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Posts posted by Cricky


    In most countries checked baggage is generally inspected and checked at customs, but in Thailand customs checks are not regular.

    You are day dreaming?

    I’m not dreaming, but I’m sure you are.


    Working offshore I’ve travelled through more than 40 countries, the general process is once you pass immigration you collect your checked in baggage and then have it scanned by customs. This eliminates would be bag snatchers as they would be more concerned about the bags contents and getting questioned by the Customs officer.


    To those of you that have only travelled UK (or whatever your home country) to Thailand I can understand your lack of knowledge – BTW, there is a world out there, you should travel someday.  


    Thailand does not scan every bag, actually I rarely see customs officers when arriving.

    I’m sure if customs did scan all incoming luggage it would reduce the number of thieves.

    • Like 1
  2. 30 minutes ago, scorecard said:

    Install the same process as used at Japanese airports.


    Passengers claim their bags from the carousel then line up for an official to check the number on the tags put on the luggage at check-in at departing airport against the check-in stub given to the passenger at check-in (often stuck on to the back of the boarding pass or the passport).


    As always in Japan it's checked carefully and nobody gets past these airport officials without this check.  

    In most countries checked baggage is generally inspected and checked at customs, but in Thailand customs checks are not regular.

    • Confused 3
  3. 3 hours ago, johng said:



    Its not shoe cleaner emoji3.png (think KIWI )
    But does do ok as a multipurpose clean/polish paste.


    It can be found in tesco and big C shoe section. It's great to use on the bikes black plastic, makes it look like new. 

  4. My PCX gauge screen is plastic and has become hazy, I use this item, it’s a shoe cleaner I’m told.


    Sorry to change the subject but I have a 2015 PCX 150.

    Several months I had a noisy rear wheel bearing at 24,000 kms so it was replaced at my cost, also they replaced the Variator and belt.

    Is the Variator part of the schedule service at 24,000 kms?


    Also would anyone have details of PCX servicing intervals and work schedule?

    I'm not sure why my variator was replaced, faulty or due to servicing.


  5. 3 hours ago, Moonlover said:

    Or was the motorcycle travelling on the wrong side of the road? That was my impression when I studied the photos. The motorcycle, all the debris and the body of one of the victims are all spread 'the wrong way' down the road. And the damage to the car suggests that it was 'square on' impact.

    You’ll find with inexperience (and alcohol 11.30pm) the rider freezes and veers on the wrong side of the road.

    This common with inexperience, not making the right decision or no decision (freeze).

    An experienced rider would be proactive and undertake oppose to overtake, better judgement of the car drivers intentions.




    There was a recent post of a motorcycle colliding with a 10–wheeler hitting the fuel tank.

    From the video you could see the rider didn’t continue in a straight line but veered on the wrong side of the road hitting the trucks fuel tank and exploding.

    • Like 2
  6. 3 hours ago, jaiyen said:

    Get your facts right. He was not being chased  He was being followed ! The term the police now use is "Pursuit" It was the boy who set the speed at which he wanted to ride at after refusing to stop at a Police checkpoint, which is an offence. he was in the wrong and not capable of riding a small bike. One of many stupid Thai kids whose stupidity gets them, and sometimes others killed.

    Well said. 


    Im not sure if you will get through to the imbeciles, seems to be a lot of non educated posts here,as usual. 

    • Like 1
  7. 10 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:
    15 minutes ago, VYCM said:

    The kid was involved in criminal activity – police pursuit, anyone who runs a police stop is a thug.
    14 yo chased by police, where has he learnt this bad behaviour, from parents and friends, thugs training thugs.

    Criminal activity?


    Are you referring to this child not wearing a helmet?


    Because let me tell you, that is not thuggish behaviour. 

    Do you live in Thailand, I assume no.

    Children are never pulled over with or without a helmet.


    The kid must have done something very wrong for a police pursuit

    • Thanks 1
  8. 12 hours ago, Bluespunk said:
    17 hours ago, VYCM said:

    I really think you're missing the point.


    Police need to take action, the road toll is horrendous and needs to be fixed.


    Allowing thugs to not respect the law, to disregard checkpoints, you're encouraging bad behaviour and also more deaths on our roads.




    For riding without a helmet you call this dead child a thug?


    You set the bar fairly low. if that is your definition of a thug.

    The kid was involved in criminal activity – police pursuit, anyone who runs a police stop is a thug.
    14 yo chased by police, where has he learnt this bad behaviour, from parents and friends, thugs training thugs.

  9. 3 minutes ago, MaksimMislavsky said:
    6 hours ago, webfact said:

    The parents are claiming that their son experienced worse treatment than if he had been a thief or a murderer.

    Perfectly valid point they are making.

    I really think you're missing the point.


    Police need to take action, the road toll is horrendous and needs to be fixed.


    Allowing thugs to not respect the law, to disregard checkpoints, you're encouraging bad behaviour and also more deaths on our roads.


    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Ctkong said:
    1 hour ago, VYCM said:

    Mate, you're not seeing these checkpoints in action, the Thais just wizz around the Police and laugh at them, also putting the Police in Danger.


    To be quite honest I feel the police in traffic stops are far to Passive.


    Everytime a checkpoint is broken by an offender, he tells 10 of his mates and they feel they can avoid capture also.


    Please Police department, get more active in stopping these criminals.


    Reminds me of the distant past in Malaysia in a small town when the coppers were using only bicycles... at night when they were having checkpoints, words would spread out to the youths. They would then ride motorbikes purposely along that road and get the policemen excited about some ‘ action’. Once they approached the checkpoint and got the signal ( torchlight flashing) to stop , they would rev their bikes and make a u turn and sped away..... highlight of the day to relief boredom.

    Unfortunately this is not the Distant past, its happening today.


    This is why we have the carnage on our roads.


    Be very concerned, the only way to reduce this horrendous Thailand road toll is good Law enforcement.

    All road users need to obey the rules, the system cannot work any other way.


    Don't get complacent.


    • Like 2
  11. On 11/21/2018 at 10:43 AM, Nyezhov said:

    Why do folks seem so miserable here?

    I often wonder myself, I’m sure it’s a money thing. These people came to Thailand with little or no money. They live in a Studio apartment (box), have no vehicle, no money to enjoy themselves and also have no hope.

    I’m sure the new retirement requirements will weed a lot of the dead wood out and we can look forward to a less miserable people here.

    But bear in mind, some people are born miserable.


    I have attached a great video from Dan Cheesman, it’s a classic and hits the nail on the head….


    Thanks Dan.




    • Like 1
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  12. 1 minute ago, worgeordie said:
    16 minutes ago, VYCM said:

    why would you do this?


    Please explain.

    I think he means he has a mortgage. 

    regards worgeordie

    That’s what I thought.


    This is not a fool proof solution, I have known peoples wives borrow from loan sharks to pay off the mortgage to then sell the house for its current value.


    Also I read that the “Britmantoo” has children in Thailand as he mentioned he takes them to school. In this case I would put the house in the child’s name, much much safer option.


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