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Posts posted by Cricky

  1. I don’t work in Thailand and have 3 credit cards including 1 for my wife.

    It’s not easy, it helps if you know someone in the Bank that is switched on, to help you.

    Also, show you are bringing a steady amount of money every month.

    I am working offshore and at the time bringing in 500,000 baht every month.

    The Ass. Bank manager upgraded my Platinum card to a Wisdom card (200,000 baht limit), as I wanted a Bank Safety Box. I asked to cancel my Platinum but they refused (I don’t pay any monthly charges and it has a 100,000 baht limit)

    Over the years (I’ve been here since 2002) I was just visiting on a Tourist visa as I only needed the 28 days (my rotation).

    It was quite funny to see the look on the Staff faces when they noticed I only had a tourist visa and a bank account with all the trimmings.


    I would be interested to know how many foreigners have a Bank SAfety box, these boxes are like Rocking Horse Sh!t, they really didn't want me to have one. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Kenny202 said:

    I asked this question before but do you remember if you needed any more than your old passport, 3 photos and a printed copy of online application? No other ID or birth certificate required?

    It's a passport renewal.

    Birth certificate only required when applying for your first passport.

  3. 5 hours ago, edwinchester said:

    Bung it up with concrete.....fixed.

    That’s the Thai way mate, don’t worry about the consequences - like the solids that should be removed coming up through his toilet, sink and drain holes.


    7 hours ago, VYCM said:

    Is this legal to have an inspection/waste pipe in his home?

    Doesn’t this inspection hole need to be placed in a common area to access, not in someones home?

    got a couple more questions for you.


    6 hours ago, jackdd said:

    go to the condo's office and get a definitive answer there.

    this is an extremely optimistic reply.

    I thought you lived here in Thailand for quite a while, no such thing as a "definitive answer", they tell you what you want to hear, not the truth.

  4. 15 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    Yup, as John said, that is the cover for the septic tank, he is the chosen one !!

    I thought the builders place them in common areas to allow workers to access.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Oztruckie said:

    Just be sure your when you get your photos they are biometric, as digitally modified photos are unacceptable, and they will not process your new pp until they receive the appropriate photos, I found out the hard way by purchasing photos at a photo shop here in pattaya, then applying for new pp in Melbourne on my annual trip back to Oz. 

    Where in Pattaya can you get Biometric photos taken?

  6. Does anyone know what this plug is for?

    It is in my mate’s condo bathroom, he’s on the ground floor.

    I thought the builders place them in common areas to allow workers to access.

    I’ve had a look at other ground floor units they do not have these.


  7. My friend lives in a large condominium complex, he has a unit on the ground floor.


    In his bathroom I have noticed an inspection hole/waste pipe, it looks as though he has a septic tank beneath his bathroom.

    I have had a look through many other ground floor units in his complex and his is the only unit to have this inspection pipe.

    Is this legal to have an inspection/waste pipe in his home?

    Doesn’t this inspection hole need to be placed in a common area to access, not in someones home?


    Can this pipe be relocated, he does not want technicians (workers) annoying him to gain access to this pipe.


    Any thoughts/suggestions much appreciated.


  8. 1 hour ago, Kenny202 said:
    3 hours ago, VYCM said:

    Over the years I have had 2 passports renewed from BKK.

    you'd better be prepared to get new photos taken.

    they sent me next door to the old embassy to have my photos retaken.

    Let me know how you go.


    Double check, I needed my last passport urgently for work, I paid extra but the stupid woman behind the window forgot to complete the paperwork. I had to take a taxi to BKK and pick up. 


    A few years back I had 3 passports renewed, a concurrent and 2 x children, these were delivered in 10 days after my visit.


    Good luck.

    I think things have changed now where all passports are issued and created from Canberra so time frames may be different now

    Nope, they have always been issued from Canberra - They are very quick


    I had a renewed passport back in 2007 Singapore Embassy - came from Canberra

    The concurrent, 2x children and my originals all from BKK Embassy all came from Canberra.



  9. 12 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

    Another big factor now is the exchange rate and people unwilling to lower their price.

    Any savy buyer who realizes the glut and no appreciation environment, will make sure to point out that a 2 million b condo you bought a couple of years ago is actually now asking priced less then 1 .8.

    But sellers have a mental block of lowering the number.

    So, many 1000's of places will just sit sit sit...

    you seem to know a lot about the Thai real estate market for someone that has never purchased here




    17 hours ago, VYCM said:

    tell me more....... Mr. Rental Contract negotiate GURU.


    I've been a property owner since I was 22yo, 

    Let me know what I'm missing out on.

    you don't answer rental questions when asked. 



  10. 20 hours ago, scorecard said:

    Make sure you have the correct type of photo and the correct size and background color.

    Over the years I have had 2 passports renewed from BKK.

    you'd better be prepared to get new photos taken.

    they sent me next door to the old embassy to have my photos retaken.

    Let me know how you go.


    20 hours ago, scorecard said:

    You will be asked to indicate whether you want to pick up the new passport at the embassy or have it sent direct, by EMS, to your home in Thailand.

    Double check, I needed my last passport urgently for work, I paid extra but the stupid woman behind the window forgot to complete the paperwork. I had to take a taxi to BKK and pick up. 


    A few years back I had 3 passports renewed, a concurrent and 2 x children, these were delivered in 10 days after my visit.


    Good luck.

  11. 45 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:
    5 hours ago, VYCM said:

    The freedom of

    1.       Painting my property, also the colour I want

    2.       Renovating

    3.       Improvements

    4.       Extensions,

    5.       The possibility that the landlord does not renew the lease (this in itself would make me unsettled)


    The list goes on…………….


    if you buy in the right location as I have done, selling the property will not be a problem.


    more to the point, the landlord has the upper hand here with freedom, you're controlled by his decisions, at any time he can evict you - YES, you're out on the street.


    Good luck with that...


    You seem bitter and obviously have very little knowledge on how to negotiate a rental contract.

    tell me more....... Mr. Rental Contract negotiate GURU.


    I've been a property owner since I was 22yo, 

    Let me know what I'm missing out on. 

  12. 2 hours ago, bkk6060 said:
    17 hours ago, VYCM said:



    I am, as I prefer to have the freedom to do what I want and not be bound by the landlord.


    What freedom you want?  Put pictures of your cat on the walls?

    I do anything I want I have not spoken to my landlord from the day I moved in.

    And, renting gives 100%

    freedom I can move and do as I please at any time while you are stuck trying to sell now or someday with 12,000 other condos. Good luck with that...


    The freedom of

    1.       Painting my property, also the colour I want

    2.       Renovating

    3.       Improvements

    4.       Extensions,

    5.       The possibility that the landlord does not renew the lease (this in itself would make me unsettled)


    The list goes on…………….


    2 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    freedom I can move and do as I please at any time while you are stuck trying to sell now or someday with 12,000 other condos. Good luck with that...

    if you buy in the right location as I have done, selling the property will not be a problem.


    2 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    freedom I can move and do as I please at any time

    more to the point, the landlord has the upper hand here with freedom, you're controlled by his decisions, at any time he can evict you - YES, you're out on the street.


    Good luck with that...


  13. On 1/29/2019 at 9:46 AM, gk10002000 said:

    highest since 2015, according to a property consultant.

    Property Consultant - you'll find they come and go, usually fail at their business and move on, these people are not the best informed, you should get reliable information from another source.


    I've been buying property here in Pattaya since 2003, there has always been a glut.

    • Like 2
  14. 12 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    The Mercedes-AMG GLC 43 4MATIC crossover impresses with versatility of the SUV and road dynamics of a sportscar – and for not too much Baht

    This post is premature. Mercedes have just released a new edition/model (should be coming to Thailand soon) for the GLC, this post should reflect the new series.


     I have the GLC250d, it's different as I have the standard engine


    I don't see a lot of value in the 43, 45, 63, 65 Benz models, seems to be a hell of a lot more money for an increase in horsepower. My 250 is ample for around town. Saying that, I would love to have the option to open the exhaust valves on the twin turbo V8 model (a switch on the dash), it is proper hooligan driving mode.

    • Like 2
  15. 1 minute ago, robblok said:
    12 hours ago, VYCM said:

    the pickups that have had their ECU's modified, usually with exhaust/muffler changed.

    Quite easy to spot when on the Sukhumvit, they're the ones that take off at speed and belch the black crap everywhere.


    Its about time the law came down on these idiots.


    Are you saying its by design ? I always thought it was lack of maintenance. They should just ban all pickups from entering BKK if they are diesel engines. I still don't get it why they let these big diesel pickups in a city. They are obviously more polluting then normal smaller cars. 


    The idiots have their ECU remapped, it improves horsepower by allowing more fuel into the system, the system cant burn all the fuel efficiently which is why the black crap is expelled.


    4 minutes ago, robblok said:

    I always thought it was lack of maintenance

    Many of these vehicles are new


    I have noticed some minivans (Hiace/Urvans etc.) are also being modified, anything Diesel powered.


    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Grusa said:
    20 hours ago, jackdd said:

    Usually 30 days

    It depends what it is for. Every time I get one, I scan it and submit a copy. Sometimes the copy is accepted, sometimes not. If two are needed simultaneously, eg. car/mc licences, the original and one copy is ok.

    Next time I need one, I use a copy. Mostly it is accepted, for pilots licences, banks, you name it, even sale of m/c, purchase of ???.

    I have had copies of two year old Certificates accepted by government departments, no problem.

    All that said, Immigration will provide these in Thai or in English on request - it all depends who wants it, and for what....

    The CoR issued by immigration is dated, also the expiry date is on the certificate.


    There are no variables..........again, all of mine have been dated to coincide with my visa expiration date.


    I have been getting CoR certificates since 2003 when I purchased my first scooter.

    Over the years I have been on Tourist visas as I have been working offshore.....so on occasions, I would get a CoR 2 weeks (or whatever) after my tourist visa was issued and it was valid for 2 weeks (or thereabouts). 


    No variables - length of visa issued.


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