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Posts posted by Cricky

  1. 2 hours ago, lassebasse said:

    Thanks for all the answers, however a lot of you missed the point. My question was if Gasohol here in Thailand would mess up my carengine if it was left idle for longer periods like a month or more.

    I told you if it has a carburettor you have a problem, keep your Diesel Pickup. 


    Keep it simple, Diesel or Petrol Fuel Injected you're fine.

    Don't reply with your negativity.


    If you cant read the posts you have missed the point.

    • Sad 1
  2. It must be a very old click, my mate had a Nouvo (yamaha) and he had the same issues.

    The carburettor gets clogged, I have fuel injected motorbikes for years and never any issues.

    I am away offshore for 1 month at a time.

    You’ll find all new cars have a fuel injected system so you shouldn’t have problems, I’d keep the pickup, diesels are good.

  3. 3 minutes ago, rkidlad said:
    38 minutes ago, VYCM said:

    The truck more than likely had no plate.


    It makes sense, these issues happen all around the world, its a machine that does the surveillance, I dont know what the fuss is.


    People need to understand the technology.


    Why critisise the Police?

    Its a an automated machine error, not a human error.

    Sorry, you confused me. At the beginning you said that the system sends out the ticket and fine and not a human. Then you said that humans send the letter out but are not educated enough/can't be bothered/too far down the food chain to do anything.


    I asked a simple question - how did this get out without anyone noticing. Your initial reply was that the system sends it out and not humans. You can see the confusion, right? 


    Anyhoo, might be a good idea for the police to have people check the fines before some rube sticks it in a envelope. Even just to glance for a few seconds at the picture would help. But then again, owners of cars on the back of trucks have fines sent to the all over the world, right? 

    The technology is put in place to save money.

    If a police officer is to check all the fines they may as well place the technology in the bin.


    Again, these errors happen all around the world.


  4. 2 minutes ago, rkidlad said:
    5 minutes ago, VYCM said:

    common mate, are you for real.


    The person licking and folding the envelope has no education, they're not bothered or too low down the food chain to make a decision. The letter folder is there for his/her 300 baht a day thats it.

    So the criticism of the police is justified here, then?

    The truck more than likely had no plate.


    It makes sense, these issues happen all around the world, its a machine that does the surveillance, I dont know what the fuss is.


    People need to understand the technology.


    Why critisise the Police?

    Its a an automated machine error, not a human error.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, rkidlad said:
    4 minutes ago, VYCM said:

    Because no human eyes gets to see the image.


    Its automated, the system generates a fine, not a human.

    The system sends the fine to the registered owner of the vehicle..

    So it prints a letter, folds it, puts in an envelope and mails it out? 

    Edited 1 minute ago by rkidlad

    common mate, are you for real.


    The person licking and folding the envelope has no education, they're not bothered or too low down the food chain to make a decision. The letter folder is there for his/her 300 baht a day thats it.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, rkidlad said:
    31 minutes ago, Shadychris said:

    Probably because the number plate of the truck wasn't legible in the photo - hence why the camera picked up the cars plate.

    Makes sense to still send the ticket to the car owner to get info as to the owner of the truck, yes??

    I understand how the camera system works (or doesn’t work, in this case). I meant how did a single set of human eyes not spot this when the letter was sent out?

    Because no human eyes gets to see the image.


    Its automated, the system generates a fine, not a human.

    The system sends the fine to the registered owner of the vehicle..

    • Like 2
  7. 18 minutes ago, Jonmarleesco said:
    2 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

    The problem is that with CCTV the camera picks up the license plate and send the ticket.






    The plate of a vehicle on a TRUCK? 

    The truck more than likely had no plate.


    It makes sense, these issues happen all around the world, its a machine that does the surveillance, I dont know what the fuss is.


    People need to understand the technology.

  8. 9 minutes ago, BoganInParasite said:

    We've purchased a lot of goods lately as we recently moved to Nan and are building a house at Pua. We have a Google Maps sourced picture of each address in the wife's iPhone photos. We send the appropriate one to the vendor via Line and to date all have accepted them and managed to find our leased home in Nan or the building site near Pua.

    yes, understood. I've been drawing maps for 15 years.


    I have, over the recent years given my GPS coordinates, they still seem to get it wrong.

  9. 19 hours ago, Oxx said:
    19 hours ago, VYCM said:

    95% of the traffic are motor cycles


    Simply don't believe it.  Made up statistic.  Fake news.


    The correct figure is about 54%.  See http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/thailand-now-has-more-than-37-million-registered-cars/

    You’re a funny guy – “The correct figure is about 54%”

    You reckon its approx. 1 for 1 (@ 54%)


    Mate you're obviously not living in Thailand or on medication.

  10. 2 hours ago, The Deerhunter said:

    Agree.  And don't ride motor bikes.  If I remember correctly, nearly 70 % of all traffic deaths are on Motor cycles

    Ok, a couple of issues here.

    1.      don't ride motor bikes – I think I read earlier you are in your 70’s so I fully understand your thinking and you should not, I see these elderly guys on motor bikes and they are an accident about to happen. Most have no experience and a hazard to the traffic. I love the riding experience. Over the last 15 years in Thailand I have owned a dozen scooters and 3 large motorcycles, a Buell XB9S, and 2 x 1200 cc Ducati’s, I have been riding since I was 10 years and it is rewarding to go for a ride.

    2.      70 % of all traffic deaths are on Motor cycles – 95% of the traffic are motor cycles, so nothing unusual here.

  11. 2 hours ago, giddyup said:

    I have sat for the colour test 3 times, first for my initial 1 year licence, and then two 5 year renewals. I would have failed every time but for help. I have been lucky enough to have had a falang standing next to me on the 3 occasions who whispered the colours to me as the tester pointed at the dots. There is no way in hell I could pass without help. It's a joke anyway, I doubt that many countries in the world insist on a colour test, and I have been driving near on 60 years and never gone through a red light yet, unlike the Thais who do it regularly and with fatal consequences.

    It's only recently they have removed the colored numbers and now have the colored spots.


    I’ve had a 1 year and 3 x 5 year licences, this is my first test that I have not seen the colored numbers.

  12. 1 hour ago, giddyup said:
    1 hour ago, VYCM said:

    The old guy doing this test in Pattaya is ruthless.


    The little guy has a power issue (Short man syndrome).

    Doesn’t speak a word of English so any questions, he won’t answer them.


    There’s an English guy hanging over the partition which explains the Thai guys instructions but he is useless also – won’t answer questions.

    The last time I renewed, about 6 months ago, it was a young lady doing the testing, and she pretty much turned a blind eye (no pun) to the falang helping me out with the colours.

    Ha, ha. You’re not that useless English volunteer that I was talking about are you?


    BTW, I heard on the radio that there has been some changes regarding R.C. for driving licenses’.

    Apparently you must present a form from the DLT to receive your R.C.


    Anyone hear the same?

  13. 18 hours ago, stubuzz said:

    Its like an Ishihara test, but it is made of red yellow, and green bubbles. You only have to identify the colors not a hidden number.

    Don't worry. You will probably find that the tester wont care if you make a few mistakes.

    The old guy doing this test in Pattaya is ruthless.


    The little guy has a power issue (Short man syndrome).

    Doesn’t speak a word of English so any questions, he won’t answer them.


    There’s an English guy hanging over the partition which explains the Thai guys instructions but he is useless also – won’t answer questions.

  14. 4 hours ago, transam said:
    15 hours ago, VYCM said:

    It’s always a good idea to read your post before submitting.

    From what I read I think you are indicating the quote should show my discount!!!


    My policy mentions my NCB discount only, nothing mentioned regarding Dash Cam discount.


    50 per cent.png





    Well sunbeam, I filled out a form online at Roojai.com, all in English and one question was do you have a dash cam, yes or no, the premium is adjusted if a yes...

    Now that’s a better reply.

    Mmm, Sunbeam, I’m more of a Mustang convertible (I assume you are talking cars!!)


    Anyway, I recently had a quote from Roojai.com, I think I will use them next year when this policy expires.

    Let us all know if you have and issues with Roojai.


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