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Posts posted by Cricky

  1. Seventeen foreigners have been arrested for working illegally following a raid on a condominium in Chiang Mai.

    The raid, which took place at 12.30am on Friday found 17 Westerners of various nationalities providing online English classes to people in China from a room in the ground floor of the Riverside Condo.




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  2. 3 hours ago, VYCM said:
    4 hours ago, PoorSucker said:

    Marry her and the you will be the legal father, she needs that both mother and child.

    Married or not, to be legal father you must go to court.


    3 hours ago, VYCM said:

    Married or not, to be legal father you must go to court.

    She's 9 years old, it can then be made at the Amphur.



    I was correcting your initial statement, I didn't realise we would get into specifics.


    I have teenage kids and when they were infants I had to go to court, anyway thanks for the update.


    • Thanks 1
  3. 3 hours ago, jackdd said:

    I call bullshit on these sources, probably made up

    The english is too good, which makes me doubt that a Thai has written this. Probably everybody here knows the english skills of people in the immigration offices, do you seriously think they could write a text with only minor mistakes?

    The immigration officer allegedly said "Any foreigners working or starting a business in Thailand", but we are not talking about a business in Thailand, but abroad, so obviously he didn't even understand what this is about.

    The DoE officer allegedly said "so foreigners are required to have a work permit to do so." But it's not possible to get a work permit when "working online". If this person is actually working at the DoE he should know that it's not possible to get a work permit, so why would he say "required to have a work permit"? He would say something like "first you need to found a company in Thailand ..."


    So all sources that you have which say working online is illegal all come from a dubious website and allegedly quote people working in Phuket.

    On the other hand we have real world cases of immigration police raiding places with foreigners working online on tourist visas and they found nothing illegal.

    And if this isn't enough, did you ever think about why immigration police does not raid many more coworking spaces? Really easy to find people working online while being on tourist visas there.

    You make some very good points here.


    3 hours ago, jackdd said:

    I call bullshit on these sources, probably made up


    3 hours ago, jackdd said:

    So all sources that you have which say working online is illegal all come from a dubious website and allegedly quote people working in Phuket.


  4. 7 minutes ago, Mich007 said:

    Ok, so everyone is rambling on about who was wrong. This is a horrible accident. I have seen it and lost friends that way. What I find unsettling is the disinterest to help this person. The person with the dashcam comments and then drives away. The other road users see it is a person, he is dead and then drives away, like this HUMAN being is just another case of roadkill.


    You’re obviously new to Thailand, hang around you’ll see a lot more of this.

  5. 13 hours ago, MaxYakov said:
    On 12/15/2018 at 11:09 AM, VYCM said:

    See this all too often, truck driver is indicating that he is turning left and motorbike undertakes.

    In Australia trucks have right of way when turning left, it is against the law to overtake turning vehicles.


    I'm amazed there is not a lot more deaths here like this.


    I would hate to drive a heavy vehicle in Thailand, these riders dont respect their own life.

    What an idiot. 

    In Australia is it legal to even operate your motor vehicle on the shoulder and any conditions except an emergency situation? In Thailand, land of the "motorcycle disease", many motorcyclists operate their vehicles routinely as if they are in an emergency situation (until it becomes a real one).

    No, this is illegal.

    This area where the motorbike is riding is the Breakdown lane.

    You cannot travel in the breakdown lane.


    BTW, there have been a lot of comments regarding the truck driver’s blind spot/not looking for the motorbike.

    The truck driver is making a left turn and looking to merge onto another street, he is not looking for fools up the inside.

    The trucks trailer naturally follows a path where the radius is much tighter, yes it merges into the breakdown lane, the motorcyclist was a fool to get in the path of a turning vehicle of that length.


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  6. 5 hours ago, AlexRich said:
    6 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Get your gf to take out a home loan for 2.5M over 30 years.

    You pay the deposit (300k) and the repayments (16k/month).


    Then if anything goes wrong, you no longer need to make any repayments.


    Banks tend to loan to high earners. If his girlfriend does not earn much no Bank will loan to her without a guarantor ... and that will be the farang.

    2.5M over 30 years


    I think the local street sweeper on minimum wage would be eligible for this loan.

  7. On 12/9/2018 at 3:20 PM, ChipButty said:

    My wife owns a Laundry you would not believe what get brought in here

    I have a friend that owns a laundry, heard a lot of stories.


    BTW, are you the person that checks the pockets?

    Lots of money I heard.

  8. On 12/6/2018 at 8:38 PM, Pib said:

    I'm guessing, but I expect a person needs to be exceeding the speed limit by a "significant" amount before a ticket is issued.  Just being a few Kmh over shouldn't trigger a speeding ticket. 


    Like on a 80 or 90Kmh road maybe 100Kmh and above triggers a ticket.   I doubt just being say 10Kmh over on say a 80Kmh road would trigger a ticket.   But as mentioned, I'm guessing....maybe some more folks who have actually got speeding tickets here in Thailand will chime in as to how much over the speed limit they were going when they got their ticket in the mail.  As mentioned in my earlier post, my ticket was for being 25Kmh over....doing 105 on a 80kmh road.

    10% plus 2




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  9. 20 hours ago, VYCM said:
    21 hours ago, balo said:
    On 12/5/2018 at 9:21 PM, KittenKong said:

    Noisy dangerous polluting things. I wouldn't go if they paid me to.

    They do this every year, I went to have a look 2 years ago and yes it was noisy and I did not understand the attraction of it. 


    adrenaline, speed, chicks in bikinis, is the attraction, also the occasional Porche and Ferrari parked up.


    This and the Burapa bike show 2 of the BEST events on the Planet.

    Also the smell of Racing Fuel.


  10. 54 minutes ago, balo said:
    On 12/5/2018 at 9:21 PM, KittenKong said:

    Noisy dangerous polluting things. I wouldn't go if they paid me to.

    They do this every year, I went to have a look 2 years ago and yes it was noisy and I did not understand the attraction of it. 


    adrenaline, speed, chicks in bikinis, is the attraction, also the occasional Porche and Ferrari parked up.


    This and the Burapa bike show 2 of the BEST events on the Planet.

  11. 2 hours ago, Henryford said:

    Is this sponsored by the Pattaya jetski mafia?

    it's a World Cup event.

    very professional and proper.


    Jetski mafia are unable to organise a Pissup in a Brewerry.

  12. it starts today

    I went yesterday and there was a lot going on, racing, music, bikinis, lots of high end cars and bikes parked up on the seafront.


    I never miss it when i'm in town.

    great event.


  13. My wife gets them all the time when driving my car.


    Don't worry, over the years fines have all been 500 baht, whether she does 10km/h over or 80km/h over. 

    As yet no point system, by the look of the speeding tickets they have made comment about demerit points but no point system that i'm aware of.


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