    Typical bloody yank always pushing to the front of the que. Wait your turn :o:D , can i have a orange juice and lemonade please miss :D

    Settle down Basil, wouldn't want a little chinwag to ruin that upperlip of yours. :D

    O.J. and Lemonade? Blimey the limey likes citrus. :D

    :D Yep afraid i am not much of an ale drinker, i prefer my citrus, far more refreshing :D

  10. I dont think sending them home is the right thing to do. I think they should have a few months in a lovely state of the art Thai prison and then get deported, these men should have all rights removed from travelling abroad on a permanent basis. :o

  11. The DS needs something beside puppies to sell it to the masses. These games for Japanese high school girls are getting old. :D

    Right now I am playing Star Wars Battlefront II. Now, that's a game! :o

    Nah you need to be playing battlefield 2 mate, now that is a game. Trouble is you need a powerful pc to run it well.

    And that I do not have. :D

    I do have Call Of Duty though. Love that game! :D

    Ohh dear, i am afraid call of duty just doesnt come anywhere near battlefield 2

  12. I am afraid is nobody here just me the maid...do you want something to drink? watch a movie? play cards? Trivia?....I am bored here....

    I am still waiting on my sake. :D Some service here.

    What kind of movie? I could go for something fun and fast, action flick maybe?

    Typical bloody yank always pushing to the front of the que. Wait your turn :o:D , can i have a orange juice and lemonade please miss :D

  13. pack of cherry flavour condoms please extra large :D thankyouuuuuuu

    Is that your favourite flavour is it? :D

    Thai Condoms - xlarge - happens to be actually small in the West. :o

    So we can summise from this, that you like cherries and your B/f has a small willy :D:D Sorry mate couldnt resist that one

  14. Especially on the bloody migration and visa page. It is just the same question over and over again.

    "How do i get a visa to (insert country here)" I feel sorry for poor scouse having to repsond to the same question over and over again

    You reckon he has a cut and paste system going, with just changing the name and country?. :o


  15. Ok let me tell it how it is.

    If you are in a relationship it is with that person, not every other person that percy pecker tells you. It really isnt very difficult to say no.

    If you cant take control of your loins then i am afraid you are not much of a man. If your feeling horny go home and spank the monkey while thinking of your wife, instead of jumping into the first available bed.

    I have been completely faithful to my wife for the last 6 years and if i found out she had cheated on me she would be out the door, i have dedicated my life to her by saying my wedding vows and have no intention of ever breaking those vows, and i expect her to follow those same vows.

    Sure the marriage might break down for other reasons but it will not be due to my infeidelity. I trust my wife 100% so i dont worry if she wants to go out and do something, because i am secure enough in my own mind to know that she loves me as i love her.

    I believe that anyone that goes out and cheats is very insecure in their lives and relationships and they feel the need to prove to themselves that they are capable of sleeping around, and that they are still attractive to the opposite sex.

    Well news flash it isnt big and it certainly isnt clever all you are doing is hurting the person you are supposed to love, grow up get a life and learn to control that thing that dangles between your legs :o

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