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Everything posted by GarryP

  1. You are the one who is delusional. There are many who no longer support Prayuth and Palang Pracharat, but they still hate Thaksin. So they will vote for other parties. And I never said Thaksin wasn't popular. He certainly is in the North and North East. But the Pheu Thai party should also be looking at the central and southern areas and winning over former supporters of the current regime but they won't do that with Thaksin still in the picture.
  2. The problem is that many people will not vote for Pheu Thai as long as the Shinawatras are involved. If he kept his mouth shut and kept his family away from this party, I believe they would win even more votes/seats. The party introduced some good policies and gave people of the North and North East their voice (probably to support his party rather than any real concerns for the people, but that seems to be the norm in Thai politics), and is recognized for this. Even so, I know I will not vote for this party as long as the Shins are involved, no matter how good their policies are.
  3. So you are forcing a woman to have a child she does not want. Are you going to look after all those unwanted children? Birth control methods don't always work, so why not force all men to have reversible vasectomies so women would not get pregnant? Men are equally responsible for conception so if you punish a woman for getting pregnant by forcing her to have a child, you must also force a punishment on the man. What would that punishment be? Put him in solitary confinement for 9 months? Castration? Come on, you have got to be fair.
  4. That is batsh!t crazy. How is the unborn baby able to make the choice? Is there an app for that?
  5. I refuse to go down that rabbit hole. ???? Make of it what you wish.
  6. I'll take that.
  7. Certainly explains the majority position on crypto. ????
  8. I'm only 59 and doing that. Turn on my laptop to search for something and then can't remember what I was going to search for. 2 or 3 hours later I recall what it was and do the search. Called my dad the other day and mentioned it. He laughed and said that's normal. What he forgets is that he's nearly 91.
  9. 6 more months for me. Then I will have to cancel my slection of 50s and move to 60s. Hit that big milestone or is that millstone in December.
  10. No way Jose. My late wife had one abortion and I was fine with that. A number of years later my wife was pregnant again and our daughter was born with severe disabilities and died at 10 years old. We did the best we could for her but she had an absolutely awful life because of her condition. Had we known early enough prior to her birth, I am pretty sure my wife would have had another abortion too. It would have been her choice, not mine.
  11. Someone should invent an embedded man-womb so those men who object to their wives or girlfriends getting an abortion can have the fetus transferred to their man-womb and carry to birth. I'm sure Mac would be up for that! No deprivation of life then.
  12. I have been checking prices of AAC blocks and was surprised to find that the price of one 15cm block is slightly more expensive than two 7.5cm blocks. Also, they are not seen as standard so much more difficult to obtain than 7.5cm blocks (at least in the North East). As such, I have decided to go with the cavity walling you mention.
  13. "Only the good ones". I didn't realize that they had released any good ones.
  14. I am in crypto (not a massive amount) but I will certainly not try to convince anyone to put their money into it. There's too much bull<deleted>tery going on. Definitely some good projects, but many more ponzi schemes and whales pushing and dumping, causing crashes. Not for the faint of heart for sure. I'll not be investing anymore until the situation becomes much clearer than it is now. Having said that, I am hurting on non-crypto assets too, so it is not just crypto that has taken a dive.
  15. As a private business, they have the right to require the wearing of masks by customers. That is clear in the announcement. That is why I will carry a mask with me in case I need to enter 7/11s, shopping malls, drug stores, etc. They all have the legal right to refuse entry to those not wearing masks. It depends on their policies.
  16. Don't think he was talking about covid. There most certainly will be another pandemic in the future, be that 5, 10, 20, or 30 years from now and I believe it would be foolish not to take some steps to addressing that possibility.
  17. It is a payment made by a female. Those made by males are called i payments.
  18. I read your post too late. ???? Had only a couple of drags on a joint made of the new stuff on Friday night. First in many, many years. While my mates who are regular users, were fine, although perhaps a bit more chilled than usual, I was sat holding the table and smiling as I felt I had lost my balance (probably dizziness but it did not feel like it and I have had a lot of experience with that from benign paroxysmal positional vertigo). Mates told me it would pass in 20 minutes or so and it did. Don't think it is for me though.
  19. Barramundi is delicious. I would say more so than Talapia if it is cooked right.
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